public void RepeatCounterUI_WillCreateAnInstanceListUponCreation_true() { RepeatCounter model = new RepeatCounter(); model.CountRepeats("cats", "i just love cats and their little faces", "spaces"); List <RepeatCounter> models = new List <RepeatCounter>() { }; models = RepeatCounter.GetAll(); Console.WriteLine("You searched for: " + model.GetWord()); Console.WriteLine("In this sentence: " + model.GetSentence()); Console.WriteLine("And it matched: " + model.GetCount() + " times"); }
public HomeModule() { Get["/"] = _ => { return(View["index.cshtml"]); }; Post["/search"] = _ => { RepeatCounter model = new RepeatCounter(); model.CountRepeats(Request.Form["word"], Request.Form["sentence"], Request.Form["command"]); List <RepeatCounter> allCounts = new List <RepeatCounter>() { }; allCounts = RepeatCounter.GetAll(); return(View["result.cshtml", allCounts]); }; Post["/boom"] = _ => { RepeatCounter model = new RepeatCounter(); RepeatCounter.ClearAll(); return(View["cleared.cshtml", model]); }; }
public void CountRepeats_WillReturn1IfOneMatch_true() { RepeatCounter model = new RepeatCounter(); Assert.Equal(1, model.CountRepeats("cats", "i just love cats and their little faces", "spaces")); }
public void CountRepeats_WillReturn3IfMatchingThreeTimes_true() { RepeatCounter model = new RepeatCounter(); Assert.Equal(3, model.CountRepeats("coding", "i love surf coding, coding adventures, all coding", "spaces")); }
public void CountRepeats_WillReturn2IfMatchTwice_true() { RepeatCounter model = new RepeatCounter(); Assert.Equal(2, model.CountRepeats("cats", "i just love cats and their cats furriness", "spaces")); }