private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { WMSServiceClient serv = new WMSServiceClient(); if (rdOpt.IsChecked == true) { // make the Count document if (Products == null || Products.Rows.Count == 0) { Util.ShowError("Records not selected"); return; } NewTask(); } else { //// make the schedule if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Query)) { Util.ShowError("Records not selected"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTitle.Text)) { Util.ShowError("Name or Reference is required"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSchDateFrom.Text)) { Util.ShowError("Start Date is required"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSchDateTo.Text)) { Util.ShowError("End Date is required"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFrecuency.Text)) { Util.ShowError("Frecuency field is required"); return; } if (txtSchDateFrom.SelectedDate >= txtSchDateTo.SelectedDate) { Util.ShowError("End Date must be older than Start Date"); return; } // CAA [2010/05/05] Valida que se incluyan las columnas necesarias en el reporte if (cboToDo.SelectedIndex == 0) //Only BIN { if (!Query.Contains("as BinCode")) { Util.ShowError("BinCode column missing."); return; } } else if (cboToDo.SelectedIndex == 1) // BIN & PRODUCT { if (!Query.Contains("as BinCode") || (!Query.Contains("as Product FROM") && !Query.Contains("as Product,"))) { Util.ShowError("BinCode and/or Product columns are missing."); return; } } CountSchedule sch = new CountSchedule { Start = txtSchDateFrom.SelectedDate.Value, // DateTime.Parse(txtSchDateFrom.Text); Finish = txtSchDateTo.SelectedDate.Value, // DateTime.Parse(txtSchDateTo.Text); NextDateRun = txtSchDateFrom.SelectedDate.Value, //.AddDays(double.Parse(txtFrecuency.Text)); IsDone = false, Query = Query, Parameters = queryParam.GetXml(), RepeatEach = short.Parse(txtFrecuency.Text), CreatedBy = App.curUser.UserName, CreationDate = DateTime.Now, Location = App.curLocation, CountOption = cboToDo.SelectedIndex, Title = txtTitle.Text }; sch = serv.SaveCountSchedule(sch); Util.ShowMessage("Cycle Count Scheduled."); } ClosePopup(); }