internal Package(STFSPackage pk, bool readData = true, DJsIO dj = null) { this.package = pk; = dj; ReadData(readData, this); }
internal STFSDescriptor(STFSPackage xPackage) { xPackage.xIO.Position = 0x340; xPackage.xIO.IsBigEndian = true; int xBlockInfo = xPackage.xIO.ReadInt32(); xBaseByte = (byte)(((xBlockInfo + 0xFFF) & 0xF000) >> 0xC); xPackage.xIO.Position = 0x379; if (xPackage.xIO.ReadByte() != 0x24) // Struct Size throw STFSExcepts.Type; if (xPackage.xIO.ReadByte() != 0) // Reversed throw STFSExcepts.Type; /* STRUCT OF THE NEXT 6 BYTES: * byte for block separation * Little Endian File Table block count short (2 bytes) * 3 bytes in Little Endian for the starting block of the File Table */ byte idx = (byte)(xPackage.xIO.ReadByte() & 3); xStruct = xPackage.xIO.ReadBytes(5); xPackage.xIO.Position = 0x395; xBlockCount = xPackage.xIO.ReadUInt32(); uint xOldBlocks = xPackage.xIO.ReadUInt32(); // Checks the type of Structure if (xBaseByte == 0xB) { if (idx == 1) XSetStructure(STFSType.Type0); else throw STFSExcepts.Type; } else if (xBaseByte == 0xA) { if (idx == 0 || idx == 2) XSetStructure(STFSType.Type1); else throw STFSExcepts.Type; } else throw STFSExcepts.Type; if (xBlockCount > SpaceBetween[2]) throw STFSExcepts.MaxOver; TopRecord = new BlockRecord(((uint)((idx >> 1) & 1) << 30 | (uint)xOldBlocks << 15)); // Grab Real Block Count for (uint i = (xBlockCount - 1); i >= 0; i--) { xBlockCount = (i + 1); if (GenerateDataOffset(i) < xPackage.xIO.Length) break; } }
private void buttonX1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to change these packages?", "WARNING", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes) return; menuStrip1.Enabled = groupPanel1.Enabled = listBox1.Enabled = false; progressBarX1.Value = 0; progressBarX1.Maximum = listBox1.Items.Count; for (int i = 0; i < listBox1.Items.Count; i++) { STFSPackage x = null; try { x = new STFSPackage((string)listBox1.Items[i], null); } catch { } if (x != null) fix(i); progressBarX1.Value++; } menuStrip1.Enabled = groupPanel1.Enabled = listBox1.Enabled = true; }
public static void BuildXBox360Package(string songFileName, DLCPackageData info, IEnumerable<string> xboxFiles, GameVersion gameVersion, DLCPackageType dlcType = DLCPackageType.Song) { LogRecord x = new LogRecord(); RSAParams xboxRSA = info.SignatureType == PackageMagic.CON ? new RSAParams(new DJsIO(Resources.XBox360_KV, true)) : new RSAParams(StrongSigned.LIVE); CreateSTFS xboxSTFS = new CreateSTFS(); xboxSTFS.HeaderData = info.GetSTFSHeader(gameVersion, dlcType); foreach (string file in xboxFiles) xboxSTFS.AddFile(file, Path.GetFileName(file)); STFSPackage xboxPackage = new STFSPackage(xboxSTFS, xboxRSA, songFileName, x); var generated = xboxPackage.RebuildPackage(xboxRSA); if (!generated) throw new InvalidOperationException("Error on create XBox360 package, details: \n" + x.Log); xboxPackage.FlushPackage(xboxRSA); xboxPackage.CloseIO(); DirectoryExtension.SafeDelete(XBOX_WORKDIR); }
public static void BuildXBox360Package(string packagePath, DLCPackageData info, IEnumerable<string> xboxFiles, PackageMagic? xboxPackageType) { LogRecord x = new LogRecord(); RSAParams xboxRSA = xboxPackageType == PackageMagic.CON ? new RSAParams(new DJsIO(Resources.XBox360_KV, true)) : new RSAParams(StrongSigned.LIVE); CreateSTFS xboxSTFS = new CreateSTFS(); xboxSTFS.HeaderData = info.GetSTFSHeader(); foreach (string file in xboxFiles) xboxSTFS.AddFile(file, Path.GetFileName(file)); STFSPackage xboxPackage = new STFSPackage(xboxSTFS, xboxRSA, packagePath, x); var generated = xboxPackage.RebuildPackage(xboxRSA); if (!generated) throw new InvalidOperationException("Error on create XBox360 package, details: \n\r" + x.Log); xboxPackage.FlushPackage(xboxRSA); xboxPackage.CloseIO(); try { if (Directory.Exists(xboxWorkDir)) Directory.Delete(xboxWorkDir, true); } catch { /*Have no problem if don't delete*/ } }
public byte[] RebuildPackageInMemory(RSAParams xParams) { if (!CanRead) { OpenAgain(); } var cstfs = new CreateSTFS(); cstfs.HeaderData.Description = xHeader.Description; cstfs.HeaderData.DeviceID = xHeader.DeviceID; cstfs.HeaderData.ProfileID = xHeader.ProfileID; cstfs.HeaderData.Publisher = xHeader.Publisher; cstfs.HeaderData.SaveConsoleID = xHeader.SaveConsoleID; cstfs.HeaderData.Title_Package = xHeader.Title_Package; cstfs.HeaderData.Title_Display = xHeader.Title_Display; cstfs.HeaderData.ThisType = xHeader.ThisType; cstfs.HeaderData.SaveGameID = xHeader.SaveGameID; cstfs.HeaderData.DataFileCount = xHeader.DataFileCount; cstfs.HeaderData.DataFileSize = xHeader.DataFileSize; cstfs.HeaderData.MediaID = xHeader.MediaID; cstfs.HeaderData.TitleID = xHeader.TitleID; cstfs.HeaderData.Version_ = xHeader.Version_; cstfs.HeaderData.Version_Base = xHeader.Version_Base; cstfs.HeaderData.MetaDataVersion = xHeader.MetaDataVersion; cstfs.HeaderData.Platform = xHeader.Platform; cstfs.HeaderData.SeasonNumber = xHeader.SeasonNumber; cstfs.STFSType = xSTFSStruct.ThisType; // Populate foreach (var y in xFolderDirectory) cstfs.AddFolder(y.GetPath()); foreach (var y in xFileDirectory) { cstfs.AddFile(y.ExtractBytes(true), y.GetPath()); } byte[] ret; var xreturn = new STFSPackage(cstfs, xParams, out ret, xLog); if (xreturn.ParseSuccess) { return ret; } xreturn.xIO.Close(); return null; }
/////////////////////////////////////////// //SPITFIRE1337 MODS /////////////////////////////////////////// public IEnumerable<IResult> WriteSaveXbox() { if (this.SaveFile == null) { yield break; } string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); File.Delete(path + "/savegame.sav"); //MessageBox.Show("A save file box will now appear, please select a EXISTING XBOX SAVE to overwrite. I can not emphasize this enough, ALWAYS KEEP A WORKING BACKUP. Once you have a backup press ok to continue"); var saveFile = this.SaveFile; yield return new DelegateResult(() => { Endian endian; this.General.ExportData(saveFile.SaveGame, out endian); this.CurrencyOnHand.ExportData(saveFile.SaveGame); this.Backpack.ExportData(saveFile.SaveGame); this.Bank.ExportData(saveFile.SaveGame); using (var output = File.Create(path + "/savegame.sav")) { saveFile.Endian = endian; saveFile.Serialize(output); } }).Rescue().Execute( x => new MyMessageBox("An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy this text):\n\n" + x.ToString(), "Error") .WithIcon(MessageBoxImage.Error).AsCoroutine()); string fileName = null; MySaveFileResult ofr; ofr = new MySaveFileResult() .PromptForOverwrite() .FilterFiles( ffc => ffc.AddFilter("sav", true) .WithDescription("Borderlands 2 Save Files") .AddAllFilesFilter()) .WithFileDo(s => fileName = s); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._SavePath) == false && Directory.Exists(this._SavePath) == true) { ofr = ofr.In(this._SavePath); } yield return ofr; if (fileName == null) { yield break; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, Properties.Resources.Save0001); } else { File.Delete(fileName); File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, Properties.Resources.Save0001); } yield return new DelegateResult(() => { string profileid = this.General.Profileid; DJsIO io = new DJsIO(fileName, DJFileMode.Open, true); io.Position = 0x371; io.WriteHexString(profileid); io.Close(); }).Rescue().Execute( x => new MyMessageBox("An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy this text):\n\n" + x.ToString(), "Error") .WithIcon(MessageBoxImage.Error).AsCoroutine()); yield return new DelegateResult(() => { STFSPackage stfs = new STFSPackage(fileName, null); FileEntry item = stfs.GetFile("savegame.sav"); //Get's the account file if (!item.Replace(path + "\\savegame.sav")) { //If Not xent.Extract(Application.StartupPath + "\" + "savegame.sav") Then //MessageBoxEx.Show("Extraction Failed!", "Failed!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.[Error]) throw new Exception("Failed to insert save file to xbox save. Please use a program like modio or horizon to insert your save"); } else { //MessageBox.Show("File Inserted"); //If Not Then //End If //MessageBoxEx.Show("Extraction Complete!", "Complete!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) } if (!File.Exists(path + "/kv.bin")) { File.WriteAllBytes(path + "/kv.bin", Properties.Resources.KV); } stfs.FlushPackage(new RSAParams(path + "/kv.bin")); stfs.CloseIO(); }).Rescue().Execute( x => new MyMessageBox("An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy this text):\n\n" + x.ToString(), "Error") .WithIcon(MessageBoxImage.Error).AsCoroutine()); }
void fix(int i) { STFSPackage x = null; try { x = new STFSPackage((string)listBox1.Items[i], null); } catch { } if (x != null) { if (x.ParseSuccess) { if (checkBoxX1.Checked) x.Header.MakeAnonymous(); if (checkBoxX2.Checked) x.FlushPackage(par.PublicKV); else x.UpdateHeader(par.PublicKV); } x.CloseIO(); } }
void read(DJsIO xIO, STFSPackage xPackage, PackageMagic MagicType) { xMagic = MagicType; xIO.Position = 0x22C; if (xPackage != null) xPackage.AddToLog("Reading Liscenses"); xLisc = new List<STFSLicense>(); for (int i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) xLisc.Add(new STFSLicense(xIO.ReadInt64(), xIO.ReadInt32(), xIO.ReadInt32(), i == 0)); if (xPackage != null) xPackage.AddToLog("Reading Package locks"); xIO.Position = 0x344; if (xPackage != null) xPackage.AddToLog("Reading Header Values"); xThisType = (PackageType)xIO.ReadUInt32(); ; MetaDataVersion = xIO.ReadUInt32(); xContentSize = xIO.ReadInt64(); MediaID = xIO.ReadUInt32(); Version_ = xIO.ReadUInt32(); Version_Base = xIO.ReadUInt32(); TitleID = xIO.ReadUInt32(); Platform = xIO.ReadByte(); ExecutableType = xIO.ReadByte(); DiscNumber = xIO.ReadByte(); DiscInSet = xIO.ReadByte(); SaveGameID = xIO.ReadUInt32(); SaveConsoleID = (long)xIO.ReadUInt40(); ProfileID = xIO.ReadInt64(); xIO.Position = 0x39D; DataFileCount = xIO.ReadUInt32(); DataFileSize = xIO.ReadInt64(); Reserved = xIO.ReadInt64(); xSeriesID = xIO.ReadBytes(0x10); xSeasonID = xIO.ReadBytes(0x10); SeasonNumber = xIO.ReadUInt16(); EpidsodeNumber = xIO.ReadUInt16(); xIO.Position += 0x28; xDeviceID = xIO.ReadBytes(0x14); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) xTitles[i] = xIO.ReadString(StringForm.Unicode, 0x80).Replace("\0", ""); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) xDescriptions[i] = xIO.ReadString(StringForm.Unicode, 0x80).Replace("\0", ""); xPublisher = xIO.ReadString(StringForm.Unicode, 0x40).Replace("\0", ""); xTitle = xIO.ReadString(StringForm.Unicode, 0x40).Replace("\0", ""); IDTransferByte = xIO.ReadByte(); // Package Image int xSize = xIO.ReadInt32(); xIO.Position = 0x171A; if (xSize < 0x4000) xPackageImage = xIO.ReadBytes(xSize); else xPackageImage = xIO.ReadBytes(0x4000); // Content Image xIO.Position = 0x1716; xSize = xIO.ReadInt32(); xIO.Position = 0x571A; if (xSize < 0x4000) xContentImage = xIO.ReadBytes(xSize); else xContentImage = xIO.ReadBytes(0x4000); xLoaded = true; }
public IEnumerable<IResult> ReadSave() { string fileName = null; MyOpenFileResult ofr; ofr = new MyOpenFileResult() .FilterFiles( ffc => ffc.AddFilter("sav", true) .WithDescription("Borderlands 2 Save Files") .AddAllFilesFilter()) .WithFileDo(s => fileName = s); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._SavePath) == false && Directory.Exists(this._SavePath) == true) { ofr = ofr.In(this._SavePath); } yield return ofr; if (fileName == null) { yield break; } /////////////////////////////////////////// //SPITFIRE1337 MODS /////////////////////////////////////////// string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); //using (FileStream fs = File.Create(path)) { } File.Delete(path + "/mytempsave.sav"); File.Delete(path + "/savegame.sav"); File.Copy(fileName, path + "/mytempsave.sav"); string profileid = ""; string deviceid = ""; string consoleid = ""; Stream input1 = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open); // Ensure that the target does not exist. //Stream input = new Stream(fs); var check = input1.ReadValueU32(Endian.Big); input1.Close(); if (check == 0x434F4E20) { //MessageBox.Show("This is a xbox save"); yield return new DelegateResult(() => { DJsIO io = new DJsIO(fileName, DJFileMode.Open, true); io.Position = 0x371; profileid = io.ReadHexString(8); //Profile ID io.Close(); }) .Rescue().Execute( x => new MyMessageBox("An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):\n\n" + x.ToString(), "Error") .WithIcon(MessageBoxImage.Error).AsCoroutine()); STFSPackage xPackage = new STFSPackage(fileName, null); FileEntry xent = (FileEntry)xPackage.GetFile("savegame.sav"); if (!xent.Extract(path + "/savegame.sav")) { //MessageBoxEx.Show("Extraction Failed!", "Failed!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.[Error]) //xboxextract.ReportProgress(200, "Extraction Failed"); //Thread.Sleep(2000); //Return MessageBox.Show("Could not extract savegame.sav. Please use a program like modio or horizon to extract your savegame.sav"); } else { fileName = path + "/savegame.sav"; //MessageBox.Show("File extracted"); //Thread.Sleep(2000); //MessageBoxEx.Show("Extraction Complete!", "Complete!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) } } else { profileid = "0"; deviceid = "0"; consoleid = "0"; } yield return new DelegateResult(() => { FileFormats.SaveFile saveFile; using (var input = File.OpenRead(fileName)) { saveFile = FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(input, FileFormats.SaveFile.DeserializeSettings.None); } this.SaveFile = saveFile; this.General.ImportData(saveFile.SaveGame, saveFile.Endian, profileid, deviceid, consoleid); this.CurrencyOnHand.ImportData(saveFile.SaveGame); this.Backpack.ImportData(saveFile.SaveGame); this.Bank.ImportData(saveFile.SaveGame); }) .Rescue<DllNotFoundException>().Execute( x => new MyMessageBox("Failed to load save: " + x.Message, "Error") .WithIcon(MessageBoxImage.Error).AsCoroutine()) .Rescue<FileFormats.SaveFormatException>().Execute( x => new MyMessageBox("Failed to load save: " + x.Message, "Error") .WithIcon(MessageBoxImage.Error).AsCoroutine()) .Rescue<FileFormats.SaveCorruptionException>().Execute( x => new MyMessageBox("Failed to load save: " + x.Message, "Error") .WithIcon(MessageBoxImage.Error).AsCoroutine()) .Rescue().Execute( x => new MyMessageBox("An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):\n\n" + x.ToString(), "Error") .WithIcon(MessageBoxImage.Error).AsCoroutine()); /////////////////////////////////////////// //END SPITFIRE1337 MODS /////////////////////////////////////////// }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RSAParams xParams; string xOut = null; if (xtype == PackType.STFS) { xOut = VariousFunctions.GetUserFileLocale("Save to where?", "", false); if (xOut == null) return; } else { if (ximg == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select an image"); return; } string y = VariousFunctions.GetUserFolderLocale("Select a save location"); if (y == null) return; xOut = y; } if (radioButton1.Checked) xParams = xparent.PublicKV; else if (radioButton2.Checked) xParams = new RSAParams(StrongSigned.LIVE); else xParams = new RSAParams(StrongSigned.PIRS); if (xtype == PackType.STFS) { LogRecord rec = new LogRecord(); STFSPackage xy = new STFSPackage(xsession, xParams, xOut, rec); PackageExplorer z = new PackageExplorer(xparent); z.set(ref xy); z.listBox4.Items.AddRange(rec.Log); this.Close(); z.Show(); } else { CreateSVOD z = new CreateSVOD(ximg, xOut, xhead); if (z.Create(xParams, (PackageType)comboBoxEx2.SelectedItem)) MessageBox.Show("Completed successfully"); else MessageBox.Show("Unsuccessful build"); } this.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes an instance /// </summary> /// <param name="x"></param> public ProfilePackage(ref STFSPackage x) : base(ref x) { if (Header.ThisType == PackageType.Profile) LoadProfile(true); }
/// <summary> /// Sets a package comming in to this package /// </summary> /// <param name="xIn"></param> void SetSamePackage(ref STFSPackage xIn) { xLog = xIn.xLog; AddToLog("Setting Package"); xIO = xIn.xIO; xSTFSStruct = xIn.STFSStruct; xFolderDirectory = xIn.xFolderDirectory; xFileDirectory = xIn.xFileDirectory; xHeader = xIn.xHeader; xFileBlocks = xIn.xFileBlocks; xActive = xIn.xActive; xroot = xIn.xroot; xIn = null; foreach (FileEntry x in xFileDirectory) x.xPackage = this; foreach (FolderEntry x in xFolderDirectory) x.xPackage = this; }
public void set(ref STFSPackage x) { xpack = x; Log("Package parsed"); node1.NodeClick += new EventHandler(xReturn_NodeClick); SetNodes(); node1.SetChecked(true, eTreeAction.Expand); Log("Contents loaded"); if (xPackage.FileNameShort.Length < 30) this.Text = "Package - " + xPackage.FileNameShort; else this.Text = "Package - " + xPackage.FileNameShort.Substring(0, 30) + "..."; textBoxX1.Text = xPackage.FileNameLong; textBoxX2.Text = xPackage.Header.Title_Display; textBoxX3.Text = xPackage.Header.Description; try { pictureBox1.Image = xPackage.Header.ContentImage; } catch { pictureBox1.Enabled = false; } try { pictureBox2.Image = xPackage.Header.PackageImage; } catch { pictureBox2.Enabled = false; } comboBoxEx1.SelectedIndex = 0; numericUpDown5.Value = xPackage.Header.SaveConsoleID; numericUpDown6.Value = xPackage.Header.ProfileID; textBoxX17.Text = xPackage.Header.DeviceID.HexString(); numericUpDown9_ValueChanged(null, null); if (xPackage.Header.IDTransfer == TransferLock.NoTransfer) checkBoxX1.Checked = false; else { checkBoxX2.Checked = ((byte)xPackage.Header.IDTransfer & 1) == 1; checkBoxX3.Checked = (((byte)xPackage.Header.IDTransfer >> 1) & 1) == 1; } labelX8.Text = "Title ID: " + xpack.Header.TitleID.ToString("X"); if (xPackage.Header.ThisType != PackageType.Profile) { tabItem4.Visible = false; return; } xprof = new ProfilePackage(ref x); xpack = null; xprof.RemovePhDAT(); if (xprof.HasValidAccount) { if (xprof.UserFile.IsLiveEnabled) { textBoxX9.Text = VariousFunctions.EndianConvert(BitConverter.GetBytes(xprof.UserFile.XUID)).HexString(); textBoxX9.Enabled = buttonX4.Enabled = checkBoxX5.Enabled = true; PassCode[] xPass = xprof.UserFile.GetPassCode(); if (xPass.Length > 0) { checkBoxX5.Checked = true; comboBoxEx3.SelectedItem = xPass[0]; comboBoxEx4.SelectedItem = xPass[1]; comboBoxEx5.SelectedItem = xPass[2]; comboBoxEx6.SelectedItem = xPass[3]; } } textBoxX8.Text = xprof.UserFile.GetGamertag(); buttonX5.Enabled = true; Log("Account loaded"); } if (xprof.HasDashGPD) { UserInfo xInfo = xprof.GetUserStrings(); if (xInfo.Bio != null) textBoxX10.Text = xInfo.Bio; if (xInfo.Motto != null) textBoxX11.Text = xInfo.Motto; if (xInfo.Name != null) textBoxX12.Text = xInfo.Name; if (xInfo.Location != null) textBoxX13.Text = xInfo.Location; Setting temp = xprof.UserGPD.GetSetting(GPDIDs.GCardZone); if (temp != null) { comboBoxEx7.Enabled = true; GamerZone[] zones = (GamerZone[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(GamerZone)); comboBoxEx7.DataSource = zones; if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(GamerZone), temp.Data)) comboBoxEx7.SelectedItem = (GamerZone)((uint)temp.Data); else comboBoxEx7.SelectedItem = GamerZone.Unknown; has1 = buttonX16.Enabled = true; } temp = xprof.UserGPD.GetSetting(GPDIDs.GCardRep, SettingType.Float); if (temp != null) { numericUpDown1.Enabled = true; numericUpDown1.Value = (decimal)((float)temp.Data); has2 = buttonX16.Enabled = true; } SetList(); buttonX15.Enabled = listBox3.Enabled = true; // groupPanel2.Enabled = true; SetNmric(GPDIDs.GCardCredit, textBoxX15); Log("Profile loaded"); } if (!xprof.IsValidProfile) { if (xprof.HasValidAccount && !xprof.HasDashGPD) MessageBox.Show("This file does not have valid Dash information, therefore achievement modding is disabled"); else if (!xprof.HasValidAccount && xprof.HasDashGPD) MessageBox.Show("This file does not have a valid user account, therefore, account block editing is disabled"); else { tabItem4.Visible = false; MessageBox.Show("This file has no valid user information, profile - specific editing is disabled"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Function for partial classes, importing packages /// </summary> /// <param name="xIn"></param> protected STFSPackage(ref STFSPackage xIn) { xActive = true; SetSamePackage(ref xIn); xActive = false; }
/// <summary> /// Rebuilds the package using package creation /// </summary> /// <param name="xParams"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool RebuildPackage(RSAParams xParams) { if (!ActiveCheck()) return false; if (!xParams.Valid) return (xActive = false); CreateSTFS x = new CreateSTFS(); x.HeaderData = xHeader; x.STFSType = xSTFSStruct.ThisType; // Populate foreach (FolderEntry y in xFolderDirectory) x.AddFolder(y.GetPath()); foreach (FileEntry y in xFileDirectory) { DJsIO io = y.xGetTempIO(true); if (io != null && io.Accessed) { io.Close(); x.AddFile(io.FileNameLong, y.GetPath()); } } STFSPackage xreturn = new STFSPackage(x, xParams, VariousFunctions.GetTempFileLocale(), xLog); if (xreturn.ParseSuccess) { xIO.Close(); xreturn.xIO.Close(); if (!VariousFunctions.MoveFile(xreturn.xIO.FileNameLong, xIO.FileNameLong)) return (xActive = false); xreturn.xIO = xIO; SetSamePackage(ref xreturn); xIO.OpenAgain(); return !(xActive = false); } xreturn.xIO.Close(); VariousFunctions.DeleteFile(xreturn.xIO.FileNameLong); return (xActive = false); }
internal ItemEntry(ItemEntry x) { xName = x.xName; xAccessed = x.xAccessed; xCreated = x.xCreated; xBlockCount = x.xBlockCount; xDirectoryOffset = x.xDirectoryOffset; xFlag = x.xFlag; xEntryID = x.xEntryID; xFolderPointer = x.xFolderPointer; xSize = x.xSize; xStartBlock = x.xStartBlock; xFlag = (byte)((x.FolderFlag ? 1 : 0) << 7 | (x.UnknownFlag ? 1 : 0) << 6 | xName.Length); xPackage = x.xPackage; }
internal ItemEntry(string NameIn, int SizeIn, bool xIsFolder, ushort xID, ushort xFolder, STFSPackage xPackageIn) { xPackage = xPackageIn; xEntryID = xID; xFolderPointer = xFolder; if (NameIn.Length >= 0x28) xName = NameIn.Substring(0, 0x28); else xName = NameIn; xFlag = (byte)(((xIsFolder ? 1 : 0) << 7) | xName.Length); DateTime x = DateTime.Now; xCreated = TimeStamps.FatTimeInt(x); xAccessed = xCreated; if (xIsFolder) { xSize = 0; xStartBlock = 0; xBlockCount = 0; } else { xSize = SizeIn; if (xSize != 0) xBlockCount = (uint)(((xSize - 1) / 0x1000) + 1); } }
internal ItemEntry(byte[] xDataIn, long DirectOffset, ushort xID, STFSPackage xPackageIn) { try { xPackage = xPackageIn; DJsIO xFileIO = new DJsIO(xDataIn, true); xFileIO.Position = 0; xEntryID = xID; xFileIO.Position = 0x28; xFlag = xFileIO.ReadByte(); if (xNameLength > 0x28) xNameLength = 0x28; xFileIO.Position = 0; if (xNameLength == 0) return; xName = xFileIO.ReadString(StringForm.ASCII, xNameLength); xName.IsValidXboxName(); xFileIO.Position = 0x2F; xStartBlock = xFileIO.ReadUInt24(false); xFolderPointer = xFileIO.ReadUInt16(); xSize = xFileIO.ReadInt32(); xBlockCount = (uint)(((xSize - 1) / 0x1000) + 1); xCreated = xFileIO.ReadInt32(); xAccessed = xFileIO.ReadInt32(); xDirectoryOffset = DirectOffset; } catch { xNameLength = 0; } }
private void installGamePackageToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.ShowDialog(); if (File.Exists(ofd.FileName)) { // Open STFS Package STFSPackage package = new STFSPackage(ofd.FileName, null); // Unpack Archive string titleName = package.Header.Title_Display; string path = "Games/" + titleName; if (Directory.Exists(path)) { package.CloseIO(); goto CheckXNA; } Directory.CreateDirectory(path); MessageBox.Show("Ex360E will now install the game package, this may take a while\n and may appear to stop responding. Please be patient."); package.ExtractPayload(path, true, false); package.CloseIO(); CheckXNA: path += "/Root/"; // Check if XNA title if (!Directory.Exists(path + "Runtime")) { MessageBox.Show("Package not supported\nOnly XBLA games created with XNA Game Studio currently work."); return; } // Check if supported string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(path + "Runtime"); string frameworkVersion = "Unsupported"; for (int i = 0; i < directories.Length; i++) { // Currently only supports XNA 3.1 if (directories[i].Contains("v3.1")) { frameworkVersion = "v3.1"; } } if (frameworkVersion == "Unsupported") { MessageBox.Show("Sorry, this game uses a currently unsupported version of the XNA Framework."); return; } // Decrypt XEX Files string[] xexFiles = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.xex", SearchOption.AllDirectories); for (int i = 0; i < xexFiles.Length; i++) { ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo("xextool.exe", "-b " + xexFiles[i].Replace(".xex", "") + " " + xexFiles[i]); info.CreateNoWindow = true; info.UseShellExecute = false; info.RedirectStandardOutput = true; Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo = info; proc.Start(); proc.WaitForExit(); } // Trim useless PE Headers, leaving .NET assemblies behind string[] dllFiles = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories); string[] exeFiles = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.exe", SearchOption.AllDirectories); for (int i = 0; i < dllFiles.Length; i++) { string tmpFileName = dllFiles[i] + ".tmp"; FileStream inStream = new FileStream(dllFiles[i], FileMode.Open); FileStream outStream; // Set position inStream.Position = 0x30000; // Read Magic Number byte[] magic = new Byte[2]; inStream.Read(magic ,0, 2); // Check for MZ Header if (magic[0] == 0x4D && magic[1] == 0x5A) { outStream = new FileStream(tmpFileName, FileMode.Create); // Reset Position inStream.Position = 0x30000; // Copy data to temporary file int bufferSize = (int)inStream.Length - 0x30000; byte[] outData = new byte[bufferSize]; inStream.Read(outData, 0, bufferSize); inStream.Close(); outStream.Write(outData, 0, bufferSize); outStream.Flush(); outStream.Close(); File.Delete(dllFiles[i]); File.Move(tmpFileName, dllFiles[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < exeFiles.Length; i++) { string tmpFileName = dllFiles[i] + ".tmp"; FileStream inStream = new FileStream(exeFiles[i], FileMode.Open); FileStream outStream; // Set position inStream.Position = 0x30000; // Read Magic Number byte[] magic = new Byte[2]; inStream.Read(magic, 0, 2); // Check for MZ Header if (magic[0] == 0x4D && magic[1] == 0x5A) { outStream = new FileStream(tmpFileName, FileMode.Create); // Reset Position inStream.Position = 0x30000; // Copy data to temporary file int bufferSize = (int)inStream.Length - 0x30000; byte[] outData = new byte[bufferSize]; inStream.Read(outData, 0, bufferSize); inStream.Close(); outStream.Write(outData, 0, bufferSize); outStream.Flush(); outStream.Close(); File.Delete(exeFiles[i]); File.Move(tmpFileName, exeFiles[i]); } } // Patch And Copy Runtime Files string[] XNALibs = Directory.GetFiles(path + "Runtime/" + frameworkVersion, "*.dll"); for (int i = 0; i < XNALibs.Length; i++) { // Patch files string patchFile = XNALibs[i].Replace(path, "Patches/") + ".xdelta"; string destFile = XNALibs[i].Replace("Runtime/" + frameworkVersion, ""); // If patch exists, apply it if (File.Exists(patchFile)) { ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo("xdelta", " -d -f -s " + XNALibs[i] + " " + patchFile + " " + destFile); info.CreateNoWindow = true; info.UseShellExecute = false; info.RedirectStandardOutput = true; Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo = info; proc.Start(); proc.WaitForExit(); } // Copy un-patched files if (!File.Exists(destFile)) { File.Move(XNALibs[i], XNALibs[i].Replace("Runtime/" + frameworkVersion, "")); } // Patch to remove assembly verification DisableStrongNameSignatures(destFile); } // Patch Game Files string[] GameFiles = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.*"); for (int i = 0; i < GameFiles.Length; i++) { // Patch files string patchFile = GameFiles[i].Replace(path, "Patches/Games/" + titleName + "/") + ".xdelta"; string destFile = GameFiles[i] + ".patched"; // If patch exists, apply it if (File.Exists(patchFile)) { ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo("xdelta", " -d -f -s " + GameFiles[i] + " " + patchFile + " " + destFile); info.CreateNoWindow = true; info.UseShellExecute = false; info.RedirectStandardOutput = true; Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo = info; proc.Start(); proc.WaitForExit(); File.Delete(GameFiles[i]); File.Move(destFile, GameFiles[i]); } DisableStrongNameSignatures(GameFiles[i]); } // Copy Xbox 360 Emulation libraries string[] X360Libs = Directory.GetFiles("XboxLibs", "*.dll"); for (int i = 0; i < X360Libs.Length; i++) { File.Copy(X360Libs[i], X360Libs[i].Replace("XboxLibs", path), true); } // Ask to create desktop shortcut to game // Ask if game should be launched now } }
/// <summary> /// Saves any changes made to the save data without resigning the container package (if any). /// </summary> public void SaveChanges(X360.STFS.STFSPackage package) { _saveData.Update(_rawPath); UpdateSTFS(package, null); }
private void BuildXboxPackage(string packageFileName, string saveFileName) { CreateSTFS Package = new CreateSTFS(); Package.STFSType = STFSType.Type1; Package.HeaderData.ProfileID = CurrentWSG.ProfileID; Package.HeaderData.DeviceID = CurrentWSG.DeviceID; Assembly newAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Stream WT_Icon = newAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("WillowTree.Resources.WT_CON.png"); Package.HeaderData.ContentImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(WT_Icon); Package.HeaderData.Title_Display = CurrentWSG.CharacterName + " - Level " + CurrentWSG.Level + " - " + CurrentLocation.Text; Package.HeaderData.Title_Package = "Borderlands"; Package.HeaderData.TitleID = 1414793191; Package.AddFile(saveFileName, "SaveGame.sav"); STFSPackage CON = new STFSPackage(Package, new RSAParams(AppDir + "\\Data\\KV.bin"), packageFileName, new X360.Other.LogRecord()); CON.FlushPackage(new RSAParams(AppDir + "\\Data\\KV.bin")); CON.CloseIO(); WT_Icon.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Saves any changes made to the save data, resigning the container package with the specified KV file. /// </summary> /// <param name="kvPath">The path to the KV file to resign with.</param> public void SaveChanges(X360.STFS.STFSPackage package, string kvPath) { SaveChanges(package, File.ReadAllBytes(kvPath)); }
static STFSPackage LoadSTFS(byte[] data) { DJsIO dj = new DJsIO(data, true); var ret = new STFSPackage(dj, null); if (ret.ParseSuccess == false) ret = null; return ret; }
void plugclick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string locale = VariousFunctions.GetUserFileLocale("Open a File", "", true); if (locale == null) return; // Integrate log choice STFSPackage x = new STFSPackage(locale, null); if (!x.ParseSuccess) return; try { ((LFPlugIn)((ToolStripItem)sender).Tag).xConst.Invoke(new object[] { x, (Form)this }); } catch (Exception z) { x.CloseIO(); MessageBox.Show(z.Message); } }
internal FolderEntry(string NameIn, int SizeIn, ushort xID, ushort xFolder, STFSPackage xPackageIn) : base(NameIn, SizeIn, true, xID, xFolder, xPackageIn) { }
void ReadFile(string file) { try { switch (VariousFunctions.ReadFileType(file)) { case XboxFileType.STFS: { LogRecord x = new LogRecord(); STFSPackage xPackage = new STFSPackage(file, x); if (!xPackage.ParseSuccess) return; PackageExplorer xExplorer = new PackageExplorer(this); xExplorer.listBox4.Items.AddRange(x.Log); x.WhenLogged += new LogRecord.OnLog(xExplorer.xAddLog); xExplorer.set(ref xPackage); xExplorer.Show(); } break; case XboxFileType.SVOD: { SVODPackage hd = new SVODPackage(file, null); if (!hd.IsValid) return; HDDGameForm frm = new HDDGameForm(hd, file, this); frm.MdiParent = this; frm.Show(); } break; case XboxFileType.Music: { MusicFile xfile = new MusicFile(file); MusicView xview = new MusicView(this, file, xfile); xview.MdiParent = this; xview.Show(); } break; case XboxFileType.GPD: { GameGPD y = new GameGPD(file, 0xFFFFFFFF); GPDViewer z = new GPDViewer(y, file, this); z.MdiParent = this; z.Show(); } break; case XboxFileType.FATX: { FATXDrive xdrive = new FATXDrive(file); Files.Add(file); FATXBrowser y = new FATXBrowser(xdrive, file, this); y.MdiParent = this; y.Show(); } break; case XboxFileType.GDF: { StatsForm x = new StatsForm(0); x.Text = "Select Deviation"; if (x.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; GDFImage ximg = new GDFImage(file, x.ChosenID); if (!ximg.Valid) throw new Exception("Invalid package"); GDFViewer xViewer = new GDFViewer(ximg, this); xViewer.MdiParent = this; xViewer.Show(); } break; default: MessageBox.Show("Error: Unknown file"); return; } Files.Add(file); } catch (Exception x) { MessageBox.Show(x.Message); } }
private static void UnpackXBox360Package(string sourceFileName, string savePath, Platform platform) { LogRecord x = new LogRecord(); STFSPackage xboxPackage = new STFSPackage(sourceFileName, x); if (!xboxPackage.ParseSuccess) throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid Rocksmith XBox 360 package!" + Environment.NewLine + x.Log); var rootDir = Path.Combine(savePath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFileName)) + String.Format("_{0}", platform.platform.ToString()); xboxPackage.ExtractPayload(rootDir, true, true); foreach (var fileName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.Combine(rootDir, ROOT_XBox360))) { if (Path.GetExtension(fileName) == ".psarc") { using (var outputFileStream = File.OpenRead(fileName)) { ExtractPSARC(fileName, Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName), outputFileStream, new Platform(GamePlatform.XBox360, GameVersion.None), false); } } if (File.Exists(fileName) && Path.GetExtension(fileName) == ".psarc") File.Delete(fileName); } xboxPackage.CloseIO(); }
internal FileEntry(string NameIn, int SizeIn, bool xIsFolder, ushort xID, ushort xFolder, STFSPackage xPackageIn) : base(NameIn, SizeIn, xIsFolder, xID, xFolder, xPackageIn) { }
/// <summary> /// Saves any changes made to the save data, resigning the container package with the specified KV. /// </summary> /// <param name="kvData">The KV data to resign with</param> public void SaveChanges(X360.STFS.STFSPackage package, byte[] kvData) { _saveData.Update(_rawPath); UpdateSTFS(package, kvData); }
internal HeaderData(STFSPackage xPackage, PackageMagic MagicType) { read(xPackage.xIO, xPackage, MagicType); }
public void importfromprofile() { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Title = "Open a xbox 360 profile"; dialog.Filter = "Xbox 360 profile|*.*"; DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) // Test result. { try { DJsIO io = new DJsIO(dialog.FileName, DJFileMode.Open, true); io.Position = 0x371; this.Profileid = io.ReadHexString(8); io.Close(); //xPackage3.STFS.Package sts = new xPackage3.STFS.Package(dialog.FileName); STFSPackage stfs = new STFSPackage(dialog.FileName, null); ProfilePackage xFile = new ProfilePackage(ref stfs); string gamertag = xFile.UserFile.GetGamertag(); this.ProfileName = gamertag; xFile.CloseIO(); stfs.CloseIO(); //this.Profileid = stfs.Header.Title_Package; } catch (Exception e) { } } }
public XBoxUniqueID(string FileName) { BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.Open(FileName, FileMode.Open), Encoding.ASCII); string Magic = new string(br.ReadChars(3)); if (Magic != "CON") { throw new FileFormatException(); } br.Close(); br = null; STFSPackage CON = new STFSPackage(new DJsIO(FileName, DJFileMode.Open, true), new X360.Other.LogRecord()); ProfileID = CON.Header.ProfileID; DeviceID = CON.Header.DeviceID; CON.CloseIO(); }