static void OpenGoogleMap(Place place) { UIApplication.SharedApplication .OpenUrl (new NSUrl (string.Format("{0},{1}", place.Latitude, place.Longitude))); }
public PlaceInfoViewController(Place place) { this.Title = "Place Info"; Place = place; ActiveCheckInList = new List<CheckInUserPair> (); RecentCheckInList = new List<CheckInUserPair> (); }
public void RunTests() { using (JsonServiceClient client = new JsonServiceClient(SystemConstants.WebServiceBaseURL)) { var users = new string[] { "checkInUser1", "checkInUser2", "checkInUser3", "checkInUser4", "checkInUser5"}; var places = new Place[] { new Place { Name = "Home", Address="555 street"}, new Place { Name = "Home", Address="999 street"}, new Place { Name = "Work", Address="123 street"}, new Place { Name = "Bar", Address="456 street"}, new Place { Name = "Giant Eagle", Address="456 street"}, }; AddUsers(client, users); try { CheckInUser(client, users[0], places[0]); places[0].Id = GetCheckInLastPlace(client, places[0]); CheckInUser(client, users[0], places[2]); places[2].Id = GetCheckInLastPlace(client, places[2]); CheckInUser(client, users[0], places[1]); places[1].Id = GetCheckInLastPlace(client, places[1]); CheckInUser(client, users[0], places[0]); places[0].Id = GetCheckInLastPlace(client, places[0]); CheckInUser(client, users[0], places[0]); places[0].Id = GetCheckInLastPlace(client, places[0]); CheckInUser(client, users[1], places[4]); places[4].Id = GetCheckInLastPlace(client, places[4]); CheckInUser(client, users[2], places[2]); places[2].Id = GetCheckInLastPlace(client, places[2]); CheckInUser(client, users[3], places[3]); places[3].Id = GetCheckInLastPlace(client, places[3]); CheckInUser(client, users[3], places[0]); places[0].Id = GetCheckInLastPlace(client, places[0]); places.Select(p => { GetCheckInsForPlace(client, p, true); return 1; }).ToArray(); GetRecentPlaceList(client); GetPopularPlaceList(client); } finally { DeleteUsers(client, users); } } }
public override void CheckInUserAtPlace(Place place) { User currentUser = Engine.Instance.UserAccess.GetCurrentUser (); if (currentUser.IsAnonymousUser) return; lock (_clientWrapper.ClientLock) { var request = new CheckInRequest { Place = place }; _clientWrapper.Client.Put<CheckInRequestResponse>("CheckIns", request); } }
static void OpenIOSMap(Place place) { double latitude = place.Latitude; double longitude = place.Longitude; CLLocationCoordinate2D center = new CLLocationCoordinate2D (latitude, longitude); MKPlacemark placemark = new MKPlacemark (center, null); MKMapItem mapItem = new MKMapItem (placemark); mapItem.Name = place.Name; MKLaunchOptions options = new MKLaunchOptions (); options.MapSpan = MKCoordinateRegion.FromDistance (center, 200, 200).Span; mapItem.OpenInMaps (options); }
void CheckInUser(JsonServiceClient client, string userName, Place place) { LoginUser(client, userName); try { var request = new CheckInRequest { Place = place }; client.Put<CheckInRequestResponse>("CheckIns", request); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } finally { LogoutUser(client); } }
public Place AddIfNew(Place newPlace) { Place returnPlace = _list.Find (p => p.Name == newPlace.Name && p.Address == newPlace.Address); if (returnPlace != null) return returnPlace; if (_list.Count > 0) newPlace.Id = _list[_list.Count-1].Id + 1; else newPlace.Id = 1; _list.Add (newPlace); return newPlace; }
public static void OpenInMaps(Place place ) { bool canDoIOS6Maps = false; using (NSString curVer = new NSString (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SystemVersion)) { using (NSString targetVar = new NSString ("6.0")) { canDoIOS6Maps = curVer.Compare ( targetVar, NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) != NSComparisonResult.Ascending; } } if (canDoIOS6Maps) OpenIOSMap (place); else OpenGoogleMap (place); }
public override void GetCheckinInfo(Place place, out System.Collections.Generic.List<CheckInUserPair> activeList, out System.Collections.Generic.List<CheckInUserPair> recentList, int recentLimit) { CheckInRequestResponse response; lock (_clientWrapper.ClientLock) { response = _clientWrapper.Client.Get<CheckInRequestResponse>( string.Format("CheckIns/?PlaceId={0}&RecentLimit={1}", place.Id, recentLimit)); } if (response.ActivePairList != null) activeList = response.ActivePairList; else activeList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<CheckInUserPair> (); if (response.RecentPairList != null) recentList = response.RecentPairList; else recentList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<CheckInUserPair> (); }
private void GetCheckInsForPlace(JsonServiceClient client, Place place, bool dump) { var result = client.Get<CheckInRequestResponse>(string.Format("CheckIns/?PlaceId={0}", place.Id)); if (!dump) return; Console.WriteLine("Active Users for palce '{0}' at {1}", place.Name, place.Address); foreach (CheckInUserPair pair in result.ActivePairList) { Console.WriteLine(" '{0}'", pair.User.UserName); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); Console.WriteLine("Recent Users for palce '{0}' at {1}", place.Name, place.Address); foreach (CheckInUserPair pair in result.RecentPairList) { Console.WriteLine(" '{0}'", pair.User.UserName); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); }
private int GetCheckInLastPlace(JsonServiceClient client, Place shoudBe) { var response = client.Get<PlacesRequestResponse>(string.Format("Places/?Method=Recent&Limit=1")); if (response != null && response.Places != null && response.Places.Count() == 1) { Console.WriteLine("{0} should be {1} at {2}", response.Places[0].Id, shoudBe.Name, shoudBe.Address); return response.Places[0].Id; } throw new Exception("Did not get the Id back"); }
public void CheckInUserAtPlace(string username, Place place) { SetupAndCall((dbCmd) => { SqlExpressionVisitor<Place> evPlace = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.ExpressionVisitor<Place>(); SqlExpressionVisitor<User> evUser = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.ExpressionVisitor<User>(); SqlExpressionVisitor<CheckIn> evCheckIn = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.ExpressionVisitor<CheckIn>(); // Find the user Id int userId; evUser.Where(u => u.UserName == username).Select(u => u.Id); var userResult = dbCmd.Select(evUser); if (userResult.Count == 0) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("username : '******' does not exist", username)); userId = userResult[0].Id; //// Get the last checkin for the user evCheckIn.Where(c => c.UserId == userId).OrderByDescending(c => c.Time).Limit(1); var lastCheckIn = dbCmd.Select(evCheckIn); if (lastCheckIn.Count != 0) { DateTime refTime = DateTime.UtcNow - new TimeSpan (0, SystemConstants.RecentThresholdHours, 0, 0, 0); // If it has been a while allow the checkin if (refTime < lastCheckIn.First().Time) { //// Find the palce for that place id evPlace.Where(p => p.Id == lastCheckIn.First().PlaceId).Limit(1); var existingPlaceResult = dbCmd.Select(evPlace); // if it is the same place just update the time if (existingPlaceResult.First().Name == place.Name && existingPlaceResult.First().Address == place.Address) { evCheckIn.Where(c => c.Id == lastCheckIn.First().Id).Update(c => c.Time); dbCmd.UpdateOnly(new CheckIn { Time = DateTime.UtcNow }, evCheckIn); return; } } } // Add place to table if it does not exist // compared my name and address int placeId; evPlace = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.ExpressionVisitor<Place>(); evPlace.Where(p => p.Name == place.Name && p.Address == place.Address) .Select(p => p.Id); var placeResult = dbCmd.Select(evPlace); if (placeResult.Count == 0) { dbCmd.Insert(place); placeId = (int)dbCmd.GetLastInsertId(); } else placeId = placeResult[0].Id; // Check in the user CheckIn checkIn = new CheckIn { UserId = userId, PlaceId = placeId, Time = DateTime.UtcNow }; dbCmd.Insert(checkIn); }); }
// Used when viewing checkins at a place // There is a limit to the recent list // // activeList lists users how have checked in in the last 'RecentThresholdHours' hours // AND that have not checked in elsewhere since // // recentList lists last 'recentLimit' users that have checked into // a place and that are not in the activeList public abstract void GetCheckinInfo(Place place, out List<CheckInUserPair> activeList, out List<CheckInUserPair> recentList, int recentLimit);
public abstract void CheckInUserAtPlace(Place place);
public void Delete(Place palceToDelete) { _list.Remove (_list.Find (e=> e.Id == palceToDelete.Id)); }
public DistanceSortHelper(Place place, float lat, float lng) { Place = place; Distance = place.DistanceFrom (lat, lng); }