protected override void Init() { // Initialize ui here instead of ctor Content = new Label { AutomationId = "Issue1Label", Text = "See if I'm here" }; BindingContext = new ViewModelIssue1(); }
protected override void Init() { Content = new StackLayout() { Children = { new Label() { Text = "Four bell icons should be visible below", Margin = new Thickness(10) }, new Label { FontFamily = "FontAwesome", FontSize = 50, TextColor = Color.Black, Text = "\xf0f3" }, new Label { FontFamily = "fa-regular-400.ttf", FontSize = 50, TextColor = Color.Black, Text = "\xf0f3" }, new Image() { Source = new FontImageSource() { FontFamily = "FontAwesome", Glyph = "\xf0f3", Color = Color.Black, Size = 50 }, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start }, new Image() { Source = new FontImageSource() { FontFamily = "fa-regular-400.ttf", Glyph = "\xf0f3", Color = Color.Black, Size = 50 }, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start }, } }; BindingContext = new ViewModelIssue1(); }