/// <summary> /// Sets a command into the attached property. /// </summary> /// <param name="dependencyObject">The dependency object to assign the command.</param> /// <param name="value">The command to attach.</param> public static void SetCommand(DependencyObject dependencyObject, ICommand value) { if (dependencyObject != null) { dependencyObject.SetValue(CommandProperty, value); } }
private static void OnPropertyChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var message = sender.GetValue(MessageProperty) as string; var plural_message = sender.GetValue(PluralMessageProperty) as string; var modifier = (StringModifier)sender.GetValue(ModifierProperty); var count = 1; if (message == null) { return; } else if (plural_message != null) { count = (int)sender.GetValue(PluralCountProperty); } var localized = plural_message == null ? Vernacular.Catalog.GetString(message) : Vernacular.Catalog.GetPluralString(message, plural_message, count); localized = ModifyString(localized, modifier); localized = Format(localized, count); var property = FindMessageProperty(sender); if (property != null) { sender.SetValue(property, localized); } #if !XAMARINFORMS else if (sender is Run) { (sender as Run).Text = localized; } #endif }
protected override DataTemplate OnSelectTemplate(object item, Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject container) { var selector = item as ScatteringTemplateSelector; //var scattType = e.NewValue as string; var scattType = selector.ScatteringType; if (scattType == typeof(MieScatterer).FullName) { //selector.Content = selector.MieScatteringTemplate.LoadContent() as UIElement; return(MieScatteringTemplate); } else if (scattType == typeof(PowerLawScatterer).FullName) { //selector.Content = selector.PowerLawScatteringTemplate.LoadContent() as UIElement; _scatteringType = "Vts.SpectralMapping.PowerLawScatterer"; return(PowerLawScatteringTemplate); } else if (scattType == typeof(IntralipidScatterer).FullName) { //selector.Content = selector.IntralipidScatteringTemplate.LoadContent() as UIElement; _scatteringType = "Vts.SpectralMapping.Intralipid"; return(IntralipidScatteringTemplate); } else { return(null); } }
private static void OnPageContentPropertyChanged(xam.BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { if (newValue != null) { var page = (SwitchMasterPage)bindable; var contentView = (xam.ContentView)newValue; page.Content = contentView; // page.PageContent; } }
private static void OnCommandPropertyChanged(DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args) { #if UWP var control = dependencyObject as Hub; if (control != null) { control.SectionHeaderClick += OnSectionHeaderClick; } #endif }
/// <summary> /// Handles the <see cref="E:CommandPropertyChanged" /> event. /// </summary> /// <param name="dependencyObject">The dependency object changed.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private static void OnCommandPropertyChanged(DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var element = dependencyObject as FrameworkElement; if (element != null) { element.Loaded -= ElementLoaded; element.Loaded += ElementLoaded; } }
private static void ActionsSourcePropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var control = d as ActionsCommandBar; if (control != null) { foreach (var action in control.ActionsSource) { var label = GetText(action, ActionTextProperties.Label); var automationPropertiesName = GetText(action, ActionTextProperties.AutomationPropertiesName); var button = FindButton(label, control); if (button == null) { button = new AppBarButton(); if (action.ActionType == ActionType.Primary) { control.PrimaryCommands.Add(button); } else if (action.ActionType == ActionType.Secondary) { control.SecondaryCommands.Add(button); } } button.Command = action.Command; button.CommandParameter = action.CommandParameter; button.Label = label; AutomationProperties.SetName(button, automationPropertiesName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label)) { ToolTipService.SetToolTip(button, GetTooltip(label)); ToolTipService.SetPlacement(button, PlacementMode.Mouse); } if (Application.Current.Resources.ContainsKey(action.Style)) { button.Style = Application.Current.Resources[action.Style] as Style; } if (button.Command?.CanExecute(button?.CommandParameter) == true) { button.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { button.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } } }
private static void OnIsVisiblePropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var self = d as ActionsCommandBar; #if UWP var isVisible = (bool)e.NewValue; if (isVisible) { self.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { self.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } #else self.IsVisible = (bool)e.NewValue; #endif }
private static void OnToolTipPropertyChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var framework_element = sender as FrameworkElement; if (framework_element == null) { return; } var tooltip = sender.GetValue(ToolTipProperty) as string; if (tooltip == null) { return; } var localized = Vernacular.Catalog.GetString(tooltip); ToolTipService.SetToolTip(framework_element, localized); }
public void Attach(DependencyObject dependencyObject) { #if XAMARIN_FORMS this.Parent = dependencyObject as Element; #endif if (this.associatedObject != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (!InternalDesigner.IsDesignTime) { this.WritePreamble(); this.associatedObject = dependencyObject; this.WritePostscript(); foreach (var item in this) { item.Attach(dependencyObject); } } this.OnAttached(); }
public static void SetModifier(DependencyObject o, StringModifier value) { o.SetValue(ModifierProperty, value); }
public static void SetPluralCount(DependencyObject o, int value) { o.SetValue(PluralCountProperty, value); }
public static StringModifier GetModifier(DependencyObject o) { return((StringModifier)o.GetValue(ModifierProperty)); }
public static void SetPluralMessage(DependencyObject o, string value) { o.SetValue(PluralMessageProperty, value); }
public static int GetPluralCount(DependencyObject o) { return((int)o.GetValue(PluralCountProperty)); }
public static void SetComment(DependencyObject o, string value) { o.SetValue(CommentProperty, value); }
public static string GetPluralMessage(DependencyObject o) { return(o.GetValue(PluralMessageProperty) as string); }
public static string GetToolTip(DependencyObject o) { return((string)o.GetValue(ToolTipProperty)); }
private static void OnHeaderTextChanged(xam.BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { }
internal override void TearDown(BindableObject bindable) { bindable.ClearValue(_stateProperty); bindable.PropertyChanged -= OnAttachedObjectPropertyChanged; }
private static void ViewModelLoaderChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldvalue, object newvalue) { var taskLoader = (TaskLoaderView)bindable; taskLoader.SetBindings(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the command from the attached property. /// </summary> /// <param name="dependencyObject">The dependency object to query.</param> /// <returns>The ICommand attached.</returns> public static ICommand GetCommand(DependencyObject dependencyObject) { return(dependencyObject == null ? null : (ICommand)dependencyObject.GetValue(CommandProperty)); }
private static void OnImageSourceChanged(xam.BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { }
private void Bind(XamarinBindableObject bindableObject, IViewModel viewModel) { bindableObject.BindingContext = viewModel; }
private static DependencyProperty FindMessageProperty(DependencyObject e) { DependencyProperty property; if (FindMessageDependencyProperty != null) { property = FindMessageDependencyProperty(e); if (property != null) { return(property); } } if (MessageDependencyPropertyMap.TryGetValue(e.GetType(), out property)) { return(property); } #if !XAMARINFORMS if (e is TextBlock) { return(TextBlock.TextProperty); #if WINDOWS_PHONE } else if (e is PanoramaItem) { return(PanoramaItem.HeaderProperty); } else if (e is Pivot) { return(Pivot.TitleProperty); } else if (e is PivotItem) { return(PivotItem.HeaderProperty); } else if (e is ListPicker) { return(ListPicker.HeaderProperty); #endif #if SILVERLIGHT } else if (e is TabItem) { return(TabItem.HeaderProperty); #endif } else if (e is ContentControl) { return(ContentControl.ContentProperty); } else if (e is TextBox) { return(TextBox.TextProperty); } #else if (e is Label) { return(Label.TextProperty); } else if (e is Entry) { return(Entry.TextProperty); } else if (e is Page) { return(Page.TitleProperty); } else if (e is Button) { return(Button.TextProperty); } else if (e is TextCell) { return(TextCell.TextProperty); } else if (e is EntryCell) { return(EntryCell.LabelProperty); } else if (e is SwitchCell) { return(SwitchCell.TextProperty); } #endif return(null); }
public void SetParent(object parentElement) { Target = (XF.BindableObject)parentElement; }
public static void SetToolTip(DependencyObject o, string value) { o.SetValue(ToolTipProperty, value); }
private static void OnCurrentPageChanged(xam.BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { var obj = (SwitchMasterPage)bindable; SetActiveBottomNavBar(obj); }
public static string GetComment(DependencyObject o) { return(o.GetValue(CommentProperty) as string); }
public static EventsCollection?GetEvents(DependencyObject d) => (EventsCollection?)d.GetValue(EventsProperty);