private double GetCrossTickRight(Component c) { if (c is Physical ph) { return(Math.Min(ph.Position.X, ph.PreviousPosition.X)); } ph = c.Owner.Components.Get <Physical>(); SoftBody sb = c as SoftBody; Transform sp = c.Owner.GetComponent <Transform>(); CollisionBox box = (c is RigidBody rb) ? rb.UnionBounds : sb?.Bounds; return(Math.Max( box.Offset(ph?.Position ?? sp?.Position ?? Vector2D.Empty).Right, box.Offset(ph?.PreviousPosition ?? sp?.Position ?? Vector2D.Empty).Right )); }
public T FromJson <T>(TagMaster json, ITag value) { TagCompound obj = value as TagCompound; CollisionBox box = new CollisionBox(); TagList bounds = obj.Get <TagList>("bounds"); box.X = (bounds[0] as TagDouble).Value; box.Y = (bounds[1] as TagDouble).Value; box.Width = (bounds[2] as TagDouble).Value; box.Height = (bounds[3] as TagDouble).Value; TagList faces = obj.Get <TagList>("faces"); box.TopFaceProperties = FaceFromJson(faces[0] as TagCompound); box.RightFaceProperties = FaceFromJson(faces[1] as TagCompound); box.BottomFaceProperties = FaceFromJson(faces[2] as TagCompound); box.LeftFaceProperties = FaceFromJson(faces[3] as TagCompound); return((T)Convert.ChangeType(box, typeof(T))); }
public SoftBody(CollisionBox bounds, float mass) { Bounds = bounds; Mass = mass; }
public override void Update() { if (Owner.FixedDeltaTime == 0) { return; } accumulator += Owner.DeltaTime; int timesExecuted = 0; while (accumulator >= Owner.FixedDeltaTime) { timesExecuted++; accumulator -= Owner.FixedDeltaTime; foreach (Physical ph in WatchedComponents.Where(c => c is Physical)) { if (!ph.Owner.Active) { continue; } ph.PreviousPosition = ph.Position; ph.Velocity += Gravity * ph.GravityMultiplier * Owner.FixedDeltaTime; ph.Position += ph.Velocity * Owner.FixedDeltaTime; ph.Position = ph.Position.GetRounded(); ph.Velocity = ph.Velocity.GetRounded(); ph.PreviousVelocity = ph.Velocity; } WatchedComponents = WatchedComponents.OrderBy(a => GetCrossTickLeft(a)).ToList(); //Handle collision foreach (Component c0 in WatchedComponents) { if (c0 is Physical) { continue; } if (!c0.Owner.Active) { continue; } double x = GetCrossTickLeft(c0); while (sweeper.Count > 0 && !IntersectsX(sweeper[0], x)) { sweeper.RemoveAt(0); } foreach (Component c1 in sweeper) { if (c0 is RigidBody && c1 is RigidBody) { continue; } SoftBody objA = c0 is SoftBody ? (SoftBody)c0 : (SoftBody)c1; Component objB = objA == c0 ? c1 : c0; if (objA.PassThroughLevel && objB is RigidBody) { continue; } Physical physA = objA.Owner.Components.Get <Physical>(); Physical physB = objB.Owner.Components.Get <Physical>(); if (physA == null || physB == null) { continue; } if (objB is RigidBody rb && !rb.UnionBounds.Offset(physB.Position).IntersectsWith(objA.Bounds.Offset(physA.Position))) { continue; } IEnumerable <CollisionBox> solidBoxes = objB is SoftBody ? new CollisionBox[] { (objB as SoftBody).Bounds.Offset(physB.Position) } : (objB as RigidBody).Bounds.Select(b => b.Offset(physB.Position)); foreach (CollisionBox otherBounds in solidBoxes) { CollisionBox intersection = objA.Bounds.Offset(physA.Position).Intersect(otherBounds); if (intersection != null) { collisions.Add(new SingleCollision(objA, objB, otherBounds, intersection)); } } } foreach (SingleCollision collision in collisions.OrderByDescending(c => c.intersection.Area)) { SoftBody objA = collision.objA; Component objB = collision.objB; Physical physA = objA.Owner.Components.Get <Physical>(); Physical physB = objB.Owner.Components.Get <Physical>(); CollisionBox otherBounds =; CollisionBox intersection = objA.Bounds.Offset(physA.Position).Intersect(otherBounds); if (intersection == null) { continue; } if (objB is RigidBody) //Hard collision { Vector2D totalVelocity = physA.PreviousVelocity - physB.Velocity; List <FreeVector2D> sides = intersection.GetSides().Where(s => BelongsToBox(s, otherBounds)).Where(s => GeneralUtil.SubtractAngles(s.Normal.Angle, totalVelocity.Angle) > Math.PI / 2).ToList(); if (sides.Count == 0) //It's "stuck" inside a tile or that tile doesn't have one of the sides enabled { continue; } FreeVector2D normalSide = sides[0]; Vector2D normal = sides[0].Normal; if (normal == Vector2D.Empty) { continue; } if (sides.Count > 1) { if (IsAheadOfNormal(objA.Bounds.Offset(physA.PreviousPosition), sides[0])) { if (IsAheadOfNormal(objA.Bounds.Offset(physA.PreviousPosition), sides[1])) { normalSide = sides[0].Normal.X == 0 ? sides[0] : sides[1]; } else { normalSide = sides[0]; } } else { normalSide = sides[1]; } normal = normalSide.Normal; } CollisionFaceProperties faceProperties = intersection.GetFaceProperties(normal); if (objA.Movable) { if (normal.X == 0) { double displacement = Math.Abs(normalSide.A.Y - (normal.Y > 0 ? objA.Bounds.Offset(physA.Position).Bottom : objA.Bounds.Offset(physA.Position).Top)); if (faceProperties.Snap || Math.Round(displacement, 8) <= Math.Round(Math.Abs(physA.Position.Y - physA.PreviousPosition.Y) + Math.Abs(physB.Position.Y - physB.PreviousPosition.Y), 8)) { physA.Position += new Vector2D(0, displacement) * normal.Y; physA.Velocity = new Vector2D(physA.Velocity.X * (1 - faceProperties.Friction), 0) + physB.Velocity * faceProperties.Friction; } else { continue; } } else { double displacement = Math.Abs(normalSide.A.X - (normal.X > 0 ? objA.Bounds.Offset(physA.Position).Left : objA.Bounds.Offset(physA.Position).Right)); if (faceProperties.Snap || Math.Round(displacement, 8) <= Math.Round(Math.Abs(physA.Position.X - physA.PreviousPosition.X) + Math.Abs(physB.Position.X - physB.PreviousPosition.X), 8)) { physA.Position += new Vector2D(displacement, 0) * normal.X; physA.Velocity = new Vector2D(0, physA.Velocity.Y * (1 - faceProperties.Friction)) + physB.Velocity * faceProperties.Friction; } else { continue; } } } Owner.Events.InvokeEvent(new RigidCollisionEvent(objA, objB.Owner, normal)); Owner.Events.InvokeEvent(new RigidCollisionEvent(objB, objA.Owner, normal)); } else //Soft Collision { Owner.Events.InvokeEvent(new SoftCollisionEvent(objA, objB.Owner)); Owner.Events.InvokeEvent(new SoftCollisionEvent(objB, objA.Owner)); Vector2D center0 = objA.Bounds.Offset(physA.Position).Center; Vector2D center1 = otherBounds.Center; double distance = (center0 - center1).Magnitude; if (distance <= 1e-4) { continue; } double force = 2 * Owner.FixedDeltaTime * intersection.Area * (objA.Mass * (objB as SoftBody).Mass); Vector2D forceVec = (center1 - center0).Normalize() * force; forceVec.Y = 0; if (objA.Movable && objA.Mass != 0) { physA.Velocity -= forceVec / (objA.Mass); } if ((objB as SoftBody).Movable && (objB as SoftBody).Mass != 0) { physB.Velocity -= -forceVec / (objB as SoftBody).Mass; } } } collisions.Clear(); sweeper.Add(c0); } } sweeper.Clear(); collisions.Clear(); }