コード例 #1
        public ISteelBeamFlexure GetBeam(ISection Shape, ISteelMaterial Material, ICalcLog Log, MomentAxis MomentAxis,
                 FlexuralCompressionFiberPosition compressionFiberPosition, bool IsRolledMember=true)
            ISteelBeamFlexure beam = null;

            if (MomentAxis == Common.Entities.MomentAxis.XAxis)
                    if (Shape is ISectionI)
                        ISectionI IShape = Shape as ISectionI;
                        SteelSectionI SectionI = new SteelSectionI(IShape, Material);
                        if (IShape.b_fBot == IShape.b_fTop && IShape.t_fBot == IShape.t_fTop) // doubly symmetric
                            DoublySymmetricIBeam dsBeam = new DoublySymmetricIBeam(SectionI, Log, compressionFiberPosition, IsRolledMember);
                            beam = dsBeam.GetBeamCase();
                            SinglySymmetricIBeam ssBeam = new SinglySymmetricIBeam(SectionI, IsRolledMember, compressionFiberPosition, Log );
                            beam = ssBeam.GetBeamCase();
                    else if (Shape is ISolidShape)
                        ISolidShape solidShape = Shape as ISolidShape;
                        SteelSolidSection SectionSolid = new SteelSolidSection(solidShape, Material);
                        beam = new BeamSolid(SectionSolid, Log, MomentAxis);

                    else if (Shape is ISectionChannel)
                        ISectionChannel ChannelShape = Shape as ISectionChannel;
                        SteelChannelSection ChannelSection = new SteelChannelSection(ChannelShape, Material);
                        beam = new BeamChannel(ChannelSection, IsRolledMember, Log);

                        IShapeCompactness compactness = new ShapeCompactness.ChannelMember(ChannelSection, IsRolledMember, compressionFiberPosition);

                        CompactnessClassFlexure flangeCompactness = compactness.GetFlangeCompactnessFlexure();
                        CompactnessClassFlexure webCompactness = compactness.GetWebCompactnessFlexure();

                        if (flangeCompactness != CompactnessClassFlexure.Compact || webCompactness != CompactnessClassFlexure.Compact)
                            throw new Exception("Channels with non-compact and slender flanges or webs are not supported. Revise input.");

                    else if (Shape is ISectionPipe)
                        ISectionPipe SectionPipe = Shape as ISectionPipe;
                        SteelPipeSection PipeSection = new SteelPipeSection(SectionPipe, Material);
                        beam = new BeamCircularHss(PipeSection, Log);

                    else if (Shape is ISectionTube)
                        ISectionTube TubeShape = Shape as ISectionTube;
                        SteelRhsSection RectHSS_Section = new SteelRhsSection(TubeShape, Material);
                        beam = new BeamRectangularHss(RectHSS_Section,compressionFiberPosition, MomentAxis, Log);

                    else if (Shape is ISectionBox)
                        ISectionBox BoxShape = Shape as ISectionBox;
                        SteelBoxSection BoxSection = new SteelBoxSection(BoxShape, Material);
                        beam = new BeamRectangularHss(BoxSection, compressionFiberPosition, MomentAxis, Log);

                    else if (Shape is ISectionTee)
                        ISectionTee TeeShape = Shape as ISectionTee;
                        SteelTeeSection TeeSection = new SteelTeeSection(TeeShape, Material);
                        beam = new BeamTee(TeeSection, Log);
                    else if (Shape is ISectionAngle)
                        ISectionAngle Angle = Shape as ISectionAngle;
                        SteelAngleSection AngleSection = new SteelAngleSection(Angle,Material);
                        beam = new BeamAngle(AngleSection, Log, Angle.AngleRotation, MomentAxis, Angle.AngleOrientation);
                    else if (Shape is ISolidShape)
                        ISolidShape SolidShape = Shape as ISolidShape;
                        SteelSolidSection SolidSection = new SteelSolidSection(SolidShape, Material);
                        beam = new BeamSolid(SolidSection, Log,MomentAxis);
                        throw new Exception("Specified section type is not supported for this node.");
            else  // weak axis
                if (Shape is ISectionI)
                    ISectionI IShape = Shape as ISectionI;
                    SteelSectionI SectionI = new SteelSectionI(IShape, Material);

                    beam = new BeamIWeakAxis(SectionI, IsRolledMember, Log);
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            return beam;
コード例 #2
        public ISteelCompressionMember GetCompressionMember(ISection Shape, double L_ex, double L_ey, double L_ez, double F_y, double E, bool IsRolledShape = true)
            string DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_STRING = "Selected shape is not supported. Select a different shape.";
            ISteelCompressionMember col = null;
            CalcLog log = new CalcLog();
            SteelMaterial Material = new SteelMaterial(F_y, E);

            if (Shape is ISectionI)
                ISectionI IShape = Shape as ISectionI;
                SteelSectionI SectionI = new SteelSectionI(IShape, Material);
                IShapeFactory IShapeFactory = new IShapeFactory();
                return IShapeFactory.GetIshape(SectionI, IsRolledShape, L_ex, L_ey, L_ez, log);

            else if (Shape is ISectionChannel)
                ISectionChannel ChannelShape = Shape as ISectionChannel;
                SteelChannelSection ChannelSection = new SteelChannelSection(ChannelShape, Material);
                throw new Exception(DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_STRING);

            else if (Shape is ISectionPipe)
                ISectionPipe SectionPipe = Shape as ISectionPipe;
                SteelPipeSection PipeSection = new SteelPipeSection(SectionPipe, Material);
                ChsShapeFactory ChsFactory = new ChsShapeFactory();
                return ChsFactory.GetChsShape(PipeSection, L_ex, L_ey, L_ez, log);

            else if (Shape is ISectionTube)
                ISectionTube TubeShape = Shape as ISectionTube;
                SteelRhsSection RectHSS_Section = new SteelRhsSection(TubeShape, Material);
                RhsShapeFactory RhsFactory = new RhsShapeFactory();
                return RhsFactory.GetRhsShape(RectHSS_Section, L_ex, L_ey, L_ez, log);

            else if (Shape is ISectionBox)
                ISectionBox BoxShape = Shape as ISectionBox;
                SteelBoxSection BoxSection = new SteelBoxSection(BoxShape, Material);

                RhsShapeFactory RhsFactory = new RhsShapeFactory();
                return RhsFactory.GetRhsShape(BoxSection, L_ex, L_ey, L_ez, log);

            else if (Shape is ISectionTee)
                ISectionTee TeeShape = Shape as ISectionTee;
                SteelTeeSection TeeSection = new SteelTeeSection(TeeShape, Material);
                throw new Exception(DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_STRING);
                throw new Exception(DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_STRING);

コード例 #3
        private ISteelBeamFlexure CreateIBeam(CompactnessClassFlexure FlangeCompactness,
            CompactnessClassFlexure WebCompactness, ISectionI Section, ISteelMaterial Material, 
            ICalcLog Log, bool IsRolled)
            SteelSectionI steelSection = new SteelSectionI(Section, Material);
            ISteelBeamFlexure beam = null;
            if (FlangeCompactness== CompactnessClassFlexure.Compact && WebCompactness == CompactnessClassFlexure.Compact)
                beam = new BeamIDoublySymmetricCompact(steelSection, IsRolled, Log);
            else if (WebCompactness == CompactnessClassFlexure.Compact && FlangeCompactness!= CompactnessClassFlexure.Compact)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            return beam;