public Form2(List<string> wordList, string puzzleTitle, int difficultyIndex, int height, int width, Form1 form) { InitializeComponent(); firstForm = form; Title = puzzleTitle; WordList = wordList; puzzleHeight = height; puzzleWidth = width; FormWordPuzzle = new WordPuzzle(wordList, puzzleHeight, puzzleWidth, difficultyIndex); DisplayPuzzle(FormWordPuzzle); showAnswers = false; BuildView(); }
//Place the panels in the appropriate places on the form private void DisplayPuzzle(WordPuzzle wordPuzzle) { lettersPanel = new Panel(); WordGrid gridToParse = wordPuzzle.puzzleGrid; for (int i = 0; i < gridToParse.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < gridToParse.Width; j++) { Letter letterAtGridLoc = gridToParse.puzzle[i, j]; char charAtGridLoc = letterAtGridLoc.PuzzleChar; bool isLetterInWord; isLetterInWord = letterAtGridLoc.IsPartOfWord; int charXLoc = j * 20 + 10; int charYloc = i * 20 + 5; Letter addThisLetter = new Letter(charAtGridLoc, isLetterInWord); TransparentLetter letterToAdd = AddLetter(letterAtGridLoc, charXLoc, charYloc); lettersPanel.Controls.Add(letterToAdd); } } puzzleHeight = gridToParse.Height * 20 + 10; puzzleWidth = gridToParse.Width * 20 + 15; lettersPanel.Size = new Size(puzzleWidth, puzzleHeight); lettersPanel.Location = new Point(20, 50); lettersPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; }