static private WixSharp.File RenamedFile(string source, string name) { var file = new WixSharp.File(source); file.Attributes["Name"] = name; return(file); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { //var project = new Project("MyProduct", // new Dir(@"%ProgramFiles%\My Company\My Product", new File(@"Files\Bin\MyApp.exe"), // new Dir(@"docs\manual", new File(@"Files\Docs\Manual.txt")))); //project.GUID = new Guid("6f330b47-2577-43ad-9095-1861ba25889b"); //Compiler.BuildMsi(project); // // var binDir = new WixSharp.Dir(@"bin"); var binFile = new File(@"Files\Bin\MyApp.exe"); var docFile = new File(@"Files\Docs\Manual.txt"); var binFiles = new WixSharp.File[] { binFile }; var docFiles = new WixSharp.File[] { docFile }; var binDir = new WixSharp.Dir(@"bin", binFiles); var docDir = new WixSharp.Dir(@"doc", docFiles); var mainDir = new WixSharp.Dir(@"%ProgramFiles%\My Company\DigDes WixSharp", binDir, docDir ); // Project project = new Project("DigDes WixSharp", mainDir ); project.UI = WUI.WixUI_Common; project.GUID = new Guid("6f330b47-2577-43ad-9095-1861ba25889b"); Compiler.BuildMsi(project); }
private static File[] GetApplicationFiles() { return(new DirectoryInfo($@"..\Geta.GuiApplication\bin\{Configuration}").GetFiles() .Select(x => { var file = new File(x.FullName); if (x.Name == AppFileName) { file.Shortcuts = new[] { new FileShortcut(AppName) { Id = "StartMenuLink", IconFile = IconPath } }; } return file; }).ToArray()); }
private Dir AddProgramFiles(string rootPath, Dir parentDir, MsiDirectory directory) { var path = rootPath + @"\" + directory.RelativePath; var newDir = new Dir() { Name = directory.Name }; var fileLength = parentDir.Files.Length; var newFileList = new File[fileLength + directory.MsiFiles.Count]; parentDir.Files.CopyTo(newFileList, 0); var startIndex = parentDir.Files.Length; foreach (var file in directory.MsiFiles) { newFileList[startIndex] = new File(file.Path); startIndex++; } newDir.Files = newFileList; foreach (var subDir in directory.MsiDirectories) { AddProgramFiles(rootPath, newDir, subDir); } var length = parentDir.Dirs.Length; var newList = new Dir[length + 1]; parentDir.Dirs.CopyTo(newList, 0); newList[length] = newDir; parentDir.Dirs = newList; return(newDir); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var opts = CmdLineOptions.Parse(args); var config = BuildConfiguration.Read( Path.Combine(opts.ConfigDir, MagicStrings.Files.ConfigYaml)); Directory.CreateDirectory(opts.PackageOutDir); var ap = new ArtifactPackage() { TargetName = "lsbeat", CanonicalTargetName = "lsbeat", Architecture = MagicStrings.Arch.x86, Version = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_VERSION").Trim('v'), }; Console.WriteLine(ap.ToString()); var pc = config.GetProductConfig(ap.TargetName); var companyName = "Mirero"; var productSetName = MagicStrings.Beats.Name; var displayName = companyName + " " + MagicStrings.Beats.Name + " " + ap.TargetName; var exeName = ap.CanonicalTargetName + MagicStrings.Ext.DotExe; // Generate UUID v5 from product properties. // This UUID *must* be stable and unique between Beats. var upgradeCode = Uuid5.FromString(ap.CanonicalTargetName); var project = new Project(displayName) { InstallerVersion = 500, GUID = upgradeCode, Name = $"{displayName} {ap.SemVer} ({ap.Architecture})", Description = pc.Description, OutFileName = Path.Combine(opts.PackageOutDir, opts.ShortPackageName), Version = new Version(ap.Version), Platform = ap.Is32Bit ? Platform.x86 : Platform.x64, InstallScope = InstallScope.perMachine, UI = WUI.WixUI_Minimal, // TODO: Custom images? BannerImage = Path.Combine(opts.ResDir, MagicStrings.Files.TopBannerBmp), BackgroundImage = Path.Combine(opts.ResDir, MagicStrings.Files.LeftBannerBmp), MajorUpgrade = new MajorUpgrade { AllowDowngrades = false, AllowSameVersionUpgrades = false, DowngradeErrorMessage = MagicStrings.Errors.NewerVersionInstalled, }, }; project.Include(WixExtension.UI); project.Include(WixExtension.Util); project.ControlPanelInfo = new ProductInfo { Contact = companyName, Manufacturer = companyName, UrlInfoAbout = "", Comments = pc.Description + ". " + MagicStrings.Beats.Description, ProductIcon = Path.Combine( opts.ResDir, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(exeName) + MagicStrings.Ext.DotIco), NoRepair = true, }; var beatConfigPath = "[CommonAppDataFolder]" + Path.Combine(companyName, productSetName, ap.CanonicalTargetName); var beatDataPath = Path.Combine(beatConfigPath, "data"); var beatLogsPath = Path.Combine(beatConfigPath, "logs"); var textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo; var serviceDisplayName = $"{companyName} {textInfo.ToTitleCase(ap.TargetName)} {ap.SemVer}"; WixSharp.File service = null; if (pc.IsWindowsService) { service = new WixSharp.File(Path.Combine(opts.PackageInDir, exeName)); // TODO: CNDL1150 : ServiceConfig functionality is documented in the Windows Installer SDK to // "not [work] as expected." Consider replacing ServiceConfig with the // WixUtilExtension ServiceConfig element. service.ServiceInstaller = new ServiceInstaller { Interactive = false, Name = ap.CanonicalTargetName, DisplayName = serviceDisplayName, Description = pc.Description, DependsOn = new[] { new ServiceDependency(MagicStrings.Services.Tcpip), new ServiceDependency(MagicStrings.Services.Dnscache), }, Arguments = " --path.home " + ("[INSTALLDIR]" + Path.Combine(ap.Version, ap.CanonicalTargetName)).Quote() + " --path.config " + beatConfigPath.Quote() + " " + beatDataPath.Quote() + " --path.logs " + beatLogsPath.Quote() + " -E logging.files.redirect_stderr=true", DelayedAutoStart = false, Start =, StartOn = SvcEvent.Install, StopOn = SvcEvent.InstallUninstall_Wait, RemoveOn = SvcEvent.InstallUninstall_Wait, }; } var packageContents = new List <WixEntity> { new DirFiles(Path.Combine(opts.PackageInDir, MagicStrings.Files.All), path => { var itm = path.ToLower(); bool exclude = // configuration will go into mutable location itm.EndsWith(MagicStrings.Ext.DotYml, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || // we install/remove service ourselves itm.EndsWith(MagicStrings.Ext.DotPs1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || itm.EndsWith(MagicStrings.Ext.DotTxt, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || itm.EndsWith(MagicStrings.Ext.DotMd, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || // .exe must be excluded for service configuration to work (pc.IsWindowsService && itm.EndsWith(exeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ; // this is an "include" filter return(!exclude); }) }; packageContents.AddRange( new DirectoryInfo(opts.PackageInDir) .GetDirectories() .Select(dir => dir.Name) .Except(pc.MutableDirs) .Select(dirName => new Dir( dirName, new Files(Path.Combine( opts.PackageInDir, dirName, MagicStrings.Files.All))))); packageContents.Add(pc.IsWindowsService ? service : null); project.AddProperty(new Property("WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALTEXT", $"NOTE: {serviceDisplayName} Windows service.\n")); var dataContents = new List <WixEntity>(); var extraDir = Path.Combine(opts.ExtraDir, ap.TargetName); dataContents.AddRange( new DirectoryInfo(extraDir) .GetFiles(MagicStrings.Files.AllDotYml, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) .Select(fi => { var wf = new WixSharp.File(fi.FullName); return(wf); })); dataContents.AddRange( new DirectoryInfo(extraDir) .GetDirectories() .Select(dir => dir.Name) .Select(dirName => new Dir( dirName, new Files(Path.Combine( extraDir, dirName, MagicStrings.Files.All))))); // Drop CLI shim on disk var cliShimScriptPath = Path.Combine( opts.PackageOutDir, MagicStrings.Files.ProductCliShim(ap.CanonicalTargetName)); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(cliShimScriptPath, Resources.GenericCliShim); var beatsInstallPath = $"[ProgramFiles{(ap.Is64Bit ? "64" : string.Empty)}Folder]" + Path.Combine(companyName, productSetName); project.Dirs = new[] { // Binaries new InstallDir( // Wix# directory parsing needs forward slash beatsInstallPath.Replace("Folder]", "Folder]\\"), new Dir( ap.Version, new Dir(ap.CanonicalTargetName, packageContents.ToArray()), new WixSharp.File(cliShimScriptPath))), // Configration and logs new Dir("[CommonAppDataFolder]", new Dir(companyName, new Dir(productSetName, new Dir(ap.CanonicalTargetName, dataContents.ToArray()) , new DirPermission("Users", "[MachineName]", GenericPermission.All) ))) }; // CLI Shim path project.Add(new EnvironmentVariable("PATH", Path.Combine(beatsInstallPath, ap.Version)) { Part = EnvVarPart.last }); // We hard-link Wix Toolset to a known location Compiler.WixLocation = Path.Combine(opts.BinDir, "WixToolset", "bin"); #if !DEBUG if (opts.KeepTempFiles) #endif { Compiler.PreserveTempFiles = true; } if (opts.Verbose) { Compiler.CandleOptions += " -v"; Compiler.LightOptions += " -v"; } project.ResolveWildCards(); if (opts.WxsOnly) { project.BuildWxs(); } else if (opts.CmdOnly) { Compiler.BuildMsiCmd(project, Path.Combine(opts.SrcDir, opts.PackageName) + ".cmd"); } else { Compiler.BuildMsi(project); } }
private Dir AddProgramFiles(string rootPath, Dir parentDir, MsiDirectory directory) { var path = rootPath + @"\" + directory.RelativePath; var newDir = new Dir() { Name = directory.Name }; var fileLength = parentDir.Files.Length; var newFileList = new File[fileLength + directory.MsiFiles.Count]; parentDir.Files.CopyTo(newFileList, 0); var startIndex = parentDir.Files.Length; foreach (var file in directory.MsiFiles) { newFileList[startIndex] = new File(file.Path); startIndex ++; } newDir.Files = newFileList; foreach (var subDir in directory.MsiDirectories) { AddProgramFiles(rootPath, newDir, subDir); } var length = parentDir.Dirs.Length; var newList = new Dir[length + 1]; parentDir.Dirs.CopyTo(newList, 0); newList[length] = newDir; parentDir.Dirs = newList; return newDir; }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { WixSharp.File ui = new WixSharp.File( @"cli\WindowsServiceTestClient.exe", new WixSharp.FileShortcut("WindowsServiceTestClient", @"%ProgramMenu%\cocoalix") { Advertise = true } ); WixSharp.File service = new WixSharp.File( @"service\WindowsServiceTest.exe" ); WixSharp.Files uiDepends = new WixSharp.Files( @"cli\*.*" ); WixSharp.Files serviceDepends = new WixSharp.Files( @"service\*.*" ); var dir = new WixSharp.Dir(new WixSharp.Id("InstallDir"), @"%ProgramFiles%\cocoalix", // インストーラーにインクルードするファイル ui, // インストーラーにインクルードするファイル service, uiDepends, serviceDepends ); var project = new WixSharp.ManagedProject("ウィンドウズサービステスト", dir); project.Platform = Platform.x64; // 日本語をインストーラ及びWiXで仕様するためのおまじない project.Codepage = "932"; project.Language = "ja-JP"; // アップグレードコードを指定 (変更厳禁) project.GUID = new Guid("abbb7cf9-19fa-45f2-babc-a35312741772"); // インストーラーのファイル名 project.OutFileName = "ウィンドウズサービステストインストーラ"; service.ServiceInstaller = new WixSharp.ServiceInstaller { Account = @"NT Authority\System", PermissionEx = new WixSharp.PermissionEx() { User = @"Administrator", ServicePauseContinue = false, ServiceStart = true, ServiceStop = true, }, Name = "WindowsServiceTestService", Description = "ウィンドウズサービステストのサービスです", StartOn = WixSharp.SvcEvent.Install, StopOn = WixSharp.SvcEvent.InstallUninstall_Wait, RemoveOn = WixSharp.SvcEvent.Uninstall_Wait, DelayedAutoStart = true, FirstFailureActionType = WixSharp.FailureActionType.restart, SecondFailureActionType = WixSharp.FailureActionType.restart, ThirdFailureActionType = WixSharp.FailureActionType.none, PreShutdownDelay = 1000 * 60 * 3, ServiceSid = WixSharp.ServiceSid.none, }; // インストーラで表示するウィンドウ群の指定 project.ManagedUI = new WixSharp.ManagedUI(); project.ManagedUI.InstallDialogs.Add(WixSharp.Forms.Dialogs.Welcome) .Add(WixSharp.Forms.Dialogs.Licence) .Add(WixSharp.Forms.Dialogs.Progress) .Add(WixSharp.Forms.Dialogs.Exit); project.LicenceFile = @"Eula.rtf"; // インストール時権限昇格 project.InstallPrivileges = InstallPrivileges.elevated; project.InstallScope = InstallScope.perMachine; project.PreserveTempFiles = true; var projectMsi = project.BuildMsi(); var bootstrapper = new Bundle( "ウィンドウズサービステスト_バンドルインストーラ", new ExePackage() { Id = "DotNet5DesktopRuntime", Name = "dotnet5-windowsdesktop-runtime-5.0-win-x64.exe", Vital = true, Permanent = false, DownloadUrl = @"", InstallCommand = "/install /quiet", RepairCommand = "/repair /quiet", UninstallCommand = "/uninstall /quiet", LogPathVariable = "dotnet5desktopruntime.log", Compressed = true, // RemotePayloadは以下のコマンドで取得可能 // heat payload <バンドルしたいexeのバイナリのパス> -out .\remote.xml RemotePayloads = new[] { new RemotePayload() { ProductName = "Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 5.0.4 (x64)", Description = "Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 5.0.4 (x64)", Hash = "33FBCDB6B6F052FCC26B4EF850B81ED5F2C10B02", Size = 54790696, Version = "".ToRawVersion(), CertificatePublicKey = "3756E9BBF4461DCD0AA68E0D1FCFFA9CEA47AC18", CertificateThumbprint = "2485A7AFA98E178CB8F30C9838346B514AEA4769" } } }, new MsiPackage(projectMsi) ); // ランタイムバンドルインストーラのバージョン bootstrapper.Version = new Version(""); // ランタイムバンドルインストーラのアップグレードコード (変更厳禁) bootstrapper.UpgradeCode = new Guid("bf3b1aeb-12c5-4401-ad23-6a49f905bd55"); // ランタイムバンドルインストーラのアプリケーションスタイルの定義 bootstrapper.Application = new LicenseBootstrapperApplication(); bootstrapper.Application.LicensePath = @".\Eula.rtf"; bootstrapper.Application.LocalizationFile = "thm.wxl"; // インストール時のOption非表示 bootstrapper.Application.SuppressOptionsUI = true; // アンインストール時の修復を非表示 bootstrapper.Application.SuppressRepair = true; // 一次領域を使用するか bootstrapper.PreserveTempFiles = true; // Wixの必須パラメータの定義?は行わない bootstrapper.SuppressWixMbaPrereqVars = false; // インストーラ名の定義 bootstrapper.OutFileName = "ウィンドウズサービステスト_バンドルインストーラ"; // ランタイムバンドルインストーラの作成 bootstrapper.Build(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
static private WixSharp.File RenamedFile(string source, string name) { var file = new WixSharp.File(source); file.Attributes["Name"] = name; return file; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var opts = CmdLineOptions.Parse(args); var config = BuildConfiguration.Read( Path.Combine(opts.ConfigDir, MagicStrings.Files.ConfigYaml)); Directory.CreateDirectory(opts.PackageOutDir); if (!ArtifactPackage.FromFilename(opts.PackageName, out var ap)) { throw new Exception("Unable to parse file name: " + opts.PackageName); } var pc = config.GetProductConfig(ap.TargetName); var companyName = MagicStrings.Elastic; var productSetName = MagicStrings.Beats.Name; var displayName = MagicStrings.Beats.Name + " " + ap.TargetName; var exeName = ap.CanonicalTargetName + MagicStrings.Ext.DotExe; // Generate UUID v5 from product properties. // This UUID *must* be stable and unique between Beats. var upgradeCode = Uuid5.FromString(ap.CanonicalTargetName); var project = new Project(displayName) { InstallerVersion = 500, GUID = upgradeCode, Name = $"{displayName} {ap.SemVer} ({ap.Architecture})", Description = pc.Description, OutFileName = Path.Combine(opts.PackageOutDir, opts.PackageName), Version = new Version(ap.Version), // We massage LICENSE.txt into .rtf below LicenceFile = Path.Combine( opts.PackageOutDir, MagicStrings.Files.PackageLicenseRtf(opts.PackageName)), Platform = ap.Is32Bit ? Platform.x86 : Platform.x64, InstallScope = InstallScope.perMachine, UI = WUI.WixUI_Minimal, // TODO: Custom images? BannerImage = Path.Combine(opts.ResDir, MagicStrings.Files.TopBannerBmp), BackgroundImage = Path.Combine(opts.ResDir, MagicStrings.Files.LeftBannerBmp), MajorUpgrade = new MajorUpgrade { AllowDowngrades = false, AllowSameVersionUpgrades = false, DowngradeErrorMessage = MagicStrings.Errors.NewerVersionInstalled, }, }; project.Include(WixExtension.UI); project.Include(WixExtension.Util); project.ControlPanelInfo = new ProductInfo { Contact = companyName, Manufacturer = companyName, UrlInfoAbout = "", Comments = pc.Description + ". " + MagicStrings.Beats.Description, ProductIcon = Path.Combine( opts.ResDir, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(exeName) + MagicStrings.Ext.DotIco), NoRepair = true, }; // Convert LICENSE.txt to something richedit control can render System.IO.File.WriteAllText( Path.Combine( opts.PackageOutDir, MagicStrings.Files.PackageLicenseRtf(opts.PackageName)), MagicStrings.Content.WrapWithRtf( System.IO.File.ReadAllText( Path.Combine(opts.PackageInDir, MagicStrings.Files.LicenseTxt)))); var beatConfigPath = "[CommonAppDataFolder]" + Path.Combine(companyName, productSetName, ap.CanonicalTargetName); var beatDataPath = Path.Combine(beatConfigPath, "data"); var beatLogsPath = Path.Combine(beatConfigPath, "logs"); var textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo; var serviceDisplayName = $"{companyName} {textInfo.ToTitleCase(ap.TargetName)} {ap.SemVer}"; WixSharp.File service = null; if (pc.IsWindowsService) { service = new WixSharp.File(Path.Combine(opts.PackageInDir, exeName)); // TODO: CNDL1150 : ServiceConfig functionality is documented in the Windows Installer SDK to // "not [work] as expected." Consider replacing ServiceConfig with the // WixUtilExtension ServiceConfig element. service.ServiceInstaller = new ServiceInstaller { Interactive = false, Name = ap.CanonicalTargetName, DisplayName = serviceDisplayName, Description = pc.Description, DependsOn = new[] { new ServiceDependency(MagicStrings.Services.Tcpip), new ServiceDependency(MagicStrings.Services.Dnscache), }, Arguments = " --path.home " + ("[INSTALLDIR]" + Path.Combine(ap.Version, ap.CanonicalTargetName)).Quote() + " --path.config " + beatConfigPath.Quote() + " " + beatDataPath.Quote() + " --path.logs " + beatLogsPath.Quote() + " -E logging.files.redirect_stderr=true", DelayedAutoStart = false, Start =, // Don't start on install, config file is likely not ready yet //StartOn = SvcEvent.Install, StopOn = SvcEvent.InstallUninstall_Wait, RemoveOn = SvcEvent.InstallUninstall_Wait, }; } var packageContents = new List <WixEntity> { new DirFiles(Path.Combine(opts.PackageInDir, MagicStrings.Files.All), path => { var itm = path.ToLower(); bool exclude = // configuration will go into mutable location itm.EndsWith(MagicStrings.Ext.DotYml, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || // we install/remove service ourselves itm.EndsWith(MagicStrings.Ext.DotPs1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || // .exe must be excluded for service configuration to work (pc.IsWindowsService && itm.EndsWith(exeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ; // this is an "include" filter return(!exclude); }) }; packageContents.AddRange( new DirectoryInfo(opts.PackageInDir) .GetDirectories() .Select(dir => dir.Name) .Except(pc.MutableDirs) .Select(dirName => new Dir( dirName, new Files(Path.Combine( opts.PackageInDir, dirName, MagicStrings.Files.All))))); packageContents.Add(pc.IsWindowsService ? service : null); // Add a note to the final screen and a checkbox to open the directory of .example.yml file var beatConfigExampleFileName = ap.CanonicalTargetName + ".example" + MagicStrings.Ext.DotYml; var beatConfigExampleFileId = beatConfigExampleFileName + "_" + (uint)beatConfigExampleFileName.GetHashCode32(); project.AddProperty(new Property("WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALTEXT", $"NOTE: Only Administrators can modify configuration files! We put an example configuration file " + $"in the data directory caled {ap.CanonicalTargetName}.example.yml. Please copy this example file to " + $"{ap.CanonicalTargetName}.yml and make changes according to your environment. Once {ap.CanonicalTargetName}.yml " + $"is created, you can configure {ap.CanonicalTargetName} from your favorite shell (in an elevated prompt) " + $"and then start {serviceDisplayName} Windows service.\r\n")); project.AddProperty(new Property("WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALCHECKBOX", "1")); project.AddProperty(new Property("WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALCHECKBOXTEXT", $"Open {ap.CanonicalTargetName} data directory in Windows Explorer")); // We'll open the folder for now // TODO: select file in explorer window project.AddProperty(new Property( "WixShellExecTarget", $"[$Component.{beatConfigExampleFileId}]")); project.AddWixFragment("Wix/Product", XElement.Parse(@" <CustomAction Id=""CA_SelectExampleYamlInExplorer"" BinaryKey = ""WixCA"" DllEntry = ""WixShellExec"" Impersonate = ""yes"" />"), XElement.Parse(@" <UI> <Publish Dialog=""ExitDialog"" Control=""Finish"" Event=""DoAction"" Value=""CA_SelectExampleYamlInExplorer"">WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALCHECKBOX=1 and NOT Installed </Publish> </UI>")); var dataContents = new DirectoryInfo(opts.PackageInDir) .GetFiles(MagicStrings.Files.AllDotYml, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) .Select(fi => { var wf = new WixSharp.File(fi.FullName); // rename main config file to hide it from MSI engine and keep customizations if (string.Compare( fi.Name, ap.CanonicalTargetName + MagicStrings.Ext.DotYml, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { wf.Attributes.Add("Name", beatConfigExampleFileName); wf.Id = new Id(beatConfigExampleFileId); } return(wf); }) .ToList <WixEntity>(); dataContents.AddRange( pc.MutableDirs .Select(dirName => { var dirPath = Path.Combine(opts.PackageInDir, dirName); return(Directory.Exists(dirPath) ? new Dir(dirName, new Files(Path.Combine(dirPath, MagicStrings.Files.All))) : null); }) .Where(dir => dir != null)); // Drop CLI shim on disk var cliShimScriptPath = Path.Combine( opts.PackageOutDir, MagicStrings.Files.ProductCliShim(ap.CanonicalTargetName)); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(cliShimScriptPath, Resources.GenericCliShim); var beatsInstallPath = $"[ProgramFiles{(ap.Is64Bit ? "64" : string.Empty)}Folder]" + Path.Combine(companyName, productSetName); project.Dirs = new[] { // Binaries new InstallDir( // Wix# directory parsing needs forward slash beatsInstallPath.Replace("Folder]", "Folder]\\"), new Dir( ap.Version, new Dir(ap.CanonicalTargetName, packageContents.ToArray()), new WixSharp.File(cliShimScriptPath))), // Configration and logs new Dir("[CommonAppDataFolder]", new Dir(companyName, new Dir(productSetName, new Dir(ap.CanonicalTargetName, dataContents.ToArray()) { GenericItems = new [] { /* * This will *replace* ACL on the {beatname} directory: * * Directory tree: * NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)F * BUILTIN\Administrators:(OI)(CI)F * BUILTIN\Users:(CI)R * * Files: * NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(ID)F * BUILTIN\Administrators:(ID)F */ new MsiLockPermissionEx( "D:PAI(A;OICI;FA;;;SY)(A;OICI;FA;;;BA)(A;CI;0x1200a9;;;BU)", ap.Is64Bit) } }))) }; // CLI Shim path project.Add(new EnvironmentVariable("PATH", Path.Combine(beatsInstallPath, ap.Version)) { Part = EnvVarPart.last }); // We hard-link Wix Toolset to a known location Compiler.WixLocation = Path.Combine(opts.BinDir, "WixToolset", "bin"); #if !DEBUG if (opts.KeepTempFiles) #endif { Compiler.PreserveTempFiles = true; } if (opts.Verbose) { Compiler.CandleOptions += " -v"; Compiler.LightOptions += " -v"; } project.ResolveWildCards(); if (opts.WxsOnly) { project.BuildWxs(); } else if (opts.CmdOnly) { Compiler.BuildMsiCmd(project, Path.Combine(opts.SrcDir, opts.PackageName) + ".cmd"); } else { Compiler.BuildMsi(project); } }