コード例 #1
        public static void ExportWMO(string file, BackgroundWorker exportworker = null, string destinationOverride = null)
            if (exportworker == null)
                exportworker = new BackgroundWorker();
                exportworker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;

            Logger.WriteLine("WMO glTF Exporter: Loading file {0}...", file);

            exportworker.ReportProgress(5, "Reading WMO..");

            var outdir = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["outdir"];
            var wmo    = new WMOReader().LoadWMO(file);

            var customCulture = (System.Globalization.CultureInfo)System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Clone();

            customCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator    = ".";
            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = customCulture;

            if (destinationOverride == null)
                if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(outdir, Path.GetDirectoryName(file))))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(outdir, Path.GetDirectoryName(file)));

            exportworker.ReportProgress(25, "Generating glTF..");

            var glTF = new glTF()
                asset = new Asset()
                    version    = "2.0",
                    generator  = "Marlamin's WoW Export Tools " + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(),
                    copyright  = "Contents are owned by Blizzard Entertainment",
                    minVersion = "2.0"

            var        groups = new Structs.WMOGroup[wmo.group.Count()];
            FileStream stream;

            if (destinationOverride == null)
                stream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outdir, file.Replace(".wmo", ".bin")), FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
                stream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(destinationOverride, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + ".bin"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate);

            var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);

            var bufferViews  = new List <BufferView>();
            var accessorInfo = new List <Accessor>();
            var meshes       = new List <Mesh>();

            for (var g = 0; g < wmo.group.Count(); g++)
                if (wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Group has no vertices!"); continue;
                for (var i = 0; i < wmo.groupNames.Count(); i++)
                    if (wmo.group[g].mogp.nameOffset == wmo.groupNames[i].offset)
                        groups[g].name = wmo.groupNames[i].name.Replace(" ", "_");

                if (groups[g].name == "antiportal")
                    Console.WriteLine("Group is antiportal"); continue;

                // Position bufferview
                var vPosBuffer = new BufferView()
                    buffer     = 0,
                    byteOffset = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position,
                    target     = 34962

                var minPosX = float.MaxValue;
                var minPosY = float.MaxValue;
                var minPosZ = float.MaxValue;

                var maxPosX = float.MinValue;
                var maxPosY = float.MinValue;
                var maxPosZ = float.MinValue;

                for (var i = 0; i < wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices.Count(); i++)
                    writer.Write(wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices[i].vector.X * -1);

                    if (wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices[i].vector.X * -1 < minPosX)
                        minPosX = wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices[i].vector.X * -1;
                    if (wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices[i].vector.Z < minPosY)
                        minPosY = wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices[i].vector.Z;
                    if (wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices[i].vector.Y < minPosZ)
                        minPosZ = wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices[i].vector.Y;

                    if (wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices[i].vector.X * -1 > maxPosX)
                        maxPosX = wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices[i].vector.X * -1;
                    if (wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices[i].vector.Z > maxPosY)
                        maxPosY = wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices[i].vector.Z;
                    if (wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices[i].vector.Y > maxPosZ)
                        maxPosZ = wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices[i].vector.Y;

                vPosBuffer.byteLength = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position - vPosBuffer.byteOffset;

                var posLoc = accessorInfo.Count();

                accessorInfo.Add(new Accessor()
                    name          = "vPos",
                    bufferView    = bufferViews.Count(),
                    byteOffset    = 0,
                    componentType = 5126,
                    count         = (uint)wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices.Count(),
                    type          = "VEC3",
                    min           = new float[] { minPosX, minPosY, minPosZ },
                    max           = new float[] { maxPosX, maxPosY, maxPosZ }


                // Normal bufferview
                var normalBuffer = new BufferView()
                    buffer     = 0,
                    byteOffset = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position,
                    target     = 34962

                for (var i = 0; i < wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices.Count(); i++)

                normalBuffer.byteLength = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position - normalBuffer.byteOffset;

                var normalLoc = accessorInfo.Count();

                accessorInfo.Add(new Accessor()
                    name          = "vNormal",
                    bufferView    = bufferViews.Count(),
                    byteOffset    = 0,
                    componentType = 5126,
                    count         = (uint)wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices.Count(),
                    type          = "VEC3"


                // TexCoord bufferview
                var texCoordBuffer = new BufferView()
                    buffer     = 0,
                    byteOffset = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position,
                    target     = 34962

                for (var i = 0; i < wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices.Count(); i++)

                texCoordBuffer.byteLength = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position - texCoordBuffer.byteOffset;

                var texLoc = accessorInfo.Count();

                accessorInfo.Add(new Accessor()
                    name          = "vTex",
                    bufferView    = bufferViews.Count(),
                    byteOffset    = 0,
                    componentType = 5126,
                    count         = (uint)wmo.group[g].mogp.vertices.Count(),
                    type          = "VEC2"


                var indexBufferPos = bufferViews.Count();

                for (var i = 0; i < wmo.group[g].mogp.renderBatches.Count(); i++)
                    var batch = wmo.group[g].mogp.renderBatches[i];

                    accessorInfo.Add(new Accessor()
                        name          = "indices",
                        bufferView    = indexBufferPos,
                        byteOffset    = batch.firstFace * 2,
                        componentType = 5123,
                        count         = batch.numFaces,
                        type          = "SCALAR"

                    var mesh = new Mesh();
                    mesh.name       = groups[g].name + "_" + i;
                    mesh.primitives = new Primitive[1];
                    mesh.primitives[0].attributes = new Dictionary <string, int>
                        { "POSITION", posLoc },
                        { "NORMAL", normalLoc },
                        { "TEXCOORD_0", texLoc }

                    mesh.primitives[0].indices = (uint)accessorInfo.Count() - 1;

                    if (batch.flags == 2)
                        mesh.primitives[0].material = (uint)batch.possibleBox2_3;
                        mesh.primitives[0].material = batch.materialID;

                    mesh.primitives[0].mode = 4;


                var indiceBuffer = new BufferView()
                    buffer     = 0,
                    byteOffset = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position,
                    target     = 34963

                for (var i = 0; i < wmo.group[g].mogp.indices.Count(); i++)

                indiceBuffer.byteLength = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position - indiceBuffer.byteOffset;


                // Buffer alignment!
                if ((indiceBuffer.byteOffset + indiceBuffer.byteLength) % 4 != 0)

            glTF.bufferViews = bufferViews.ToArray();
            glTF.accessors   = accessorInfo.ToArray();

            glTF.buffers = new Buffer[1];
            glTF.buffers[0].byteLength = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Length;
            glTF.buffers[0].uri        = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + ".bin";


            exportworker.ReportProgress(65, "Exporting textures..");

            if (wmo.materials == null)
                Logger.WriteLine("WMO glTF exporter: Materials empty");

            var materialCount = wmo.materials.Count();

            glTF.images    = new Image[materialCount];
            glTF.textures  = new Texture[materialCount];
            glTF.materials = new Material[materialCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < materialCount; i++)
                for (var ti = 0; ti < wmo.textures.Count(); ti++)
                    if (wmo.textures[ti].startOffset == wmo.materials[i].texture1)
                        var textureFilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(wmo.textures[ti].filename).ToLower();

                        glTF.images[i].uri = textureFilename + ".png";

                        glTF.textures[i].sampler = 0;
                        glTF.textures[i].source  = i;

                        glTF.materials[i].name = textureFilename;
                        glTF.materials[i].pbrMetallicRoughness = new PBRMetallicRoughness();
                        glTF.materials[i].pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture       = new TextureIndex();
                        glTF.materials[i].pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.index = i;
                        glTF.materials[i].pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicFactor         = 0.0f;

                        switch (wmo.materials[i].blendMode)
                        case 0:
                            glTF.materials[i].alphaMode   = "OPAQUE";
                            glTF.materials[i].alphaCutoff = 0.0f;

                        case 1:
                            glTF.materials[i].alphaMode   = "MASK";
                            glTF.materials[i].alphaCutoff = 0.90393700787f;

                        case 2:
                            glTF.materials[i].alphaMode   = "MASK";
                            glTF.materials[i].alphaCutoff = 0.5f;

                            glTF.materials[i].alphaMode   = "OPAQUE";
                            glTF.materials[i].alphaCutoff = 0.0f;

                        var saveLocation = "";

                        if (destinationOverride == null)
                            saveLocation = Path.Combine(outdir, Path.GetDirectoryName(file), textureFilename + ".png");
                            saveLocation = Path.Combine(outdir, destinationOverride, textureFilename + ".png");

                        if (!File.Exists(saveLocation))
                            var blpreader = new BLPReader();


                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Error exporting texture " + wmo.textures[ti].filename + ": " + e.Message);

            glTF.samplers              = new Sampler[1];
            glTF.samplers[0].name      = "Default Sampler";
            glTF.samplers[0].minFilter = 9986;
            glTF.samplers[0].magFilter = 9729;
            glTF.samplers[0].wrapS     = 10497;
            glTF.samplers[0].wrapT     = 10497;

            glTF.scenes         = new Scene[1];
            glTF.scenes[0].name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);

            glTF.nodes = new Node[meshes.Count()];
            var meshIDs = new List <int>();

            for (var i = 0; i < meshes.Count(); i++)
                glTF.nodes[i].name = meshes[i].name;
                glTF.nodes[i].mesh = i;

            glTF.scenes[0].nodes = meshIDs.ToArray();

            glTF.meshes = meshes.ToArray();

            glTF.scene = 0;

            var currentDoodadSetName = "";

            for (var i = 0; i < wmo.doodadDefinitions.Count(); i++)
                var doodadDefinition = wmo.doodadDefinitions[i];

                foreach (var doodadSet in wmo.doodadSets)
                    if (doodadSet.firstInstanceIndex == i)
                        Console.WriteLine("At set: " + doodadSet.setName);
                        currentDoodadSetName = doodadSet.setName.Replace("Set_", "").Replace("SET_", "").Replace("$DefaultGlobal", "Default");

                foreach (var doodadNameEntry in wmo.doodadNames)
                    if (doodadNameEntry.startOffset == doodadDefinition.offset)
                        if (!File.Exists(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(doodadNameEntry.filename).ToLower() + ".gltf"))
                            if (destinationOverride == null)
                                M2Exporter.ExportM2(doodadNameEntry.filename.Replace(".MDX", ".M2").Replace(".MDL", ".M2").ToLower(), null, Path.Combine(outdir, Path.GetDirectoryName(file)));
                                M2Exporter.ExportM2(doodadNameEntry.filename.Replace(".MDX", ".M2").Replace(".MDL", ".M2").ToLower(), null, destinationOverride);

            exportworker.ReportProgress(95, "Writing to file..");

            if (destinationOverride == null)
                File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(outdir, file.Replace(".wmo", ".gltf")), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(glTF, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings
                    NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore
                File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(destinationOverride, Path.GetFileName(file.ToLower()).Replace(".wmo", ".gltf")), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(glTF, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings
                    NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

            Logger.WriteLine("Done exporting WMO file!");
コード例 #2
        public static void ExportADT(string file, BackgroundWorker exportworker = null)
            if (exportworker == null)
                exportworker = new BackgroundWorker
                    WorkerReportsProgress = true

            var outdir = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["outdir"];

            var customCulture = (System.Globalization.CultureInfo)System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Clone();

            customCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator    = ".";
            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = customCulture;

            var TileSize  = 1600.0f / 3.0f;   //533.333
            var ChunkSize = TileSize / 16.0f; //33.333
            var UnitSize  = ChunkSize / 8.0f; //4.166666

            var mapname = file.Replace("world/maps/", "").Substring(0, file.Replace("world/maps/", "").IndexOf("/"));
            var coord   = file.Replace("world/maps/" + mapname + "/" + mapname, "").Replace(".adt", "").Split('_');

            CASCLib.Logger.WriteLine("ADT glTF Exporter: Starting export of {0}..", file);

            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(outdir, Path.GetDirectoryName(file))))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(outdir, Path.GetDirectoryName(file)));

            exportworker.ReportProgress(0, "Loading ADT " + file);

            var reader = new ADTReader();

            reader.LoadADT(file.Replace('/', '\\'));

            if (reader.adtfile.chunks == null)
                CASCLib.Logger.WriteLine("ADT glTF Exporter: File {0} has no chunks, skipping export!", file);

            var renderBatches = new List <Structs.RenderBatch>();
            var materials     = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            var glTF = new glTF()
                asset = new Asset()
                    version   = "2.0",
                    generator = "Marlamin's WoW Exporter " + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(),
                    copyright = "Contents are owned by Blizzard Entertainment"

            var initialChunkY = reader.adtfile.chunks[0].header.position.Y;
            var initialChunkX = reader.adtfile.chunks[0].header.position.X;

            var bakeQuality = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["bakeQuality"];

            var bufferViews  = new List <BufferView>();
            var accessorInfo = new List <Accessor>();
            var meshes       = new List <Mesh>();

            glTF.buffers = new Buffer[1];

            if (bakeQuality == "high")
                glTF.images    = new Image[256];
                glTF.materials = new Material[256];
                glTF.textures  = new Texture[256];
                glTF.images    = new Image[1];
                glTF.materials = new Material[1];
                glTF.textures  = new Texture[1];

            var stream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outdir, file.Replace(".adt", ".bin")), FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
            var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);

            for (var c = 0; c < reader.adtfile.chunks.Count(); c++)
                var chunk = reader.adtfile.chunks[c];

                var localVertices = new Structs.Vertex[145];
                for (int i = 0, idx = 0; i < 17; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < (((i % 2) != 0) ? 8 : 9); j++)
                        var v = new Structs.Vertex
                            Normal = new Structs.Vector3D
                                X = chunk.normals.normal_2[idx] / 127f,
                                Y = chunk.normals.normal_0[idx] / 127f,
                                Z = chunk.normals.normal_1[idx] / 127f
                            Position = new Structs.Vector3D {
                                X = chunk.header.position.Y - (j * UnitSize),
                                Y = chunk.vertices.vertices[idx++] + chunk.header.position.Z,
                                Z = chunk.header.position.X - (i * UnitSize * 0.5f)

                        if ((i % 2) != 0)
                            v.Position.X -= 0.5f * UnitSize;

                        if (bakeQuality == "high")
                            // Multiple textures per model, one per chunk
                            var tx = -(v.Position.X - initialChunkY) / ChunkSize;
                            var ty = -(v.Position.Y - initialChunkX) / ChunkSize;
                            v.TexCoord = new Structs.Vector2D {
                                X = tx, Y = ty
                            var tx = -(v.Position.X - initialChunkY) / TileSize;
                            var ty = -(v.Position.Y - initialChunkX) / TileSize;
                            v.TexCoord = new Structs.Vector2D {
                                X = tx, Y = ty

                        localVertices[idx - 1] = v;

                var vPosBuffer = new BufferView()
                    buffer     = 0,
                    byteOffset = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position,
                    target     = 34962

                var minPosX = double.MaxValue;
                var minPosY = double.MaxValue;
                var minPosZ = double.MaxValue;

                var maxPosX = double.MinValue;
                var maxPosY = double.MinValue;
                var maxPosZ = double.MinValue;

                // Position buffer
                foreach (var vertex in localVertices)

                    if (vertex.Position.X < minPosX)
                        minPosX = vertex.Position.X;
                    if (vertex.Position.Y < minPosY)
                        minPosY = vertex.Position.Y;
                    if (vertex.Position.Z < minPosZ)
                        minPosZ = vertex.Position.Z;

                    if (vertex.Position.X > maxPosX)
                        maxPosX = vertex.Position.X;
                    if (vertex.Position.Y > maxPosY)
                        maxPosY = vertex.Position.Y;
                    if (vertex.Position.Z > maxPosZ)
                        maxPosZ = vertex.Position.Z;

                vPosBuffer.byteLength = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position - vPosBuffer.byteOffset;

                var posLoc = accessorInfo.Count();

                accessorInfo.Add(new Accessor()
                    name          = "vPos",
                    bufferView    = bufferViews.Count(),
                    byteOffset    = 0,
                    componentType = 5126,
                    count         = 145,
                    type          = "VEC3",
                    min           = new float[] { (float)minPosX, (float)minPosY, (float)minPosZ },
                    max           = new float[] { (float)maxPosX, (float)maxPosY, (float)maxPosZ }


                // Normal buffer
                var normalBuffer = new BufferView()
                    buffer     = 0,
                    byteOffset = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position,
                    target     = 34962

                foreach (var vertex in localVertices)

                normalBuffer.byteLength = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position - normalBuffer.byteOffset;

                var normalLoc = accessorInfo.Count();

                accessorInfo.Add(new Accessor()
                    name          = "vNormal",
                    bufferView    = bufferViews.Count(),
                    byteOffset    = 0,
                    componentType = 5126,
                    count         = 145,
                    type          = "VEC3"


                // Texcoord buffer
                var texCoordBuffer = new BufferView()
                    buffer     = 0,
                    byteOffset = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position,
                    target     = 34962

                foreach (var vertex in localVertices)

                texCoordBuffer.byteLength = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position - texCoordBuffer.byteOffset;

                var texLoc = accessorInfo.Count();

                accessorInfo.Add(new Accessor()
                    name          = "vTex",
                    bufferView    = bufferViews.Count(),
                    byteOffset    = 0,
                    componentType = 5126,
                    count         = 145,
                    type          = "VEC2"


                var indexBufferPos = bufferViews.Count();

                // Stupid C# and its structs
                var holesHighRes = new byte[8];
                holesHighRes[0] = chunk.header.holesHighRes_0;
                holesHighRes[1] = chunk.header.holesHighRes_1;
                holesHighRes[2] = chunk.header.holesHighRes_2;
                holesHighRes[3] = chunk.header.holesHighRes_3;
                holesHighRes[4] = chunk.header.holesHighRes_4;
                holesHighRes[5] = chunk.header.holesHighRes_5;
                holesHighRes[6] = chunk.header.holesHighRes_6;
                holesHighRes[7] = chunk.header.holesHighRes_7;

                var indicelist = new List <int>();

                for (int j = 9, xx = 0, yy = 0; j < 145; j++, xx++)
                    if (xx >= 8)
                        xx = 0; ++yy;
                    var isHole = true;

                    if ((chunk.header.flags & 0x10000) == 0)
                        var currentHole = (int)Math.Pow(2,
                                                        Math.Floor(xx / 2f) * 1f +
                                                        Math.Floor(yy / 2f) * 4f);

                        if ((chunk.header.holesLowRes & currentHole) == 0)
                            isHole = false;

                        if (((holesHighRes[yy] >> xx) & 1) == 0)
                            isHole = false;

                    if (!isHole)
                        indicelist.AddRange(new int[] { j + 8, j, j - 9 });
                        indicelist.AddRange(new int[] { j - 9, j, j - 8 });
                        indicelist.AddRange(new int[] { j - 8, j, j + 9 });
                        indicelist.AddRange(new int[] { j + 9, j, j + 8 });

                    if ((j + 1) % (9 + 8) == 0)
                        j += 9;

                accessorInfo.Add(new Accessor()
                    name          = "indices",
                    bufferView    = indexBufferPos,
                    byteOffset    = 0,
                    componentType = 5125,
                    count         = (uint)indicelist.Count(),
                    type          = "SCALAR"

                var indiceBuffer = new BufferView()
                    buffer     = 0,
                    byteOffset = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position,
                    target     = 34963

                for (var i = 0; i < indicelist.Count(); i++)

                indiceBuffer.byteLength = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position - indiceBuffer.byteOffset;


                var mesh = new Mesh();
                mesh.primitives = new Primitive[1];
                mesh.primitives[0].attributes = new Dictionary <string, int>
                    { "POSITION", posLoc },
                    { "NORMAL", normalLoc },
                    { "TEXCOORD_0", texLoc }

                mesh.primitives[0].indices = (uint)accessorInfo.Count() - 1;

                if (bakeQuality == "high")
                    mesh.primitives[0].material = (uint)c;
                    mesh.primitives[0].material = 0;

                mesh.primitives[0].mode = 4;
                mesh.name = "MCNK #" + c;

                glTF.buffers[0].byteLength = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Length;
                glTF.buffers[0].uri        = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + ".bin";

                if (bakeQuality == "high")
                    glTF.images[c].uri       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + "_" + c + ".png";
                    glTF.textures[c].sampler = 0;
                    glTF.textures[c].source  = (int)c;
                    glTF.materials[c].pbrMetallicRoughness = new PBRMetallicRoughness();
                    glTF.materials[c].pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture       = new TextureIndex();
                    glTF.materials[c].pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.index = (int)c;
                    glTF.materials[c].pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicFactor         = 0.0f;
                    glTF.materials[c].alphaMode   = "OPAQUE";
                    glTF.materials[c].alphaCutoff = 0.0f;
                    glTF.images[0].uri       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + ".png";
                    glTF.textures[0].sampler = 0;
                    glTF.textures[0].source  = 0;
                    glTF.materials[0].pbrMetallicRoughness = new PBRMetallicRoughness();
                    glTF.materials[0].pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture       = new TextureIndex();
                    glTF.materials[0].pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.index = 0;
                    glTF.materials[0].pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicFactor         = 0.0f;
                    glTF.materials[0].alphaMode   = "OPAQUE";
                    glTF.materials[0].alphaCutoff = 0.0f;


            glTF.bufferViews = bufferViews.ToArray();
            glTF.accessors   = accessorInfo.ToArray();

            glTF.samplers = new Sampler[1];
            glTF.samplers[0].minFilter = 9986;
            glTF.samplers[0].magFilter = 9729;
            glTF.samplers[0].wrapS     = 10497;
            glTF.samplers[0].wrapT     = 10497;

            glTF.scenes         = new Scene[1];
            glTF.scenes[0].name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);

            glTF.nodes = new Node[meshes.Count()];
            var meshIDs = new List <int>();

            for (var i = 0; i < meshes.Count(); i++)
                glTF.nodes[i].name = meshes[i].name;
                glTF.nodes[i].mesh = i;

            glTF.scenes[0].nodes = meshIDs.ToArray();

            glTF.meshes = meshes.ToArray();

            glTF.scene = 0;

            exportworker.ReportProgress(95, "Writing to file..");

            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(outdir, file.Replace(".adt", ".gltf")), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(glTF, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings
                NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore


            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exportWMO"] == "True" || ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exportM2"] == "True")
                if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exportWMO"] == "True")
                    exportworker.ReportProgress(25, "Exporting WMOs");

                    for (var mi = 0; mi < reader.adtfile.objects.worldModels.entries.Count(); mi++)
                        var wmo = reader.adtfile.objects.worldModels.entries[mi];

                        var filename = reader.adtfile.objects.wmoNames.filenames[wmo.mwidEntry];

                        if (!File.Exists(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename).ToLower() + ".gltf"))
                            WMOExporter.ExportWMO(filename.ToLower(), null, Path.Combine(outdir, Path.GetDirectoryName(file)));

                if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exportM2"] == "True")
                    exportworker.ReportProgress(50, "Exporting M2s");

                    for (var mi = 0; mi < reader.adtfile.objects.models.entries.Count(); mi++)
                        var doodad = reader.adtfile.objects.models.entries[mi];

                        var filename = reader.adtfile.objects.m2Names.filenames[doodad.mmidEntry];

                        if (!File.Exists(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename).ToLower() + ".gltf"))
                            M2Exporter.ExportM2(filename.ToLower(), null, Path.Combine(outdir, Path.GetDirectoryName(file)));