public BuildingModel GetModel(IModel model, IIfcBuildingStorey ignored = null) { Definitions <PropertySetDef> propertyDefinitions = null; // prepare standard properties dictionary if (IncludeStandardPsets) { switch (model.Header.SchemaVersion.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "ifc2x3": propertyDefinitions = new Definitions <PropertySetDef>(Xbim.Properties.Version.IFC2x3); break; case "ifc4": propertyDefinitions = new Definitions <PropertySetDef>(Xbim.Properties.Version.IFC2x3); break; default: break; } if (propertyDefinitions != null) { propertyDefinitions.LoadAllDefault(); } } // cache systems list // var elementToSystem = new Dictionary <int, int>(); var systemRels = model.Instances.OfType <IIfcRelAssignsToGroup>().Where(x => x.RelatingGroup is IIfcSystem ); foreach (var systemRel in systemRels) { foreach (var relatedObject in systemRel.RelatedObjects) { if (elementToSystem.ContainsKey(relatedObject.EntityLabel)) { continue; } elementToSystem.Add(relatedObject.EntityLabel, systemRel.RelatingGroup.EntityLabel); } } // now extract BuildingModel m = new BuildingModel(); List <IIfcBuildingStorey> storeys = new List <IIfcBuildingStorey>(); List <IIfcSystem> systems = new List <IIfcSystem>(); foreach (var ifcElement in model.Instances.OfType <IIfcElement>()) { if (CustomFilter != null) { var skip = CustomFilter(ifcElement.EntityLabel, model); if (skip) { continue; } } BuildingElement semanticElement = new BuildingElement(); semanticElement.SetBase(ifcElement); if (propertyDefinitions != null) { var thisClass = new ApplicableClass(); thisClass.ClassName = ifcElement.ExpressType.Name; var applicable = propertyDefinitions.DefinitionSets.Where(x => x.ApplicableClasses.Any(ac => ac.ClassName == thisClass.ClassName)); var psets = ifcElement.IsDefinedBy.Where(x => x.RelatingPropertyDefinition is IIfcPropertySet).Select(pd => pd.RelatingPropertyDefinition as IIfcPropertySetDefinition).ToList(); foreach (var definition in applicable) { var matchingSet = psets.Where(x => x.Name == definition.Name).FirstOrDefault(); if (matchingSet == null) { continue; } var ps = new ElementPropertySet(); ps.propertySetName = matchingSet.Name; foreach (var singleProperty in definition.PropertyDefinitions) { var pFound = GetProperty(matchingSet, singleProperty); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pFound)) { IfcInfo( singleProperty.Name, pFound )); } } if ( { semanticElement.propertySets.Add(ps); } } } // storeys (prepares list and sets index, data extraction happens later) semanticElement.ifcStoreyIndex = GetStoreyId(ifcElement, storeys); if (semanticElement.ifcStoreyIndex == -1) { // try through upper level of aggregation (up from the aggregates to the RelatingObject) // foreach (var relAggreg in ifcElement.Decomposes.OfType <IIfcRelAggregates>()) { int found = GetStoreyId(relAggreg.RelatingObject as IIfcElement, storeys); if (found != -1) { semanticElement.ifcStoreyIndex = found; break; } } } // systems (prepares list and sets index, data extraction happens later) if (elementToSystem.ContainsKey(ifcElement.EntityLabel)) { var systemId = elementToSystem[ifcElement.EntityLabel]; var system = model.Instances[systemId] as IIfcSystem; if (system != null) { int index = systems.IndexOf(system); if (index == -1) { index = systems.Count; systems.Add(system); } semanticElement.ifcSystemIndex = index; } } // now add element m.elements.Add(semanticElement); } // data extraction for the dicionaries happens here foreach (var storey in storeys) { var s = new BuildingStorey( ToDouble(storey.Elevation) ); s.SetBase(storey); m.storeys.Add(s); } foreach (var system in systems) { var s = new BuildingSystem(); s.SetBase(system);; } return(m); }
public BuildingModel GetModel(IModel model) { // cache systems list // var elementToSystem = new Dictionary <int, int>(); var systemRels = model.Instances.OfType <IIfcRelAssignsToGroup>().Where(x => x.RelatingGroup is IIfcSystem ); foreach (var systemRel in systemRels) { foreach (var relatedObject in systemRel.RelatedObjects) { if (elementToSystem.ContainsKey(relatedObject.EntityLabel)) { continue; } elementToSystem.Add(relatedObject.EntityLabel, systemRel.RelatingGroup.EntityLabel); } } // now extract BuildingModel m = new BuildingModel(); List <IIfcBuildingStorey> storeys = new List <IIfcBuildingStorey>(); List <IIfcSystem> systems = new List <IIfcSystem>(); foreach (var element in model.Instances.OfType <IIfcElement>()) { if (CustomFilter != null) { var skip = CustomFilter(element.EntityLabel, model); if (skip) { continue; } } BuildingElement el = new BuildingElement(); el.SetBase(element); // storeys (prepares list and sets index, data extraction happens later) foreach (var rel in element.ContainedInStructure) { if (rel.RelatingStructure is IIfcBuildingStorey storey) { int index = storeys.IndexOf(storey); if (index == -1) { index = storeys.Count; storeys.Add(storey); } el.ifcStoreyIndex = index; } } // systems (prepares list and sets index, data extraction happens later) if (elementToSystem.ContainsKey(element.EntityLabel)) { var systemId = elementToSystem[element.EntityLabel]; var system = model.Instances[systemId] as IIfcSystem; if (system != null) { int index = systems.IndexOf(system); if (index == -1) { index = systems.Count; systems.Add(system); } el.ifcSystemIndex = index; } } // now add element m.elements.Add(el); } // data extraction for the dicionaries happens here foreach (var storey in storeys) { var s = new BuildingStorey( ToDouble(storey.Elevation) ); s.SetBase(storey); m.storeys.Add(s); } foreach (var system in systems) { var s = new BuildingSystem(); s.SetBase(system);; } return(m); }