コード例 #1
        public static Yard Parse(String input)
            int width, height;

            string[] lines = input.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);

            if (!lines[0].Contains("x"))
                throw new FormatException("First line should contain the dimensions of the grid");

                string[] temp = lines[0].Split('x');
                width  = int.Parse(temp[0]);
                height = int.Parse(temp[1]);

            Yard yard = new Yard(width, height);

                Regex tracks     = new Regex(@"(?<name>T[\w]+?) (?<length>[0-9]+)m on \((?<x>[0-9]+),\s?(?<y>[0-9]+)\) w(?<size>[0-9]+)");
                var   collection = tracks.Matches(input);

                foreach (Match match in collection)
                    String name   = match.Groups["name"].Value;
                    int    length = int.Parse(match.Groups["length"].Value);
                    int    x      = int.Parse(match.Groups["x"].Value);
                    int    y      = int.Parse(match.Groups["y"].Value);
                    int    w      = int.Parse(match.Groups["size"].Value);

                    yard.tracks[name] = new Track(name, length, new Point(x, y), w);

                Regex switches   = new Regex(@"(?<name>W[\w]+?) on \((?<x>[0-9]+),\s?(?<y>[0-9]+)\)");
                var   collection = switches.Matches(input);

                foreach (Match match in collection)
                    String name = match.Groups["name"].Value;
                    int    x    = int.Parse(match.Groups["x"].Value);
                    int    y    = int.Parse(match.Groups["y"].Value);

                    yard.switches[name] = new Switch(name, x, y);

                Regex lrx = new Regex(@"l\((?<id>\w+?)\)");
                Regex rrx = new Regex(@"r\((?<id>\w+?)\)");
                Regex nrx = new Regex(@"(?<id>\w+)");
                Func <String, Point> extract = s =>
                    var lm = lrx.Match(s);
                    if (lm.Success)
                        String id    = lm.Groups["id"].Value;
                        Track  track = yard.tracks[id];
                        return(new Point(track.left.X, track.left.Y));
                    var rm = rrx.Match(s);
                    if (rm.Success)
                        String id    = rm.Groups["id"].Value;
                        Track  track = yard.tracks[id];
                        return(new Point(track.right.X, track.right.Y));
                    var nm = nrx.Match(s);
                    if (nm.Success)
                        String id = nm.Groups["id"].Value;
                        Switch sw = yard.switches[id];
                        return(new Point(sw.X, sw.Y));

                    throw new FormatException($"{s} was invalid format");

                foreach (var line in lines)
                    if (!line.StartsWith("---"))

                    string[] entry = line.Replace("---", "").Split(new[] { " - " }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                    var one = extract(entry[0]);
                    var two = extract(entry[1]);

                    yard.connections.Add(new Connection(one, two));
