public void WeaponImageonWetFire(coScriptObject thisobj, coPlayer obj, int slot) { if (!thisobj["projectile"].isObject()) { console.error("WeaponImage::onFire() - Invalid projectile datablock"); return; } // Decrement inventory ammo. The image's ammo state is updated // automatically by the ammo inventory hooks. if (!thisobj["infiniteAmmo"].AsBool()) ShapeBaseShapeBaseDecInventory(obj, thisobj["ammo"], 1); // Get the player's velocity, we'll then add it to that of the projectile int numProjectiles = thisobj["projectileNum"].AsInt(); if (numProjectiles == 0) numProjectiles = 1; TransformF muzzleVector = new TransformF(); for (int i = 0; i < numProjectiles; i++) { if (thisobj["wetProjectileSpread"].AsBool()) { // We'll need to "skew" this projectile a little bit. We start by // getting the straight ahead aiming point of the gun Point3F vec = obj.getMuzzleVector(slot); // Then we'll create a spread matrix by randomly generating x, y, and z // points in a circle Random r = new Random(); TransformF matrix = new TransformF(); matrix.MPosition.x = (float)((r.NextDouble() - .5) * 2 * Math.PI * thisobj["wetProjectileSpread"].AsFloat()); matrix.MPosition.y = (float)((r.NextDouble() - .5) * 2 * Math.PI * thisobj["wetProjectileSpread"].AsFloat()); matrix.MPosition.z = (float)((r.NextDouble() - .5) * 2 * Math.PI * thisobj["wetProjectileSpread"].AsFloat()); TransformF mat = math.MatrixCreateFromEuler(matrix); muzzleVector = math.MatrixMulVector(mat, vec); } else { muzzleVector = new TransformF(obj.getMuzzleVector(slot)); } Point3F objectVelocity = obj.getVelocity(); muzzleVector = muzzleVector.vectorScale(thisobj["wetProjectile.muzzleVelocity"].AsFloat()); objectVelocity = objectVelocity.vectorScale(thisobj["wetProjectile.velInheritFactor"].AsFloat()); Point3F muzzleVelocity = muzzleVector.MPosition + objectVelocity; Torque_Class_Helper tch = new Torque_Class_Helper(thisobj["projectileType"]); tch.Props.Add("dataBlock", thisobj["wetProjectile"]); tch.Props.Add("initialVelocity", '"' + muzzleVelocity.AsString() + '"'); tch.Props.Add("initialPosition", '"' + obj.getMuzzlePoint(slot).AsString() + '"'); tch.Props.Add("sourceObject", obj); tch.Props.Add("sourceSlot", slot.AsString()); tch.Props.Add("client", obj["client"]); tch.Props.Add("sourceClass", obj.getClassName()); coItem projectile = tch.Create(); ((coSimSet)"MissionCleanup").pushToBack(projectile); } }
public void TeleporterTriggerTeleportPlayer(coSimDataBlock thisobj, coPlayer player, coSceneObject exit) { TransformF targetPosition; if (exit["reorientPlayer"].AsBool()) { targetPosition = exit.getTransform(); } else { targetPosition = exit.getTransform(); TransformF playerrot = player.getTransform(); targetPosition.MOrientation.x = playerrot.MOrientation.x; targetPosition.MOrientation.y = playerrot.MOrientation.y; targetPosition.MOrientation.z = playerrot.MOrientation.z; targetPosition.MAngle = playerrot.MAngle; } player.setTransform(targetPosition); Point3F playervelocity = player.getVelocity(); playervelocity = playervelocity.vectorScale(exit["exitVelocityScale"].AsFloat()); player.setVelocity(playervelocity); // Prevent the object from doing an immediate second teleport // In the case of a bidirectional teleporter player["isTeleporting"] = true.AsString(); }
public string RocketLauncherImageOnAltFire(coItem thisobj, coPlayer obj, string slot) { int currentAmmo = ShapeBaseShapeBaseGetInventory(obj, (thisobj["ammo"])); if (currentAmmo < thisobj["loadCount"].AsInt()) thisobj["loadCount"] = currentAmmo.AsString(); coProjectile projectile = null; for (int shotCount = 0; shotCount < thisobj["loadCount"].AsInt(); shotCount++) { // Decrement inventory ammo. The image's ammo state is updated // automatically by the ammo inventory hooks. ShapeBaseShapeBaseDecInventory(obj, (thisobj["ammo"]), 1); // We fire our weapon using the straight ahead aiming point of the gun // We'll need to "skew" the projectile a little bit. We start by getting // the straight ahead aiming point of the gun Point3F vec = obj.getMuzzleVector(slot.AsInt()); Random r = new Random(); TransformF matrix = new TransformF(); matrix.MPosition.x = (float) ((r.NextDouble() - .5)*2*Math.PI*0.008); matrix.MPosition.y = (float) ((r.NextDouble() - .5)*2*Math.PI*0.008); matrix.MPosition.z = (float) ((r.NextDouble() - .5)*2*Math.PI*0.008); TransformF mat = math.MatrixCreateFromEuler(matrix); // Which we'll use to alter the projectile's initial vector with TransformF muzzleVector = math.MatrixMulVector(mat, vec); // Get the player's velocity, we'll then add it to that of the projectile TransformF objectVelocity = new TransformF(obj.getVelocity()); muzzleVector = muzzleVector.vectorScale(thisobj["projectile.muzzleVelocity"].AsFloat()); objectVelocity = objectVelocity.vectorScale(thisobj["projectile.velInheritFactor"].AsFloat()); TransformF muzzleVelocity = muzzleVector + objectVelocity; Torque_Class_Helper tch = new Torque_Class_Helper(thisobj["projectileType"], ""); tch.Props.Add("dataBlock", thisobj["projectile"]); tch.Props.Add("initialVelocity", '"' + muzzleVelocity.ToString() + '"'); tch.Props.Add("initialPosition", '"' + obj.getMuzzlePoint(slot.AsInt()).AsString() + '"'); tch.Props.Add("sourceObject", obj); tch.Props.Add("sourceSlot", slot); tch.Props.Add("client", obj["client"]); projectile = tch.Create(); ((coSimSet) "MissionCleanup").pushToBack(projectile); } return projectile; }
public void ArmorDoDismount(coPlayerData datablock, coPlayer player, bool forced) { coVehicle vehicle = player["mVehicle"]; if (!vehicle.isObject()) return; if (!player.isMounted()) return; Point3F vvel = vehicle.getVelocity(); coVehicleData vdb = vehicle.getDataBlock(); int maxDismountSpeed = vdb["maxDismountSpeed"].AsInt(); if ((vvel.len() <= maxDismountSpeed) || (forced)) { TransformF pos = player.getTransform(); TransformF rot = pos; TransformF oldpos = pos.copy(); List<Point3F> vecs = new List<Point3F> { new Point3F(-1, 0, 0), new Point3F(0, 0, 1), new Point3F(0, 0, -1), new Point3F(1, 0, 0), new Point3F(0, -1, 0), new Point3F(0, 0, 0) }; Point3F impulsevec = new Point3F(0, 0, 0); TransformF r = math.MatrixMulVector(player.getTransform(), vecs[0]); vecs[0] = r.MPosition; pos.MPosition.x = 0; pos.MPosition.y = 0; pos.MPosition.z = 0; const int numofAttempts = 5; int success = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numofAttempts; i++) { Point3F vectorscale = vecs[i].vectorScale(3); pos = oldpos + new TransformF(vectorscale); if (!player.checkDismountPoint(oldpos.MPosition, pos.MPosition)) continue; success = i; impulsevec = vecs[i].copy(); break; } if ((forced) && (success == -1)) pos = oldpos.copy(); player["mountVehicle"] = false.AsString(); player.schedule("4000", "mountVehicles", "true"); player.unmount(); player.setTransform(new TransformF(pos.MPosition.x, pos.MPosition.y, pos.MPosition.z, rot.MOrientation.x, rot.MOrientation.y, rot.MOrientation.z, rot.MAngle)); Point3F velo = impulsevec.vectorScale(player["mass"].AsFloat()); velo.z = 1; player.applyImpulse(pos.MPosition, velo); Point3F vel = player.getVelocity(); float vec = Point3F.vectorDot(vel, vel.normalizeSafe()); if (vec > 50) { float scale = 50 / vec; player.setVelocity(vel.vectorScale(scale)); } } else { MessageClient(player["client"], "msgUnmount", @"\c2Cannot exit %1 while moving.", console.GetVarString(vdb + ".nameTag")); } }