public void FillFromPayloadRow(Output output, Row payloadRow) { SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = payloadRow.SourceLineNumbers; this[0] = payloadRow[0]; this[1] = payloadRow[1]; this[2] = (string)payloadRow[2] ?? String.Empty; this[3] = payloadRow[3]; this[4] = payloadRow[4]; this[5] = payloadRow[5] ?? String.Empty; this[6] = payloadRow[6]; // payload files sourced from a cabinet (think WixExtension with embedded binary wixlib) are considered "non-content files". ObjectField field = (ObjectField)payloadRow.Fields[2]; this.ContentFile = String.IsNullOrEmpty(field.CabinetFileId); ResolvePayloadInfo(this); return; }
/// <summary> /// Saves a library to a path on disk. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Path to save library file to on disk.</param> /// <param name="resolver">The WiX path resolver.</param> public void Save(string path, ILibraryBinaryFileResolver resolver) { FileMode fileMode = FileMode.Create; StringCollection fileIds = new StringCollection(); StringCollection files = new StringCollection(); int index = 0; // resolve paths to files and create the library cabinet file foreach (Section section in this.sections) { foreach (Table table in section.Tables) { foreach (Row row in table.Rows) { foreach (Field field in row.Fields) { ObjectField objectField = field as ObjectField; if (null != objectField) { if (null != resolver && null != objectField.Data) { string file = resolver.Resolve(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, (string)objectField.Data); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { // File was successfully resolved so track this cabient file id. string cabinetFileId = (index++).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); objectField.CabinetFileId = cabinetFileId; fileIds.Add(cabinetFileId); files.Add(file); } else { Messaging.Instance.OnMessage(WixErrors.FileNotFound(row.SourceLineNumbers, (string)objectField.Data, table.Name)); } } else // clear out a previous cabinet file id value { objectField.CabinetFileId = null; } } } } } } // do not save the library if errors were found while resolving object paths if (Messaging.Instance.EncounteredError) { return; } // create the cabinet file if (0 < fileIds.Count) { using (WixCreateCab cab = new WixCreateCab(Path.GetFileName(path), Path.GetDirectoryName(path), fileIds.Count, 0, 0, CompressionLevel.Mszip)) { for (int i = 0; i < fileIds.Count; i++) { cab.AddFile(files[i], fileIds[i]); } cab.Complete(); } // append the library xml to the end of the newly created cabinet file fileMode = FileMode.Append; } // Assure the location to output the lib exists Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(path))); // save the xml using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, fileMode)) { XmlWriter writer = null; try { writer = new XmlTextWriter(fs, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); writer.WriteStartDocument(); this.Persist(writer); writer.WriteEndDocument(); } finally { if (null != writer) { writer.Close(); } } } }
private Row CompareRows(Table targetTable, Row targetRow, Row updatedRow, out RowOperation operation, out bool keepRow) { Row comparedRow = null; keepRow = false; operation = RowOperation.None; if (null == targetRow ^ null == updatedRow) { if (null == targetRow) { operation = updatedRow.Operation = RowOperation.Add; comparedRow = updatedRow; } else if (null == updatedRow) { operation = targetRow.Operation = RowOperation.Delete; targetRow.SectionId = targetRow.SectionId + sectionDelimiter; comparedRow = targetRow; keepRow = true; } } else // possibly modified { updatedRow.Operation = RowOperation.None; if (!this.suppressKeepingSpecialRows && "_SummaryInformation" == targetTable.Name) { // ignore rows that shouldn't be in a transform if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SummaryInformation.Transform), (int)updatedRow[0])) { updatedRow.SectionId = targetRow.SectionId + sectionDelimiter + updatedRow.SectionId; comparedRow = updatedRow; keepRow = true; operation = RowOperation.Modify; } } else { if (this.preserveUnchangedRows) { keepRow = true; } for (int i = 0; i < updatedRow.Fields.Length; i++) { ColumnDefinition columnDefinition = updatedRow.Fields[i].Column; if (!columnDefinition.IsPrimaryKey) { bool modified = false; if (i >= targetRow.Fields.Length) { columnDefinition.Added = true; modified = true; } else if (ColumnType.Number == columnDefinition.Type && !columnDefinition.IsLocalizable) { if (null == targetRow[i] ^ null == updatedRow[i]) { modified = true; } else if (null != targetRow[i] && null != updatedRow[i]) { modified = ((int)targetRow[i] != (int)updatedRow[i]); } } else if (ColumnType.Preserved == columnDefinition.Type) { updatedRow.Fields[i].PreviousData = (string)targetRow.Fields[i].Data; // keep rows containing preserved fields so the historical data is available to the binder keepRow = !this.suppressKeepingSpecialRows; } else if (ColumnType.Object == columnDefinition.Type) { ObjectField targetObjectField = (ObjectField)targetRow.Fields[i]; ObjectField updatedObjectField = (ObjectField)updatedRow.Fields[i]; updatedObjectField.PreviousCabinetFileId = targetObjectField.CabinetFileId; updatedObjectField.PreviousBaseUri = targetObjectField.BaseUri; // always keep a copy of the previous data even if they are identical // This makes diff.wixmst clean and easier to control patch logic updatedObjectField.PreviousData = (string)targetObjectField.Data; // always remember the unresolved data for target build updatedObjectField.UnresolvedPreviousData = (string)targetObjectField.UnresolvedData; // keep rows containing object fields so the files can be compared in the binder keepRow = !this.suppressKeepingSpecialRows; } else { modified = ((string)targetRow[i] != (string)updatedRow[i]); } if (modified) { if (null != updatedRow.Fields[i].PreviousData) { updatedRow.Fields[i].PreviousData = targetRow.Fields[i].Data.ToString(); } updatedRow.Fields[i].Modified = true; operation = updatedRow.Operation = RowOperation.Modify; keepRow = true; } } } if (keepRow) { comparedRow = updatedRow; comparedRow.SectionId = targetRow.SectionId + sectionDelimiter + updatedRow.SectionId; } } } return(comparedRow); }
/// <summary> /// Resolves paths to files. /// </summary> /// <param name="sectionTables">TableCollection of tables to process</param> /// <param name="binderFileManager">If provided, the binder file manager is used to bind files into the output.</param> /// <param name="wixVariableResolver">The Wix variable resolver.</param> /// <param name="tempFilesLocation">Location for temporary files.</param> /// <param name="cabinets">Hash of source cabinets.</param> /// <param name="fileIds">Collection of CabinetFileIds.</param> /// <param name="files">Collection of file paths from compressed files.</param> /// <param name="index">CabinetFileId generator.</param> private static void ResolveSectionFiles(TableCollection sectionTables, BinderFileManager binderFileManager, WixVariableResolver wixVariableResolver, string tempFilesLocation, Hashtable cabinets, StringCollection fileIds, StringCollection files, ref int index) { foreach (Table table in sectionTables) { foreach (Row row in table.Rows) { foreach (Field field in row.Fields) { ObjectField objectField = field as ObjectField; if (null != objectField && null != objectField.Data) { string file = null; string previousFile = null; bool isDefault = true; bool isPreviousDefault = true; // resolve localization and wix variables if there is a file manager that would use the value // if it was different, otherwise we just don't care so skip the whole variable resolution thing. if (null != wixVariableResolver && null != binderFileManager) { objectField.Data = wixVariableResolver.ResolveVariables(row.SourceLineNumbers, (string)objectField.Data, false, ref isDefault); if (null != objectField.PreviousData) { objectField.PreviousData = wixVariableResolver.ResolveVariables(row.SourceLineNumbers, objectField.PreviousData, false, ref isPreviousDefault); } // do not save the output if errors were found while resolving object paths if (Messaging.Instance.EncounteredError) { return; } } // file is compressed in a cabinet (and not modified above) if (null != objectField.CabinetFileId && isDefault) { // index cabinets that have not been previously encountered if (!cabinets.ContainsKey(objectField.BaseUri)) { Uri baseUri = new Uri(objectField.BaseUri); string localFileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(baseUri.LocalPath); string extractedDirectoryName = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "cab_{0}_{1}", cabinets.Count, localFileNameWithoutExtension); // index the cabinet file's base URI (source location) and extracted directory cabinets.Add(objectField.BaseUri, Path.Combine(tempFilesLocation, extractedDirectoryName)); } // set the path to the file once its extracted from the cabinet file = Path.Combine((string)cabinets[objectField.BaseUri], objectField.CabinetFileId); } else if (null != binderFileManager) { file = binderFileManager.ResolveFile((string)objectField.Data, table.Name, row.SourceLineNumbers, BindStage.Normal); } // add the file to the list of files to go in the cabinet if (null != file) { string cabinetFileId = (index++).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); objectField.CabinetFileId = cabinetFileId; fileIds.Add(cabinetFileId); files.Add(file); } // previous file is compressed in a cabinet (and not modified above) if (null != objectField.PreviousCabinetFileId && isPreviousDefault) { // index cabinets that have not been previously encountered if (!cabinets.ContainsKey(objectField.PreviousBaseUri)) { Uri baseUri = new Uri(objectField.PreviousBaseUri); string localFileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(baseUri.LocalPath); string extractedDirectoryName = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "cab_{0}_{1}", cabinets.Count, localFileNameWithoutExtension); // index the cabinet file's base URI (source location) and extracted directory cabinets.Add(objectField.PreviousBaseUri, Path.Combine(tempFilesLocation, extractedDirectoryName)); } // set the path to the file once its extracted from the cabinet previousFile = Path.Combine((string)cabinets[objectField.PreviousBaseUri], objectField.PreviousCabinetFileId); } else if (null != objectField.PreviousData && null != binderFileManager) { previousFile = binderFileManager.ResolveFile((string)objectField.PreviousData, table.Name, row.SourceLineNumbers, BindStage.Normal); } // add the file to the list of files to go in the cabinet if (null != previousFile) { string cabinetFileId = (index++).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); objectField.PreviousCabinetFileId = cabinetFileId; fileIds.Add(cabinetFileId); files.Add(previousFile); } } } } } }