コード例 #1
ファイル: SceneDataExporter.cs プロジェクト: Hengle/Winditor
        public void AddObjectToDictionary(SerializableDOMNode actor, Dictionary <FourCC, List <SerializableDOMNode> > actorCategories)
            string rawFourCC       = FourCCConversion.GetStringFromEnum(actor.FourCC);
            string fixedFourCC     = ChunkHeader.LayerToFourCC(rawFourCC, actor.Layer);
            FourCC fixedFourCCEnum = FourCCConversion.GetEnumFromString(fixedFourCC);

            if (!actorCategories.ContainsKey(fixedFourCCEnum))
                actorCategories[fixedFourCCEnum] = new List <SerializableDOMNode>();

コード例 #2
        public SceneDataLoader(string fileName, WWorld world)
            m_world     = world;
            m_reader    = new EndianBinaryReader(File.ReadAllBytes(fileName), System.Text.Encoding.ASCII, Endian.Big);
            m_chunkList = new List <ChunkHeader>();
            int chunkCount = m_reader.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++)
                string   fourCC = m_reader.ReadString(4);
                MapLayer layer  = ChunkHeader.FourCCToLayer(ref fourCC);

                FourCC      enumFourCC = FourCCConversion.GetEnumFromString(fourCC);
                ChunkHeader chunk      = new ChunkHeader(enumFourCC, m_reader.ReadInt32(), m_reader.ReadInt32());
                chunk.Layer = layer;


            var sortedList = m_chunkList.OrderBy(x => x.ChunkOffset);

            m_chunkList = new List <ChunkHeader>(sortedList);
コード例 #3
        public WScene(WWorld world) : base(world)
            m_fourCCGroups = new Dictionary <FourCC, WDOMNode>();

            // We're going to iterate through the enum values to create DOM nodes for them.
            // We're skipping all of the actors, scaleable objects, and treasure chests though, because they're special.
            foreach (FourCC f in Enum.GetValues(typeof(FourCC)))
                // Skip Actors/Scaleable Objects/Treasure Chests
                if (f.ToString().Contains("ACT") || f.ToString().Contains("SCO") || f.ToString().Contains("TRE") || f == FourCC.NONE)

                if (!m_fourCCLocations.ContainsKey(f) || this is WStage && m_fourCCLocations[f] == SourceScene.Stage || this is WRoom && m_fourCCLocations[f] == SourceScene.Room)
                    m_fourCCGroups[f] = new WDOMGroupNode(f, m_world);

            // To handle the fact that actors/scaleable/treasure chests have layers, we're going to create DOM nodes using
            // the default layer's FourCC (ACTR/SCOB/TRES). This DOM node won't interact directly with the entities, rather
            // it will be the parent node of the nodes that do. WDOMGroupNode.ToString() is overridden to return a more general
            // description of them ("ACTR (Actors)", etc) instead of the FourCC's FourCCConversion.GetDescriptionFromEnum() value.
            m_fourCCGroups[FourCC.ACTR] = new WDOMGroupNode(FourCC.ACTR, m_world);
            m_fourCCGroups[FourCC.SCOB] = new WDOMGroupNode(FourCC.SCOB, m_world);
            m_fourCCGroups[FourCC.TRES] = new WDOMGroupNode(FourCC.TRES, m_world);

            // Now we add the default layer for each object type. WDOMLayeredGroupNode directly interacts with the entities.
            WDOMLayeredGroupNode actrDefLayer = new WDOMLayeredGroupNode(FourCC.ACTR, MapLayer.Default, m_world);


            WDOMLayeredGroupNode scobDefLayer = new WDOMLayeredGroupNode(FourCC.SCOB, MapLayer.Default, m_world);


            WDOMLayeredGroupNode tresDefLayer = new WDOMLayeredGroupNode(FourCC.TRES, MapLayer.Default, m_world);


            // Now we add layers 0 to 11 for each object type.
            // Note that we do (i + 1) for the MapLayer cast in order to skip the Default enum value.
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                WDOMLayeredGroupNode actrLayer = new WDOMLayeredGroupNode(FourCCConversion.GetEnumFromString($"ACT{ i.ToString("x") }"), (MapLayer)i + 1, m_world);

                WDOMLayeredGroupNode scobLayer = new WDOMLayeredGroupNode(FourCCConversion.GetEnumFromString($"SCO{ i.ToString("x") }"), (MapLayer)i + 1, m_world);

                WDOMLayeredGroupNode tresLayer = new WDOMLayeredGroupNode(FourCCConversion.GetEnumFromString($"TRE{ i.ToString("x") }"), (MapLayer)i + 1, m_world);

            /*m_fourCCGroups["ACTR (Actors)"] = new WDOMGroupNode("ACTR (Actors)", m_world);
             * WDOMGroupNode actrDefault = new WDOMGroupNode("ACTR", m_world);
             * actrDefault.SetParent(m_fourCCGroups["ACTR (Actors)"]);
             * m_fourCCGroups["SCOB (Scaleable Objects)"] = new WDOMGroupNode("SCOB (Scaleable Objects)", m_world);
             * WDOMGroupNode scobDefault = new WDOMGroupNode("SCOB", m_world);
             * scobDefault.SetParent(m_fourCCGroups["SCOB (Scaleable Objects)"]);
             * m_fourCCGroups["TRES (Treasure Chests)"] = new WDOMGroupNode("TRES (Treasure Chests)", m_world);
             * WDOMGroupNode tresDefault = new WDOMGroupNode("TRES", m_world);
             * tresDefault.SetParent(m_fourCCGroups["TRES (Treasure Chests)"]);
             * for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             * {
             *  WDOMGroupNode actX = new WDOMGroupNode($"ACT{ i.ToString("x") }", m_world);
             *  actX.SetParent(m_fourCCGroups["ACTR (Actors)"]);
             *  WDOMGroupNode scoX = new WDOMGroupNode($"SCO{ i.ToString("x") }", m_world);
             *  scoX.SetParent(m_fourCCGroups["SCOB (Scaleable Objects)"]);
             *  WDOMGroupNode treX = new WDOMGroupNode($"TRE{ i.ToString("x") }", m_world);
             *  treX.SetParent(m_fourCCGroups["TRES (Treasure Chests)"]);
             * }*/
コード例 #4
        public void CreateEntity()
            if (!EditorSelection.SingleObjectSelected)

            WDOMNode            selected = EditorSelection.PrimarySelectedObject;
            SerializableDOMNode newNode  = null;

            if (selected is SerializableDOMNode)
                SerializableDOMNode origNode = selected as SerializableDOMNode;
                Type selType = selected.GetType();
                newNode = (SerializableDOMNode)Activator.CreateInstance(selType, origNode.FourCC, m_world);

                if (origNode.Parent is WDOMLayeredGroupNode)
                    newNode.Layer = origNode.Layer;
            else if (selected is WDOMLayeredGroupNode)
                WDOMLayeredGroupNode lyrNode = selected as WDOMLayeredGroupNode;
                Type newObjType = null;

                if (lyrNode.FourCC >= FourCC.ACTR && lyrNode.FourCC <= FourCC.ACTb)
                    newObjType = typeof(Actor);
                else if (lyrNode.FourCC >= FourCC.SCOB && lyrNode.FourCC <= FourCC.SCOb)
                    newObjType = typeof(ScaleableObject);
                else if (lyrNode.FourCC >= FourCC.TRES && lyrNode.FourCC <= FourCC.TREb)
                    newObjType = typeof(TreasureChest);

                string   unlayedFourCC = lyrNode.FourCC.ToString();
                MapLayer layer         = ChunkHeader.FourCCToLayer(ref unlayedFourCC);
                FourCC   enumVal       = FourCCConversion.GetEnumFromString(unlayedFourCC);

                newNode       = (SerializableDOMNode)Activator.CreateInstance(newObjType, enumVal, m_world);
                newNode.Layer = layer;
            else if (selected is WDOMGroupNode)
                WDOMGroupNode grpNode = selected as WDOMGroupNode;

                if (grpNode.FourCC == FourCC.ACTR || grpNode.FourCC == FourCC.SCOB || grpNode.FourCC == FourCC.TRES)

                Type newObjType = FourCCConversion.GetTypeFromEnum(grpNode.FourCC);
                newNode = (SerializableDOMNode)Activator.CreateInstance(newObjType, grpNode.FourCC, m_world);

            if (newNode != null)

            // ToDo: This can spawn specific classes the same way that the actor loader does.
コード例 #5
ファイル: SceneDataExporter.cs プロジェクト: Hengle/Winditor
        public void ExportToStream(EndianBinaryWriter writer, WScene scene)
            // Build a dictionary which lists unique FourCC's and a list of all relevant actors.
            var actorCategories = new Dictionary <FourCC, List <SerializableDOMNode> >();

            foreach (var child in scene)
                var groupNode = child as WDOMGroupNode;
                if (groupNode == null)

                // If this is an ACTR, SCOB, or TRES group node, we have to dig into it to get the layers.
                if (groupNode.FourCC == FourCC.ACTR || groupNode.FourCC == FourCC.SCOB || groupNode.FourCC == FourCC.TRES)
                    foreach (var layer in groupNode.Children)
                        foreach (var obj in layer.Children)
                            var actor = obj as SerializableDOMNode;

                            if (actor != null)
                                AddObjectToDictionary(actor, actorCategories);
                    foreach (var obj in groupNode.Children)
                        var actor = obj as SerializableDOMNode;

                        if (actor != null)
                            AddObjectToDictionary(actor, actorCategories);

            // Create a chunk header for each one.
            var chunkHeaders = new List <ChunkHeader>();

            foreach (var kvp in actorCategories)
                ChunkHeader header = new ChunkHeader();
                header.FourCC       = kvp.Key;
                header.ElementCount = kvp.Value.Count;


            long chunkStart = writer.BaseStream.Position;

            // Write the Header
            for (int i = 0; i < chunkHeaders.Count; i++)
                writer.Write((int)0); // Dummy Placeholder values for the Chunk Header.

            // For each chunk, write the data for that chunk. Before writing the data, get the current offset and update the header.
            List <SerializableDOMNode>[] dictionaryData = new List <SerializableDOMNode> [actorCategories.Count];
            actorCategories.Values.CopyTo(dictionaryData, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < chunkHeaders.Count; i++)
                ChunkHeader header = chunkHeaders[i];
                chunkHeaders[i] = new ChunkHeader(header.FourCC, header.ElementCount, (int)(writer.BaseStream.Position - chunkStart));

                List <SerializableDOMNode> actors = dictionaryData[i];
                foreach (var actor in actors)
                    MapActorDescriptor template = Globals.ActorDescriptors.Find(x => x.FourCC == actor.FourCC);
                    if (template == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Unsupported FourCC (\"{0}\") for exporting!", actor.FourCC);


                    //WriteActorToChunk(actor, template, writer);

            // Now that we've written every actor to file we can go back and re-write the headers now that we know their offsets.
            writer.BaseStream.Position = chunkStart + 0x4; // 0x4 is the offset to the Chunk Headers
            foreach (var header in chunkHeaders)
                writer.WriteFixedString(FourCCConversion.GetStringFromEnum(header.FourCC), 4); // FourCC
                writer.Write(header.ElementCount);                                             // Number of Entries
                writer.Write(header.ChunkOffset);                                              // Offset from start of file.

            // Seek to the end of the file, and then pad us to 32-byte alignment.
            writer.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
            int delta = WMath.Pad32Delta(writer.BaseStream.Position);

            for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++)