private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { exchang_permit s = new exchang_permit(); int id = int.Parse(comboBox1.Text); entities ent = new entities(); s = (from wa in ent.exchang_permit where wa.exc_permit_id == id select wa).First(); s.warehouse_in_id = int.Parse(comboBox2.Text); s.warehouse_out_id = int.Parse(comboBox5.Text); exchane_permit_items si = new exchane_permit_items(); string name = comboBox4.Text; si = (from wa in ent.exchane_permit_items where wa.exc_permit_id == id && wa.item_name == name select wa).First(); si.supplier_name = comboBox3.Text; si.prod_date = dateTimePicker1.Value; si.amount = int.Parse(textBox3.Text); si.exp_date = dateTimePicker2.Value; ent.SaveChanges(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("enter a valid data"); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { customer s = new customer(); String name = comboBox1.Text; entities ent = new entities(); s = (from wa in ent.customers where wa.customer_name == name select wa).First(); s.fax = textBox1.Text; s.telephone = textBox2.Text; = textBox3.Text; = textBox4.Text; = textBox5.Text; ent.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("customer updated"); comboBox1.Text = textBox1.Text = textBox2.Text = textBox3.Text = textBox4.Text = textBox5.Text = string.Empty; } catch { MessageBox.Show("failed"); } }
private void dateTimePicker1_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { entities ent = new entities(); var U = (from it in ent.Items select it); foreach (Item it in U) { var supply = (from exp in it.supplying_permit_items where exp.exp_date >= (dateTimePicker1.Value.AddDays(-5)) select exp); var exc = (from exp in it.exchane_permit_items where exp.exp_date >= (dateTimePicker1.Value.AddDays(-5)) select exp); foreach (supplying_permit_items i in supply) { listBox1.Items.Add(i.item_name.Trim() + " in " + i.supplying_permit.warehouse.warehouse_name.Trim() + " supplied by " + i.supplying_permit.supplier_name.Trim() + " days to expire " + (i.exp_date.Value - dateTimePicker1.Value).TotalDays); } foreach (exchane_permit_items i in exc) { listBox1.Items.Add(i.item_name.Trim() + " in " + i.exchang_permit.warehouse.warehouse_name.Trim() + " supplied by " + i.supplier_name.Trim() + " days to expire " + (i.exp_date.Value - dateTimePicker1.Value).TotalDays); } } }
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Item i = new Item(); String name = comboBox1.Text; entities ent = new entities(); i = (from wa in ent.Items where wa.Item_name == name select wa).First(); textBox2.Text = i.Item_code.ToString(); comboBox1.Text = i.Item_name; }
public itemsreport() { InitializeComponent(); ent = new entities(); var U = (from it in ent.Items select it); foreach (Item e in U) { comboBox1.Items.Add(e.Item_name); } }
public WHreport() { InitializeComponent(); ent = new entities(); var U = (from it in ent.warehouses select it); foreach (warehouse e in U) { comboBox1.Items.Add(e.warehouse_id); } }
public Itemsssss() { InitializeComponent(); entities ent = new entities(); var i = (from it in ent.Items select it); foreach (Item e in i) { comboBox1.Items.Add(e.Item_name); } }
public sform() { InitializeComponent(); entities ent = new entities(); var i = (from it in ent.suppliers select it); foreach (supplier e in i) { comboBox1.Items.Add(e.supplier_name); } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { item_units i_u = new item_units(); entities ent = new entities(); i_u.item_name = comboBox1.Text; i_u.Item_unit = textBox3.Text; ent.item_units.Add(i_u); ent.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("item unit added"); comboBox1.Text = textBox2.Text = textBox3.Text = string.Empty; }
public cus_form() { InitializeComponent(); entities ent = new entities(); var i = (from it in ent.customers select it); foreach (customer e in i) { comboBox1.Items.Add(e.customer_name); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { entities ent = new entities(); Item i = new Item(); item_units i_u = new item_units(); i.Item_name = comboBox1.Text; i_u.item_name = comboBox1.Text; i.Item_code = int.Parse(textBox2.Text); i_u.Item_unit = textBox3.Text; ent.Items.Add(i); ent.item_units.Add(i_u); ent.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("item added"); comboBox1.Text = textBox2.Text = textBox3.Text = string.Empty; }
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { customer s = new customer(); String name = comboBox1.Text; entities ent = new entities(); s = (from wa in ent.customers where wa.customer_name == name select wa).First(); textBox1.Text = s.fax; textBox2.Text = s.telephone; textBox3.Text =; textBox4.Text =; textBox5.Text =; }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { warehouse w = new warehouse(); int id = int.Parse(textBox1.Text); entities ent = new entities(); w = (from wa in ent.warehouses where wa.warehouse_id == id select wa).First(); w.warehouse_name = textBox2.Text; w.address = textBox3.Text; w.mgr_id = int.Parse(textBox4.Text); ent.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("warehouse updated"); textBox1.Text = textBox2.Text = textBox3.Text = textBox4.Text = string.Empty; } catch { MessageBox.Show("no warehouse with this id"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { entities ent = new entities(); warehouse w = new warehouse(); w.warehouse_id = int.Parse(textBox1.Text); w.warehouse_name = textBox2.Text; w.mgr_id = int.Parse(textBox4.Text); w.address = textBox3.Text; ent.warehouses.Add(w); ent.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("warehouse added"); textBox1.Text = textBox2.Text = textBox3.Text = textBox4.Text = string.Empty; } catch { MessageBox.Show("ID can't take this value"); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Item i = new Item(); String name = comboBox1.Text; entities ent = new entities(); i = (from wa in ent.Items where wa.Item_name == name select wa).First(); i.Item_code = int.Parse(textBox2.Text); ent.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("warehouse updated"); comboBox1.Text = textBox2.Text = textBox3.Text = string.Empty; } catch { MessageBox.Show("there's no item with this name"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { entities ent = new entities(); supplying_permit s = new supplying_permit(); supplying_permit_items si = new supplying_permit_items(); s.supp_permit_id = int.Parse(comboBox1.Text); si.supp_permit_id = int.Parse(comboBox1.Text); s.warehouse_id = int.Parse(comboBox2.Text); s.supplier_name = comboBox3.Text; si.item_name = comboBox4.Text; si.prod_date = dateTimePicker1.Value; si.amout = int.Parse(textBox3.Text); si.exp_date = dateTimePicker2.Value; ent.supplying_permit.Add(s); ent.supplying_permit_items.Add(si); ent.SaveChanges(); comboBox1.Text = comboBox2.Text = comboBox3.Text = comboBox4.Text = textBox3.Text = string.Empty; } catch { MessageBox.Show("failed"); } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { selling_permit s = new selling_permit(); int id = int.Parse(comboBox1.Text); entities ent = new entities(); s = (from wa in ent.selling_permit where wa.sell_permit_id == id select wa).First(); selling_permit_items si = new selling_permit_items(); si.sell_permit_id = id; si.item_name = comboBox4.Text; si.amount = int.Parse(textBox3.Text); ent.selling_permit_items.Add(si); ent.SaveChanges(); comboBox1.Text = comboBox2.Text = comboBox3.Text = comboBox4.Text = textBox3.Text = string.Empty; MessageBox.Show("item added"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { entities ent = new entities(); supplier s = new supplier(); s.supplier_name = comboBox1.Text; s.fax = textBox1.Text; s.telephone = textBox2.Text; = textBox3.Text; = textBox4.Text; = textBox5.Text; ent.suppliers.Add(s); ent.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("suppllier added"); comboBox1.Text = textBox1.Text = textBox2.Text = textBox3.Text = textBox4.Text = textBox5.Text = string.Empty; } catch { MessageBox.Show("failed"); } }
public EXc_form() { InitializeComponent(); entities ent = new entities(); var i = (from it in ent.suppliers select it); foreach (supplier e in i) { comboBox3.Items.Add(e.supplier_name); } var U = (from it in ent.warehouses select it); foreach (warehouse e in U) { comboBox2.Items.Add(e.warehouse_id); comboBox5.Items.Add(e.warehouse_id); } var items = (from it in ent.Items select it); foreach (Item e in items) { comboBox4.Items.Add(e.Item_name); } var permits = (from it in ent.exchang_permit select it); foreach (exchang_permit e in permits) { comboBox1.Items.Add(e.exc_permit_id); } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { supplying_permit s = new supplying_permit(); int id = int.Parse(comboBox1.Text); entities ent = new entities(); s = (from wa in ent.supplying_permit where wa.supp_permit_id == id select wa).First(); supplying_permit_items si = new supplying_permit_items(); si.supp_permit_id = id; si.item_name = comboBox4.Text; si.prod_date = dateTimePicker1.Value; si.amout = int.Parse(textBox3.Text); si.exp_date = dateTimePicker2.Value; ent.supplying_permit_items.Add(si); ent.SaveChanges(); comboBox1.Text = comboBox2.Text = comboBox3.Text = comboBox4.Text = textBox3.Text = string.Empty; MessageBox.Show("item added"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("enter a valid data"); } }
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { exchang_permit s = new exchang_permit(); int id = int.Parse(comboBox1.Text); entities ent = new entities(); s = (from wa in ent.exchang_permit where wa.exc_permit_id == id select wa).First(); comboBox2.Text = s.warehouse_in_id.ToString(); comboBox5.Text = s.warehouse_out_id.ToString(); exchane_permit_items si = new exchane_permit_items(); si = (from wa in ent.exchane_permit_items where wa.exc_permit_id == id select wa).First(); comboBox4.Text = si.item_name; comboBox3.Text = si.supplier_name; dateTimePicker1.Value = (DateTime)si.prod_date; textBox3.Text = si.amount.ToString(); dateTimePicker2.Value = (DateTime)si.exp_date; }
private void dateTimePicker1_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { entities ent = new entities(); var U = (from it in ent.Items select it); foreach (Item it in U) { var supply = (from exp in it.supplying_permit_items where exp.prod_date <= (dateTimePicker1.Value) select exp); var sold = (from exp in it.selling_permit_items where exp.selling_permit.permit_date <= dateTimePicker1.Value select exp); var exc = (from exp in it.exchane_permit_items where exp.prod_date <= dateTimePicker1.Value select exp); foreach (supplying_permit_items i in supply) { listBox1.Items.Add(i.item_name.Trim() + " in " + i.supplying_permit.warehouse.warehouse_name.Trim() + " supplied by " + i.supplying_permit.supplier_name.Trim() + " stayed for " + (dateTimePicker1.Value - i.prod_date.Value).TotalDays + " days"); } foreach (selling_permit_items i in sold) { listBox1.Items.Add(i.item_name.Trim() + " in " + i.selling_permit.warehouse.warehouse_name.Trim() + " supplied by " + i.supplier_name.Trim() + " sold from " + (dateTimePicker1.Value - i.selling_permit.permit_date.Value).TotalDays + " days"); } foreach (exchane_permit_items i in exc) { listBox1.Items.Add(i.item_name.Trim() + " in " + i.exchang_permit.warehouse1.warehouse_name.Trim() + " supplied by " + i.supplier_name.Trim() + " exchanged from " + (dateTimePicker1.Value - i.prod_date.Value).TotalDays + " days"); } } }