public static void DrawTextOnGlass(IntPtr hwnd, String text, Font font, Rectangle ctlrct, int iglowSize) { if (IsCompositionEnabled()) { RECT rc = new RECT(); RECT rc2 = new RECT(); rc.left = ctlrct.Left; rc.right = ctlrct.Right; // + 2 * iglowSize; //make it larger to contain the glow effect = ctlrct.Top; rc.bottom = ctlrct.Bottom; // + 2 * iglowSize; //Just the same rect with rc,but (0,0) at the lefttop rc2.left = 0; = 0; rc2.right = rc.right - rc.left; rc2.bottom = rc.bottom -; IntPtr destdc = WinAPI.GetDC(hwnd); //hwnd must be the handle of form,not control IntPtr Memdc = WinAPI.CreateCompatibleDC(destdc); // Set up a memory DC where we'll draw the text. IntPtr bitmap; IntPtr bitmapOld = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr logfnotOld; int uFormat = Constants.DT_SINGLELINE | Constants.DT_CENTER | Constants.DT_VCENTER | Constants.DT_NOPREFIX; //text format IntPtr ptPixels = IntPtr.Zero; BITMAPINFO dib = new BITMAPINFO(); dib.bmiHeader.biHeight = -(rc.bottom -; // negative because DrawThemeTextEx() uses a top-down DIB dib.bmiHeader.biWidth = rc.right - rc.left; dib.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; dib.bmiHeader.biSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); dib.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; dib.bmiHeader.biCompression = Constants.BI_RGB; dib.bmiColors.rgbBlue = 255; if (!(WinAPI.SaveDC(Memdc) == 0)) { bitmap = WinAPI.CreateDIBSection(Memdc, ref dib, Constants.DIB_RGB_COLORS, out ptPixels, IntPtr.Zero, 0); // Create a 32-bit bmp for use in offscreen drawing when glass is on if (!(bitmap == IntPtr.Zero)) { bitmapOld = WinAPI.SelectObject(Memdc, bitmap); IntPtr hFont = font.ToHfont(); logfnotOld = WinAPI.SelectObject(Memdc, hFont); try { System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleRenderer renderer = new System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleRenderer(System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement.Window.Caption.Active); DTTOPTS dttOpts = new DTTOPTS(); dttOpts.dwSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DTTOPTS)); dttOpts.dwFlags = Constants.DTT_COMPOSITED | Constants.DTT_GLOWSIZE; dttOpts.iGlowSize = iglowSize; for (int i = (-(dib.bmiHeader.biWidth * dib.bmiHeader.biHeight) - 1); i >= 0; i--) { Marshal.WriteInt32( (IntPtr)((long)ptPixels + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * i), GetAeroBackgroundColor().ToArgb() ); } WinAPI.DrawThemeTextEx(renderer.Handle, Memdc, 1, 1, text, -1, uFormat, ref rc2, ref dttOpts); WinAPI.BitBlt(destdc, rc.left,, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -, Memdc, 0, 0, Constants.SRCCOPY); } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(e.Message); } //Remember to clean up WinAPI.SelectObject(Memdc, bitmapOld); WinAPI.SelectObject(Memdc, logfnotOld); WinAPI.DeleteObject(bitmap); WinAPI.DeleteObject(hFont); WinAPI.ReleaseDC(Memdc, -1); WinAPI.DeleteDC(Memdc); } } } }
private void RefreshCtrl() { if (m_bIsRefreshing) { return; } int width = host.ClientRectangle.Width; int height = host.ClientRectangle.Height; m_bIsRefreshing = true; IntPtr hDC = WinAPI.GetDC(host.Handle); if (hDC == IntPtr.Zero) { m_bIsRefreshing = false; Debug.Assert(false, "GetDC failed."); return; } IntPtr hdcMemory = WinAPI.CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); int nBytesPerLine = ((width * 32 + 31) & (~31)) >> 3; BITMAPINFO stBmpInfoHeader = new BITMAPINFO(); stBmpInfoHeader.bmiHeader.biSize = Marshal.SizeOf(stBmpInfoHeader); stBmpInfoHeader.bmiHeader.biWidth = width; stBmpInfoHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight = height; stBmpInfoHeader.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; stBmpInfoHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; stBmpInfoHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = 0; stBmpInfoHeader.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; stBmpInfoHeader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = nBytesPerLine * height; IntPtr pvBits = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr hbmpMem = WinAPI.CreateDIBSection(hDC , ref stBmpInfoHeader , Constants.DIB_RGB_COLORS , out pvBits , IntPtr.Zero , 0 ); Debug.Assert(hbmpMem != IntPtr.Zero, "CreateDIBSection failed."); if (hbmpMem != null) { IntPtr hbmpOld = WinAPI.SelectObject(hdcMemory, hbmpMem); Graphics graphic = Graphics.FromHdcInternal(hdcMemory); graphic.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(BackColor), graphic.ClipBounds); foreach (Control ctrl in host.Controls) { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(ctrl.Width, ctrl.Height); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, ctrl.Width, ctrl.Height); ctrl.DrawToBitmap(bmp, rect); graphic.DrawImage(bmp, ctrl.Location); } POINT ptSrc = new POINT(0, 0); POINT ptWinPos = new POINT(host.Left, host.Top); SIZE szWin = new SIZE(width, height); BLENDFUNCTION stBlend = new BLENDFUNCTION(Constants.AC_SRC_OVER, 0, 0xFF, Constants.AC_SRC_ALPHA); WinAPI.UpdateLayeredWindow(host.Handle , hDC , ref ptWinPos , ref szWin , hdcMemory , ref ptSrc , 0 , ref stBlend , Constants.ULW_ALPHA ); graphic.Dispose(); WinAPI.SelectObject(hbmpMem, hbmpOld); WinAPI.DeleteObject(hbmpMem); } WinAPI.DeleteDC(hdcMemory); WinAPI.DeleteDC(hDC); m_bIsRefreshing = false; }