コード例 #1
        public override bool FireEvent(Event E)
            if (E.ID == "OwnerGetInventoryActions")
                GameObject targetObject = E.GetGameObjectParameter("Object");
                    Egocarib.Code.Egcb_UIMonitor.DirectEnableUIMode("Popup", "LookTiler", targetObject); //enable popup mode to draw tiles while this item's popup menus (interact / description) are open
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Debug.Log("QudUX Mod: Encountered an exception trying to DirectEnable Popup UI mode for object " + (targetObject == null ? "<NULL>" : targetObject.DisplayNameOnlyDirect) + "\n\nException:\n" + ex);

            if (E.ID == "PlayerBeginConversation")
                Egcb_PlayerUIHelper.PlayerBody = XRLCore.Core.Game.Player.Body;
                GameObject speaker = E.GetGameObjectParameter("Speaker");
                if (speaker != null)
                    Egcb_PlayerUIHelper.ConversationPartner = speaker;
                    if (Egcb_PlayerUIHelper.CurrentInteractionZoneID != speaker.CurrentCell.ParentZone.ZoneID)
                        Egcb_PlayerUIHelper.CurrentInteractionZoneID = speaker.CurrentCell.ParentZone.ZoneID;
                    string       questID = speaker.GetStringProperty("GivesDynamicQuest", string.Empty);
                    Conversation convo   = E.GetParameter <Conversation>("Conversation");
                    if (speaker.HasPart("GenericInventoryRestocker") || speaker.HasPart("Restocker"))
                            Egcb_PlayerUIHelper.AddChoiceToRestockers(convo, speaker);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Debug.Log("QudUX Mod: Encountered exception while adding conversation choice to merchant to ask about restock duration.\nException details: \n" + ex.ToString());
                    if (questID == string.Empty || XRLCore.Core.Game.FinishedQuests.ContainsKey(questID)) //speaker has no dynamic quests
                            this.AddChoiceToIdentifyQuestGivers(convo, speaker);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Debug.Log("QudUX Mod: Encountered exception while adding conversation choices to identify village quest givers.\nException details: \n" + ex.ToString());
                    else //speaker does have dynamic quest
                        //Previously we updated "some forgotten ruins" references in quest conversations here, but that is now handled with a Harmony patch.
                        Egocarib.Code.Egcb_UIMonitor.DirectEnableUIMode("Conversation", "ConversationTiler", speaker); //enable conversation mode to draw tiles while the conversationUI is open
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Debug.Log("QudUX Mod: Encountered an exception trying to DirectEnable Conversation UI mode for speaker " + (speaker == null ? "<NULL>" : speaker.DisplayNameOnlyDirect) + "\n\nException:\n" + ex);
            else if (E.ID == "ObjectEnteringCellBlockedBySolid")
                GameObject barrier = E.GetGameObjectParameter("Object");
                if (barrier.CurrentCell.ParentZone.ZoneID != this.ParentObject.CurrentCell.ParentZone.ZoneID) //ran into a wall or object in another zone while trying to leave the zone
                    Cell   centerCell       = this.ParentObject.CurrentCell.ParentZone.GetCell(40, 12);
                    string direction        = this.ParentObject.CurrentCell.GetDirectionFromCell(centerCell);
                    Cell   effectOriginCell = this.ParentObject.CurrentCell.GetCellFromDirection(direction, true) ?? this.ParentObject.CurrentCell;
                    int    effectX          = effectOriginCell.X;
                    int    effectY          = effectOriginCell.Y;
                    int    rand             = Stat.Random(1, 3);
                    string text;
                    if (rand == 1)
                        text = "&wOUCH!";
                    else if (rand == 2)
                        text = barrier.IsWall() ? "&wWall!" : "&wBlocked!";
                        text = "&wBlocked!";
                    //when moving eastward into a new cell, most of the phrase is cut off the edge of the screen, so we need to shift it left to accomodate the string size
                    int phraseLength = ConsoleLib.Console.ColorUtility.StripFormatting(text).Length;
                    if ((80 - effectX) < phraseLength)
                        effectX = Math.Max(10, 80 - phraseLength);
                    float num  = (float)this.GetDegreesForVisualEffect(direction) / 58f;
                    float xDel = (float)Math.Sin((double)num) / 4f;
                    float yDel = (float)Math.Cos((double)num) / 4f;
                    XRLCore.ParticleManager.Add(text, (float)effectX, (float)effectY, xDel, yDel, 22, 0f, 0f);
コード例 #2
 public static void SetTraderInteraction()