///<summary>Computer_LostFocus</summary> public void Computer_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs evArgs) { List <string> site; UtilityIISLogArgument utilityIISLogArgument = new UtilityIISLogArgument(Computer.Text, null, null); UtilityIISLog.LoadSite ( utilityIISLogArgument, out site ); IISSite.DataSource = site; }
public DataTable ParseLog(string computer, string log, string site) { DataTable dataTable; UtilityIISLogArgument utilityIISLogArgument; utilityIISLogArgument = new UtilityIISLogArgument(computer, log, site); UtilityIISLog.ParseLog ( utilityIISLogArgument, out dataTable ); return(dataTable); }
public string[] LoadSite(string computer) { List <string> site = new List <string>(); UtilityIISLogArgument utilityIISLogArgument; utilityIISLogArgument = new UtilityIISLogArgument(computer, null, null); UtilityIISLog.LoadSite ( utilityIISLogArgument, out site ); return(site.ToArray()); }
public string[] LoadLog(string computer, string site) { List <string> log = new List <string>(); UtilityIISLogArgument utilityIISLogArgument; utilityIISLogArgument = new UtilityIISLogArgument(computer, null, site); UtilityIISLog.LoadLog ( utilityIISLogArgument, out log ); return(log.ToArray()); }
///<summary>IISSite_SelectedIndexChanged</summary> public void IISSite_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs evArgs) { List <string> log; String iisSite = (string)IISSite.SelectedItem; UtilityIISLogArgument utilityIISLogArgument = new UtilityIISLogArgument(Computer.Text, null, iisSite); UtilityIISLog.LoadLog ( utilityIISLogArgument, out log ); IISLog.DataSource = log; }
///<summary>IISLog_SelectedIndexChanged</summary> public void IISLog_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs evArgs) { String iisLog = (string)IISLog.SelectedItem; String iisSite = (string)IISSite.SelectedItem; DataTable parseLog; UtilityIISLogArgument utilityIISLogArgument = new UtilityIISLogArgument(Computer.Text, iisLog, iisSite); UtilityIISLog.ParseLog ( utilityIISLogArgument, out parseLog ); LogParser.DataSource = parseLog; }
///<summary>LoadLog</summary> public static void LoadLog ( UtilityIISLogArgument utilityIISLogArgument, out List <string> log ) { string IISLogPath; string computer = utilityIISLogArgument.computer; string site = utilityIISLogArgument.site; string windir; DirectoryInfo directoryInfo; HttpContext httpContext = HttpContext.Current; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(computer)) { computer = Environment.MachineName; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(site)) { site = WebSite; } //windir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir"); windir = WinDir(computer); if (String.Compare(computer, Environment.MachineName, true) == 0) { IISLogPath = windir + @"\System32\LogFiles\" + site; } else { IISLogPath = @"\\" + computer + @"\" + windir + @"\System32\LogFiles\" + site; IISLogPath = IISLogPath.Replace(':', '$'); } /* * if ( Directory.Exists( IISLogPath ) == false ) * { * return; * } */ directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(IISLogPath); log = new List <string>(); foreach (FileSystemInfo fileSystemInfo in directoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos()) { if (fileSystemInfo.Name.StartsWith("ex") && fileSystemInfo.Name.EndsWith(".log")) { log.Add(fileSystemInfo.Name); } } }
/// <summary>The entry point for the application.</summary> /// <param name="argv">A list of command line arguments</param> public static void Main(String[] argv) { bool parseCommandLineArguments; UtilityIISLogArgument utilityIISLogArgument = new UtilityIISLogArgument(); parseCommandLineArguments = Parser.ParseArgumentsWithUsage ( argv, utilityIISLogArgument ); if (parseCommandLineArguments == false) { return; } Stub(utilityIISLogArgument); }
///<summary>Stub</summary> public static void Stub ( UtilityIISLogArgument utilityIISLogArgument ) { List <string> log; List <string> site; DataTable dataTable; LoadSite ( utilityIISLogArgument, out site ); if (site != null) { foreach (string siteCurrent in site) { System.Console.WriteLine(siteCurrent); } } LoadLog ( utilityIISLogArgument, out log ); if (log != null) { foreach (string logCurrent in log) { System.Console.WriteLine(logCurrent); } } ParseLog ( utilityIISLogArgument, out dataTable ); }
///<summary>LoadSite</summary> public static void LoadSite ( UtilityIISLogArgument utilityIISLogArgument, out List <string> site ) { string IISLogPath; string computer = utilityIISLogArgument.computer; string windir; DirectoryInfo directoryInfo; HttpContext httpContext = HttpContext.Current; site = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(computer)) { computer = Environment.MachineName; } //windir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir"); windir = WinDir(computer); IISLogPath = @"\\" + computer + @"\" + windir + @"\System32\LogFiles\"; IISLogPath = IISLogPath.Replace(':', '$'); /* * if ( Directory.Exists( IISLogPath ) == false ) * { * return; * } */ directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(IISLogPath); site = new List <string>(); foreach (FileSystemInfo fileSystemInfo in directoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos()) { if (fileSystemInfo.Name.StartsWith("W3")) { site.Add(fileSystemInfo.Name); } } }
///<summary>ParseLog</summary> public static void ParseLog ( UtilityIISLogArgument utilityIISLogArgument, out DataTable dataTable ) { string[] column; string columnName; string computer = utilityIISLogArgument.computer; string content; string[] line; string log = utilityIISLogArgument.log; string logFile; string site = utilityIISLogArgument.site; string[] value; string windir; DateTime date; HttpContext httpContext = HttpContext.Current; FileStream fileStream; StreamReader streamReader; dataTable = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(computer)) { computer = Environment.MachineName; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(log)) { log = String.Format("ex{0:yyMMdd}.log", DateTime.Now.AddDays(DayOffset)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(site)) { site = WebSite; } //windir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir"); windir = WinDir(computer); if (String.Compare(computer, Environment.MachineName, true) == 0) { logFile = windir + @"\System32\LogFiles\" + site + @"\" + log; } else { logFile = @"\\" + computer + @"\" + windir + @"\System32\LogFiles\" + site + @"\" + log; logFile = logFile.Replace(':', '$'); } /* * if ( File.Exists( logFile ) == false ) * { * return; * } */ fileStream = new FileStream ( logFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ); streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream); content = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); fileStream.Close(); streamReader = null; fileStream = null; line = content.Split('\n'); //line = File.ReadAllLines(logFile); dataTable = new DataTable("log"); columnName = line[3].Replace("#Fields: ", ""); column = columnName.Split(' '); for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < column.Length - 1; ++columnIndex) { foreach (string columnReplace in ColumnReplace) { column[columnIndex] = column[columnIndex].Replace(columnReplace, ""); } dataTable.Columns.Add(column[columnIndex]); } for (int lineIndex = line.Length - 2; lineIndex > 3; --lineIndex) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line[lineIndex].Trim())) { continue; } value = line[lineIndex].Split(' '); if (DateTime.TryParse(value[0], out date)) { dataTable.Rows.Add(value); /* * DataRow dataRow; * dataRow = dataTable.NewRow(); * for ( int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < column.Length -1; ++columnIndex ) * { * dataRow[columnIndex] = value[columnIndex]; * } * dataTable.Rows.Add( dataRow ); */ } } }