コード例 #1
ファイル: storeManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        public stripItem createPresent(int receivingUserID, string saleCode, string Note, string customData)
            int definitionID = ObjectTree.Game.Items.getRandomPresentBoxDefinitionID();
            if (definitionID != 1)
                stripItem presentBoxItem = ObjectTree.Game.Items.createItemInstance(definitionID, receivingUserID, "!" + Note);

                Database dbClient = new Database(false, true);
                dbClient.addParameterWithValue("itemid", presentBoxItem.ID);
                dbClient.addParameterWithValue("salecode", saleCode);
                if (customData == "")
                    dbClient.addParameterWithValue("customdata", DBNull.Value);
                    dbClient.addParameterWithValue("customdata", customData);

                if (dbClient.Ready)
                    dbClient.runQuery("INSERT INTO items_presents VALUES (@itemid,@salecode,@customdata)");

                return presentBoxItem;
                Logging.Log("Failed to create presentbox for sale '" + saleCode + "', one of the present box definitions is missing!", Logging.logType.commonError);
                return null;
コード例 #2
ファイル: messengerManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Accepts a buddy request and notifies the sender (if online) and the receiver.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Session">The Woodpecker.Sessions.Session object of the user that accepts the request.</param>
        /// <param name="senderID">The database ID of the user that sent the request.</param>
        public void acceptBuddyRequest(ref Session Session, int senderID)
            Database Database = new Database(false, false);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", Session.User.ID);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("senderid", senderID);

            if (Database.findsResult("SELECT userid FROM messenger_buddylist WHERE userid = @senderid AND buddyid = @userid AND accepted = '0' LIMIT 1"))
                Database.runQuery("UPDATE messenger_buddylist SET accepted = '1' WHERE userid = @senderid AND buddyid = @userid LIMIT 1");

                serverMessage Message = new serverMessage();
                if (ObjectTree.Game.Users.userIsLoggedIn(senderID)) // Sender is online!
                    Message.Initialize(137); // "BI"
                    ObjectTree.Game.Users.trySendGameMessage(senderID, Message);

                Message.Initialize(137); // "BI"
コード例 #3
ファイル: roomManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts room rights in a given room for a given user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roomID">The database ID of the room to assign the user rights to.</param>
        /// <param name="userID">The database ID of the user that gets the rights.</param>
        public void addRoomRights(int roomID, int userID)
            Database Database = new Database(false, true);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("roomid", roomID);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID);

            Database.runQuery("INSERT INTO rooms_rights(roomid,userid) VALUES (@roomid,@userid)");
コード例 #4
ファイル: roomManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a given room to a given user's favorite room list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The database ID of the user to modify the list for.</param>
        /// <param name="roomID">The database ID of the room to add to the user's favorite list.</param>
        public void addFavoriteRoom(int userID, int roomID)
            Database Database = new Database(false, true);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("roomid", roomID);

            if (Database.Ready)
                Database.runQuery("INSERT INTO rooms_favorites(userid,roomid) VALUES (@userid,@roomid)");
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes a messenger message of a user, with only the message ID given.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The database ID of the user to delete the message of.</param>
        /// <param name="messageID">The ID of the message to delete.</param>
        public void markMessageAsRead(int userID, int messageID)
            Database Database = new Database(false, true);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("messageid", messageID);

            if (Database.Ready)
                Database.runQuery("DELETE FROM messenger_messages WHERE receiverid = @userid AND messageid = @messageid LIMIT 1");
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the last activity datetime in the database and this object to the current time.
        /// </summary>
        public void updateLastActivity()
            Database Database = new Database(false, true);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", this.ID);
            if (Database.Ready)
                Database.runQuery("UPDATE users SET lastactivity = NOW() WHERE id = @userid");

            this.lastActivity = DateTime.Now;
コード例 #7
ファイル: connectionManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a given IP address to the connection blacklist, thus refusing future connections (both game and MUS) from that IP address.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="IP">The IP address to add to the blacklist.</param>
 public void blackListIpAddress(string IP)
     Database Database = new Database(false, true);
     Database.addParameterWithValue("ip", IP);
     if (Database.Ready)
         Database.runQuery("INSERT INTO connections_blacklist(ip,added) VALUES (@ip, CURDATE())");
         Logging.Log("Blacklisted IP address '" + IP + "' for whatever reason.", Logging.logType.connectionBlacklistEvent);
         Logging.Log("Failed to add IP address '" + IP + "' to the connection blacklist, the database was not contactable.", Logging.logType.commonError);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a new row with the current access details into the database's 'users_access' table.
        /// </summary>
        public void Update()
            Database dbClient = new Database(false, true);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("userid", this.userID);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("sessionid", this.sessionID);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("ip", this.IP);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("machineid", this.machineID);

            if (dbClient.Ready)
                dbClient.runQuery("INSERT INTO users_access VALUES (@userid,@sessionid,NOW(),@ip,@machineid)");
                this.lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
コード例 #9
ファイル: roomManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes a given user flat from the database,
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roomID">The database ID of the room to delete.</param>
        public void deleteFlat(int roomID)
            Database Database = new Database(false, false);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("roomid", roomID);

            if (Database.Ready)
                Database.runQuery("DELETE FROM rooms WHERE id = @roomid LIMIT 1");
                Database.runQuery("DELETE FROM rooms_rights WHERE roomid = @roomid");
コード例 #10
ファイル: itemStripHandler.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Swaps the trade offer items of two trade partners and updates the database, hand item collection etc. The swap is aborted if the trade is invalid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="partnerItemStrip">The itemStripHandler object of the trade partner session.</param>
        public void swapTradeOffers(itemStripHandler partnerItemStrip)
            if (this.isTrading && partnerItemStrip.isTrading && (this.tradeOfferItemCount > 0 || partnerItemStrip.tradeOfferItemCount > 0)) // Can swap items
                Database dbClient = new Database(true, false);
                if (!dbClient.Ready)

                foreach (int myTradeOfferItemID in this.tradeOfferItemIDs)
                    stripItem lItem = this.getHandItem(myTradeOfferItemID);
                    if (lItem == null)
                        return; // Trade invalid

                    this.removeHandItem(myTradeOfferItemID, false); // Remove from this item strip
                    partnerItemStrip.addHandItem(lItem); // Add to partner item strip
                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE items SET ownerid = '" + partnerItemStrip.userID + "' WHERE id = '" + lItem.ID + "' LIMIT 1"); // Update database

                foreach (int partnerTradeOfferItemID in partnerItemStrip.tradeOfferItemIDs)
                    stripItem lItem = partnerItemStrip.getHandItem(partnerTradeOfferItemID);
                    if (lItem == null)
                        return; // Trade invalid

                    partnerItemStrip.removeHandItem(partnerTradeOfferItemID, false); // Remove from partner item strip
                    this.addHandItem(lItem); // Add to this item strip
                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE items SET ownerid = '" + this.userID + "' WHERE id = '" + lItem.ID + "' LIMIT 1"); // Update database

                dbClient.Close(); // Close database connection
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the dynamical fields for this pet in the database.
        /// </summary>
        public void Update()
            Database dbClient = new Database(false, true);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("id", this.ID);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("friendship", this.fFriendship);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("x", this.lastX);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("y", this.lastY);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("last_kip", this.dtLastKip);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("last_eat", this.dtLastFed);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("last_drink", this.dtLastDrink);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("last_playtoy", this.dtLastPlayToy);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("last_playuser", this.dtLastPlayUser);

            if (dbClient.Ready)
                    "UPDATE items_pets SET " +

                    "friendship = @friendship," +
                    "x = @x," +
                    "y = @y," +
                    "last_kip = @last_kip," +
                    "last_eat = @last_eat," +
                    "last_drink = @last_drink," +
                    "last_playtoy = @last_playtoy," +
                    "last_playuser = @last_playuser " +

                    "WHERE id = @id " +
                    "LIMIT 1");
コード例 #12
        private void deleteItemDefinition(int ID)
            Database dbClient = new Database(false, false);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("definitionid", ID);

            if (dbClient.Ready)
                dbClient.runQuery("DELETE FROM items_definitions WHERE id = @definitionid LIMIT 1"); // Drop definition
                dbClient.runQuery("DELETE FROM store_catalogue_sales WHERE item_definitionid = @definitionid"); // Drop single-item sales with this item definition
                dbClient.runQuery("DELETE FROM store_catalogue_sales_packages WHERE definitionid = @definitionid"); // Drop this item definition from packages
コード例 #13
ファイル: messengerManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        public void removeBuddy(int userID, int buddyID)
            Database Database = new Database(false, false);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("buddyid", buddyID);

            if (Database.Ready)
                Database.runQuery("DELETE FROM messenger_buddylist WHERE (userid = @userid AND buddyid = @buddyid) OR (userid = @buddyid AND buddyid = @userid) AND accepted = '1' LIMIT 1");
                Database.runQuery("DELETE FROM messenger_messages WHERE (receiverid = @userid AND senderid = @buddyid) OR (receiverid = @buddyid AND senderid = @userid)"); // Delete messages between users


            if (ObjectTree.Game.Users.userIsLoggedIn(buddyID)) // Victim is online
                serverMessage Message = new serverMessage(138); // "BJ"
コード例 #14
ファイル: roomManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
 /// <summary>
 /// Resets the amount of users for every room in the database to 0.
 /// </summary>
 public void resetRoomUserAmounts()
     Database Database = new Database(true, true);
     if (Database.Ready)
         Database.runQuery("UPDATE rooms SET visitors_now = '0'");
         Logging.Log("Current visitor amounts of rooms set to 0.");
コード例 #15
ファイル: roomManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes a given room to a given user's favorite room list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The database ID of the user to modify the list for.</param>
        /// <param name="roomID">The database ID of the room to remove to the user's favorite list.</param>
        public void removeFavoriteRoom(int userID, int roomID)
            Database Database = new Database(false, true);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("roomid", roomID);

            if (Database.Ready)
                Database.runQuery("DELETE FROM rooms_favorites WHERE userid = @userid AND roomid = @roomid LIMIT 1");
コード例 #16
ファイル: userManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Gives a badge to user, after checking if the user doesn't already have this badge. A boolean is returned that indicates if the badge is given or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The database ID of the user to give the badge to.</param>
        /// <param name="Badge">The badge of the user to </param>
        public bool giveBadgeToUser(int userID, string Badge)
            Database Database = new Database(false, false);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("badge", Badge);
            if (Database.Ready)
                if (!Database.findsResult("SELECT userid FROM users_badges WHERE userid = @userid AND badge = @badge LIMIT 1"))
                    Database.runQuery("INSERT INTO users_badges(userid,badge) VALUES (@userid,@badge)");
                    return true;

            return false;
コード例 #17
ファイル: messengerManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Declines a unaccepted buddy request for the messenger.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The database ID of the user that declines the request.</param>
        /// <param name="senderID">The database ID of the user that sent the request.</param>
        public void declineBuddyRequest(int userID, int senderID)
            Database Database = new Database(false, true);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID);
            if(senderID > 0)
                Database.addParameterWithValue("senderid", senderID);

            if (Database.Ready)
                if (senderID > 0) // Specific request was rejected
                    Database.runQuery("DELETE FROM messenger_buddylist WHERE userid = @senderid AND buddyid = @userid AND accepted = '0' LIMIT 1");
                else // All requests were rejected
                    Database.runQuery("DELETE FROM messenger_buddylist WHERE buddyid = @userid AND accepted = '0'");
コード例 #18
ファイル: storeManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to redeem a credit/item voucher for a user session.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Session">The Woodpecker.Sessions.Session object to redeem the voucher with.</param>
        /// <param name="Code">The vouchercode the user entered.</param>
        public void redeemVoucher(ref Session Session, string Code)
            serverMessage Response = new serverMessage();
            Database Database = new Database(false, false);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("code", Code);

            if (Database.Ready)
                DataRow dRow = Database.getRow("SELECT type,value FROM users_vouchers WHERE code = @code AND ISNULL(redeemer_userid)");
                if (dRow != null) // Voucher found
                    // Mark voucher as redeemed
                    Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", Session.User.ID);
                    Database.runQuery("UPDATE users_vouchers SET redeemer_userid = @userid WHERE code = @code");

                    string Type = (string)dRow["type"];
                    if (Type == "credits")
                        int Credits = int.Parse(dRow["value"].ToString());
                        Session.User.Credits += Credits;
                        this.logTransaction(Session.User.ID, "win_voucher", Credits);

                    else if (Type == "item")
                        string[] Items = ((string)dRow["value"]).Split(';');


                    // Success!
                    Response.Initialize(212); // "CT"
                    // Error 1! (not found)
                    Response.Initialize(213); // "CU"
コード例 #19
ファイル: storeManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes a new row in the users_creditlog table of the database, with the user ID of a user, the type of purchase/action and the activity. (+100, -100 etc) The current datetime is inserted aswell. This record can be viewed by the user via the 'Transactions' button in the Purse.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userID">The database ID of the user to log the action for.</param>
 /// <param name="Type">The type of the action. (win_voucher, club_habbo etc)</param>
 /// <param name="Activity">The activity of the action. (+100, -100 etc)</param> 
 public void logTransaction(int userID, string Type, int Activity)
     Database Database = new Database(false, true);
     Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID);
     Database.addParameterWithValue("type", Type);
     Database.addParameterWithValue("activity", Activity);
     if (Database.Ready)
         Database.runQuery("INSERT INTO users_creditlog(userid,moment,type,activity) VALUES (@userid,NOW(),@type,@activity)");
コード例 #20
ファイル: roomManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes all records in user favorite room lists that refer to non-existing rooms. (eg, deleted etc)
 /// </summary>
 public void dropInvalidFavoriteRoomEntries()
     Database Database = new Database(true, true);
     if (Database.Ready)
         Database.runQuery("DELETE FROM rooms_favorites WHERE NOT(rooms_favorites.roomid) IN(SELECT rooms.id FROM rooms)");
コード例 #21
ファイル: userManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers a new user by writing the given details into the 'users' table of the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Session"></param>
        /// <param name="Info">The information about the new user in a userInformation object.</param>
        public void registerUser(Session Session, userInformation Info)
            Database Database = new Database(false, true);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("username", Info.Username);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("password", Info.Password);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("role", "1");
            Database.addParameterWithValue("figure", Info.Figure);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("sex", Info.Sex.ToString());
            Database.addParameterWithValue("motto", Configuration.getConfigurationValue("users.registration.motto"));
            Database.addParameterWithValue("motto_messenger", Configuration.getConfigurationValue("users.registration.messengermotto"));
            Database.addParameterWithValue("credits", Configuration.getNumericConfigurationValue("users.registration.credits"));
            Database.addParameterWithValue("tickets", Configuration.getNumericConfigurationValue("users.registration.tickets"));
            Database.addParameterWithValue("film", 0);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("email", Info.Email);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("dob", Info.DateOfBirth);

            if (Database.Ready)
                //Database.runQuery("CALL register_user(@username,@password,@figure,@sex,@email,@dob,@receivemails)");
                    "INSERT INTO users " +
                    "(username,password,role,signedup,figure,sex,motto,motto_messenger,credits,tickets,film,lastactivity,club_lastupdate,email,dob) " +
                    "VALUES " +

                Logging.Log("Created user '" + Info.Username + "'.", Logging.logType.userVisitEvent);
                Logging.Log("Failed to create user " + Info.Username + ", because the database was not contactable!", Logging.logType.commonWarning);
コード例 #22
ファイル: messengerManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a buddy request from a given user to another user into the database, and notifies the receiver with the new request if it's online.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="User">The userInformation object of the user that sends the request.</param>
        /// <param name="userID2">The database ID of the receiving user.</param>
        public void requestBuddy(userInformation User, int userID2)
            Database Database = new Database(false, true);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", User.ID);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("userid2", userID2);
            Database.runQuery("INSERT INTO messenger_buddylist(userid,buddyid) VALUES (@userid,@userid2)");

            if (ObjectTree.Game.Users.userIsLoggedIn(userID2)) // Receiver is online
                serverMessage Message = new serverMessage(132); // "BD"

                ObjectTree.Game.Users.trySendGameMessage(userID2, Message);
コード例 #23
ファイル: roomManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes roomrights for a given user in a given room.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roomID">The database ID of the room to remove the rights for the user of.</param>
        /// <param name="userID">The database ID of the user that gets the rights removed.</param>
        public void removeRoomRights(int roomID, int userID)
            Database Database = new Database(false, true);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("roomid", roomID);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID);

            Database.runQuery("DELETE FROM rooms_rights WHERE roomid = @roomid AND userid = @userid LIMIT 1");
            // TODO: refresh in room instance
コード例 #24
ファイル: userManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes a certain badge from a given user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userID">The database ID of the user to remove the badge of.</param>
 /// <param name="Badge">The badge to remove.</param>
 public void removeBadgeFromUser(int userID, string Badge)
     Database Database = new Database(false, false);
     Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID);
     Database.addParameterWithValue("badge", Badge);
     if (Database.Ready)
         Database.runQuery("DELETE FROM users_badges WHERE userid = @userid AND badge = @badge LIMIT 1");
コード例 #25
ファイル: roomManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the current amount of visitors in a given room instance in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roomID">The database ID of the room to update.</param>
        /// <param name="userAmount">The up to date amount of users in the instance of the given room.</param>
        public void updateRoomUserAmount(int roomID, int userAmount)
            Database Database = new Database(false, true);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("roomid", roomID);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("useramount", userAmount);

            if (Database.Ready)
                Database.runQuery("UPDATE rooms SET visitors_now = @useramount WHERE id = @roomid LIMIT 1");
コード例 #26
ファイル: ObjectTree.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
            /// <summary>
            /// Starts the booting procedure of Woodpecker and handles exceptions.
            /// </summary>
            public static void Start()

                Logging.Log("Welcome to Woodpecker!");
                Logging.Log("Checking db.config...");
                if (!Configuration.configFileExists)
                    Logging.Log("db.config was not found in the same directory as the executable of this copy of Woodpecker!");
                    Stop("db.config not found");

                Logging.Log("Running database connectivity check...");

                Database Check = new Database(true, true);
                if (Check.Ready)
                    Check.runQuery("INSERT INTO server_startups(startup) VALUES (NOW())"); // Log server startup
                    Check = null;
                    Logging.Log("Database is contactable!");
                    Logging.Log("Failed to contact database, please check the error shown above!", Logging.logType.commonWarning);
                    Stop("failed to contact database");

                _md5Provider = new md5Provider();
                _md5Provider.baseSalt = Configuration.getConfigurationValue("cryptography.md5.salt");


                _moderationManager.logChat = (Configuration.getConfigurationValue("moderation.logchat") == "1");



                int Port = Configuration.getNumericConfigurationValue("connections.game.port");
                if (Port > 0)
                    int maxConnectionsPerIP = Configuration.getNumericConfigurationValue("connections.game.maxperip");
                    if (maxConnectionsPerIP == 0)
                        Logging.Log("The field connections.game.maxperip in the `configuration` table of the database is not holding a valid value. The default value '3' will be used.", Logging.logType.commonWarning);
                        maxConnectionsPerIP = 3;
                    if (!_gameConnectionManager.startListening(Port, maxConnectionsPerIP))
                        Logging.Log("Failed to setup game connection listener, the port (" + Port + ") is probably in use by another application.", Logging.logType.commonWarning);
                        Stop("failed to setup game connection listener");
                    Logging.Log("The field 'connections.game.port' in the `configuration` table of the database is not present. Please fill in a numeric entry, which represents the port to listen on for game connections.", Logging.logType.commonWarning);
                    Stop("No valid port for game connection listener set.");


                Logging.Log("Ready for connections!");
                _mainForm.stripMenu.Enabled = true;
コード例 #27
ファイル: roomManager.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new user flat room by writing the given details in the 'rooms' table of the database. The new room's ID is returned upon success.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Details">The Woodpecker.Game.Rooms.roomInformation object containing the details of the new room.</param>
        public int createFlat(roomInformation Details)
            int roomID = 0;
            Database Database = new Database(false, false);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("roomname", Details.Name);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("ownerid", Details.ownerID);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("modeltype", Details.modelType);
            Database.addParameterWithValue("accesstype", ((int)Details.accessType).ToString());
            Database.addParameterWithValue("showname", Details.showOwner.ToString().ToLower());

            if (Database.Ready)
                Database.runQuery("INSERT INTO rooms(ownerid,roomname,modeltype,showname,accesstype) VALUES (@ownerid,@roomname,@modeltype,@showname,@accesstype)");
                roomID = Database.getInteger("SELECT MAX(id) FROM rooms WHERE ownerid = @ownerid LIMIT 1");

            return roomID;
コード例 #28
ファイル: itemInstance.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the information of this item instance in the database.
        /// </summary>
        public void Update()
            Database dbClient = new Database(false, true);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("z", this.Z);
            if (this.customData == null || this.Definition.Behaviour.customDataTrueFalse)
                dbClient.addParameterWithValue("customdata", DBNull.Value);
                dbClient.addParameterWithValue("customdata", this.customData);

            if (dbClient.Ready)
                dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE items SET ownerid = '" + this.ownerID + "',roomid = '" + this.roomID + "',x = '" + this.X + "',y = '" + this.Y + "',z = @z,rotation = '" + this.Rotation + "',customdata = @customdata WHERE id = '" + this.ID + "' LIMIT 1");
                this.requiresUpdate = false; // Update performed!
コード例 #29
        private void saveItemDefinition(itemDefinition pDefinition)
            Database dbClient = new Database(false, false);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("definitionid", pDefinition.ID);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("directoryid", pDefinition.directoryID);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("sprite", pDefinition.Sprite);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("color", pDefinition.Color);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("length", pDefinition.Length);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("width", pDefinition.Width);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("topheight", pDefinition.topHeight);
            dbClient.addParameterWithValue("behaviour", pDefinition.Behaviour.ToString());

            if (dbClient.Ready)
                dbClient.runQuery("DELETE FROM items_definitions WHERE id = @definitionid LIMIT 1"); // Drop old definition
                dbClient.runQuery( // Insert new/edited definition
                    "INSERT INTO items_definitions " +
                    "VALUES " +
コード例 #30
ファイル: itemInstance.cs プロジェクト: habb0/Woodpecker
        public void Update()
            Database dbClient = new Database(false, true);
            if (this.wallPosition == null)
                dbClient.addParameterWithValue("wallposition", DBNull.Value);
                dbClient.addParameterWithValue("wallposition", this.wallPosition);
            if (this.customData == null)
                dbClient.addParameterWithValue("customdata", DBNull.Value);
                dbClient.addParameterWithValue("customdata", this.customData);
            if (this.postItMessage == null)
                dbClient.addParameterWithValue("postit_message", DBNull.Value);
                dbClient.addParameterWithValue("postit_message", this.postItMessage);

            if (dbClient.Ready)
                dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE items SET ownerid = '" + this.ownerID + "',roomid = '" + this.roomID + "',customdata = @customdata,wallposition = @wallposition,postit_message = @postit_message WHERE id = '" + this.ID + "' LIMIT 1");
                this.requiresUpdate = false; // Update performed!