コード例 #1
        public static CMBlockBuffer CreateContiguous(CMBlockBuffer sourceBuffer, CMCustomBlockAllocator customBlockSource, nuint offsetToData, nuint dataLength, CMBlockBufferFlags flags, out CMBlockBufferError error)
            if (sourceBuffer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceBuffer");

            IntPtr buffer;

            if (customBlockSource == null)
                error = CMBlockBufferCreateContiguous(IntPtr.Zero, sourceBuffer.handle, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, offsetToData, dataLength, flags, out buffer);
                error = CMBlockBufferCreateContiguous(IntPtr.Zero, sourceBuffer.handle, IntPtr.Zero, ref customBlockSource.Cblock, offsetToData, dataLength, flags, out buffer);

            if (error != CMBlockBufferError.None)

            var block = new CMBlockBuffer(buffer, true);

            block.customAllocator = customBlockSource;
コード例 #2
        public static CMSampleBuffer CreateReady(CMBlockBuffer dataBuffer, CMFormatDescription formatDescription,
                                                 int samplesCount, CMSampleTimingInfo[] sampleTimingArray, nuint[] sampleSizeArray,
                                                 out CMSampleBufferError error)
            if (dataBuffer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataBuffer");
            if (samplesCount < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("samplesCount");

            IntPtr buffer;
            var    fdh         = formatDescription == null ? IntPtr.Zero : formatDescription.Handle;
            var    timingCount = sampleTimingArray == null ? 0 : sampleTimingArray.Length;
            var    sizeCount   = sampleSizeArray == null ? 0 : sampleSizeArray.Length;

            error = CMSampleBufferCreateReady(IntPtr.Zero, dataBuffer.handle, fdh, samplesCount, timingCount,
                                              sampleTimingArray, sizeCount, sampleSizeArray, out buffer);

            if (error != CMSampleBufferError.None)

            return(new CMSampleBuffer(buffer, true));
コード例 #3
        public static CMBlockBuffer FromMemoryBlock(IntPtr memoryBlock, nuint blockLength, CMCustomBlockAllocator customBlockSource, nuint offsetToData, nuint dataLength, CMBlockBufferFlags flags, out CMBlockBufferError error)
            var blockAllocator = memoryBlock == IntPtr.Zero ? IntPtr.Zero : CFAllocator.Null.Handle;

            IntPtr buffer;

            if (customBlockSource == null)
                error = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(IntPtr.Zero, memoryBlock, blockLength, blockAllocator, IntPtr.Zero, offsetToData, dataLength, flags, out buffer);
                error = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(IntPtr.Zero, memoryBlock, blockLength, blockAllocator, ref customBlockSource.Cblock, offsetToData, dataLength, flags, out buffer);

            if (error != CMBlockBufferError.None)

            var block = new CMBlockBuffer(buffer, true);

            block.customAllocator = customBlockSource;
コード例 #4
        public static CMSampleBuffer CreateReadyWithPacketDescriptions(CMBlockBuffer dataBuffer, CMFormatDescription formatDescription, int samplesCount,
                                                                       CMTime sampleTimestamp, AudioStreamPacketDescription[] packetDescriptions, out CMSampleBufferError error)
            if (dataBuffer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataBuffer");
            if (formatDescription == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("formatDescription");
            if (samplesCount <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("samplesCount");

            IntPtr buffer;

            error = CMAudioSampleBufferCreateReadyWithPacketDescriptions(IntPtr.Zero, dataBuffer.handle,
                                                                         formatDescription.handle, samplesCount, sampleTimestamp, packetDescriptions, out buffer);

            if (error != CMSampleBufferError.None)

            return(new CMSampleBuffer(buffer, true));
コード例 #5
        public int /*CMSampleBufferError*/ SetDataBuffer(CMBlockBuffer dataBuffer)
            var dataBufferHandle = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (dataBuffer != null)
                dataBufferHandle = dataBuffer.handle;
            return((int)CMSampleBufferSetDataBuffer(handle, dataBufferHandle));
コード例 #6
        public CMBlockBufferError AppendBuffer(CMBlockBuffer targetBuffer, nuint offsetToData, nuint dataLength, CMBlockBufferFlags flags)
            if (Handle == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("BlockBuffer");

            // From docs targetBuffer must not be null unless the PermitEmptyReference flag is set
            if (!flags.HasFlag(CMBlockBufferFlags.PermitEmptyReference))
                if (targetBuffer == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("targetBuffer");

            return(CMBlockBufferAppendBufferReference(Handle, targetBuffer == null ? IntPtr.Zero : targetBuffer.handle, offsetToData, dataLength, flags));
コード例 #7
        public static CMBlockBuffer FromBuffer(CMBlockBuffer targetBuffer, nuint offsetToData, nuint dataLength, CMBlockBufferFlags flags, out CMBlockBufferError error)
            // From docs targetBuffer must not be null unless the PermitEmptyReference flag is set
            if (!flags.HasFlag(CMBlockBufferFlags.PermitEmptyReference))
                if (targetBuffer == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("targetBuffer");

            IntPtr buffer;

            error = CMBlockBufferCreateWithBufferReference(IntPtr.Zero, targetBuffer == null ? IntPtr.Zero : targetBuffer.handle, offsetToData, dataLength, flags, out buffer);
            if (error != CMBlockBufferError.None)

            return(new CMBlockBuffer(buffer, true));
コード例 #8
		public static CMSampleBuffer CreateReady (CMBlockBuffer dataBuffer, CMFormatDescription formatDescription, 
			int samplesCount, CMSampleTimingInfo[] sampleTimingArray, nuint[] sampleSizeArray, 
			out CMSampleBufferError error)
			if (dataBuffer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("dataBuffer");
			if (samplesCount < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("samplesCount");

			IntPtr buffer;
			var fdh = formatDescription == null ? IntPtr.Zero : formatDescription.Handle;
			var timingCount = sampleTimingArray == null ? 0 : sampleTimingArray.Length;
			var sizeCount = sampleSizeArray == null ? 0 : sampleSizeArray.Length;
			error = CMSampleBufferCreateReady (IntPtr.Zero, dataBuffer.handle, fdh, samplesCount, timingCount,
				sampleTimingArray, sizeCount, sampleSizeArray, out buffer);

			if (error != CMSampleBufferError.None)
				return null;

			return new CMSampleBuffer (buffer, true);
コード例 #9
		public static CMSampleBuffer CreateReadyWithPacketDescriptions (CMBlockBuffer dataBuffer, CMFormatDescription formatDescription, int samplesCount,
			CMTime sampleTimestamp, AudioStreamPacketDescription[] packetDescriptions, out CMSampleBufferError error)
			if (dataBuffer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("dataBuffer");
			if (formatDescription == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("formatDescription");
			if (samplesCount <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("samplesCount");

			IntPtr buffer;
			error = CMAudioSampleBufferCreateReadyWithPacketDescriptions (IntPtr.Zero, dataBuffer.handle,
				formatDescription.handle, samplesCount, sampleTimestamp, packetDescriptions, out buffer);

			if (error != CMSampleBufferError.None)
				return null;

			return new CMSampleBuffer (buffer, true);
コード例 #10
		public int /*CMSampleBufferError*/ SetDataBuffer (CMBlockBuffer dataBuffer)
			var dataBufferHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
			if (dataBuffer != null)
				dataBufferHandle = dataBuffer.handle;
			return (int)CMSampleBufferSetDataBuffer (handle, dataBufferHandle);
コード例 #11
		public CMSampleBufferError SetDataBuffer (CMBlockBuffer dataBuffer)
			var dataBufferHandle = dataBuffer == null ? IntPtr.Zero : dataBuffer.handle;
			return CMSampleBufferSetDataBuffer (handle, dataBufferHandle);
コード例 #12
        public CMSampleBufferError SetDataBuffer(CMBlockBuffer dataBuffer)
            var dataBufferHandle = dataBuffer == null ? IntPtr.Zero : dataBuffer.handle;

            return(CMSampleBufferSetDataBuffer(handle, dataBufferHandle));
コード例 #13
        public CMBlockBufferError AppendBuffer(CMBlockBuffer targetBuffer, nuint offsetToData, nuint dataLength, CMBlockBufferFlags flags)
            if (Handle == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException ("BlockBuffer");

            // From docs targetBuffer must not be null unless the PermitEmptyReference flag is set
            if (!flags.HasFlag (CMBlockBufferFlags.PermitEmptyReference)) {
                if (targetBuffer == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException ("targetBuffer");

            return CMBlockBufferAppendBufferReference (Handle, targetBuffer == null ? IntPtr.Zero : targetBuffer.handle, offsetToData, dataLength, flags);
コード例 #14
        public static CMBlockBuffer FromMemoryBlock(IntPtr memoryBlock, nuint blockLength, CMCustomBlockAllocator customBlockSource, nuint offsetToData, nuint dataLength, CMBlockBufferFlags flags, out CMBlockBufferError error)
            var blockAllocator = memoryBlock == IntPtr.Zero ? IntPtr.Zero : CFAllocator.Null.Handle;
            IntPtr buffer;
            if (customBlockSource == null)
                error = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock (IntPtr.Zero, memoryBlock, blockLength, blockAllocator, IntPtr.Zero, offsetToData, dataLength, flags, out buffer);
                error = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock (IntPtr.Zero, memoryBlock, blockLength, blockAllocator, ref customBlockSource.Cblock, offsetToData, dataLength, flags, out buffer);

            if (error != CMBlockBufferError.None)
                return null;

            var block = new CMBlockBuffer (buffer, true);
            block.customAllocator = customBlockSource;
            return block;
コード例 #15
        public static CMBlockBuffer FromBuffer(CMBlockBuffer targetBuffer, nuint offsetToData, nuint dataLength, CMBlockBufferFlags flags, out CMBlockBufferError error)
            // From docs targetBuffer must not be null unless the PermitEmptyReference flag is set
            if (!flags.HasFlag (CMBlockBufferFlags.PermitEmptyReference))
                if (targetBuffer == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException ("targetBuffer");

            IntPtr buffer;
            error = CMBlockBufferCreateWithBufferReference (IntPtr.Zero, targetBuffer == null ? IntPtr.Zero : targetBuffer.handle, offsetToData, dataLength, flags, out buffer);
            if (error != CMBlockBufferError.None)
                return null;

            return new CMBlockBuffer (buffer, true);
コード例 #16
        public static CMBlockBuffer CreateContiguous(CMBlockBuffer sourceBuffer, CMCustomBlockAllocator customBlockSource, nuint offsetToData, nuint dataLength, CMBlockBufferFlags flags, out CMBlockBufferError error)
            if (sourceBuffer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("sourceBuffer");

            IntPtr buffer;
            if (customBlockSource == null)
                error = CMBlockBufferCreateContiguous (IntPtr.Zero, sourceBuffer.handle, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, offsetToData, dataLength, flags, out buffer);
                error = CMBlockBufferCreateContiguous (IntPtr.Zero, sourceBuffer.handle, IntPtr.Zero, ref customBlockSource.Cblock, offsetToData, dataLength, flags, out buffer);

            if (error != CMBlockBufferError.None)
                return null;

            var block = new CMBlockBuffer (buffer, true);
            block.customAllocator = customBlockSource;
            return block;