public void UpdateGame(GameTime gametime) { //Updates the player _player.Update(gametime, mBoard[(int)_player.PosX, _player.PosY]); this.gameInfo.SetStatus(_player.playerLoc); //Checks if a Transition was just made, if so prepares for the next transition if (boardTransition == false && _player.transition == false) { boardTransition = true; } screenTransition(); //Checks if a player is between tiles, currently also manages if a player is moving into a tile that they would die in if (_player.isBetweenTiles()) { try { mBoard[(int)_player.DestinationX, _player.DestinationY]._explored = true; if (entityMap[(int)_player.DestinationX, _player.DestinationY] != null && _player.goingToDie == false) { entityMap[(int)_player.DestinationX, _player.DestinationY].visible = true; if (entityMap[(int)_player.DestinationX, _player.DestinationY].Kill == true) { _player.goingToDie = true; if (entityMap[(int)_player.DestinationX, _player.DestinationY].ENTITY_ASSETNAME == "Wumpus") { _player.playerLog.Add("Player Killed by Wumpus!"); } else { _player.playerLog.Add("Player killed by Pit!"); } _player.listUpdated = true; _player.Score = 0; // Record reward for Q learning & play again - DMC if (QLearning) { EndGameCarryingGold = PlayerCarryingGold; EndGameRewardState = RewardState.PlayerDied; EndGameAction = LastAction; EndGameX = _player.PosX; EndGameY = _player.PosY; currentRewardState = RewardState.PlayerDied; PlayAgain(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _player.playerLog.Add("Error: " + ex.Message); } } //If the player fired an arrow, check which direction it was fired, then check if a wumpus was // within 5ish blocks in that direction (might make an infinite arrow range option later, on larger maps it could make searching // for many wumpus' more reasonable) if (_player.firedArrow == true) { if (_player.lastAction.CurrentCommand == Action.Command.ShootLeft) { int check; if (_player.PosX - 5 >= 0) { check = _player.PosX - 5; } else { check = 0; } for (int x = _player.PosX; x >= check; x--) { checkWumpus(x, true); } } else if (_player.lastAction.CurrentCommand == Action.Command.ShootRight) { int check; if (_player.PosX + 5 <= boardX) { check = _player.PosX + 5; } else { check = boardX; } for (int x = _player.PosX; x < check; x++) { checkWumpus(x, true); } } else if (_player.lastAction.CurrentCommand == Action.Command.ShootUp) { int check; if (_player.PosY - 5 >= 0) { check = _player.PosY - 5; } else { check = 0; } for (int y = _player.PosY; y >= check; y--) { checkWumpus(y, false); } } else if (_player.lastAction.CurrentCommand == Action.Command.ShootDown) { int check; if (_player.PosY + 5 <= boardY) { check = _player.PosY + 5; } else { check = boardY; } for (int y = _player.PosY; y < boardY; y++) { checkWumpus(y, false); } } _player.ArrowReset(); } //If picking_up and there is treasure, pick it up if (_player.picking_up == true && entityMap[_player.PosX, _player.PosY] != null && entityMap[_player.PosX, _player.PosY].ENTITY_ASSETNAME == "Treasure") { entityMap[_player.PosX, _player.PosY] = null; _player.Score += boardX * boardY * 2; _player.playerLog.Add("Player picked up the Gold! +" + boardX * boardY * 2 + " Points"); _player.listUpdated = true; // Record reward for Q learning - DMC if (QLearning) { LastCarryingGold = false; currentRewardState = RewardState.PickedUpGold; } } // Record reward for Q learning - DMC else if (QLearning && _player.PosX == 0 && _player.PosY == (boardY - 1) && Game.Instance.PlayerCarryingGold) { _player.playerLog.Add("Player reached Base with GOLD! "); // _player.listUpdated = true; currentRewardState = RewardState.FoundBaseWithGold; LastCarryingGold = true; } else { _player.picking_up = false; // Record reward for Q learning - DMC if (QLearning) { if (Game.Instance.GetTile(_player.PosX, _player.PosY)._gold&& entityMap[_player.PosX, _player.PosY] != null && !PlayerCarryingGold && currentRewardState == RewardState.Playing) { LastCarryingGold = false; currentRewardState = RewardState.FoundGold; } _player.playerLog.Add(currentRewardState.ToString()); } } //If player is going to die, and they are at destination (wumpus or pit), Kill them if (_player.goingToDie == true && _player.DestinationX == _player.PosX && _player.DestinationY == _player.PosY) { _player.dead(); // Record reward for Q learning - DMC if (QLearning) { EndGameCarryingGold = PlayerCarryingGold; EndGameRewardState = RewardState.PlayerDied; EndGameAction = LastAction; EndGameX = _player.PosX; EndGameY = _player.PosY; currentRewardState = RewardState.PlayerDied; _player.playerLog.Add(currentRewardState.ToString()); } } //If player's score < 0 kill them if (_player.Score < 0) { _player.dead(); _player.goingToDie = true; _player.playerLog.Add("Player Starved to Death!"); _player.listUpdated = true; // Record reward for Q learning - DMC if (QLearning) { // If you starve, don't apply the penalty to this action... just terminate the trial - DMC currentRewardState = RewardState.Playing; _player.playerLog.Add(currentRewardState.ToString()); PlayAgain(); } } //Updates the List and score! if (_player.listUpdated == true) { gameInfo.UpdateList(); gameInfo.UpdateScore(_player.Score); _player.listUpdated = false; } //Calculates the lighting calcLight(); }
public void LoadGame() { if (QLearning) { SetupQLearning(); } // added for Q learning....... // DMC //Loads Font header1 = _content.Load<SpriteFont>("Header1"); //Loads the Player if (QLearning) { _player = new Player(boardY - 1, SCREEN, FAST_SPEED); } // fast for QLearning - DMC else { _player = new Player(boardY - 1, SCREEN); } // else regular speed & DStar by default- DMC _player.LoadContent(_content); //Load Game Control gameInfo = new GameControl(); gameInfo.setSeed(settingMenu.seed); gameInfo.SetOutputList(_player.playerLog); gameInfo.UpdateScore(_player.Score); gameInfo.SetStatus(""); if (QLearning) { gameInfo.SetLearningTrialDisplay(gameCounter, QLearningTrials, QLearning, winCounter); } // added Q Learning display gameInfo.Show(); //Loads the Board Sprite mRoom = new Sprite(); bool visible = settingMenu.allVisible; bool autoPlay = settingMenu.autoPlay; Random rand = new Random(settingMenu.seed); //Gets the # of pits, wumpus, and gold double pitLow = (((double)boardX * (double)boardY) / 100) * settingMenu.pitLower; double pitHigh = (((double)boardX * (double)boardY) / 100) * settingMenu.pitHigher; int pits = rand.Next((int)pitLow, (int)pitHigh); int wumpus = settingMenu.wumpus; int gold =; bool top = false; bool bottom = false; bool left = false; bool right = false; //Prepares the tiles for (int x = 0; x < boardX; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < boardY; y++) { string _resource; if (x == 0 & y == 0) { _resource = "RoomTileLeftTop"; left = true; top = true; bottom = false; right = false; } else if (x == 0 & y == boardY - 1) { _resource = "RoomTileLeftBot"; bottom = true; left = true; right = false; top = false; } else if (x == boardX - 1 && y == 0) { _resource = "RoomTileRightTop"; right = true; top = true; left = false; bottom = false; } else if (x == boardX - 1 && y == boardY - 1) { _resource = "RoomTileRightBot"; right = true; bottom = true; left = false; top = false; } else if (x == 0) { _resource = "RoomTileLeft"; left = true; top = false; bottom = false; right = false; } else if (y == 0) { _resource = "RoomTileTop"; top = true; bottom = false; left = false; right = false; } else if (y == boardY - 1) { _resource = "RoomTileBot"; bottom = true; top = false; left = false; right = false; } else if (x == boardX - 1) { _resource = "RoomTileRight"; right = true; top = false; bottom = false; left = false; } else { _resource = "RoomTile"; top = false; bottom = false; left = false; right = false; } mBoard[x, y] = new Tile(x, y, visible, top, bottom, right, left); mBoard[x, y].LoadContent(_content, _resource); if (y == boardY - 1 && x == 0) { mBoard[x, y]._explored = true; } } } //Prepares the Pits while (pits != 0) { int x = rand.Next(0, boardX); int y = rand.Next(0, boardY); if (entityMap[x, y] == null && !(x == 0 && y == boardY - 1)) { EntityPit ep = new EntityPit(x, y, visible); ep.LoadContent(_content); entityMap[x, y] = ep; if (x - 1 >= 0) mBoard[x - 1, y]._breeze = true; if (y - 1 >= 0) mBoard[x, y - 1]._breeze = true; if (x + 1 < boardX) mBoard[x + 1, y]._breeze = true; if (y + 1 < boardY) mBoard[x, y + 1]._breeze = true; pits--; if (QLearning) { originalPits.Add(new Point(x, y)); }// record pits for repeated trials - DMC } } //Prepares the Gold while (gold != 0) { int x = rand.Next(0, boardX); int y = rand.Next(0, boardY); if (entityMap[x, y] == null && !(x == 0 && y == boardY - 1)) { EntityGold eg = new EntityGold(x, y, visible); eg.LoadContent(_content); entityMap[x, y] = eg; mBoard[x, y]._gold = true; gold--; if (QLearning) { originalGold.Add(new Point(x, y)); } // record gold for repeated trials - DMC } } //Prepares the Wumpus while (wumpus != 0) { int x = rand.Next(0, boardX); int y = rand.Next(0, boardY); if (entityMap[x, y] == null && !(x == 0 && y == boardY - 1)) { EntityWumpus ep = new EntityWumpus(x, y, visible); ep.LoadContent(_content); entityMap[x, y] = ep; if (x - 1 >= 0) mBoard[x - 1, y]._stench = true; if (y - 1 >= 0) mBoard[x, y - 1]._stench = true; if (x + 1 < boardX) mBoard[x + 1, y]._stench = true; if (y + 1 < boardY) mBoard[x, y + 1]._stench = true; wumpus--; if (QLearning) { originalWumpi.Add(new Point(x, y)); }// record wumpi for repeated trials - DMC } } // sets the base - DMC mBoard[0, 4].IsBase = true; }
public void LoadGame() { if (QLearning) { SetupQLearning(); } // added for Q learning....... // DMC //Loads Font header1 = _content.Load <SpriteFont>("Header1"); //Loads the Player if (QLearning) { _player = new Player(boardY - 1, SCREEN, FAST_SPEED); } // fast for QLearning - DMC else { _player = new Player(boardY - 1, SCREEN); } // else regular speed & DStar by default- DMC _player.LoadContent(_content); //Load Game Control gameInfo = new GameControl(); gameInfo.setSeed(settingMenu.seed); gameInfo.SetOutputList(_player.playerLog); gameInfo.UpdateScore(_player.Score); gameInfo.SetStatus(""); if (QLearning) { gameInfo.SetLearningTrialDisplay(gameCounter, QLearningTrials, QLearning, winCounter); } // added Q Learning display gameInfo.Show(); //Loads the Board Sprite mRoom = new Sprite(); bool visible = settingMenu.allVisible; bool autoPlay = settingMenu.autoPlay; Random rand = new Random(settingMenu.seed); //Gets the # of pits, wumpus, and gold double pitLow = (((double)boardX * (double)boardY) / 100) * settingMenu.pitLower; double pitHigh = (((double)boardX * (double)boardY) / 100) * settingMenu.pitHigher; int pits = rand.Next((int)pitLow, (int)pitHigh); int wumpus = settingMenu.wumpus; int gold =; bool top = false; bool bottom = false; bool left = false; bool right = false; //Prepares the tiles for (int x = 0; x < boardX; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < boardY; y++) { string _resource; if (x == 0 & y == 0) { _resource = "RoomTileLeftTop"; left = true; top = true; bottom = false; right = false; } else if (x == 0 & y == boardY - 1) { _resource = "RoomTileLeftBot"; bottom = true; left = true; right = false; top = false; } else if (x == boardX - 1 && y == 0) { _resource = "RoomTileRightTop"; right = true; top = true; left = false; bottom = false; } else if (x == boardX - 1 && y == boardY - 1) { _resource = "RoomTileRightBot"; right = true; bottom = true; left = false; top = false; } else if (x == 0) { _resource = "RoomTileLeft"; left = true; top = false; bottom = false; right = false; } else if (y == 0) { _resource = "RoomTileTop"; top = true; bottom = false; left = false; right = false; } else if (y == boardY - 1) { _resource = "RoomTileBot"; bottom = true; top = false; left = false; right = false; } else if (x == boardX - 1) { _resource = "RoomTileRight"; right = true; top = false; bottom = false; left = false; } else { _resource = "RoomTile"; top = false; bottom = false; left = false; right = false; } mBoard[x, y] = new Tile(x, y, visible, top, bottom, right, left); mBoard[x, y].LoadContent(_content, _resource); if (y == boardY - 1 && x == 0) { mBoard[x, y]._explored = true; } } } //Prepares the Pits while (pits != 0) { int x = rand.Next(0, boardX); int y = rand.Next(0, boardY); if (entityMap[x, y] == null && !(x == 0 && y == boardY - 1)) { EntityPit ep = new EntityPit(x, y, visible); ep.LoadContent(_content); entityMap[x, y] = ep; if (x - 1 >= 0) { mBoard[x - 1, y]._breeze = true; } if (y - 1 >= 0) { mBoard[x, y - 1]._breeze = true; } if (x + 1 < boardX) { mBoard[x + 1, y]._breeze = true; } if (y + 1 < boardY) { mBoard[x, y + 1]._breeze = true; } pits--; if (QLearning) { originalPits.Add(new Point(x, y)); } // record pits for repeated trials - DMC } } //Prepares the Gold while (gold != 0) { int x = rand.Next(0, boardX); int y = rand.Next(0, boardY); if (entityMap[x, y] == null && !(x == 0 && y == boardY - 1)) { EntityGold eg = new EntityGold(x, y, visible); eg.LoadContent(_content); entityMap[x, y] = eg; mBoard[x, y]._gold = true; gold--; if (QLearning) { originalGold.Add(new Point(x, y)); } // record gold for repeated trials - DMC } } //Prepares the Wumpus while (wumpus != 0) { int x = rand.Next(0, boardX); int y = rand.Next(0, boardY); if (entityMap[x, y] == null && !(x == 0 && y == boardY - 1)) { EntityWumpus ep = new EntityWumpus(x, y, visible); ep.LoadContent(_content); entityMap[x, y] = ep; if (x - 1 >= 0) { mBoard[x - 1, y]._stench = true; } if (y - 1 >= 0) { mBoard[x, y - 1]._stench = true; } if (x + 1 < boardX) { mBoard[x + 1, y]._stench = true; } if (y + 1 < boardY) { mBoard[x, y + 1]._stench = true; } wumpus--; if (QLearning) { originalWumpi.Add(new Point(x, y)); } // record wumpi for repeated trials - DMC } } // sets the base - DMC mBoard[0, 4].IsBase = true; }