private async void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var frmCreateXr = new frmCreateXR(); var metadata = await Task.Run(() => UIFunctions.GetAndValidateMetadata(txtMobi.Text, false, _logger)); if (metadata != null) { // TODO DONT ACCESS THESE CONTROLS DIRECTLY frmCreateXr.txtAuthor.Text = metadata.Author; frmCreateXr.txtTitle.Text = metadata.Title; frmCreateXr.txtAsin.Text = metadata.Asin; } frmCreateXr.ShowDialog(); }
private void txtMobi_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtMobi.Text == "" || !File.Exists(txtMobi.Text)) { return; } txtGoodreads.Text = ""; prgBar.Value = 0; var metadata = UIFunctions.GetAndValidateMetadata(txtMobi.Text, false, _logger); if (metadata == null) { txtMobi.Text = ""; return; } metadata.CheckDrm(); pbCover.Image = (Image)metadata.CoverImage?.Clone(); lblTitle.Visible = true; lblAuthor.Visible = true; lblAsin.Visible = true; txtTitle.Visible = true; txtAuthor.Visible = true; txtAsin.Visible = true; txtAuthor.Text = metadata.Author; txtTitle.Text = metadata.Title; txtAsin.Text = metadata.Asin; _tooltip.SetToolTip(txtAsin, _amazonClient.Url(_settings.amazonTLD, txtAsin.Text)); checkFiles(metadata.Author, metadata.Title, metadata.Asin, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(txtMobi.Text)); btnBuild.Enabled = metadata.RawMlSupported; btnOneClick.Enabled = metadata.RawMlSupported; try { // Directory.Delete(randomFile, true); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Log($"An error occurred while trying to delete temporary files: {ex.Message}\r\n{ex.StackTrace}\r\n" + "Try deleting these files manually."); } }
private async Task btnSearchGoodreads_Run() { if (!File.Exists(txtMobi.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Specified book was not found.", "Book Not Found"); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(_settings.outDir)) { MessageBox.Show("Specified output directory does not exist. Please review the settings page.", "Output Directory Not found"); return; } //this.TopMost = true; using var metadata = await Task.Run(() => UIFunctions.GetAndValidateMetadata(txtMobi.Text, false, _logger)); if (metadata == null) { return; } try { var books = new BookInfo[0]; if (_settings.searchByAsin) { books = (await _dataSource.SearchBookByAsinAsync(metadata.Asin)).ToArray(); } if (books.Length <= 0) { books = (await _dataSource.SearchBookAsync(metadata.Author, metadata.Title)).ToArray(); if (books.Length <= 0) { _logger.Log($"Unable to find this book on {_dataSource.Name}!\nEnsure the book's title ({metadata.Title}) is accurate!"); return; } } string bookUrl; if (books.Length == 1) { bookUrl = books[0].DataUrl; } else { books = books.OrderByDescending(book => book.Reviews) .ThenByDescending(book => book.Editions) .ToArray(); // Pre-load cover images foreach (var book in books.Where(book => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(book.ImageUrl))) { try { book.CoverImage = await _httpClient.GetImageAsync(book.ImageUrl, cancellationToken : _cancelTokens.Token); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Log($"Failed to download cover image: {ex.Message}"); } } _logger.Log($"Warning: Multiple results returned from {_dataSource.Name}..."); var frmG = new frmGR(books); frmG.ShowDialog(); bookUrl = books[frmG.cbResults.SelectedIndex].DataUrl; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bookUrl)) { txtGoodreads.Text = bookUrl; txtGoodreads.Refresh(); _logger.Log( $"Book found on {_dataSource.Name}!\r\n{metadata.Title} by {metadata.Author}\r\n{_dataSource.Name} URL: {bookUrl}\r\n" + "You may want to visit the URL to ensure it is correct."); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Log($"An error occurred while searching: {ex.Message}\r\n{ex.StackTrace}"); } }
private async Task btnKindleExtras_Run() { //Check current settings if (!File.Exists(txtMobi.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Specified book was not found.", "Book Not Found"); return; } if (rdoGoodreads.Checked) { if (txtGoodreads.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show($"No {_dataSource.Name} link was specified.", $"Missing {_dataSource.Name} Link"); return; } if (!txtGoodreads.Text.ToLower().Contains(_settings.dataSource.ToLower())) { MessageBox.Show($"Invalid {_dataSource.Name} link was specified.\r\n" + $"If you do not want to use {_dataSource.Name}, you can change the data source in Settings." , $"Invalid {_dataSource.Name} Link"); return; } } if (_settings.realName.Trim().Length == 0 || _settings.penName.Trim().Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show( "Both Real and Pen names are required for End Action\r\n" + "file creation. This information allows you to rate this\r\n" + "book on Amazon. Please review the settings page.", "Amazon Customer Details Not found"); return; } var metadata = await Task.Run(() => UIFunctions.GetAndValidateMetadata(txtMobi.Text, _settings.saverawml, _logger)); if (metadata == null) { return; } SetDatasourceLabels(); // Reset the dataSource for the new build process _logger.Log($"Book's {_dataSource.Name} URL: {txtGoodreads.Text}"); try { var bookInfo = new BookInfo(metadata, txtGoodreads.Text, txtMobi.Text); var outputDir = OutputDirectory(bookInfo.Author, bookInfo.Title, bookInfo.Asin, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(txtMobi.Text), true); _logger.Log("Attempting to build Author Profile..."); ApPath = $@"{outputDir}\AuthorProfile.profile.{bookInfo.Asin}.asc"; // TODO: Load existing ap to use for end actions / start actions if (!Settings.Default.overwrite && File.Exists(ApPath)) { _logger.Log("AuthorProfile file already exists... Skipping!\r\n" + "Please review the settings page if you want to overwite any existing files."); return; } var response = await _authorProfileGenerator.GenerateAsync(new AuthorProfileGenerator.Request { Book = bookInfo, Settings = new AuthorProfileGenerator.Settings { AmazonTld = _settings.amazonTLD, SaveBio = _settings.saveBio, UseNewVersion = _settings.useNewVersion, EditBiography = _settings.editBiography } }, _cancelTokens.Token); if (response == null) { return; } var authorProfileOutput = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(AuthorProfileGenerator.CreateAp(response, bookInfo.Asin)); try { File.WriteAllText(ApPath, authorProfileOutput); _logger.Log($"Author Profile file created successfully!\r\nSaved to {ApPath}"); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Log($"An error occurred while writing the Author Profile file: {ex.Message}\r\n{ex.StackTrace}"); return; } SaPath = $@"{outputDir}\{bookInfo.Asin}.asc"; _logger.Log("Attempting to build Start Actions and End Actions..."); string AsinPrompt(string title, string author) { var frmAsin = _diContainer.GetInstance <frmASIN>(); frmAsin.Text = "Series Information"; frmAsin.lblTitle.Text = title; frmAsin.lblAuthor.Text = author; frmAsin.tbAsin.Text = ""; frmAsin.ShowDialog(); return(frmAsin.tbAsin.Text); } var ea = new EndActions(response, bookInfo, metadata.RawMlSize, _dataSource, new EndActions.Settings { AmazonTld = _settings.amazonTLD, Android =, OutDir = _settings.outDir, OutputToSidecar = _settings.outputToSidecar, PenName = _settings.penName, RealName = _settings.realName, UseNewVersion = _settings.useNewVersion, UseSubDirectories = _settings.useSubDirectories, PromptAsin = _settings.promptASIN }, AsinPrompt, _logger, _httpClient, _amazonClient, _amazonInfoParser); if (!await ea.Generate()) { return; } if (_settings.useNewVersion) { await ea.GenerateNewFormatData(_progress, _cancelTokens.Token); // TODO: Do the templates differently Extras.Artifacts.EndActions eaBase; try { var template = File.ReadAllText($@"{Environment.CurrentDirectory}\dist\BaseEndActions.json", Encoding.UTF8); eaBase = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Extras.Artifacts.EndActions>(template); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { _logger.Log(@"Unable to find dist\BaseEndActions.json, make sure it has been extracted!"); return; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Log($@"An error occurred while loading dist\BaseEndActions.json (make sure any new versions have been extracted!)\r\n{e.Message}\r\n{e.StackTrace}"); return; } await ea.GenerateEndActionsFromBase(eaBase); StartActions sa; try { var template = File.ReadAllText($@"{Environment.CurrentDirectory}\dist\BaseStartActions.json", Encoding.UTF8); sa = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StartActions>(template); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { _logger.Log(@"Unable to find dist\BaseStartActions.json, make sure it has been extracted!"); return; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Log($@"An error occurred while loading dist\BaseStartActions.json (make sure any new versions have been extracted!)\r\n{e.Message}\r\n{e.StackTrace}"); return; } // TODO: Separate out SA logic string saContent = null; if (_settings.downloadSA) { _logger.Log("Attempting to download Start Actions..."); try { saContent = await _amazonClient.DownloadStartActions(metadata.Asin); _logger.Log("Successfully downloaded pre-made Start Actions!"); } catch { _logger.Log("No pre-made Start Actions available, building..."); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(saContent)) { saContent = ea.GenerateStartActionsFromBase(sa); } _logger.Log("Writing StartActions to file..."); File.WriteAllText(ea.SaPath, saContent); _logger.Log($"StartActions file created successfully!\r\nSaved to {SaPath}"); cmsPreview.Items[3].Enabled = true; EaPath = $@"{outputDir}\{bookInfo.Asin}.asc"; } else { ea.GenerateOld(); } cmsPreview.Items[1].Enabled = true; checkFiles(bookInfo.Author, bookInfo.Title, bookInfo.Asin, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(txtMobi.Text)); if (_settings.playSound) { var player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer($@"{Environment.CurrentDirectory}\done.wav"); player.Play(); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Log("An error occurred while creating the new Author Profile, Start Actions, and/or End Actions files:\r\n" + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace); } finally { metadata.Dispose(); } }
private async Task btnBuild_Run() { //Check current settings if (!File.Exists(txtMobi.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(@"Specified book was not found.", @"Book Not Found"); return; } if (rdoGoodreads.Checked && txtGoodreads.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show($"No {_dataSource.Name} link was specified.", $"Missing {_dataSource.Name} Link"); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(_settings.outDir)) { MessageBox.Show(@"Specified output directory does not exist.\r\nPlease review the settings page.", @"Output Directory Not found"); return; } if (_settings.realName.Trim().Length == 0 || _settings.penName.Trim().Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show( @"Both Real and Pen names are required for End Action\r\n" + @"file creation. This information allows you to rate this\r\n" + "book on Amazon. Please review the settings page.", "Amazon Customer Details Not found"); return; } prgBar.Value = 0; // todo this is crap var metadata = await Task.Run(() => UIFunctions.GetAndValidateMetadata(txtMobi.Text, _settings.saverawml, _logger)); if (metadata == null) { return; } // Added author name to log output _logger.Log($"Book's {_dataSource.Name} URL: {txtGoodreads.Text}"); if (_cancelTokens.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } _logger.Log("Attempting to build X-Ray..."); //If AZW3 file use AZW3 offset, if checked. Checked by default. var AZW3 = Path.GetExtension(txtMobi.Text) == ".azw3" && _settings.overrideOffset; _logger.Log($"Offset: {(AZW3 ? $"{_settings.offsetAZW3} (AZW3)" : _settings.offset.ToString())}"); //Create X-Ray and attempt to create the base file (essentially the same as the site) XRay.XRay xray; SetDatasourceLabels(); // Reset the dataSource for the new build process try { Task <XRay.XRay> xrayTask; if (rdoGoodreads.Checked) { xrayTask = _xrayService.CreateXRayAsync(txtGoodreads.Text, metadata.DbName, metadata.UniqueId, metadata.Asin, AZW3 ? _settings.offsetAZW3 : _settings.offset, _dataSource, _progress, _cancelTokens.Token); } else { // TODO Set datasource properly var fileDataSource = _diContainer.GetInstance <SecondaryDataSourceFactory>().Get(SecondaryDataSourceFactory.Enum.File); xrayTask = _xrayService.CreateXRayAsync(txtXMLFile.Text, metadata.DbName, metadata.UniqueId, metadata.Asin, AZW3 ? _settings.offsetAZW3 : _settings.offset, fileDataSource, _progress, _cancelTokens.Token); } xray = await Task.Run(() => xrayTask).ConfigureAwait(false); _xrayService.ExportAndDisplayTerms(xray, xray.AliasPath); if (_settings.enableEdit && DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show( "Terms have been exported to an alias file or already exist in that file. Would you like to open the file in notepad for editing?\r\n" + "See the MobileRead forum thread (link in Settings) for more information on building aliases.", "Aliases", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2)) { Functions.RunNotepad(xray.AliasPath); } if (!File.Exists(xray.AliasPath)) { _logger.Log("Aliases file not found."); } else { _aliasesRepository.LoadAliasesForXRay(xray); _logger.Log($"Character aliases read from {xray.AliasPath}."); } _logger.Log("Initial X-Ray built, adding locations and chapters..."); //Expand the X-Ray file from the unpacked mobi if (await Task.Run(() => xray.ExpandFromRawMl(metadata.GetRawMlStream(), SafeShow, _progress, _cancelTokens.Token, _settings.ignoresofthyphen, !_settings.useNewVersion)).ConfigureAwait(false) > 0) { _logger.Log("Build canceled or error occurred while processing locations and chapters."); return; } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { _logger.Log("Build canceled."); return; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Log($"An error occurred while building the X-Ray:\r\n{ex.Message}\r\n{ex.StackTrace}"); return; } _logger.Log("Saving X-Ray to file..."); string outFolder; try { if ( { outFolder = $@"{_settings.outDir}\Android\{metadata.Asin}"; Directory.CreateDirectory(outFolder); } else { outFolder = OutputDirectory(metadata.Author, metadata.Title, metadata.Asin, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(txtMobi.Text), true); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Log($"Failed to create output directory: {ex.Message}\r\n{ex.StackTrace}\r\nFiles will be placed in the default output directory."); outFolder = _settings.outDir; } var newPath = $"{outFolder}\\{xray.XRayName(}"; try { var xrayExporter = _xrayExporterFactory.Get(_settings.useNewVersion ? XRayExporterFactory.Enum.Sqlite : XRayExporterFactory.Enum.Json); xrayExporter.Export(xray, newPath, _progress, _cancelTokens.Token); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { _logger.Log("Building canceled."); return; } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: Add option to retry maybe? _logger.Log($"An error occurred while creating the X-Ray file. Is it opened in another program?\r\n{ex.Message}"); return; } if (_settings.useNewVersion) { XrPath = $@"{outFolder}\XRAY.entities.{metadata.Asin}"; //Save the new XRAY.ASIN.previewData file try { var pdPath = $@"{outFolder}\XRAY.{metadata.Asin}.previewData"; _previewDataExporter.Export(xray, pdPath); _logger.Log($"X-Ray previewData file created successfully!\r\nSaved to {pdPath}"); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Log($"An error occurred saving the previewData file: {ex.Message}\r\n{ex.StackTrace}"); } } _logger.Log($"X-Ray file created successfully!\r\nSaved to {newPath}"); checkFiles(metadata.Author, metadata.Title, metadata.Asin, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(txtMobi.Text)); if (_settings.playSound) { var player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\done.wav"); player.Play(); } metadata.Dispose(); }