コード例 #1
        private void WorkflowBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (entityList == null)

            string workflowid = string.Empty;

            if (sender is TextBox)
                TextBox workflowBox = sender as TextBox;
                workflowid = workflowBox.Name.Substring(3);
            else if (sender is Panel)
                Panel workflowBox = sender as Panel;
                workflowid = workflowBox.Name.Substring(3);

            EntityData   entitySelected   = GetEntityDataByWorkflowID(workflowid);
            WorkflowData workflowSelected = GetWorkflowDataByID(workflowid);

コード例 #2
        private WorkflowData GetWorkflowDataByID(string workflowid)
            WorkflowData workflowSelected = null;

            foreach (EntityData entityData in entityList)
                if (entityData.WorkflowsList != null)
                    foreach (WorkflowData workflow in entityData.WorkflowsList)
                        if (workflow.workflowid.Equals(workflowid))
                            workflowSelected = workflow;
                    if (workflowSelected != null)

コード例 #3
        private void TxtSearchWorkflow_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // check which is the entity from the first workflow of the list
            if (listWorkflows.Controls != null && listWorkflows.Controls.Count > 0)
                LinkLabel    txtFirstWorkflow = listWorkflows.Controls[0] as LinkLabel;
                string       workflowid       = txtFirstWorkflow.Name.Substring(3);
                EntityData   entitySelected   = GetEntityDataByWorkflowID(workflowid);
                WorkflowData workflowSelected = GetWorkflowDataByID(workflowid);


                int workflowscount = 0;
                int y = 5;
                foreach (WorkflowData workflow in entitySelected.WorkflowsList)
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtSearchWorkflow.Text) || workflow.name.ToUpper().Contains(txtSearchWorkflow.Text.ToUpper()))
                        LinkLabel txtWorkflow = new LinkLabel();
                        txtWorkflow.Name      = "id_" + workflow.workflowid;
                        txtWorkflow.Font      = new Font("Verdana", 9, FontStyle.Regular);
                        txtWorkflow.AutoSize  = true;
                        txtWorkflow.Margin    = new Padding(10, 5, 10, 5);
                        txtWorkflow.Location  = new Point(5, y);
                        txtWorkflow.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue;
                        txtWorkflow.LinkColor = Color.DarkBlue;

                        txtWorkflow.Click += TxtWorkflow_Click;

                        txtWorkflow.Text = workflow.name;

                        y += LINES_SPACE;

                if (workflowscount == 1)
                    txtWorkflowsHeader.Text = "1 Workflow";
                    txtWorkflowsHeader.Text = workflowscount.ToString() + " Workflows";

                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitySelected.LogicalName))
                //    txtWorkflowsHeader.Text += " - " + entitySelected.LogicalName;
コード例 #4
        private void TxtWorkflow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (entityList == null)

            LinkLabel    txtWorkflow      = sender as LinkLabel;
            string       workflowid       = txtWorkflow.Name.Substring(3);
            EntityData   entitySelected   = GetEntityDataByWorkflowID(workflowid);
            WorkflowData workflowSelected = GetWorkflowDataByID(workflowid);

コード例 #5
        private void FillEntities()
            if (entityList == null)
                entityList = new List <EntityData>();

            String consultaFetch = @"<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>
                                              <entity name='workflow'>
                                                <attribute name='workflowid' />
                                                <attribute name='primaryentity' />
                                                <attribute name='name' />
                                                <attribute name='createdon' />
                                                <attribute name='modifiedon' />
                                                <attribute name='type' />
                                                <attribute name='ondemand' />
                                                <attribute name='triggeroncreate' />
                                                <attribute name='triggeronupdateattributelist' />
                                                <attribute name='triggerondelete' />
                                                <attribute name='subprocess' />
                                                <attribute name='xaml' />
                                                <order attribute='name' descending='false' />
                                                <filter type='and'>
                                                  <condition attribute='type' operator='eq' value='1' />
                                                  <condition attribute='ownerid' operator='not-null' />
                                                  <condition attribute='rendererobjecttypecode' operator='null' />
                                                  <condition attribute='category' operator='eq' value='0' />
                                                  <condition attribute='statecode' operator='eq' value='1' />
                                                  <condition attribute='primaryentity' operator='not-null' />

            EntityCollection resultado = service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(consultaFetch));

            if (resultado != null)
                foreach (Entity entidad in resultado.Entities)
                    if (entidad.Contains("primaryentity") && entidad.Attributes["primaryentity"] != null)
                        string primaryentity = entidad.Attributes["primaryentity"].ToString();

                        WorkflowData workflow = new WorkflowData();

                        workflow.workflowid      = entidad.Attributes["workflowid"].ToString().ToLower();
                        workflow.name            = entidad.Attributes["name"].ToString();
                        workflow.entityName      = primaryentity;
                        workflow.createdon       = (DateTime)entidad.Attributes["createdon"];
                        workflow.modifiedon      = (DateTime)entidad.Attributes["modifiedon"];
                        workflow.ondemand        = (bool)entidad.Attributes["ondemand"];
                        workflow.triggeroncreate = (bool)entidad.Attributes["triggeroncreate"];
                        workflow.triggerondelete = (bool)entidad.Attributes["triggerondelete"];

                        if (entidad.Contains("triggeronupdateattributelist") && entidad.Attributes["triggeronupdateattributelist"] != null)
                            workflow.triggeronupdateattributelist = entidad.Attributes["triggeronupdateattributelist"].ToString();
                        workflow.subprocess = (bool)entidad.Attributes["subprocess"];
                        workflow.xaml       = entidad.Attributes["xaml"].ToString().ToLower();

                        EntityData entityData_finded = GetEntityDataByName(primaryentity.ToString());

                        if (entityData_finded == null)
                            EntityData entityData_new = new EntityData(-1, primaryentity.ToString());
                            entityData_new.WorkflowsList = new List <WorkflowData>();

                // Ordenar las entidades por nombre
                GFG gg = new GFG();

                txtSearchEntity.Text      = string.Empty;
                txtSearchWorkflow.Text    = string.Empty;
                txtSearchWorkflow.Enabled = false;
                txtWorkflowsHeader.Text   = "Workflows";

                // introducir el nombre de las entidades en la lista desplegable
                int index = 0;
                int y     = 5;

                foreach (EntityData entityData in entityList)
                    entityData.Index = index;
                    LinkLabel linkEntityLabel = new LinkLabel();
                    linkEntityLabel.Name      = "linkEntity_" + index.ToString();
                    linkEntityLabel.Text      = entityData.LogicalName;
                    linkEntityLabel.AutoSize  = true;
                    linkEntityLabel.Font      = new Font("Verdana", 9, FontStyle.Regular);
                    linkEntityLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black;
                    linkEntityLabel.LinkColor = Color.Black;
                    linkEntityLabel.Margin    = new Padding(10, 5, 10, 5);
                    linkEntityLabel.Location  = new Point(5, y);
                    linkEntityLabel.Click    += LinkEntityLabel_Click;

                    y += LINES_SPACE;
コード例 #6
        private void ShowProcessTree(WorkflowData workflowSelected)
            const int MARGIN_LEFT   = 40;
            const int MARGIN_TOP    = 100;
            const int BOXES_SPACE_X = 20;
            const int BOXES_SPACE_Y = 200;

            int y = 40;


            #region Workflow data

            System.Windows.Forms.Label txtProcessName = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            txtProcessName.Text      = workflowSelected.name;
            txtProcessName.Font      = new Font("Verdana", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
            txtProcessName.AutoSize  = true;
            txtProcessName.Margin    = new Padding(20, 0, 5, 0);
            txtProcessName.Location  = new Point(5, y);
            txtProcessName.ForeColor = Color.Black;


            y += LINES_SPACE;

            /*System.Windows.Forms.Label txtProcessID = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
             * txtProcessID.Text = "workflowid: " + workflowSelected.workflowid;
             * txtProcessID.Font = new Font("Verdana", 9, FontStyle.Regular);
             * txtProcessID.AutoSize = true;
             * txtProcessID.Margin = new Padding(20, 0, 10, 0);
             * txtProcessID.Location = new Point(5, y);
             * txtProcessID.ForeColor = Color.Black;
             * panelProcessInfo.Controls.Add(txtProcessID);*/

            y += LINES_SPACE;
            System.Windows.Forms.Label txtProcessDates = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            txtProcessDates.Text      = "createdon: " + workflowSelected.createdon.ToString() + " - modifiedon: " + workflowSelected.modifiedon.ToString();
            txtProcessDates.Font      = new Font("Verdana", 9, FontStyle.Regular);
            txtProcessDates.AutoSize  = true;
            txtProcessDates.Margin    = new Padding(20, 0, 10, 0);
            txtProcessDates.Location  = new Point(5, y);
            txtProcessDates.ForeColor = Color.Black;

            StringBuilder outpuData = new StringBuilder();

            outpuData.AppendLine("The process starts:");
            if (workflowSelected.ondemand)
                outpuData.AppendLine("     • On demand");

            if (workflowSelected.triggeroncreate)
                outpuData.AppendLine("     • When record is created");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(workflowSelected.triggeronupdateattributelist))
                outpuData.AppendLine("     • When record fields change: " + workflowSelected.triggeronupdateattributelist.Replace(",", ", "));

            if (workflowSelected.triggerondelete)
                outpuData.AppendLine("     • When record is deleted");

            y += LINES_SPACE;
            System.Windows.Forms.Label txtProcessStartWhen = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            txtProcessStartWhen.Text      = outpuData.ToString();
            txtProcessStartWhen.Font      = new Font("Verdana", 9, FontStyle.Regular);
            txtProcessStartWhen.AutoSize  = true;
            txtProcessStartWhen.Margin    = new Padding(20, 0, 10, 0);
            txtProcessStartWhen.Location  = new Point(5, y);
            txtProcessStartWhen.ForeColor = Color.Black;

            #endregion Workflow data

            #region Fill the Workflow tree

            if (workflowSelected.upperWorkflows == null && workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows == null)
                for (int i = 0; i < entityList.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < entityList[i].WorkflowsList.Count; j++)
                        // comprobar si hay workflows hijos recorriendo todos los workflows de todas las entidades
                        if (workflowSelected.xaml.Contains(entityList[i].WorkflowsList[j].workflowid) && !workflowSelected.workflowid.Equals(entityList[i].WorkflowsList[j].workflowid))
                            if (workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows == null)
                                workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows = new List <WorkflowData>();

                        // comprobar si hay workflows padres recorriendo todos los workflows de todas las entidades
                        if (entityList[i].WorkflowsList[j].xaml.Contains(workflowSelected.workflowid) && !workflowSelected.workflowid.Equals(entityList[i].WorkflowsList[j].workflowid))
                            if (workflowSelected.upperWorkflows == null)
                                workflowSelected.upperWorkflows = new List <WorkflowData>();

            #endregion Fill the Workflow tree

            #region Draw the tree

            List <Point> upperBottomPoints = null;
            List <Point> lowerTopPoints    = null;
            Point        upperMiddlePoint_SelectedBox;
            Point        lowerMiddlePoint_SelectedBox;

            y += txtProcessStartWhen.Height + MARGIN_TOP;
            int x_upperLevel = MARGIN_LEFT;

            #region Draw Upper levels
            if (workflowSelected.upperWorkflows != null && workflowSelected.upperWorkflows.Count > 0)
                upperBottomPoints = new List <Point>();
                foreach (var upperWorkflow in workflowSelected.upperWorkflows)
                    Panel upperWorkflowBox = upperWorkflow.CreateWorkflowBox(x_upperLevel, y, false);
                    upperWorkflowBox.Click += WorkflowBox_Click;
                    foreach (var child in upperWorkflowBox.Controls)
                        if (child is TextBox)
                            ((TextBox)child).Click += WorkflowBox_Click;


                    x_upperLevel += upperWorkflowBox.Width + BOXES_SPACE_X;

                    // add the middle point of the bottom side of each Box
                    int x_bottom_middle_point = upperWorkflowBox.Location.X + (upperWorkflowBox.Width / 2);
                    int y_bootom_middle_point = upperWorkflowBox.Location.Y + upperWorkflowBox.Height;
                    upperBottomPoints.Add(new Point(x_bottom_middle_point, y_bootom_middle_point));
                y += BOXES_SPACE_Y;
                upperBottomPoints = null;
            #endregion Draw Upper levels

            #region Draw workflow selected
            Panel workflowSelectedBox = workflowSelected.CreateWorkflowBox(120, y, true);
            int   y_workflowSelected  = y;

            #endregion Draw workflow selected

            #region Draw Lower levels
            int x_lowerLevel = MARGIN_LEFT;
            if (workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows != null && workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows.Count > 0)
                lowerTopPoints = new List <Point>();
                x_lowerLevel   = MARGIN_LEFT;
                y += BOXES_SPACE_Y;
                foreach (var lowerWorflow in workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows)
                    Panel lowerWorflowBox = lowerWorflow.CreateWorkflowBox(x_lowerLevel, y, false);
                    lowerWorflowBox.Click += WorkflowBox_Click;
                    foreach (var child in lowerWorflowBox.Controls)
                        if (child is TextBox)
                            ((TextBox)child).Click += WorkflowBox_Click;


                    x_lowerLevel += lowerWorflowBox.Width + BOXES_SPACE_X;

                    // add the middle points of the top side of each Box
                    int x_top_middle_point = lowerWorflowBox.Location.X + (lowerWorflowBox.Width / 2);
                    lowerTopPoints.Add(new Point(x_top_middle_point, y));
                lowerTopPoints = null;
            #endregion Draw Lower levels

            #region Colocate the Boxes

            // Put the selected workflow in the middle of the longest distance between the lower level and upper level
            int x_workflowSelected = MARGIN_LEFT;
            if (x_lowerLevel <= MARGIN_LEFT && x_upperLevel <= MARGIN_LEFT)
                x_workflowSelected = 80;
            else if (x_upperLevel > x_lowerLevel)
                x_workflowSelected = (x_upperLevel / 2) - (workflowSelectedBox.Width / 2);
                x_workflowSelected = (x_lowerLevel / 2) - (workflowSelectedBox.Width / 2);
            workflowSelectedBox.Location = new Point(x_workflowSelected, y_workflowSelected);

            upperMiddlePoint_SelectedBox = new Point(x_workflowSelected + (workflowSelectedBox.Width / 2), y_workflowSelected);
            lowerMiddlePoint_SelectedBox = new Point(x_workflowSelected + (workflowSelectedBox.Width / 2), y_workflowSelected + workflowSelectedBox.Height);

            // Center the shortest line of Boxes
            if (workflowSelected.upperWorkflows != null && workflowSelected.upperWorkflows.Count > 0 && workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows != null && workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows.Count > 0)
                if (x_upperLevel < x_lowerLevel)
                    // Center the upper boxes

                    // if there is only one
                    if (workflowSelected.upperWorkflows.Count == 1)
                        Panel upperWorkflowBox = GetWorkflowBox(workflowSelected.upperWorkflows[0].workflowid);

                        // change only the x
                        upperWorkflowBox.Location = new Point(upperMiddlePoint_SelectedBox.X - (workflowSelectedBox.Width / 2), upperWorkflowBox.Location.Y);

                        // add the middle point of the bottom side of each Box
                        int x_bottom_middle_point = upperWorkflowBox.Location.X + (upperWorkflowBox.Width / 2);
                        int y_bootom_middle_point = upperWorkflowBox.Location.Y + upperWorkflowBox.Height;
                        upperBottomPoints.Add(new Point(x_bottom_middle_point, y_bootom_middle_point));
                        x_upperLevel = upperMiddlePoint_SelectedBox.X - (((workflowSelected.upperWorkflows.Count / 2) * workflowSelectedBox.Width) + (workflowSelected.upperWorkflows.Count * (BOXES_SPACE_X / 2)));

                        // if there is an uneven number of boxes
                        if ((workflowSelected.upperWorkflows.Count % 2) != 0)
                            x_upperLevel -= (workflowSelectedBox.Width / 2);
                            x_upperLevel += (BOXES_SPACE_X / 2);

                        foreach (WorkflowData upperWorkflow in workflowSelected.upperWorkflows)
                            Panel upperWorkflowBox = GetWorkflowBox(upperWorkflow.workflowid);

                            // change only the x
                            upperWorkflowBox.Location = new Point(x_upperLevel, upperWorkflowBox.Location.Y);
                            x_upperLevel += upperWorkflowBox.Width + BOXES_SPACE_X;

                            // add the middle point of the bottom side of each Box
                            int x_bottom_middle_point = upperWorkflowBox.Location.X + (upperWorkflowBox.Width / 2);
                            int y_bootom_middle_point = upperWorkflowBox.Location.Y + upperWorkflowBox.Height;
                            upperBottomPoints.Add(new Point(x_bottom_middle_point, y_bootom_middle_point));
                else if (x_upperLevel > x_lowerLevel)

                    // Center he lower boxes
                    // if there is only one
                    if (workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows.Count == 1)
                        Panel lowerWorkflowBox = GetWorkflowBox(workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows[0].workflowid);

                        // change only the x
                        lowerWorkflowBox.Location = new Point(lowerMiddlePoint_SelectedBox.X - (workflowSelectedBox.Width / 2), lowerWorkflowBox.Location.Y);

                        // add the middle point of the bottom side of each Box
                        int x_bottom_middle_point = lowerWorkflowBox.Location.X + (lowerWorkflowBox.Width / 2);
                        int y_bootom_middle_point = lowerWorkflowBox.Location.Y + lowerWorkflowBox.Height;
                        lowerTopPoints.Add(new Point(x_bottom_middle_point, y_bootom_middle_point));
                        x_lowerLevel = lowerMiddlePoint_SelectedBox.X - (((workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows.Count / 2) * workflowSelectedBox.Width) + (workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows.Count * (BOXES_SPACE_X / 2)));

                        // if there is an uneven number of boxes
                        if ((workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows.Count % 2) != 0)
                            x_lowerLevel -= (workflowSelectedBox.Width / 2);
                            x_lowerLevel += (BOXES_SPACE_X / 2);

                        foreach (WorkflowData lowerWorkflow in workflowSelected.lowerWorkflows)
                            Panel lowerWorkflowBox = GetWorkflowBox(lowerWorkflow.workflowid);

                            // change only the x
                            lowerWorkflowBox.Location = new Point(x_lowerLevel, lowerWorkflowBox.Location.Y);
                            x_lowerLevel += lowerWorkflowBox.Width + BOXES_SPACE_X;

                            // add the middle point of the bottom side of each Box
                            int x_bottom_middle_point = lowerWorkflowBox.Location.X + (lowerWorkflowBox.Width / 2);
                            int y_bootom_middle_point = lowerWorkflowBox.Location.Y + lowerWorkflowBox.Height;
                            lowerTopPoints.Add(new Point(x_bottom_middle_point, y_bootom_middle_point));

            #endregion Colocate the Boxes

            #endregion Draw the tree

            // Draw the lines to join the boxes
            PaintLinesProcessesTree(upperMiddlePoint_SelectedBox, lowerMiddlePoint_SelectedBox, upperBottomPoints, lowerTopPoints);

            #region leave more space in the right side and below

            int x = workflowSelectedBox.Location.X + (workflowSelectedBox.Width * 2);
            if (x_upperLevel < x_lowerLevel)
                x = x_lowerLevel;
            else if (x_upperLevel > x_lowerLevel)
                x = x_upperLevel;

            y += BOXES_SPACE_Y;

            System.Windows.Forms.Label txtSpaceBelow = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            txtSpaceBelow.Text     = ".";
            txtSpaceBelow.Font     = new Font("Verdana", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
            txtSpaceBelow.AutoSize = true;
            txtSpaceBelow.Margin   = new Padding(10, 0, 10, 0);

            txtSpaceBelow.Location  = new Point(x, y);
            txtSpaceBelow.ForeColor = Color.White;

            #endregion leave more space below