//----< function to popup new window and display full file text>---------------- public void showFile(string fileName, CsMessage msg) { // reads file into string and display it in new popup window MainWindow win = (MainWindow)Window.GetWindow(this); string path = win.saveFilesPath + "\\" + fileName; string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(path); Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(); paragraph.Inlines.Add(new Run(fileContents)); CodePopUpWindow popUp = new CodePopUpWindow(); popUp.codeView.Blocks.Clear(); popUp.codeLabel.Text = fileName; popUp.codeView.Blocks.Add(paragraph); string auth, stat, date, cat, dep, ver; msg.attributes.TryGetValue("author", out auth); msg.attributes.TryGetValue("status", out stat); msg.attributes.TryGetValue("datetime", out date); msg.attributes.TryGetValue("categories", out cat); msg.attributes.TryGetValue("dependencies", out dep); msg.attributes.TryGetValue("version", out ver); popUp.dauth.Text = auth; popUp.dstat.Text = stat; popUp.ddate.Text = date; popUp.dcat.Text = cat; popUp.ddep.Text = dep; popUp.dver.Text = ver; popUp.Show(); }
//----< show file text >---------------- private void showFile(string fileName, string fileContents) { Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(); paragraph.Inlines.Add(new Run(fileContents)); CodePopUpWindow popUp = new CodePopUpWindow(); popUp.Show(); popUp.codeView.Blocks.Clear(); popUp.codeView.Blocks.Add(paragraph); }