static NbtAddress() { IPAddress localInetAddress; string localHostname; Name localName; AddressCache.Put(UnknownName, new CacheEntry(UnknownName, UnknownAddress , Forever)); localInetAddress = Client.laddr; if (localInetAddress == null) { try { localInetAddress = Extensions.GetAddressByName(""); } catch (UnknownHostException) { } } localHostname = Config.GetProperty("jcifs.netbios.hostname", null); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localHostname)) { byte[] addr = localInetAddress.GetAddressBytes(); /*localHostname = "JCIFS" + (addr[2] & unchecked((int)(0xFF))) + "_" + (addr[3] & unchecked( * (int)(0xFF))) + "_" + Hexdump.ToHexString((int)(new Random().NextDouble() * (double)unchecked( * (int)(0xFF))), 2);*/ localHostname = "JCIFS_127_0_0_1"; } localName = new Name(localHostname, unchecked (0x00), Config.GetProperty("jcifs.netbios.scope" , null)); Localhost = new NbtAddress(localName, localInetAddress.GetHashCode(), false, BNode , false, false, true, false, UnknownMacAddress); CacheAddress(localName, Localhost, Forever); }
internal static void CacheAddress(Name hostName, NbtAddress addr) { if (CachePolicy == 0) { return; } long expiration = -1; if (CachePolicy != Forever) { expiration = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis() + CachePolicy * 1000; } CacheAddress(hostName, addr, expiration); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> internal override int ReadTrailerWireFormat(InputStream @in, byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex ) { if (@in.Read(buffer, bufferIndex, Length) != Length) { throw new IOException("unexpected EOF reading netbios retarget session response"); } int addr = ReadInt4(buffer, bufferIndex); bufferIndex += 4; _retargetAddress = new NbtAddress(null, addr, false, NbtAddress.BNode); _retargetPort = ReadInt2(buffer, bufferIndex); return(Length); }
/// <summary>Retrieve all addresses of a host by it's address.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Retrieve all addresses of a host by it's address. NetBIOS hosts can /// have many names for a given IP address. The name and IP address make the /// NetBIOS address. This provides a way to retrieve the other names for a /// host with the same IP address. /// </remarks> /// <param name="addr">the address to query</param> /// <exception cref="UnknownHostException">if address cannot be resolved</exception> public static NbtAddress[] GetAllByAddress(NbtAddress addr) { try { NbtAddress[] addrs = Client.GetNodeStatus(addr); CacheAddressArray(addrs); return(addrs); } catch (UnknownHostException) { throw new UnknownHostException("no name with type 0x" + Hexdump.ToHexString(addr. HostName.HexCode, 2) + (((addr.HostName.Scope == null) || (addr.HostName.Scope.Length == 0)) ? " with no scope" : " with scope " + addr.HostName.Scope) + " for host " + addr.GetHostAddress()); } }
internal static NbtAddress GetByName(Name name) { lock (typeof(Lmhosts)) { NbtAddress result = null; try { if (Filename != null) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(Filename); long lm = fileInfo.LastAccessTimeUtc.ToMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); FileStream file = fileInfo.OpenRead(); if (lm > _lastModified) { _lastModified = lm; Tab.Clear(); _alt = 0; Populate(new StreamReader(file)); } result = (NbtAddress)Tab[name]; } } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { if (_log.Level > 1) { _log.WriteLine("lmhosts file: " + Filename); Runtime.PrintStackTrace(fnfe, _log); } } catch (IOException ioe) { if (_log.Level > 0) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ioe, _log); } } return(result); } }
internal static void CacheAddress(Name hostName, NbtAddress addr, long expiration ) { if (CachePolicy == 0) { return; } lock (AddressCache) { CacheEntry entry = (CacheEntry)AddressCache.Get(hostName); if (entry == null) { entry = new CacheEntry(hostName, addr, expiration); AddressCache.Put(hostName, entry); } else { entry.Address = addr; entry.Expiration = expiration; } } }
/// <exception cref="UnknownHostException"></exception> internal virtual NbtAddress[] GetAllByName(Name name, IPAddress addr) { int n; NameQueryRequest request = new NameQueryRequest(name); NameQueryResponse response = new NameQueryResponse(); request.Addr = addr ?? NbtAddress.GetWinsAddress(); request.IsBroadcast = request.Addr == null; if (request.IsBroadcast) { request.Addr = Baddr; n = RetryCount; } else { request.IsBroadcast = false; n = 1; } do { try { Send(request, response, RetryTimeout); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (_log.Level > 1) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ioe, _log); } throw new UnknownHostException(ioe); } if (response.Received && response.ResultCode == 0) { return(response.AddrEntry); } }while (--n > 0 && request.IsBroadcast); throw new UnknownHostException(); }
/// <exception cref="UnknownHostException"></exception> internal virtual NbtAddress[] GetNodeStatus(NbtAddress addr) { int n; int srcHashCode; NodeStatusRequest request; NodeStatusResponse response; response = new NodeStatusResponse(addr); request = new NodeStatusRequest(new Name(NbtAddress.AnyHostsName, unchecked (0x00), null)); request.Addr = addr.GetInetAddress(); n = RetryCount; while (n-- > 0) { try { Send(request, response, RetryTimeout); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (_log.Level > 1) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ioe, _log); } throw new UnknownHostException(ioe); } if (response.Received && response.ResultCode == 0) { srcHashCode = request.Addr.GetHashCode(); for (int i = 0; i < response.AddressArray.Length; i++) { response.AddressArray[i].HostName.SrcHashCode = srcHashCode; } return(response.AddressArray); } } throw new UnknownHostException(); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> internal static void Populate(StreamReader br) { string line; //BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader((InputStreamReader)r); while ((line = br.ReadLine()) != null) { line = line.ToUpper().Trim(); if (line.Length == 0) { } else { if (line[0] == '#') { if (line.StartsWith("#INCLUDE ")) { line = Runtime.Substring(line, line.IndexOf('\\')); string url = "smb:" + line.Replace('\\', '/'); if (_alt > 0) { try { Populate(new InputStreamReader(new SmbFileInputStream(url))); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.WriteLine("lmhosts URL: " + url); Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ioe, _log); continue; } _alt--; while ((line = br.ReadLine()) != null) { line = line.ToUpper().Trim(); if (line.StartsWith("#END_ALTERNATE")) { break; } } } else { Populate(new InputStreamReader(new SmbFileInputStream(url))); } } else { if (line.StartsWith("#BEGIN_ALTERNATE")) { _alt++; } else { if (line.StartsWith("#END_ALTERNATE") && _alt > 0) { _alt--; throw new IOException("no lmhosts alternate includes loaded"); } } } } else { if (char.IsDigit(line[0])) { char[] data = line.ToCharArray(); int ip; int i; int j; Name name; NbtAddress addr; char c; c = '.'; ip = i = 0; for (; i < data.Length && c == '.'; i++) { int b = unchecked (0x00); for (; i < data.Length && (c = data[i]) >= 48 && c <= 57; i++) { b = b * 10 + c - '0'; } ip = (ip << 8) + b; } while (i < data.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(data[i])) { i++; } j = i; while (j < data.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(data[j]) == false) { j++; } name = new Name(Runtime.Substring(line, i, j), unchecked (0x20), null ); addr = new NbtAddress(name, ip, false, NbtAddress.BNode, false, false, true, true , NbtAddress.UnknownMacAddress); Tab.Put(name, addr); } } } } }
internal CacheEntry(Name hostName, NbtAddress address, long expiration) { this.HostName = hostName; this.Address = address; this.Expiration = expiration; }
/// <exception cref="UnknownHostException"></exception> internal virtual NbtAddress GetByName(Name name, IPAddress addr) { int n; NameQueryRequest request = new NameQueryRequest(name); NameQueryResponse response = new NameQueryResponse(); if (addr != null) { request.Addr = addr; request.IsBroadcast = (addr.GetAddressBytes()[3] == unchecked (unchecked (0xFF))); n = RetryCount; do { try { Send(request, response, RetryTimeout); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (_log.Level > 1) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ioe, _log); } throw new UnknownHostException(ioe); } if (response.Received && response.ResultCode == 0 && response.IsResponse) { int last = response.AddrEntry.Length - 1; response.AddrEntry[last].HostName.SrcHashCode = addr.GetHashCode(); return(response.AddrEntry[last]); } }while (--n > 0 && request.IsBroadcast); throw new UnknownHostException(); } for (int i = 0; i < _resolveOrder.Length; i++) { try { switch (_resolveOrder[i]) { case ResolverLmhosts: { NbtAddress ans = Lmhosts.GetByName(name); if (ans != null) { ans.HostName.SrcHashCode = 0; // just has to be different // from other methods return(ans); } break; } case ResolverWins: case ResolverBcast: { if (_resolveOrder[i] == ResolverWins && != NbtAddress.MasterBrowserName && name.HexCode != unchecked (0x1d)) { request.Addr = NbtAddress.GetWinsAddress(); request.IsBroadcast = false; } else { request.Addr = Baddr; request.IsBroadcast = true; } n = RetryCount; while (n-- > 0) { try { Send(request, response, RetryTimeout); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (_log.Level > 1) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ioe, _log); } throw new UnknownHostException(ioe); } if (response.Received && response.ResultCode == 0 && response.IsResponse) { response.AddrEntry[0].HostName.SrcHashCode = request.Addr.GetHashCode(); return(response.AddrEntry[0]); } if (_resolveOrder[i] == ResolverWins) { break; } } break; } } } catch (IOException) { } } throw new UnknownHostException(); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> internal virtual void Send(NameServicePacket request, NameServicePacket response, int timeout) { int nid = 0; int max = NbtAddress.Nbns.Length; if (max == 0) { max = 1; } lock (response) { while (max-- > 0) { try { lock (_lock) { request.NameTrnId = GetNextNameTrnId(); nid = request.NameTrnId; response.Received = false; _responseTable.Put(nid, response); EnsureOpen(timeout + 1000); int requestLenght = request.WriteWireFormat(_sndBuf, 0); //NEW SOCKET _socket.Send(_sndBuf, 0, requestLenght, SocketFlags.None); //_socket.Send(_sndBuf, 0, requestLenght, new IPEndPoint(request.Addr, _lport)); if (_log.Level > 3) { _log.WriteLine(request); Hexdump.ToHexdump(_log, _sndBuf, 0, requestLenght); } } if (_waitResponse) { long start = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(); while (timeout > 0) { Runtime.Wait(response, timeout); if (response.Received && request.QuestionType == response.RecordType) { return; } response.Received = false; timeout -= (int)(Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis() - start); } } } catch (Exception ie) { throw new IOException(ie.Message); } finally { //Sharpen.Collections.Remove(responseTable, nid); if (_waitResponse) { _responseTable.Remove(nid); } } if (_waitResponse) { lock (_lock) { if (NbtAddress.IsWins(request.Addr) == false) { break; } if (request.Addr == NbtAddress.GetWinsAddress()) { NbtAddress.SwitchWins(); } request.Addr = NbtAddress.GetWinsAddress(); } } } } }
internal NameServiceClient(int lport, IPAddress laddr) { this._lport = lport; this.laddr = laddr; try { Baddr = Config.GetInetAddress("jcifs.netbios.baddr", Extensions.GetAddressByName("")); } catch (Exception e) { LogStream.GetInstance().WriteLine(e); } _sndBuf = new byte[SndBufSize]; _rcvBuf = new byte[RcvBufSize]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Ro)) { if (NbtAddress.GetWinsAddress() == null) { _resolveOrder = new int[2]; _resolveOrder[0] = ResolverLmhosts; _resolveOrder[1] = ResolverBcast; } else { _resolveOrder = new int[3]; _resolveOrder[0] = ResolverLmhosts; _resolveOrder[1] = ResolverWins; _resolveOrder[2] = ResolverBcast; } } else { int[] tmp = new int[3]; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(Ro, ","); int i = 0; while (st.HasMoreTokens()) { string s = st.NextToken().Trim(); if (Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(s, "LMHOSTS")) { tmp[i++] = ResolverLmhosts; } else { if (Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(s, "WINS")) { if (NbtAddress.GetWinsAddress() == null) { if (_log.Level > 1) { _log.WriteLine("NetBIOS resolveOrder specifies WINS however the " + "jcifs.netbios.wins property has not been set" ); } continue; } tmp[i++] = ResolverWins; } else { if (Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(s, "BCAST")) { tmp[i++] = ResolverBcast; } else { if (Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(s, "DNS")) { } else { // skip if (_log.Level > 1) { _log.WriteLine("unknown resolver method: " + s); } } } } } } _resolveOrder = new int[i]; Array.Copy(tmp, 0, _resolveOrder, 0, i); } }
private int ReadNodeNameArray(byte[] src, int srcIndex) { int start = srcIndex; AddressArray = new NbtAddress[_numberOfNames]; string n; int hexCode; string scope = _queryAddress.HostName.Scope; bool groupName; int ownerNodeType; bool isBeingDeleted; bool isInConflict; bool isActive; bool isPermanent; int j; bool addrFound = false; try { for (int i = 0; i < _numberOfNames; srcIndex += 18, i++) { for (j = srcIndex + 14; src[j] == unchecked (0x20); j--) { } n = Runtime.GetStringForBytes(src, srcIndex, j - srcIndex + 1, Name.OemEncoding ); hexCode = src[srcIndex + 15] & unchecked (0xFF); groupName = ((src[srcIndex + 16] & unchecked (0x80)) == unchecked (0x80)) ? true : false; ownerNodeType = (src[srcIndex + 16] & unchecked (0x60)) >> 5; isBeingDeleted = ((src[srcIndex + 16] & unchecked (0x10)) == unchecked (0x10)) ? true : false; isInConflict = ((src[srcIndex + 16] & unchecked (0x08)) == unchecked (0x08)) ? true : false; isActive = ((src[srcIndex + 16] & unchecked (0x04)) == unchecked (0x04)) ? true : false; isPermanent = ((src[srcIndex + 16] & unchecked (0x02)) == unchecked (0x02)) ? true : false; if (!addrFound && _queryAddress.HostName.HexCode == hexCode && (_queryAddress.HostName == NbtAddress.UnknownName || { if (_queryAddress.HostName == NbtAddress.UnknownName) { _queryAddress.HostName = new Name(n, hexCode, scope); } _queryAddress.GroupName = groupName; _queryAddress.NodeType = ownerNodeType; _queryAddress.isBeingDeleted = isBeingDeleted; _queryAddress.isInConflict = isInConflict; _queryAddress.isActive = isActive; _queryAddress.isPermanent = isPermanent; _queryAddress.MacAddress = _macAddress; _queryAddress.IsDataFromNodeStatus = true; addrFound = true; AddressArray[i] = _queryAddress; } else { AddressArray[i] = new NbtAddress(new Name(n, hexCode, scope), _queryAddress.Address , groupName, ownerNodeType, isBeingDeleted, isInConflict, isActive, isPermanent, _macAddress); } } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException) { } return(srcIndex - start); }
internal NodeStatusResponse(NbtAddress queryAddress) { this._queryAddress = queryAddress; RecordName = new Name(); _macAddress = new byte[6]; }