コード例 #1
 //eventhandler for the doubleclick on the labels in the popuppanel
 void tempLabel_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e, labelWithValue currentLabel)
     labelWithValue control = (labelWithValue)sender;
     //as long as the employee is not already in the label, add it
     if (!currentLabel.searchList(control.Text))
         currentLabel.addEmployeeToList(control.Text, control.BackColor); //add employee and color to list
         currentLabel.BackColor = control.BackColor; //update color
         if (currentLabel.getNumElementsInList() > 1)
             currentLabel.Text = "...";
             currentLabel.Text = currentLabel.getEmployeeList(0);
     popUpPanel.Visible = false; //after doubleclick, hide the popuppanel
コード例 #2
        //Create the schedule grid
        private void createScheduleGrid()
            //initialize needed variables
            bool thirty = false; //should time end in 00 or 30?
            bool morning = true; //should time end in AM or PM?
            bool DoThis = false; //should an action be taken, used to track noon times
            string timeStamp = ""; //initialize an empty string for future use

            //initialize counters for future use
            int SpaceCounter = 1; //tracks which cell to add time labels
            int listCounter = 0; //tracks cell label number

            for (int counter = 0; counter < 24; counter++)
                //Create a new labelWithValue and initialize properties to create time list
                labelWithValue timeLabel = new labelWithValue();
                timeLabel.Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left; //set the label to sit on the left
                timeLabel.AutoSize = true; //let the label autosize
                timeLabel.TabIndex = 0;

                if (counter == 0 && !DoThis) //if counter is 0 and first time
                    //the first time is 12AM
                    timeStamp = "12:00 AM";
                    DoThis = true;
                else if(counter == 0 && DoThis){ //if counter is 0 and the second run
                    //the second time is 12:30AM
                    timeStamp = "12:30 AM";
                    DoThis = false;
                else //if it is the third time or later, then run this
                    //if the counter is a multiple of 12, then the remaining times are in the PM
                    if (counter % 12 == 0)
                        morning = false;

                    //set the time to end in :30
                    if (thirty)
                        if (counter % 12 == 0)
                            timeStamp = "12:30";
                            timeStamp = counter % 12 + ":30";
                        thirty = false;
                    else //otherwise, time ends in 00
                        if (counter % 12 == 0)
                            timeStamp = "12:00";
                            timeStamp = counter % 12 + ":00";
                        thirty = true;

                    //if it is the morning, time ends in AM
                    if (morning)
                        timeStamp = timeStamp + " AM";
                    else //otherwise, time is PM
                        timeStamp = timeStamp + " PM";


                timeLabel.Text = timeStamp; //the timeLabel gets the string set in the previous conditionals
                scheduleGrid.Controls.Add(timeLabel, 0, SpaceCounter); //add label to the schedulegrid
                timeStamp = ""; //reset the timeStamp string

            for (int rowCount = 1; rowCount <= scheduleGrid.RowCount; rowCount++)
                for (int colCount = 1; colCount < scheduleGrid.ColumnCount; colCount++)
                    //Create new labelwithvalue and give it some properties
                    labelWithValue cellLabel = new labelWithValue();
                    cellLabel.AutoSize = false; //cell should not autosize
                    cellLabel.BackColor = Color.White; //set background to white
                    cellLabel.AllowDrop = true; //cell takes drop information
                    cellLabel.Name = "cellLabel" + listCounter; //name the cell
                    cellLabel.Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.None; //center the label in the cell layout
                    cellLabel.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle; //give the label a border
                    scheduleGrid.Controls.Add(cellLabel, colCount, rowCount); //add the label to the schedule grid

                    //Create several event handelers for the new cell label
                    cellLabel.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(scheduleGrid_DragEnter);

                    //accept drag input
                    cellLabel.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(scheduleGrid_DragDrop);
                    cellLabel.DragLeave += new EventHandler(scheduleGrid_DragLeave);

                    //events on mouse action
                    cellLabel.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(labelClick); //enable drag and drop
                    cellLabel.MouseHover += new EventHandler(label_OnHover); //shows list of assigned employees
                    cellLabel.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(label_Enter_HidePanel); //hide panel if its currently shown


            //get the columns widths of the schedule grid
            int[] colWidths = scheduleGrid.GetColumnWidths();
            dayLabels.Width = scheduleGrid.Width-colWidths[0]-20; //set the daylabel width based on the widths of scheduleGird
            dayLabels.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(scheduleGrid.Location.X+colWidths[0] , scheduleGrid.Location.Y-10);
            dayLabels.BringToFront(); //bring the days to the front of the form

            //Hide all non-login elements
            overallPanel.Visible = false;
            scheduleGrid.Visible = false;
            employeeList.Visible = false;
            menuStrip1.Visible = false;
コード例 #3
        //code that defines drag drop functionality
        private void scheduleGrid_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            //initialize some locations
            int labelXLocation = 0;
            int labelYLocation = 0;
            int labelHeight = 20;
            labelWithValue currentLabel = (labelWithValue)sender;
            Point panelLocation = new Point(currentLabel.Location.X, currentLabel.Location.Y);

            //gets the labelwithvalue representation of the drag and drop function
            labelWithValue myLabel = (labelWithValue)e.Data.GetData(typeof(labelWithValue));
            popUpPanel.Controls.Clear(); //delete all child controls of the popuppanel

            //if the background color of the label is cyan and the name is not in the label already
            if (myLabel.BackColor != Color.Cyan && !currentLabel.searchList(myLabel.Text))
                //if the number of names in the label is greater than 1
                if (myLabel.getNumElementsInList() > 1)
                    //set the point of the popup panel to right next to the hovered label
                    if (currentLabel.Location.Y + 50 < scheduleGrid.Height - 50)

                        panelLocation.X = panelLocation.X - 85;
                        panelLocation.Y = panelLocation.Y + 50;
                        panelLocation.X = panelLocation.X - 85;
                        panelLocation.Y = panelLocation.Y - 30;

                    if (panelLocation.X < 0) //if the panel would be off the screen, move to the other side of the label
                        panelLocation.X = panelLocation.X + 100 + currentLabel.Width;

                    popUpPanel.Location = panelLocation;

                    for (int counter = 0; counter < myLabel.getNumElementsInList(); counter++)
                        //Create a new label and initialize some properties
                        labelWithValue tempLabel = new labelWithValue();
                        tempLabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(97, labelHeight); //set label size
                        tempLabel.Text = myLabel.getEmployeeList(counter); //set the text of the label
                        tempLabel.Location = new Point(labelXLocation, labelYLocation); //set the location within the popup panel
                        tempLabel.BackColor = myLabel.getEmployeeColor(counter); //backcolor equals the original color of the employee
                        labelYLocation += labelHeight; //stack the labels in the panel
                        popUpPanel.Controls.Add(tempLabel); //add the label to the panel
                        tempLabel.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(tempLabel_MouseLeave); //when the mouse leaves the label, test to hide the popup panel
                        tempLabel.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseEventHandler((senders, es) => tempLabel_MouseDoubleClick(senders, es, currentLabel)); //fire event on double click
                    popUpPanel.Visible = true; //reveal the popuppanel
                    popUpPanel.HorizontalScroll.Enabled = false; //try and stop the horizontal scroll from showing
                    popUpPanel.BringToFront(); //bring it to the front
                else //if the number of names is 0 or 1
                    popUpPanel.Visible = false; //close the popupmenu
                    currentLabel.addEmployeeToList(myLabel.Text, myLabel.BackColor); //add the employee to the label
                    currentLabel.BackColor = myLabel.BackColor; //change the background color of the cell label
                    if (currentLabel.getNumElementsInList() > 1) //if the label has more than 1 employee
                        currentLabel.Text = "..."; //set text to ...
                        currentLabel.Text = currentLabel.getEmployeeList(0); //set text to recently added employee

            if (currentLabel.BackColor == Color.Cyan)
                currentLabel.BackColor = getColor(); //return the background color to original
コード例 #4
        //Function to form the Employee List on the right side of the form
        //Also runs and shows the login functionality
        //Labels are created dynamically
        private void createEmployeeList()
            //sets the position of the login elements
            loginUserName.Location = new System.Drawing.Point((this.Width / 2), 50);
            loginPassword.Location = new System.Drawing.Point((this.Width / 2), 75);
            userLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point((this.Width / 2) - (this.Width / 10), 53);
            passLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point((this.Width / 2) - (this.Width / 10), 78);

            //sets the initial location that the labels should be placed
            int labelXLocation = 0;
            int labelYLocation = 0;

            //sets the dimensions for the labels
            int labelHeight = 50;
            int labelWidth = 200;

            //Store some default color selections rgb style
            int[] redcolorList = new int[10];
            int[] bluecolorList = new int[10];
            int[] greencolorList = new int[10];

            //Critical Employee Color
            redcolorList[0] = 255;
            bluecolorList[0] = 128;
            greencolorList[0] = 128;

            //Standard Employee Color
            redcolorList[1] = 128;
            bluecolorList[1] = 128;
            greencolorList[1] = 255;

            //Create a new connection string
            MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connString);

            //Try to open the connection to prevent errors
                //Open the connection

                //Create a new command to get first and last names of employee and their ID
                MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ID, fName, lName, jobStatus FROM Employee";

                //Execute the command above and start the command reader
                MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())
                    //store elements of the sql command results one by one
                    int EmployeeID = (int)reader["ID"];
                    string labelFirstName = reader["fName"].ToString();
                    string labelLastName = reader["lName"].ToString();
                    string isCritical = reader["jobStatus"].ToString();

                    //Create a custom class that inherits label
                    labelWithValue testLabel = new labelWithValue();
                    testLabel.setEmpID(EmployeeID); //The Label's employee ID is set to the ID field from sql

                    //If the employee is full time, set the background of the label to red
                    if (reader["jobStatus"].ToString() == "True")
                        testLabel.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 128); //light red
                    else //If the employee is part time, set the background of the label to green
                        testLabel.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 128); //light green

                    //Assign Properties to the new label
                    testLabel.Name = labelFirstName + labelLastName; //The name of testlabel gets employee first name and last name
                    testLabel.Text = labelFirstName + " " + labelLastName; //Text gets first name and last name as well
                    testLabel.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle; //Give the label a border
                    testLabel.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Hand; //Pointer should show the hand on hover over the label
                    testLabel.Location = new Point(labelXLocation, labelYLocation); //give the label a location: the y increments each loop
                    labelYLocation += labelHeight; //Increase the y location by the size of the label to 'stack' the labels in the panel
                    testLabel.Size = new Size(labelWidth, labelHeight); //give the label height and width
                    employeeList.Controls.Add(testLabel); //add the new label to the employeelist panel

                    //add a mousedown event on the label to give drag and drop functionality
                    testLabel.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(labelClick);
            catch (MySqlException ex)
                //Check for an exception in case the database could not be accessed and report the error
                switch (ex.Number)
                    case 1042: //cannot connect
                        MessageBox.Show("Unable to Connect", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                    case 0: //access denied
                        MessageBox.Show("Access Denied", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                //Close the connection to database