public void notifyListeners(Message msg) { for (int i=0; i<listeners.Count; i++ ) { ((ClientConnection)listeners[i]).sendMessage(msg); } }
public void checkMessage(Message msg) { mutex.WaitOne(); sendLocalMessage(msg.From, msg); sendLocalMessage(msg.To, msg); sendGlobalMessage(msg); mutex.ReleaseMutex(); }
public Message(Message m) { this.from = m.from; =; this.thread = m.thread; this.subject = m.subject; this.body = m.body; }
public void addMessage(Message msg) { if (keepRunning) { if (stack.Count >= maxSendQueueSize) { Context.getInstance().getLogger().log("Max Send Queue Size exceeded", name, Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG); } else { stack.Enqueue(msg); } } }
private void sendLocalMessage(string to, Message msg) { ArrayList list = (ArrayList)eavesDroppers[to]; if (list != null) { IEnumerator e = list.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { ((ClientConnection)e.Current).sendMessage(msg); } } }
private void sendGlobalMessage(Message msg) { IEnumerator e = globalEavesDroppers.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { ((ClientConnection)e.Current).sendMessage(msg); } }
public void deregisterClient() { Context.getInstance().getConnectionRegistry().deregisterConnection(; //notify listeners Message msg = new Message(); msg.Subject = "offline"; msg.Body = name; Context.getInstance().getListenerRegistry().notifyListeners(msg); }
private void routeMessage(Message msg) { ClientConnection targetConnection = Context.getInstance().getConnectionRegistry().findConnection(msg.To); if (Context.getInstance().isEavesDroppingEnabled()) { Context.getInstance().getEavesDropRegistry().checkMessage(msg); } if (targetConnection != null) { if (routingProfileMap[msg.To] != null) { routingProfileMap[msg.To] = (int)(routingProfileMap[msg.To]) + 1; } else { routingProfileMap[msg.To] = 1; } if (Context.getInstance().getSyncSend()) { targetConnection.sendMessageNow(msg); } else { targetConnection.sendMessage(msg); } } else { Message reply = new Message(); reply.Subject = "ERROR"; reply.To = msg.From; reply.Body = "Unknown client: " + msg.To; sendMessage(reply); } }
private void registerClient(string name) { = name; sender.Name = name; Context.getInstance().getConnectionRegistry().registerConnection(this, name); //notify any listeners of this registration Message msg = new Message(); msg.Subject = "online"; msg.Body = name; Context.getInstance().getListenerRegistry().notifyListeners(msg); }
private bool processMessage(Message msg) { ServerStats.getInstance().incrementIncomingMsgCount(); incomingMessageCount++; if ((msg.To != null) && (msg.To != "")) { Context.getInstance().getLogger().log(msg.From, msg.To, msg.Subject, msg.Body, Logger.LEVEL_INFO); routeMessage(msg); return true; } else { return handleMessage(msg); } }
private bool handleMessage(Message msg) { string subject = msg.Subject; Context.getInstance().getLogger().log(msg.From, "server", msg.Subject, msg.Body, Logger.LEVEL_INFO); if (Context.getInstance().isEavesDroppingEnabled()) { Context.getInstance().getEavesDropRegistry().checkMessage(msg); } try { Message reply = new Message(); reply.Thread = msg.Thread; reply.To = msg.From; if (subject == "connect") { //handle the connect request //check for an existing connection if (Context.getInstance().getConnectionRegistry().findConnection(msg.Body) != null) { if (!Context.getInstance().getAllowDuplucateConnections()) { reply.Subject = "ERROR"; reply.Body = "duplicate registrations not allowed"; Context.getInstance().getLogger().log("Attempt to login under duplicate user name", msg.Body, Logger.LEVEL_WARN); sendMessageNow(reply); return false; } else { //close the original connection and process the new request ClientConnection cc = Context.getInstance().getConnectionRegistry().findConnection(msg.Body); Context.getInstance().getLogger().log("Duplicate connection request...closing original connection.", msg.Body, Logger.LEVEL_WARN); cc.closeNow(); } reply.Subject = "connected"; reply.To = msg.Body; registerClient(msg.Body); } else { reply.Subject = "connected"; reply.To = msg.Body; registerClient(msg.Body); } } else if (subject == "disconnect") { return false; } else if (subject == "list") { //handle the list request reply.Subject = "list"; string list = Context.getInstance().getConnectionRegistry().listConnections(); Context.getInstance().getLogger().log("Current List", list, Logger.LEVEL_INFO); reply.Body = list; } else if (subject == "register") { Context.getInstance().getListenerRegistry().registerListener(this); reply.Subject = "registered"; } else if (subject == "deregister") { Context.getInstance().getListenerRegistry().deregisterListener(this); reply.Subject = "deregistered"; } else if (subject == "version") { reply.Subject = "version"; reply.Body = VERSION; } else if (subject == "eavesdrop") { if (Context.getInstance().isEavesDroppingEnabled()) { Context.getInstance().getEavesDropRegistry().registerEavesDropper(msg.Body, this); reply.Subject = "eavesdrop enabled"; reply.Body = msg.Body; } } else if (subject == "globaleavesdrop") { if (Context.getInstance().isEavesDroppingEnabled()) { Context.getInstance().getEavesDropRegistry().registerGlobalEavesDropper(this); reply.Subject = "globaleavesdrop enabled"; } } else if (subject == "uneavesdrop") { if (Context.getInstance().isEavesDroppingEnabled()) { Context.getInstance().getEavesDropRegistry().deregisterEavesDropper(msg.Body, this); reply.Subject = "eavesdrop disabled"; reply.Body = msg.Body; } } else if(subject == "uneavesdropall") { if (Context.getInstance().isEavesDroppingEnabled()) { Context.getInstance().getEavesDropRegistry().deregisterAllEavesDroppers(this); reply.Subject = "all eavesdroppers disabled"; } } else if (subject == "unglobaleavesdrop") { if (Context.getInstance().isEavesDroppingEnabled()) { Context.getInstance().getEavesDropRegistry().deregisterGlobalEavesDropper(this); reply.Subject = "globaleavesdrop disabled"; } } else if (subject == "enable eavesdropping") { Context.getInstance().enableEavesDropping(); reply.Subject = "eavesdropping enabled"; } else if (subject == "disable eavesdropping") { Context.getInstance().disableEavesdropping(); reply.Subject = "eavesdropping disabled"; } else if (subject == "enable error messages") { Context.getInstance().enableErrorMessages(); reply.Subject = "error messages enabled"; } else if (subject == "disable error messages") { Context.getInstance().disableErrorMessages(); reply.Subject = "error messages disabled"; } else if (subject == "get stats") { reply.Subject = "stats"; reply.Body = ServerStats.getInstance().getStatsStr(); } else if (subject == "reset stats") { ServerStats.getInstance().resetStats(); reply.Subject = "stats reset"; } else if (subject == "kill connection") { reply.Body = msg.Body; Context.getInstance().getLogger().log(msg.From, "SERVER", "Request to kill connection", msg.Body, Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG); ClientConnection cc = Context.getInstance().getConnectionRegistry().findConnection(msg.Body); if (cc != null) { cc.closeNow(); reply.Subject = "connection killed"; } else { reply.Subject = "unable to kill connection"; } } else if (subject.StartsWith("set log level")) { if (subject.IndexOf("info") >= 0) { Context.getInstance().getLogger().CurrentLevel = Logger.LEVEL_INFO; reply.Subject = "log level set to INFO"; } else if (subject.IndexOf("warn") >= 0) { Context.getInstance().getLogger().CurrentLevel = Logger.LEVEL_WARN; reply.Subject = "log level set to WARN"; } else if (subject.IndexOf("debug") >= 0) { Context.getInstance().getLogger().CurrentLevel = Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG; reply.Subject = "log level set to DEBUG"; } else if (subject.IndexOf("shout") >= 0) { Context.getInstance().getLogger().CurrentLevel = Logger.LEVEL_SHOUT; reply.Subject = "log level set to SHOUT"; } else { reply.Subject = "unknown log level"; } reply.To = msg.From; } else if (subject == "enable logging") { Context.getInstance().getLogger().enable(); reply.Subject = "logging enabled"; } else if (subject == "disable logging") { Context.getInstance().getLogger().disable(); reply.Subject = "logging disabled"; } else if (subject == "help") { reply.Subject = "Command List"; reply.Body = CMD_LIST; } else if (subject == "get connection profile") { reply.Subject = "connection profile"; reply.Body = Context.getInstance().getConnectionRegistry().getConnectionProfiles(); } else if (subject == "get connection stats") { reply.Subject = "connection stats"; reply.Body = Context.getInstance().getConnectionRegistry().getConnectionStatsStr(); } else if (subject == "get send queue stats") { reply.Subject = "send queue stats"; reply.Body = Context.getInstance().getConnectionRegistry().getSendQueueStats(); } else if (subject == "get max send queue size") { reply.Body = "Current max send queue size: " + Context.getInstance().getMaxSendQueueSize(); } else if (subject == "set max send queue size") { int val = Int32.Parse(msg.Body); if (val > 0) { reply.Subject = "Max send queue size changed from " + Context.getInstance().getMaxSendQueueSize() + " to " + val; Context.getInstance().setMaxSendQueueSize(val); } else { reply.Subject = "set max send queue size"; reply.Body = "invalid value specified"; } } else if (subject == "log to file") { Context.getInstance().logToFile(); reply.Subject = "logging to file"; } else if (subject == "log to stdout") { Context.getInstance().logToStdOut(); reply.Subject = "logging to stdout"; } else if (subject == "get sync send status") { reply.Subject = "sync send status"; if (Context.getInstance().getSyncSend()) { reply.Body = "enabled"; } else { reply.Body = "disabled"; } } else if (subject == "enable sync send") { Context.getInstance().setSyncSend(true); reply.Subject = "sync send enabled"; } else if (subject == "disable sync send") { Context.getInstance().setSyncSend(false); reply.Subject = "sync send disabled"; } else if (subject == "get stat logging") { reply.Subject = "stat logging status"; if (Context.getInstance().getStatLogging()) { reply.Body = "enabled"; } else { reply.Body = "disabled"; } } else if (subject == "enable stat logging") { Context.getInstance().enableStatLogging(); reply.Subject = "stat logging enabled"; } else if (subject == "disable stat logging") { Context.getInstance().disableStatLogging(); reply.Subject = "stat logging disabled"; } else { if (Context.getInstance().errorMessageEnabled()) //check if error messaging is enabled { //send an error reply reply.To = msg.From; reply.Subject = "ERROR"; reply.Body = "Unknown command"; } else //if not then just return { return true; } } sendMessage(reply); } catch (Exception ex) { Context.getInstance().getLogger().forceLog(ex.Message); } return true; }
private Message getMessage() { byte[] packet_header = new byte[PACKET_HEADER_SIZE]; getHeaderData(ref packet_header, PACKET_HEADER_SIZE); //examine packet header to determine total message length byte toLength = packet_header[0]; byte fromLength = packet_header[1]; byte threadLength = packet_header[2]; byte subjectLength = packet_header[3]; long bodyLength =0; bodyLength |= packet_header[4]; bodyLength <<= 8; bodyLength |= packet_header[5]; bodyLength <<= 8; bodyLength |= packet_header[6]; bodyLength <<= 8; bodyLength |= packet_header[7]; long totalLength = toLength+fromLength+threadLength+subjectLength+bodyLength; packetData = new byte[totalLength]; getData(ref packetData, totalLength); //now construct the Message object Message msg = new Message(); int index = 0; string messagedata = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(packetData); if (toLength != 0) { msg.To = messagedata.Substring(0, toLength); index += toLength; } if (fromLength != 0) { msg.From = messagedata.Substring(index, fromLength); index += fromLength; } if (threadLength != 0) { msg.Thread = messagedata.Substring(index, threadLength); index += threadLength; } if (subjectLength != 0) { msg.Subject = messagedata.Substring(index, subjectLength); index += subjectLength; } if (bodyLength != 0) { msg.Body = messagedata.Substring(index, (int)bodyLength); } return msg; }
public void sendMessageNow(Message msg) { ServerStats.getInstance().incrementOutgoingMsgCount(); outgoingMessageCount++; sender.sendMessage(msg); }
public Queue getMessages() { byte[] readbuffer = new byte[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; Queue messages = new Queue(); //we want to fill the packetBuffer with as much data as we can get long actualSize = ss.Receive(readbuffer,0, MAX_BUF_SIZE, SocketFlags.None); long residualPacketLength = packetBufferSize-packetBufferPos; byte[] tmpBuf = new byte[actualSize + residualPacketLength]; //create a temporary buffer to hold the data; //since the tmpBuf will become the packetBuffer, set the size now packetBufferSize = actualSize + residualPacketLength; //pack the residual data from the packet buffer into the tmp buffer pack(packetBuffer, (int)packetBufferPos, (int)residualPacketLength, ref tmpBuf, 0); //pack the newly read data into the tmp buffer pack(readbuffer, 0, (int)actualSize, ref tmpBuf, (int)residualPacketLength); packetBuffer = tmpBuf; //set the packet buffer to the tmp buffer packetBufferPos = 0; //set the packetBufferPos to the beginning of the buffer //if there aren't even 8 bytes in the buffer there's not even enough for a header so //there's no use in parsing it yet if (packetBufferSize < PACKET_HEADER_SIZE) { return messages; } //now parse through the packet buffer to pull out as many messages as possible while ((packetBufferPos+PACKET_HEADER_SIZE) < packetBufferSize) { //make sure there's enough room for the next packet header //process the current packet header byte toLength = packetBuffer[packetBufferPos]; packetBufferPos++; byte fromLength = packetBuffer[packetBufferPos]; packetBufferPos++; byte threadLength = packetBuffer[packetBufferPos]; packetBufferPos++; byte subjectLength = packetBuffer[packetBufferPos]; packetBufferPos++; long bodyLength =0; bodyLength |= packetBuffer[packetBufferPos]; packetBufferPos++; bodyLength <<= 8; bodyLength |= packetBuffer[packetBufferPos]; packetBufferPos++; bodyLength <<= 8; bodyLength |= packetBuffer[packetBufferPos]; packetBufferPos++; bodyLength <<= 8; bodyLength |= packetBuffer[packetBufferPos]; packetBufferPos++; long totalLength = toLength+fromLength+threadLength+subjectLength+bodyLength; //check to make sure the remainder of the packetBuffer fully contains this packet if ((packetBufferSize-packetBufferPos) < totalLength) { packetBufferPos -= PACKET_HEADER_SIZE; //step back to tbe beginning of this packet return messages; //return the current list of messages } //otherwise, we need to constuct the Message Message msg = new Message(); byte[] data = createSubStr(packetBuffer, (int)packetBufferPos, (int)totalLength); string packetBufferStr = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data); int pos = 0; if (toLength != 0) { msg.To = packetBufferStr.Substring(pos, toLength); pos += toLength; } if (fromLength != 0) { msg.From = packetBufferStr.Substring(pos, fromLength); pos += fromLength; } if (threadLength != 0) { msg.Thread = packetBufferStr.Substring(pos, threadLength); pos += threadLength; } if (subjectLength != 0) { msg.Subject = packetBufferStr.Substring(pos, subjectLength); pos += subjectLength; } if (bodyLength != 0) { msg.Body = packetBufferStr.Substring(pos, (int)bodyLength); pos += (int)bodyLength; } messages.Enqueue(msg); packetBufferPos += totalLength; //update the packet buffer pos } return messages; }
public void sendMessage(Message msg) { sendLock.WaitOne(); try { byte[] sendBuffer = new byte[ClientConnection.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE+msg.MessageData.Length]; byte[] header = (byte[])msg.MessageHeader; for (int i=0; i<ClientConnection.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE; i++) { sendBuffer[i] = header[i]; } int index = ClientConnection.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE; char[] data = msg.MessageData.ToCharArray(); for (int i=0; i<data.Length; i++) { sendBuffer[index++] = (byte)data[i]; } ss.Send(sendBuffer); } catch (Exception ex) { Context.getInstance().getLogger().forceLog("Message Sender; Error in sendMessage(): " + ex.Message); } sendLock.ReleaseMutex(); }