public void loadMaterialFilters() { ArrayObject MaterialFilterAllArray = "MaterialFilterAllArray"; GuiDynamicCtrlArrayControl filterArray = this.FOT("filterArray"); ArrayObject filteredTypesArray = new ObjectCreator("ArrayObject").Create(); filteredTypesArray.duplicate(MaterialFilterAllArray); filteredTypesArray.uniqueKey(); // sort the the keys before we do anything filteredTypesArray.sortkd(); Util.eval( + "Checkbox.setStateOn(1);"); // it may seem goofy why the checkbox can't be instanciated inside the container // reason being its because we need to store the checkbox ctrl in order to make changes // on it later in the function. string selectedFilter = ""; for (int i = 0; i < filteredTypesArray.count(); i++) { string filter = filteredTypesArray.getKey(i); if (filter == "") continue; #region GuiControl () oc_Newobject67 ObjectCreator oc_Newobject67 = new ObjectCreator("GuiControl", ""); oc_Newobject67["profile"] = "ToolsGuiDefaultProfile"; oc_Newobject67["Position"] = "0 0"; oc_Newobject67["Extent"] = "128 18"; oc_Newobject67["HorizSizing"] = "right"; oc_Newobject67["VertSizing"] = "bottom"; oc_Newobject67["isContainer"] = "1"; #endregion GuiControl container = oc_Newobject67.Create(); #region GuiCheckBoxCtrl () oc_Newobject68 ObjectCreator oc_Newobject68 = new ObjectCreator("GuiCheckBoxCtrl", ""); oc_Newobject68["Profile"] = "ToolsGuiCheckBoxListProfile"; oc_Newobject68["position"] = "5 1"; oc_Newobject68["Extent"] = "118 18"; oc_Newobject68["Command"] = ""; oc_Newobject68["groupNum"] = "0"; oc_Newobject68["buttonType"] = "ToggleButton"; oc_Newobject68["text"] = filter + " ( " + MaterialFilterAllArray.countKey(filter) + " )"; oc_Newobject68["filter"] = filter; oc_Newobject68["Command"] = "MaterialSelector.preloadFilter();"; #endregion GuiCheckBoxCtrl checkbox = oc_Newobject68.Create(); container.add(checkbox); filterArray.add(container); int tagCount = Util.getWordCount(this.currentFilter); for (int j = 0; j < tagCount; j++) { if (filter == Util.getWord(this.currentFilter, j)) { if (selectedFilter == "") selectedFilter = filter; else selectedFilter = selectedFilter + " " + filter; checkbox.setStateOn(true); } } } this.loadFilter(selectedFilter); filteredTypesArray.delete(); }