public static DataTable GetWarehouseByID(string strUserID) { DataTable dtWarehouse=null ; //保存返回的仓库列表 string strSql = string.Format("select * from [wms_user_warehouse] a, wms_warehouse b where a.user_name='{0}' and a.warehouse_code=b.warehouse_code order by b.warehouse_name", strUserID);//sql语句 try { //调用DBSqlserver类 DBSqlServer db = new DBSqlServer(); db.CommandText = strSql; db.HandleExceptions = true; //开启处理错误 DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(); //访问数据库 if (db.LastError.Length == 0)//若数据访问过程中未出错 { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)//若查询到结果 { dtWarehouse = ds.Tables[0]; //保存返回的仓库数据集 } } } catch//出错处理 { dtWarehouse = null; } return dtWarehouse; }
/// <summary> /// 根据用户名获取用户权限 /// </summary> /// <param name="strID">用户名</param> /// <returns>返回权限</returns> public static string GetUserAuthByID(string strID) { string strAuth = ""; //保存返回的权限 string strSql = string.Format(@"select chinese_name from [auth_user] where user_name='{0}'", strID);//sql语句 try { //调用DBSqlserver类 DBSqlServer db = new DBSqlServer(); db.CommandText = strSql; db.HandleExceptions = true; //开启处理错误 DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(); //访问数据库 if (db.LastError.Length == 0)//若数据访问过程中未出错 { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)//若查询到结果 { strAuth = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); //保存返回的姓名 } } } catch//出错处理 { strAuth = ""; } return strAuth; }
public static DataTable GetCustomerByID(string strUserID) { DataTable dtCustomer = null; //保存返回的客户列表 string strSql = string.Format("select (a.customer_code+'||'+b.customer_name) as customer_whole_name,* from [wms_user_customer] a, wms_customer b where a.user_name='{0}' and a.customer_code=b.customer_code order by customer_whole_name", strUserID);//sql语句 try { //调用DBSqlserver类 DBSqlServer db = new DBSqlServer(); db.CommandText = strSql; db.HandleExceptions = true; //开启处理错误 DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(); //访问数据库 if (db.LastError.Length == 0)//若数据访问过程中未出错 { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)//若查询到结果 { dtCustomer = ds.Tables[0]; //保存返回的客户数据集 } } } catch//出错处理 { dtCustomer = null; } return dtCustomer; }
public static DataTable VerifyProductCode(string productcode,string customercode) { DataTable dtProduct = null; //保存返回的产品列表 string strSql = string.Format("select product_code,product_name from [wms_product] where product_code='{0}' and customer_code='{1}'", productcode, customercode);//sql语句 try { //调用DBSqlserver类 DBSqlServer db = new DBSqlServer(); db.CommandText = strSql; db.HandleExceptions = true; //开启处理错误 DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(); //访问数据库 if (db.LastError.Length == 0)//若数据访问过程中未出错 { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)//若查询到结果 { dtProduct = ds.Tables[0]; //保存返回的客户数据集 } } } catch//出错处理 { dtProduct = null; } return dtProduct; }
public static DataTable GetASNHeader(string WarehouseCode, string ASNStatus, string CustomerCode, string RevStatus, string CostStatus, string ProductName, string RefNo, string DO, string GateInDateFrom, string GateInDateTo, string LotNo, string FlowNo) { DataTable dtASNHeader = null; //保存返回的ASN列表 //if (GateInDateFrom == "") //{ GateInDateFrom = "1900-1-1"; //} if (GateInDateTo == "") { DateTime dt = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); GateInDateTo = dt.ToString(); } /* string strSql = string.Format( @"select * from [wms_in_bill_master] a, [wms_in_bill_detail] b,[wms_customer] c,[wms_product] d,[auth_user] e where a.customer_code=c.customer_code and a.operate_person_id=e.user_id and a.bill_no=b.bill_no and b.product_code=d.product_code and a.warehouse_code like '%{0}%' and a.status like '%{1}%' and c.customer_code like '%{2}%' and d.product_name like '%{5}%' and a.[customized_field1] like '%{6}%' and a.update_time >='{8}' and a.update_time<='{9}' and isnull(b.[customized_field1],'') like '%{10}%' and isnull(b.[customized_field2],'') like '%{11}%' order by c.customer_name,d.product_code,d.product_name,b.real_quantity,a.update_time", WarehouseCode, ASNStatus, CustomerCode, RevStatus, CostStatus, ProductName, RefNo, //Master表中的customized_field1 DO, GateInDateFrom, GateInDateTo, LotNo, //Detail表中的customized_field1, FlowNo);//Detail表中的customized_field2,如果是残损会加P在后面 */ string strSql = string.Format( @"select distinct a.bill_no,a.bill_date,e.user_name,c.customer_code,c.customer_name,a.status from [wms_in_bill_master] a, [wms_in_bill_detail] b,[wms_customer] c,[wms_product] d,[auth_user] e where a.customer_code=c.customer_code and a.operate_person_id=e.user_id and a.bill_no=b.bill_no and b.product_code=d.product_code and a.warehouse_code like '%{0}%' and a.status like '%{1}%' and c.customer_code like '%{2}%' and d.product_name like '%{5}%' and a.[customized_field1] like '%{6}%' and a.update_time >='{8}' and a.update_time<='{9}' and isnull(b.[customized_field1],'') like '%{10}%' and isnull(b.[customized_field2],'') like '%{11}%' order by a.bill_no", WarehouseCode, ASNStatus, CustomerCode, RevStatus, CostStatus, ProductName, RefNo, //Master表中的customized_field1 DO, GateInDateFrom, GateInDateTo, LotNo, //Detail表中的customized_field1, FlowNo);//Detail表中的customized_field2,如果是残损会加P在后面 //sql语句 try { //调用DBSqlserver类 DBSqlServer db = new DBSqlServer(); db.CommandText = strSql; db.HandleExceptions = true; //开启处理错误 DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(); //访问数据库 if (db.LastError.Length == 0)//若数据访问过程中未出错 { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)//若查询到结果 { dtASNHeader = ds.Tables[0]; //保存返回的ASN数据集 } } } catch//出错处理 { dtASNHeader = null; } return dtASNHeader; }
public static Boolean UpdateASNGR(string GRlineNo,string strField,string value) { Boolean resultUpdateGR=false ; //保存返回是否更改成功,true为成功,false为失败 string strSql = string.Format( @"update wms_in_bill_allot set {1}={2} where id='{0}'", GRlineNo); //sql语句 try { //调用DBSqlserver类 DBSqlServer db = new DBSqlServer(); db.CommandText = strSql; db.HandleExceptions = true; //开启处理错误 DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(); //访问数据库 if (db.LastError.Length == 0)//若数据访问过程中未出错 { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)//若查询到结果 { resultUpdateGR = true; //保存返回的ASN收货列表GR } } } catch//出错处理 { resultUpdateGR = false; } return resultUpdateGR; }
public static DataTable GetASNGR(string BillNo) { DataTable dtASNGR = null; //保存返回的ASN 收货列表GR string strSql = string.Format( @"select, a.cell_code,a.product_code,b.product_name,a.unit_code,a.allot_quantity,a.real_quantity,a.cbm,a.net_weight,a.gross_weight,a.customized_field1 from [wms_in_bill_allot] a,[wms_product] b where a.bill_no='{0}' and a.product_code=b.product_code order by product_code", BillNo); //sql语句 try { //调用DBSqlserver类 DBSqlServer db = new DBSqlServer(); db.CommandText = strSql; db.HandleExceptions = true; //开启处理错误 DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(); //访问数据库 if (db.LastError.Length == 0)//若数据访问过程中未出错 { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)//若查询到结果 { dtASNGR = ds.Tables[0]; //保存返回的ASN收货列表GR } } } catch//出错处理 { dtASNGR = null; } return dtASNGR; }
public static DataTable GetASNCost(string BillNo) { DataTable dtASNCost = null; //保存返回的ASN 应收明细列表 //if (GateInDateFrom == "") //{ string strSql = string.Format( @"select b.charge_item,b.charge_desc,b.rate,b.measurement,b.quantity,b.amount,b.adjust_amount,a.update_time from [wms_billing_master] a,wms_billing_detail b where a.[ref_bill_no]='{0}' and a.bill_no=b.bill_no and a.type_code='AP'", BillNo); //sql语句 try { //调用DBSqlserver类 DBSqlServer db = new DBSqlServer(); db.CommandText = strSql; db.HandleExceptions = true; //开启处理错误 DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(); //访问数据库 if (db.LastError.Length == 0)//若数据访问过程中未出错 { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)//若查询到结果 { dtASNCost = ds.Tables[0]; //保存返回的ASN应收数据集 } } } catch//出错处理 { dtASNCost = null; } return dtASNCost; }
public static DataTable GetASNDetail(string BillNo) { DataTable dtASNDetail = null; //保存返回的ASN 明细列表 //if (GateInDateFrom == "") //{ string strSql = string.Format( @"select a.product_code,b.product_name as 品名,a.unit_code,a.bill_quantity,a.cbm,a.net_weight,a.gross_weight,a.description,a.customized_field1 from [wms_in_bill_detail] a,[wms_product] b where a.bill_no='{0}' and a.product_code=b.product_code order by product_code", BillNo); //sql语句 try { //调用DBSqlserver类 DBSqlServer db = new DBSqlServer(); db.CommandText = strSql; db.HandleExceptions = true; //开启处理错误 DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(); //访问数据库 if (db.LastError.Length == 0)//若数据访问过程中未出错 { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)//若查询到结果 { dtASNDetail = ds.Tables[0]; //保存返回的ASN数据集 } } } catch//出错处理 { dtASNDetail = null; } return dtASNDetail; }