コード例 #1
        private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) //event that happens when button is clicked
            string  station    = cmbxStationStrChooser.Text;           //gets input from user
            string  result     = string.Empty;                         //empty string
            Station resultStat = new Station();                        //creates new Station Object

            if (radStatName.IsChecked == true)                         //if StationName checkbox is checked
                resultStat = Guide.SearchByStationName(station);       //search for the input station code based on inputted station name
            else //else if StationCode checkbox is checked
                resultStat = Guide.SearchByStationCd(station); //search by station code based on user input

            foreach (string StationCodeStr in resultStat.StationCode) //foreach loop
                result += Guide.DisplayRoute(StationCodeStr);         //output string
                result += "\r\n";

            DisplayResults LineResult = new DisplayResults();                                                                           //create new instance of DisplayResults object

            LineResult.Show();                                                                                                          //show DisplayResults window
            LineResult.txtBoxDisplay.Text     = "Displaying Line : \r\n" + "# - Represents the station that you selected\r\n" + result; //display output in textbox in DisplayResults window
            LineResult.tripDetails.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            this.Hide();                                                                                                                //hides current windoxw
コード例 #2
        public static string initTraverseDijkstra(int sourceGraphIndex, int destinationGraphIndex) //find route.  Dijikstra algorithm referenced from here: https://www.codingame.com/playgrounds/1608/shortest-paths-with-dijkstras-algorithm/dijkstras-algorithm
            double[,] distanceTable = new double[size, 2];                                         //the first column will have the distance of that node from the starting node, the second column is the index of the node that came before it.
            List <int> visitedIndex = new List <int>();                                            //new list

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)                                                         //for loop
                distanceTable[i, 0] = int.MaxValue;
                distanceTable[i, 1] = -1;
            distanceTable[sourceGraphIndex, 0] = 0;                                                                    //Distance from the starting station from the starting station is 0, thus setting it.
            int currentNodeIndex = sourceGraphIndex;                                                                   //sets value of current node index to value of the source graph index

            TraverseDijkstra(distanceTable, visitedIndex, currentNodeIndex);                                           //Calling Dijkstra method

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)                                                                             //for loop
                Console.WriteLine("{0} - Distance:{1} - Comes From:{2}", i, distanceTable[i, 0], distanceTable[i, 1]); //for debug to list the entire distance table value

            List <int> routeGraphIndex = new List <int>()
            };                                                                     //new list
            int currentIndex = destinationGraphIndex;

            while (currentIndex != sourceGraphIndex) //while loop
                currentIndex = (int)distanceTable[currentIndex, 1];
                routeGraphIndex.Add(currentIndex); //add current index to routeGraphIndex list

            routeGraphIndex.Reverse();                           //reverses the routeGraphIndex list

            List <Station> routeStation = new List <Station>();  //new list

            foreach (int gI in routeGraphIndex)                  //foreach loop
                routeStation.Add(SearchByStationGraphIndex(gI)); //add station objects to the routeStation list

            List <string> routeStationCd = new List <string>(); //new list

            for (int idx = 0; idx < routeStation.Count; idx++)  //for loop
                string prevStatLineCd = "";
                string nextStatLineCd = "";
                if ((idx == 0) && (routeStation[idx].IsInterchange))             //if index = 0 and the station is an interchange
                    List <string> stationLineCd = new List <string>();           //new list
                    foreach (string statCd in routeStation[idx].StationCode)     //foreach loop
                        stationLineCd.Add(statCd.Substring(0, 2));               //add station code to the stationLineCd list
                    foreach (string statCd in routeStation[idx + 1].StationCode) //foreach loop
                        if (stationLineCd.Contains(statCd.Substring(0, 2)))      //if stationLineCd list contains station code of next station in routeStation list
                            nextStatLineCd = statCd.Substring(0, 2);             //set nextStatLineCd to be equals to the station code

                    foreach (string statCd in routeStation[idx].StationCode) //foreach loop
                        if (statCd.Contains(nextStatLineCd))                 //if routeStation list contains nextStatLineCd station code
                            routeStationCd.Add(statCd);                      //add the station code found to the routeStationCd list
                else if ((idx == routeStation.Count - 1) && (routeStation[idx].IsInterchange)) //else if
                    List <string> stationLineCd = new List <string>();                         //new list
                    foreach (string statCd in routeStation[idx].StationCode)                   //foreach loop
                        stationLineCd.Add(statCd.Substring(0, 2));                             //add station code to the stationLineCd list
                    foreach (string statCd in routeStation[idx - 1].StationCode)               //foreach loop
                        if (stationLineCd.Contains(statCd.Substring(0, 2)))                    //if stationLineCd list contains station code of previous station in routeStation list
                            prevStatLineCd = statCd.Substring(0, 2);                           //set prevStatLineCd to be equals to the station code

                    foreach (string statCd in routeStation[idx].StationCode) //foreach loop
                        if (statCd.Contains(prevStatLineCd))                 //if routeStation List contains prevStatLineCd station code
                            routeStationCd.Add(statCd);                      //add station code to the routeStationCd list
                else if (routeStation[idx].IsInterchange)                    //else if station in RouteStation list is an interchange
                    List <string> stationLineCd = new List <string>();       //new list
                    foreach (string statCd in routeStation[idx].StationCode) //foreach loop
                        stationLineCd.Add(statCd.Substring(0, 2));           //add stationcode to stationLineCd list

                    foreach (string statCd in routeStation[idx - 1].StationCode) //foreach loop
                        if (stationLineCd.Contains(statCd.Substring(0, 2)))      //if stationLineCd list contains station code of previous station in routeStation list
                            prevStatLineCd = statCd.Substring(0, 2);             //set prevStatLineCd to be equal to the station code

                    foreach (string statCd in routeStation[idx + 1].StationCode) //foreach loop
                        if (stationLineCd.Contains(statCd.Substring(0, 2)))      //if stationLineCd list contains station code of next station in routeStation list
                            nextStatLineCd = statCd.Substring(0, 2);             //set nextStatLineCd to be equal to the station code

                    foreach (string statCd in routeStation[idx].StationCode) //foreach loop
                        if (statCd.Contains(prevStatLineCd))                 //if routeStation list contains prevStatLineCd
                            routeStationCd.Add(statCd);                      //add station code to the routeStationCd list
                    if (!prevStatLineCd.Equals(nextStatLineCd))                  //if prevStatLineCd is not equal to nextStatLineCd
                        foreach (string statCd in routeStation[idx].StationCode) //foreach loop
                            if (statCd.Contains(nextStatLineCd))                 //if routeStation list contains nextStatLineCd
                                routeStationCd.Add(statCd);                      //add station code to the routeStationCd list
                else //else
                    routeStationCd.Add(routeStation[idx].StationCode[0]); //add Station Code from routeStation list to routeStationCd list

            string outputRoute = string.Format("Display Route from {0} to {1} - Taking {2} stations\r\n", routeStation[0].StationName, routeStation[routeStation.Count - 1].StationName, routeStation.Count); //output string

            outputRoute += "-- Start of Route --\r\n";
            foreach (string statCd in routeStationCd)                                                               //foreach loop
                outputRoute += string.Format("{0} - {1}\r\n", statCd, Guide.SearchByStationCd(statCd).StationName); //output string
            outputRoute += "-- End of Route --";                                                                    //output string

            return(outputRoute);                                                                                    //return string