コード例 #1
        private static void AddAddressPropertyIfPossible(string contactPropertyName, System.Device.Location.CivicAddress civicAddress, IDictionary <string, object> contactProps)
            // Mapping is very difficult and not 1:1

            // *** VCard 2.1 specs -> Windows.Phone.PersonalInformation.ContactAddress
            // The property value is a concatenation of the
            // Post Office Address (first field) = ? (Missing)
            // Extended Address (second field)  = ? (Missing)
            // Street (third field)             = contactAddress.StreetAddress
            // Locality (fourth field)          = contactAddress.Locality
            // Region (fifth field)             = contactAddress.Region
            // Postal Code (six field)          = contactAddress.PostalCode
            // Country (seventh field)          = contactAddress.Country
            // An example of this property follows:
            // ADR;DOM;HOME:P.O. Box 101;Suite 101;123 Main Street;Any Town;CA;91921-1234;

            // *** System.Device.Location.CivicAddress
            // * CivicAddress *                                                         * Mapping to ContactAddress*
            // AddressLine1:	Gets or sets the first line of the address.             -> Street
            // AddressLine2:	Gets or sets the second line of the address.            -> +Street (?)
            // Building:        Gets or sets the building name or number.               -> +Street (??)
            // City:            Gets or sets the name of the city.                      -> Locality (?)
            // CountryRegion:	Gets or sets the country or region of the location.     -> Country
            // FloorLevel:      Gets or sets the floor level of the location.           -> +Street (??)
            // PostalCode:      Gets or sets the postal code of the location.           -> PostalCode
            // StateProvince:	Gets or sets the state or province of the location.     -> Region

            // IsUnknown:       Gets a value that indicates whether the CivicAddress contains data.

            // Linefeeds seem to work fine in the mapping - understood by WP + Symbian. But trigger quoted printable encoding, increasing vCard size.

            var contactAddress = new Windows.Phone.PersonalInformation.ContactAddress();

            contactAddress.StreetAddress = civicAddress.AddressLine1;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(civicAddress.AddressLine2))
                contactAddress.StreetAddress += "\n" + civicAddress.AddressLine2;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(civicAddress.Building))
                contactAddress.StreetAddress += "\n" + civicAddress.Building;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(civicAddress.FloorLevel))
                contactAddress.StreetAddress += "\n" + civicAddress.FloorLevel;
            contactAddress.Locality   = civicAddress.City;
            contactAddress.PostalCode = civicAddress.PostalCode;
            contactAddress.Region     = civicAddress.StateProvince;
            contactAddress.Country    = civicAddress.CountryRegion;

            // Finally, add our constructed address to the contact properties
            AddContactPropertyIfPossible(contactPropertyName, contactAddress, contactProps);
コード例 #2
        public override void AsStoredContactProperties(ref IDictionary <string, object> properties)
            Windows.Phone.PersonalInformation.ContactAddress address =
                new Windows.Phone.PersonalInformation.ContactAddress();
            address.StreetAddress = Street;
            address.Locality      = City;
            address.Region        = Region;
            address.Country       = Country;
            address.PostalCode    = PostalCode;

            SetStoredContactProperty(GetKnownContactPropertiesKind(Kind), address, ref properties);
コード例 #3
ファイル: NdefVcardRecord.cs プロジェクト: Doluci/ndef-nfc
        private static void AddAddressPropertyIfPossible(string contactPropertyName, System.Device.Location.CivicAddress civicAddress, IDictionary<string, object> contactProps)
            // Mapping is very difficult and not 1:1

            // *** VCard 2.1 specs -> Windows.Phone.PersonalInformation.ContactAddress
            // The property value is a concatenation of the 
            // Post Office Address (first field) = ? (Missing)
            // Extended Address (second field)  = ? (Missing)
            // Street (third field)             = contactAddress.StreetAddress
            // Locality (fourth field)          = contactAddress.Locality
            // Region (fifth field)             = contactAddress.Region
            // Postal Code (six field)          = contactAddress.PostalCode
            // Country (seventh field)          = contactAddress.Country 
            // An example of this property follows:
            // ADR;DOM;HOME:P.O. Box 101;Suite 101;123 Main Street;Any Town;CA;91921-1234;

            // *** System.Device.Location.CivicAddress
            // * CivicAddress *                                                         * Mapping to ContactAddress*
            // AddressLine1:	Gets or sets the first line of the address.             -> Street
            // AddressLine2:	Gets or sets the second line of the address.            -> +Street (?)
            // Building:    	Gets or sets the building name or number.               -> +Street (??)
            // City:        	Gets or sets the name of the city.                      -> Locality (?)
            // CountryRegion:	Gets or sets the country or region of the location.     -> Country
            // FloorLevel:  	Gets or sets the floor level of the location.           -> +Street (??)
            // PostalCode:  	Gets or sets the postal code of the location.           -> PostalCode
            // StateProvince:	Gets or sets the state or province of the location.     -> Region

            // IsUnknown:   	Gets a value that indicates whether the CivicAddress contains data.

            // Linefeeds seem to work fine in the mapping - understood by WP + Symbian. But trigger quoted printable encoding, increasing vCard size.

            var contactAddress = new Windows.Phone.PersonalInformation.ContactAddress();
            contactAddress.StreetAddress = civicAddress.AddressLine1;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(civicAddress.AddressLine2))
                contactAddress.StreetAddress += "\n" + civicAddress.AddressLine2;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(civicAddress.Building))
                contactAddress.StreetAddress += "\n" + civicAddress.Building;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(civicAddress.FloorLevel))
                contactAddress.StreetAddress += "\n" + civicAddress.FloorLevel;
            contactAddress.Locality = civicAddress.City;
            contactAddress.PostalCode = civicAddress.PostalCode;
            contactAddress.Region = civicAddress.StateProvince;
            contactAddress.Country = civicAddress.CountryRegion;

            // Finally, add our constructed address to the contact properties
            AddContactPropertyIfPossible(contactPropertyName, contactAddress, contactProps);