/// <summary> Add a port field to previous layout element. </summary> public static void AddPortField(XNode.NodePort port) { if (port == null) { return; } Rect rect = new Rect(); // If property is an input, display a regular property field and put a port handle on the left side if (port.direction == XNode.NodePort.IO.Input) { rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); rect.position = rect.position - new Vector2(16, 0); // If property is an output, display a text label and put a port handle on the right side } else if (port.direction == XNode.NodePort.IO.Output) { rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); rect.position = rect.position + new Vector2(rect.width, 0); } rect.size = new Vector2(16, 16); NodeEditor editor = NodeEditor.GetEditor(port.node, NodeEditorWindow.current); Color backgroundColor = editor.GetTint(); Color col = NodeEditorWindow.current.graphEditor.GetPortColor(port); DrawPortHandle(rect, backgroundColor, col); // Register the handle position Vector2 portPos = rect.center; NodeEditor.portPositions[port] = portPos; }
/// <summary> Make a field for a serialized property. Manual node port override. </summary> public static void PropertyField(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label, XNode.NodeLinkPort con) { Rect rect = new Rect(); XNode.Node node = con.Node; XNode.NodeLinkDefinition link = con.Link; XNode.Node.InputAttribute inputAttribute = link.InputAttribute; XNode.Node.OutputAttribute outputAttribute = link.OutputAttribute; List <PropertyAttribute> propertyAttributes = NodeEditorUtilities.GetCachedPropertyAttribs(node.GetType(), property.name); float spacePadding = 0; foreach (var attr in propertyAttributes) { if (attr is SpaceAttribute) { spacePadding += (attr as SpaceAttribute).height; } } if (inputAttribute != null) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label ?? new GUIContent(property.displayName)); rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); rect.position = rect.position - new Vector2(16, -spacePadding); } // If property is an output, display a text label and put a port handle on the right side else if (outputAttribute != null) { // Get data from [Output] attribute bool dynamicPortList = outputAttribute.dynamicPortList; XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue showBacking = outputAttribute.backingValue; EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label ?? new GUIContent(property.displayName), NodeEditorResources.OutputPort, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); rect.position = rect.position + new Vector2(rect.width, spacePadding); } rect.size = new Vector2(16, 16); NodeEditor editor = NodeEditor.GetEditor(node, NodeEditorWindow.current); Color backgroundColor = editor.GetTint(); Color col = NodeEditorWindow.current.graphEditor.GetLinkColor(link); DrawPortHandle(rect, backgroundColor, col); // Register the handle position Vector2 portPos = rect.center; NodeEditor.linkPositions[con] = portPos; }
/// <summary> Make a simple port field. </summary> public static void PortField(Vector2 position, XNode.NodePort port) { if (port == null) { return; } Rect rect = new Rect(position, new Vector2(16, 16)); NodeEditor editor = NodeEditor.GetEditor(port.node, NodeEditorWindow.current); Color backgroundColor = editor.GetTint(); Color col = NodeEditorWindow.current.graphEditor.GetPortColor(port); DrawPortHandle(rect, backgroundColor, col); // Register the handle position Vector2 portPos = rect.center; NodeEditor.portPositions[port] = portPos; }
private void DrawNodes() { Event e = Event.current; if (e.type == EventType.Layout) { selectionCache = new List <UnityEngine.Object>(Selection.objects); } if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) { portConnectionPoints.Clear(); nodeWidths.Clear(); } //Active node is hashed before and after node GUI to detect changes int nodeHash = 0; System.Reflection.MethodInfo onValidate = null; if (Selection.activeObject != null && Selection.activeObject is Siccity.XNode.Node) { onValidate = Selection.activeObject.GetType().GetMethod("OnValidate"); if (onValidate != null) { nodeHash = Selection.activeObject.GetHashCode(); } } BeginZoomed(position, zoom); Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition; if (e.type != EventType.Layout) { hoveredNode = null; hoveredPort = null; } List <UnityEngine.Object> preSelection = preBoxSelection != null ? new List <UnityEngine.Object>(preBoxSelection) : new List <UnityEngine.Object>(); //Save guiColor so we can revert it Color guiColor = GUI.color; for (int n = 0; n < graph.nodes.Count; n++) { // Skip null nodes. The user could be in the process of renaming scripts, so removing them at this point is not advisable. if (graph.nodes[n] == null) { continue; } if (n >= graph.nodes.Count) { return; } Siccity.XNode.Node node = graph.nodes[n]; NodeEditor nodeEditor = NodeEditor.GetEditor(node); NodeEditor.portPositions = new Dictionary <Siccity.XNode.NodePort, Vector2>(); //Get node position Vector2 nodePos = GridToWindowPositionNoClipped(node.position); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(nodePos, new Vector2(nodeEditor.GetWidth(), 4000))); bool selected = selectionCache.Contains(graph.nodes[n]); if (selected) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(NodeEditorResources.styles.nodeBody); GUIStyle highlightStyle = new GUIStyle(NodeEditorResources.styles.nodeHighlight); highlightStyle.padding = style.padding; style.padding = new RectOffset(); GUI.color = nodeEditor.GetTint(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(new GUIStyle(style)); GUI.color = NodeEditorPreferences.GetSettings().highlightColor; GUILayout.BeginVertical(new GUIStyle(highlightStyle)); } else { GUIStyle style = NodeEditorResources.styles.nodeBody; GUI.color = nodeEditor.GetTint(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(new GUIStyle(style)); } GUI.color = guiColor; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); //Draw node contents nodeEditor.OnNodeGUI(); //Apply nodeEditor.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); //If user changed a value, notify other scripts through onUpdateNode if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (NodeEditor.onUpdateNode != null) { NodeEditor.onUpdateNode(node); } } if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) { nodeWidths.Add(node, nodeEditor.GetWidth()); foreach (var kvp in NodeEditor.portPositions) { Vector2 portHandlePos = kvp.Value; portHandlePos += node.position; Rect rect = new Rect(portHandlePos.x - 8, portHandlePos.y - 8, 16, 16); portConnectionPoints.Add(kvp.Key, rect); } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (selected) { GUILayout.EndVertical(); } if (e.type != EventType.Layout) { //Check if we are hovering this node Vector2 nodeSize = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().size; Rect windowRect = new Rect(nodePos, nodeSize); if (windowRect.Contains(mousePos)) { hoveredNode = node; } //If dragging a selection box, add nodes inside to selection if (currentActivity == NodeActivity.DragGrid) { Vector2 startPos = GridToWindowPositionNoClipped(dragBoxStart); Vector2 size = mousePos - startPos; if (size.x < 0) { startPos.x += size.x; size.x = Mathf.Abs(size.x); } if (size.y < 0) { startPos.y += size.y; size.y = Mathf.Abs(size.y); } Rect r = new Rect(startPos, size); if (windowRect.Overlaps(r)) { preSelection.Add(node); } } //Check if we are hovering any of this nodes ports //Check input ports foreach (Siccity.XNode.NodePort input in node.Inputs) { //Check if port rect is available if (!portConnectionPoints.ContainsKey(input)) { continue; } Rect r = GridToWindowRect(portConnectionPoints[input]); if (r.Contains(mousePos)) { hoveredPort = input; } } //Check all output ports foreach (Siccity.XNode.NodePort output in node.Outputs) { //Check if port rect is available if (!portConnectionPoints.ContainsKey(output)) { continue; } Rect r = GridToWindowRect(portConnectionPoints[output]); if (r.Contains(mousePos)) { hoveredPort = output; } } } GUILayout.EndArea(); } if (e.type != EventType.Layout && currentActivity == NodeActivity.DragGrid) { Selection.objects = preSelection.ToArray(); } EndZoomed(position, zoom); //If a change in hash is detected in the selected node, call OnValidate method. //This is done through reflection because OnValidate is only relevant in editor, //and thus, the code should not be included in build. if (nodeHash != 0) { if (onValidate != null && nodeHash != Selection.activeObject.GetHashCode()) { onValidate.Invoke(Selection.activeObject, null); } } }
private void DrawNodes() { Event e = Event.current; if (e.type == EventType.Layout) { selectionCache = new List <UnityEngine.Object>(Selection.objects); } System.Reflection.MethodInfo onValidate = null; if (Selection.activeObject != null && Selection.activeObject is XNode.Node) { onValidate = Selection.activeObject.GetType().GetMethod("OnValidate"); if (onValidate != null) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); } } BeginZoomed(position, zoom, topPadding); Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition; if (e.type != EventType.Layout) { hoveredNode = null; hoveredPort = null; } List <UnityEngine.Object> preSelection = preBoxSelection != null ? new List <UnityEngine.Object>(preBoxSelection) : new List <UnityEngine.Object>(); // Selection box stuff Vector2 boxStartPos = GridToWindowPositionNoClipped(dragBoxStart); Vector2 boxSize = mousePos - boxStartPos; if (boxSize.x < 0) { boxStartPos.x += boxSize.x; boxSize.x = Mathf.Abs(boxSize.x); } if (boxSize.y < 0) { boxStartPos.y += boxSize.y; boxSize.y = Mathf.Abs(boxSize.y); } Rect selectionBox = new Rect(boxStartPos, boxSize); //Save guiColor so we can revert it Color guiColor = GUI.color; List <XNode.NodePort> removeEntries = new List <XNode.NodePort>(); if (e.type == EventType.Layout) { culledNodes = new List <XNode.Node>(); } for (int n = 0; n < graph.nodes.Count; n++) { // Skip null nodes. The user could be in the process of renaming scripts, so removing them at this point is not advisable. if (graph.nodes[n] == null) { continue; } if (n >= graph.nodes.Count) { return; } XNode.Node node = graph.nodes[n]; // Culling if (e.type == EventType.Layout) { // Cull unselected nodes outside view if (!Selection.Contains(node) && ShouldBeCulled(node)) { culledNodes.Add(node); continue; } } else if (culledNodes.Contains(node)) { continue; } if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) { removeEntries.Clear(); foreach (var kvp in _portConnectionPoints) { if (kvp.Key.node == node) { removeEntries.Add(kvp.Key); } } foreach (var k in removeEntries) { _portConnectionPoints.Remove(k); } } NodeEditor nodeEditor = NodeEditor.GetEditor(node, this); NodeEditor.portPositions.Clear(); // Set default label width. This is potentially overridden in OnBodyGUI EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 84; //Get node position Vector2 nodePos = GridToWindowPositionNoClipped(node.position); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(nodePos, new Vector2(nodeEditor.GetWidth(), 4000))); bool selected = selectionCache.Contains(graph.nodes[n]); if (selected) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(nodeEditor.GetBodyStyle()); GUIStyle highlightStyle = new GUIStyle(nodeEditor.GetBodyHighlightStyle()); highlightStyle.padding = style.padding; style.padding = new RectOffset(); GUI.color = nodeEditor.GetTint(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(style); GUI.color = NodeEditorPreferences.GetSettings().highlightColor; GUILayout.BeginVertical(new GUIStyle(highlightStyle)); } else { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(nodeEditor.GetBodyStyle()); GUI.color = nodeEditor.GetTint(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(style); } GUI.color = guiColor; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); //Draw node contents nodeEditor.OnHeaderGUI(); //if (zoom < 2) //{ nodeEditor.OnBodyGUI(); //} //If user changed a value, notify other scripts through onUpdateNode if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (NodeEditor.onUpdateNode != null) { NodeEditor.onUpdateNode(node); } EditorUtility.SetDirty(node); nodeEditor.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); //Cache data about the node for next frame if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) { Vector2 size = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().size; if (nodeSizes.ContainsKey(node)) { nodeSizes[node] = size; } else { nodeSizes.Add(node, size); } foreach (var kvp in NodeEditor.portPositions) { Vector2 portHandlePos = kvp.Value; portHandlePos += node.position; Rect rect = new Rect(portHandlePos.x - 8, portHandlePos.y - 8, 16, 16); portConnectionPoints[kvp.Key] = rect; } } if (selected) { GUILayout.EndVertical(); } if (e.type != EventType.Layout) { //Check if we are hovering this node Vector2 nodeSize = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().size; Rect windowRect = new Rect(nodePos, nodeSize); if (windowRect.Contains(mousePos)) { hoveredNode = node; } //If dragging a selection box, add nodes inside to selection if (currentActivity == NodeActivity.DragGrid) { if (windowRect.Overlaps(selectionBox)) { preSelection.Add(node); } } //Check if we are hovering any of this nodes ports //Check input ports foreach (XNode.NodePort input in node.Inputs) { //Check if port rect is available if (!portConnectionPoints.ContainsKey(input)) { continue; } Rect r = GridToWindowRectNoClipped(portConnectionPoints[input]); if (r.Contains(mousePos)) { hoveredPort = input; } } //Check all output ports foreach (XNode.NodePort output in node.Outputs) { //Check if port rect is available if (!portConnectionPoints.ContainsKey(output)) { continue; } Rect r = GridToWindowRectNoClipped(portConnectionPoints[output]); if (r.Contains(mousePos)) { hoveredPort = output; } } } GUILayout.EndArea(); } if (e.type != EventType.Layout && currentActivity == NodeActivity.DragGrid) { Selection.objects = preSelection.ToArray(); } EndZoomed(position, zoom, topPadding); //If a change in is detected in the selected node, call OnValidate method. //This is done through reflection because OnValidate is only relevant in editor, //and thus, the code should not be included in build. if (onValidate != null && EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { onValidate.Invoke(Selection.activeObject, null); } }
/// <summary> Make a field for a serialized property. Manual node port override. </summary> public static void PropertyField(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label, XNode.NodePort port, bool includeChildren = true, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { if (property == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } // If property is not a port, display a regular property field if (port == null) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); } else { Rect rect = new Rect(); List <PropertyAttribute> propertyAttributes = NodeEditorUtilities.GetCachedPropertyAttribs(port.node.GetType(), property.name); // If property is an input, display a regular property field and put a port handle on the left side if (port.direction == XNode.NodePort.IO.Input) { // Get data from [Input] attribute XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue showBacking = XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected; XNode.Node.InputAttribute inputAttribute; bool dynamicPortList = false; if (NodeEditorUtilities.GetCachedAttrib(port.node.GetType(), property.name, out inputAttribute)) { dynamicPortList = inputAttribute.dynamicPortList; showBacking = inputAttribute.backingValue; } bool usePropertyAttributes = dynamicPortList || showBacking == XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Never || (showBacking == XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected && port.IsConnected); float spacePadding = 0; foreach (var attr in propertyAttributes) { if (attr is SpaceAttribute) { if (usePropertyAttributes) { GUILayout.Space((attr as SpaceAttribute).height); } else { spacePadding += (attr as SpaceAttribute).height; } } else if (attr is HeaderAttribute) { if (usePropertyAttributes) { //GUI Values are from https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference/blob/master/Editor/Mono/ScriptAttributeGUI/Implementations/DecoratorDrawers.cs Rect position = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0, (EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 1.5f) - EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing); //Layout adds standardVerticalSpacing after rect so we subtract it. position.yMin += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 0.5f; position = EditorGUI.IndentedRect(position); GUI.Label(position, (attr as HeaderAttribute).header, EditorStyles.boldLabel); } else { spacePadding += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 1.5f; } } } if (dynamicPortList) { Type type = GetType(property); XNode.Node.ConnectionType connectionType = inputAttribute != null ? inputAttribute.connectionType : XNode.Node.ConnectionType.Multiple; DynamicPortList(property.name, type, property.serializedObject, port.direction, connectionType); return; } switch (showBacking) { case XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected: // Display a label if port is connected if (port.IsConnected) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label != null ? label : new GUIContent(property.displayName)); } // Display an editable property field if port is not connected else { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); } break; case XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Never: // Display a label EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label != null ? label : new GUIContent(property.displayName)); break; case XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Always: // Display an editable property field EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); break; } rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); rect.position = rect.position - new Vector2(16, -spacePadding); // If property is an output, display a text label and put a port handle on the right side } else if (port.direction == XNode.NodePort.IO.Output) { // Get data from [Output] attribute XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue showBacking = XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected; XNode.Node.OutputAttribute outputAttribute; bool dynamicPortList = false; if (NodeEditorUtilities.GetCachedAttrib(port.node.GetType(), property.name, out outputAttribute)) { dynamicPortList = outputAttribute.dynamicPortList; showBacking = outputAttribute.backingValue; } bool usePropertyAttributes = dynamicPortList || showBacking == XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Never || (showBacking == XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected && port.IsConnected); float spacePadding = 0; foreach (var attr in propertyAttributes) { if (attr is SpaceAttribute) { if (usePropertyAttributes) { GUILayout.Space((attr as SpaceAttribute).height); } else { spacePadding += (attr as SpaceAttribute).height; } } else if (attr is HeaderAttribute) { if (usePropertyAttributes) { //GUI Values are from https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference/blob/master/Editor/Mono/ScriptAttributeGUI/Implementations/DecoratorDrawers.cs Rect position = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0, (EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 1.5f) - EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing); //Layout adds standardVerticalSpacing after rect so we subtract it. position.yMin += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 0.5f; position = EditorGUI.IndentedRect(position); GUI.Label(position, (attr as HeaderAttribute).header, EditorStyles.boldLabel); } else { spacePadding += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 1.5f; } } } if (dynamicPortList) { Type type = GetType(property); XNode.Node.ConnectionType connectionType = outputAttribute != null ? outputAttribute.connectionType : XNode.Node.ConnectionType.Multiple; DynamicPortList(property.name, type, property.serializedObject, port.direction, connectionType); return; } switch (showBacking) { case XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected: // Display a label if port is connected if (port.IsConnected) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label != null ? label : new GUIContent(property.displayName), NodeEditorResources.OutputPort, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); } // Display an editable property field if port is not connected else { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); } break; case XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Never: // Display a label EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label != null ? label : new GUIContent(property.displayName), NodeEditorResources.OutputPort, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); break; case XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Always: // Display an editable property field EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); break; } rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); rect.position = rect.position + new Vector2(rect.width, spacePadding); } rect.size = new Vector2(16, 16); NodeEditor editor = NodeEditor.GetEditor(port.node, NodeEditorWindow.current); Color backgroundColor = editor.GetTint(); Color col = NodeEditorWindow.current.graphEditor.GetPortColor(port); DrawPortHandle(rect, backgroundColor, col); // Register the handle position Vector2 portPos = rect.center; NodeEditor.portPositions[port] = portPos; } }
/// <summary> Make a field for a serialized property. Manual node port override. </summary> public static void PropertyField(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label, XNode.NodePort port, bool includeChildren = true, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { if (property == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } // If property is not a port, display a regular property field if (port == null) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); } else { Rect rect = new Rect(); float spacePadding = 0; SpaceAttribute spaceAttribute; if (NodeEditorUtilities.GetCachedAttrib(port.node.GetType(), property.name, out spaceAttribute)) { spacePadding = spaceAttribute.height; } // If property is an input, display a regular property field and put a port handle on the left side if (port.direction == XNode.NodePort.IO.Input) { // Get data from [Input] attribute XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue showBacking = XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected; XNode.Node.InputAttribute inputAttribute; bool dynamicPortList = false; if (NodeEditorUtilities.GetCachedAttrib(port.node.GetType(), property.name, out inputAttribute)) { dynamicPortList = inputAttribute.dynamicPortList; showBacking = inputAttribute.backingValue; } //Call GUILayout.Space if Space attribute is set and we are NOT drawing a PropertyField bool useLayoutSpace = dynamicPortList || showBacking == XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Never || (showBacking == XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected && port.IsConnected); if (spacePadding > 0 && useLayoutSpace) { GUILayout.Space(spacePadding); spacePadding = 0; } if (dynamicPortList) { Type type = GetType(property); XNode.Node.ConnectionType connectionType = inputAttribute != null ? inputAttribute.connectionType : XNode.Node.ConnectionType.Multiple; DynamicPortList(property.name, type, property.serializedObject, port.direction, connectionType); return; } switch (showBacking) { case XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected: // Display a label if port is connected if (port.IsConnected) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label != null ? label : new GUIContent(property.displayName)); } // Display an editable property field if port is not connected else { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); } break; case XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Never: // Display a label EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label != null ? label : new GUIContent(property.displayName)); break; case XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Always: // Display an editable property field EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); break; } rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); rect.position = rect.position - new Vector2(16, -spacePadding); // If property is an output, display a text label and put a port handle on the right side } else if (port.direction == XNode.NodePort.IO.Output) { // Get data from [Output] attribute XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue showBacking = XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected; XNode.Node.OutputAttribute outputAttribute; bool dynamicPortList = false; if (NodeEditorUtilities.GetCachedAttrib(port.node.GetType(), property.name, out outputAttribute)) { dynamicPortList = outputAttribute.dynamicPortList; showBacking = outputAttribute.backingValue; } //Call GUILayout.Space if Space attribute is set and we are NOT drawing a PropertyField bool useLayoutSpace = dynamicPortList || showBacking == XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Never || (showBacking == XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected && port.IsConnected); if (spacePadding > 0 && useLayoutSpace) { GUILayout.Space(spacePadding); spacePadding = 0; } if (dynamicPortList) { Type type = GetType(property); XNode.Node.ConnectionType connectionType = outputAttribute != null ? outputAttribute.connectionType : XNode.Node.ConnectionType.Multiple; DynamicPortList(property.name, type, property.serializedObject, port.direction, connectionType); return; } switch (showBacking) { case XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected: // Display a label if port is connected if (port.IsConnected) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label != null ? label : new GUIContent(property.displayName), NodeEditorResources.OutputPort, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); } // Display an editable property field if port is not connected else { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); } break; case XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Never: // Display a label EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label != null ? label : new GUIContent(property.displayName), NodeEditorResources.OutputPort, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); break; case XNode.Node.ShowBackingValue.Always: // Display an editable property field EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); break; } rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); rect.position = rect.position + new Vector2(rect.width, spacePadding); } rect.size = new Vector2(16, 16); NodeEditor editor = NodeEditor.GetEditor(port.node, NodeEditorWindow.current); Color backgroundColor = editor.GetTint(); Color col = NodeEditorWindow.current.graphEditor.GetPortColor(port); DrawPortHandle(rect, backgroundColor, col); // Register the handle position Vector2 portPos = rect.center; NodeEditor.portPositions[port] = portPos; } }
private void DrawNodes() { Event e = Event.current; if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) { portConnectionPoints.Clear(); nodeWidths.Clear(); } //Selected node is hashed before and after node GUI to detect changes int nodeHash = 0; System.Reflection.MethodInfo onValidate = null; if (selectedNode != null) { onValidate = selectedNode.GetType().GetMethod("OnValidate"); if (onValidate != null) { nodeHash = selectedNode.GetHashCode(); } } BeginZoomed(position, zoom); Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition; if (e.type != EventType.Layout) { hoveredNode = null; hoveredPort = null; } //Save guiColor so we can revert it Color guiColor = GUI.color; for (int n = 0; n < graph.nodes.Count; n++) { while (graph.nodes[n] == null) { graph.nodes.RemoveAt(n); } if (n >= graph.nodes.Count) { return; } Node node = graph.nodes[n]; NodeEditor nodeEditor = NodeEditor.GetEditor(node); NodeEditor.portPositions = new Dictionary <NodePort, Vector2>(); //Get node position Vector2 nodePos = GridToWindowPositionNoClipped(node.position); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(nodePos, new Vector2(nodeEditor.GetWidth(), 4000))); GUIStyle style = NodeEditorResources.styles.nodeBody; GUI.color = nodeEditor.GetTint(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(new GUIStyle(style)); GUI.color = guiColor; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); //Draw node contents nodeEditor.OnNodeGUI(); //Apply nodeEditor.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); //If user changed a value, notify other scripts through onUpdateNode if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (NodeEditor.onUpdateNode != null) { NodeEditor.onUpdateNode(node); } } if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) { nodeWidths.Add(node, nodeEditor.GetWidth()); foreach (var kvp in NodeEditor.portPositions) { Vector2 portHandlePos = kvp.Value; portHandlePos += node.position; Rect rect = new Rect(portHandlePos.x - 8, portHandlePos.y - 8, 16, 16); portConnectionPoints.Add(kvp.Key, rect); } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (e.type != EventType.Layout) { //Check if we are hovering this node Vector2 nodeSize = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().size; Rect windowRect = new Rect(nodePos, nodeSize); if (windowRect.Contains(mousePos)) { hoveredNode = node; } //Check if we are hovering any of this nodes ports //Check input ports foreach (NodePort input in node.Inputs) { //Check if port rect is available if (!portConnectionPoints.ContainsKey(input)) { continue; } Rect r = GridToWindowRect(portConnectionPoints[input]); if (r.Contains(mousePos)) { hoveredPort = input; } } //Check all output ports foreach (NodePort output in node.Outputs) { //Check if port rect is available if (!portConnectionPoints.ContainsKey(output)) { continue; } Rect r = GridToWindowRect(portConnectionPoints[output]); if (r.Contains(mousePos)) { hoveredPort = output; } } } GUILayout.EndArea(); } EndZoomed(position, zoom); //If a change in hash is detected in the selected node, call OnValidate method. //This is done through reflection because OnValidate is only relevant in editor, //and thus, the code should not be included in build. if (selectedNode != null) { if (onValidate != null && nodeHash != selectedNode.GetHashCode()) { onValidate.Invoke(selectedNode, null); } } }