public void Move(object item, object category) { var ach = (WowHeadAchievement)item; var zone = ((VisualCategory)category).Zone; // Remove the old one Zone zoneToRemoveFrom = null; Ach achievementToRemove = null; foreach (var sc in this.Achievements.supercats) { foreach (var c in sc.cats) { foreach (var z in c.zones) { foreach (var a in z.achs) { if ( == { zoneToRemoveFrom = z; achievementToRemove = a; } } } } } if (zoneToRemoveFrom != null) { zoneToRemoveFrom.achs.Remove(achievementToRemove); } else { throw new ApplicationException("Could not find zone to remove achievement from"); } var achiev = new Ach() { id =, icon = ach.Achievement.icon, side = FormatSide(ach.Achievement.factionId), points = ach.Achievement.points, obtainable = false, criteria = new Dictionary <string, string>() }; zone.achs.Add(achiev); }
public void Add(object item, object category) { var wowHeadAchievement = (WowHeadAchievement)item; var zone = ((VisualCategory)category).Zone; var ach = new Ach() { id =, icon = wowHeadAchievement.Achievement.icon, side = FormatSide(wowHeadAchievement.Achievement.factionId), points = wowHeadAchievement.Achievement.points, obtainable = true, criteria = new Dictionary <string, string>() }; zone.achs.Add(ach); }