public void UpdateEmail(string Message) { string Email; BTProgressHUD.Dismiss(); UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView() { Title = Message, //Message = Message }; alert.AlertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyle.PlainTextInput; alert.GetTextField(0).Placeholder = "*****@*****.**"; alert.AddButton("Cancel"); alert.AddButton("Update"); alert.Clicked += async (senderalert, buttonArgs) => { if (buttonArgs.ButtonIndex == 1) { Email = alert.GetTextField(0).Text; if (Email == null && Email == "") { //BTProgressHUD.ShowErrorWithStatus("Email is invalid",3000); UpdateEmail("Entered email id is invalid,Please enter again"); } else if (Email.Contains("@") != true && Email.Contains(".") != true) { UpdateEmail("Entered email id is invalid,Please enter again"); } else { //BTProgressHUD.ShowSuccessWithStatus("We're sending mail to the updated mail"); BtnTest1.Hidden = true; BtnTest2.Hidden = true; CurrentUser.PutEmail(Email); if (emailnotpresent) { if (screenheight <= 568) { y = y - 80; } } cr=await svc.UpdateMail(alert.GetTextField(0).Text, CurrentUser.GetId()); LoggingClass.LogInfo(CurrentUser.GetCardNumber() + " Updated mail id to" + Email, screenid); BTProgressHUD.Show(LoggingClass.txtpleasewait); //Console.WriteLine(y); ShowInfo(cr, false); } //Console.WriteLine(updatedEmail); //Update service; //alert.CancelButtonIndex = 0; } } ; //alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); //alert.AlertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyle.PlainTextInput; alert.Show(); }