コード例 #1
ファイル: HexMap.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
 public Biome GetBiomeAt(Coords coords)
コード例 #2
ファイル: HexMap.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
  * <summary>
  * Returns the Color of the Hex at the specified Coords.
  * Color here is based on the HumidityLevel of that Hex.
  * </summary>
  * <param name="coords">Coords of the Hex to be queried.</param>
  * <returns>The humidity-based Color of the Hex at <paramref name="coords"/>.</returns>
 public Color HumidityColorAt(Coords coords)
     return(_map[coords.x, coords.y].GetHumidityColor());
コード例 #3
ファイル: HexMap.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
        public Tuple <Hex.TemperatureLevel, Hex.HumidityLevel> GetTemperatureAndHumidityAt(Coords coords)
            Hex hex = GetHexAt(coords);
            Tuple <Hex.TemperatureLevel, Hex.HumidityLevel> rv
                = new Tuple <Hex.TemperatureLevel, Hex.HumidityLevel>(hex.Temperature, hex.Humidity);

コード例 #4
 /** <summary>
  * Get a list of all coords adjacent to the given coords, filtered such that:
  *  - All returned coords are contained in the valid hex list
  *  - All returned coords can be expanded to, per implementation of CanExpandTo()
  * </summary>
  * <param name="coords">Coords for which to find valid adjacent hexes.</param>
  * <returns>A dictionary of valid coordinates adjacent to <paramref name="coords"/>, keyed by which
  * side of the hex at the given coords they are adjacent to.</returns>
 private Dictionary <Hex.Side, Coords> GetFilteredAdjacency(Coords coords)
     return(_map.GetFilteredAdjacency(coords, (x => _validHexes.Contains(x) && CanExpandTo(x))));
コード例 #5
ファイル: HexMap.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
  * <summary>
  * Returns the Color of the Hex at the specified Coords.
  * Color here is based on the TemperatureLevel of that Hex.
  * </summary>
  * <param name="coords">Coords of the Hex to be queried.</param>
  * <returns>The temperature-based Color of the Hex at <paramref name="coords"/>.</returns>
 public Color TemperatureColorAt(Coords coords)
     return(_map[coords.x, coords.y].GetTemperatureColor());
コード例 #6
ファイル: HexMap.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
         * <summary>
         * Sets whether the Hex at given Coords is placeable; that is, whether
         * the Hex can be made a land Hex or not.
         * </summary>
         * <param name="coords">The Coords of the Hex to update.</param>
         * <param name="placeable">True if the Hex can be made into a land Hex, false if not.</param>
        public void SetPlaceable(Coords coords, bool placeable)
            Hex hex = GetHexAt(coords);

            hex.CanPlace = placeable;
コード例 #7
ファイル: HexMap.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
         * <summary>
         * Predicate to determine whether two Coords are adjacent on this HexMap.
         * </summary>
         * <remarks>
         * Takes wraparound into account.
         * </remarks>
         * <param name="a">First of the Coords to check.</param>
         * <param name="b">Second of the Coords to check.</param>
         * <returns>
         * True if the Coords <paramref name="a"/> and <paramref name="b"/> are
         * adjacent, false otherwise.
         * </returns>
        public bool IsAdjacent(Coords a, Coords b)
            var allAdj = GetAllAdjacentCoords(a);

コード例 #8
ファイル: MainWindow.xaml.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
 public bool CoordsWrap(Coords a, Coords b)
     return((a.x == (_world.Width - 1) && b.x == 0) ||
            (b.x == (_world.Width - 1) && a.x == 0));
コード例 #9
ファイル: Coords.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
  * <summary>
  * Copy constructor copies x and y, as well as validity flag.
  * </summary>
  * <param name="other">The Coords object to copy.</param>
 public Coords(Coords other)
     this.x       = other.x;
     this.y       = other.y;
     this.invalid = other.invalid;
コード例 #10
        /** <summary>
         * Expand the given property in the map, within a set of coords predetermined
         * to point to hexes valid for expansion.
         * </summary>
         * <param name="validHexes">List of all coords containing hexes which are valid to expand to.</param>
         * <param name="size">The number of hexes to expand.</param>
         * <return>The list of all coords whose corresponding hexes were modified by this expansion.</return>
        public List <Coords> Expand(List <Coords> validHexes, int size)
            int width  = _map.Width;
            int height = _map.Height;

            _totalHexes = _remainingHexes = size;
            _validHexes = validHexes;

            // list of coords to be expanded out from, but which have not been expanded from yet
            List <Coords> unexpanded = new List <Coords>();
            // list of coords to expand from again
            List <Coords> expandAgain = new List <Coords>();

            List <Coords> rv = new List <Coords>();

            // Select a valid hex at random to start from
            bool placedSeed      = false;
            int  attempts        = 0;
            int  totalValidHexes = validHexes.Count;

            while (!placedSeed &&
                   (attempts < totalValidHexes))
                int    i          = _rand.GenerateInt(totalValidHexes);
                Coords seedCoords = validHexes[i];
                if (CanExpandFirst(seedCoords))
                    placedSeed = ModHex(seedCoords);
                    if (placedSeed)

            while ((_remainingHexes > 0) &&
                if (unexpanded.Count == 0)
                    if (AllowsReexpansion &&
                        (expandAgain.Count() > 0))
                        unexpanded = expandAgain;

                // Pick a hex to expand at random from the unexpanded list
                Coords startPoint = unexpanded[_rand.GenerateInt(unexpanded.Count)];
                Dictionary <Hex.Side, Coords> adj = GetFilteredAdjacency(startPoint);

                // Determine at random how many hexes will be affected in this expansion
                // (i.e. how many adjacent hexes we'll attempt to modify in this round)
                int             roll    = RollBaseExpansion(adj.Count + 1) + RollModifier();
                List <Hex.Side> contigs = FindNContiguousValidSides(startPoint, roll);

                if (contigs.Count > 0)
                    Hex.Side placeSide = contigs[_rand.GenerateInt(contigs.Count)];
                    int      count     = 0;

                    // Try to modify as many contiguous hexes as we randomly determined we would
                    while (count < roll)
                        if (adj.ContainsKey(placeSide))
                            Coords placeLoc = adj[placeSide];
                            bool   placed   = ModHex(placeLoc);
                            if (placed)
                        placeSide = Hex.RotateSideClockwise(placeSide);

                // We've now expanded from these coords; remove them from the unexpanded list
                // But if there are more adjacent hexes to expand to than we expanded into this round,
                // we can add this hex into the expand-again list
                if (roll < adj.Count)

            // Go through all remaining Coords that were not expanded from, and do something with
            // their adjacent hexes, depending on the implementation of FinishAdjacentUnexpanded().
            foreach (Coords remainder in unexpanded)
                Dictionary <Hex.Side, Coords> toGo = GetFilteredAdjacency(remainder);
                foreach (Coords toGoInstance in toGo.Values)

コード例 #11
ファイル: HumidityExpander.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
  * <summary>
  * Hex modification method for HumidityExpander attempts to lower the
  * HumidityLevel of the Hex at given Coords by one step. See
  * <see cref="HexMap.Aridify(Coords)"/>.
  * </summary>
  * <param name="coords">Coords of the Hex to raise.</param>
 protected override bool LayeredModHex(Coords coords)
コード例 #12
 /** <summary>
  * Method called on all hexes adjacent to hexes that were not expanded from
  * (i.e. hexes that could have been expanded from, but we hit some end condition,
  * like reaching the total number of desired hexes, before that happened).
  * </summary>
  * <param name="coords">Coords of a hex adjacent to some unexpanded hex.</param>
 protected abstract void FinishAdjacentUnexpanded(Coords coords);
コード例 #13
 /** <summary>
  * Attempt to modify the given hex in accordance with whatever this
  * expansion is trying to do (e.g. change the elevation).
  * </summary>
  * <param name="coords">Coords for which the corresponding hex will be possibly modified.</param>
  * <returns>True if the hex at coords was successfully modified, false otherwise.</returns>
 protected abstract bool ModHex(Coords coords);
コード例 #14
        // ------------ Abstract methods ------------
        // These methods must be overridden to dictate the rules of expansion.

        /** <summary>
         * Determines the criteria that constitutes a valid or invalid destination
         * or expansion.
         * </summary>
         * <param name="coords">Coords for which to check validity of expansion.</param>
         * <returns>True if coords are valid to expand to, false otherwise.</returns>
        protected abstract bool CanExpandTo(Coords coords);
コード例 #15
ファイル: HexMap.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
        public void SetBiomeAt(Biome biome, Coords coords)
            Hex hex = GetHexAt(coords);

            hex.HexBiome = biome;
コード例 #16
ファイル: Coords.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
  * <summary>
  * Equality comparison for two Coords objects. Two Coords instances are considered
  * equal if the x and y values are both equal.
  * </summary>
  * <param name="other">The other Coords object with which to check equality.</param>
  * <returns>True if the Coords have equal x and y, false otherwise.</returns>
 public bool Equals(Coords other)
     return(Equals(other, this));
コード例 #17
ファイル: HexMap.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
 public Color BiomeColorAt(Coords coords)
コード例 #18
ファイル: HexMap.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
  * <summary>
  * Returns the base Color of the Hex at the specified Coords.
  * Color is Specific to the broad type of hex (e.g. land, ocean).
  * </summary>
  * <param name="coords">The Coords for the Hex to be queried.</param>
  * <returns>The Color of the Hex at the specified Coords.</returns>
 public Color BaseColorAt(Coords coords)
     return(_map[coords.x, coords.y].GetBaseColor());
コード例 #19
ファイル: HexMap.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
         * <summary>
         * Sets the TemperatureLevel of the Hex at the given Coords to the specified level.
         * </summary>
         * <param name="coords">Coords of the Hex to update.</param>
         * <param name="temperature">New temperature for the Hex at <paramref name="coords"/>.</param>
        public void SetTemperatureAt(Coords coords, Hex.TemperatureLevel temperature)
            Hex hex = GetHexAt(coords);

            hex.Temperature = temperature;
コード例 #20
ファイル: HexMap.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
  * <summary>
  * Returns the Color of the Hex at the specified Coords.
  * This Color should be based on the ElevationLevel of that Hex.
  * </summary>
  * <param name="coords">The Coords of the Hex to be queried.</param>
  * <returns>The elevation-based Color of the Hex at the specified coordinates.</returns>
 public Color ElevationColorAt(Coords coords)
     return(_map[coords.x, coords.y].GetElevationColor());
コード例 #21
ファイル: HexMap.cs プロジェクト: mdmooney/WorldGen
         * <summary>
         * Given some Coords and a Hex.Side, returns the Coords of the Hex that
         * is adjacent to the Hex at the given Coords on that side.
         * </summary>
         * <param name="coords">Coords of the central Hex to check.</param>
         * <param name="side">Side on which to determine adjacency.</param>
         * <returns>
         * Coords of the Hex adjacent to the hex at
         * <paramref name="coords"/> on <paramref name="side"/>.
         * </returns>
        public Coords GetAdjacentCoords(Coords coords, Hex.Side side)
            int x         = coords.x;
            int y         = coords.y;
            int upShift   = 0;
            int downShift = 0;

            if (x % 2 != 0)
                downShift = 1;
                upShift = -1;

            if (x < 0)
                x = 0;
            if (y < 0)
                y = 0;
            if (x > (Width - 1))
                x = (Width - 1);
            if (y > (Height - 1))
                y = (Height - 1);

            Coords rv = new Coords();

            switch (side)
            case Hex.Side.North:
                rv.x = x;
                rv.y = y - 1;

            case Hex.Side.Northwest:
                rv.x = x - 1;
                rv.y = y + upShift;

            case Hex.Side.Northeast:
                rv.x = x + 1;
                rv.y = y + upShift;

            case Hex.Side.South:
                rv.x = x;
                rv.y = y + 1;

            case Hex.Side.Southwest:
                rv.x = x - 1;
                rv.y = y + downShift;

            case Hex.Side.Southeast:
                rv.x = x + 1;
                rv.y = y + downShift;


            if (rv.y < 0 || rv.y > (Height - 1))
                rv.invalid = true;
            if (rv.x < 0)
                rv.x = (Width - 1);
            else if (rv.x > (Width - 1))
                rv.x = 0;

コード例 #22
 /** <summary>
  * Determines if a first modification in an expansion is valid.
  * Similar to CanExpandTo(), except that method is for expansions after the first,
  * and this is for the initial placement.
  * </summary>
  * <param name="coords">Coords to check for validity.</param>
  * <returns>True if <paramref name="coords"/> are okay for first expansion, false otherwise.</returns>
 protected virtual bool CanExpandFirst(Coords coords)