public void ExecuteSoftFlat(string symbol, int?timeToFlat = null) { var secondsToFlat = 5; if (timeToFlat != null) { secondsToFlat = (int)timeToFlat; } FormHelper.FormSetText(String.Format("Execute soft exit for {0}", symbol)); var openPos = api.GetOpenPositionForSymbol(symbol); if (openPos.Volume != 0 && secondsToFlat == 0) { ExecuteFlatOrder(symbol); } else if (openPos.Volume != 0 && openPos.Side == "B") { var vol = Math.Abs(openPos.Volume); SoftSell(symbol, vol, secondsToFlat); } else if (openPos.Volume != 0 && openPos.Side == "S") { var vol = Math.Abs(openPos.Volume); SoftBuy(symbol, vol, secondsToFlat); } else { ExecuteFlatOrder(symbol); } }
public void ExecuteBuyBidInExitHalfOffer(string symbol, int shareSize, double halfTarget) { api.RegisterL1(symbol); var l1 = ExecuteGetL1(symbol); if (l1.Symbol == null) { log.AddFormLogMessage(String.Format("Cannot get Lv1 for {0}", symbol)); return; } var openPos = api.GetOpenPositionForSymbol(symbol); if (openPos != null && openPos.Side != "B") { api.FlattenSymbol(symbol); } var remaining = GetRemainingShareFromOpenPos(openPos, shareSize); if (remaining > 0) { api.CancelBuyOrdersForSymbol(symbol); var buyPrice = l1.BidPrice; // only try once api.ExecuteOrder("Buy", symbol, buyPrice, shareSize); FormHelper.FormSetText(String.Format("Bid In @{0}", buyPrice)); log.Updatelog(String.Format("Bid In @{0}", buyPrice)); } const int oneMinute = 60000; Thread.Sleep(1 * oneMinute); api.CancelBuyOrdersForSymbol(symbol); //check if the thing gets filled openPos = api.GetOpenPositionForSymbol(symbol); if (openPos != null && openPos.Side == "B") { var halfShare = openPos.Volume / 2; halfShare = Math.Abs(halfShare); halfTarget = Math.Round(halfTarget, 2); if (symbol.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("mhi")) { halfTarget = Math.Round(halfTarget, 0); } if (halfShare > 0) { api.ExecuteOrder("Sell", symbol, halfTarget, halfShare); log.AddFormLogMessage(String.Format("Offer half @{0}", halfTarget)); } } }
public void ExecuteExitHalf(string symbol) { FormHelper.FormSetText(String.Format("Execute exit half for {0}", symbol)); api.RegisterL1(symbol); var l1 = ExecuteGetL1(symbol); if (l1.Symbol == null) { log.AddFormLogMessage(String.Format("Cannot get Lv1 for {0}", symbol)); return; } var openPos = api.GetOpenPositionForSymbol(symbol); if (openPos.Volume == 0) { return; } var halfShare = openPos.Volume / 2; halfShare = Math.Abs(halfShare); //check if the thing gets filled openPos = api.GetOpenPositionForSymbol(symbol); if (openPos != null && openPos.Side == "B") { api.CancelBuyOrdersForSymbol(symbol); if (halfShare > 0) { api.ExecuteOrder("Sell", symbol, l1.AskPrice, halfShare); log.AddFormLogMessage(String.Format("Offer half @{0}", l1.AskPrice)); } } else { api.CancelSellOrdersForSymbol(symbol); if (halfShare > 0) { api.ExecuteOrder("Buy", symbol, l1.BidPrice, halfShare); log.AddFormLogMessage(String.Format("Bid half @{0}", l1.BidPrice)); } } const int oneMinute = 60000; Thread.Sleep(10 * oneMinute); api.CancelBuyOrdersForSymbol(symbol); api.CancelSellOrdersForSymbol(symbol); }
private void GetConnection() { var setting = new HttpWebDefaultSetting { ChromeId = Global.TraderId }; var connection = Connection.SiteConnection(setting); if (!connection) { startButton.Visible = false; FormHelper.FormSetText("Cannot connect to source"); } }
public int SafetyCheck(int tries) { tries--; //For Safety reason!!! if (tries == 0) { FormHelper.FormSetText("Something is wrong with the program!"); FormHelper.FormSetText("Flat all!!!"); log.Updatelog("Safety exit!!!"); throw new ApplicationException("Something is wrong!!!"); } return(tries); }
public void CancelSellOrdersForSymbol(string symbol) { var xdoc = feed.CancelSellOrdersForSymbol(symbol); log.Updatelog("Execute Cancel Sell Order"); try { xdoc.XPathSelectElements("//Content"); } catch (Exception e) { log.Updatelog(e.Message); FormHelper.FormSetText(e.Message); } }
public void FlattenSymbol(string symbol) { log.Updatelog(String.Format("Flattening symbol {0}", symbol)); FormHelper.FormSetText("FlattenSymbol: " + symbol); var xdoc = feed.FlattenSymbol(symbol); try { xdoc.XPathSelectElements("//Content"); } catch (Exception e) { log.Updatelog(e.Message); FormHelper.FormSetText(e.Message); } }
public void ExecuteCancelOpenOrders(string side, string symbol, int remaining) { if (remaining > 0) { FormHelper.FormSetText(String.Format("{0} shares for {1} is remained to be filled", remaining, symbol)); log.Updatelog(String.Format("Cancel Open orders, {0} shares for {1} is remained to be filled", remaining, symbol)); if (side == "Sell") { api.CancelSellOrdersForSymbol(symbol); } else if (side == "Buy") { api.CancelBuyOrdersForSymbol(symbol); } Thread.Sleep(1100); } }
public bool RegisterAll() { var success = feed.RegisterAll(); if (success) { FormHelper.FormSetText("Registered Sucessfully"); log.Updatelog("Registered Sucessfully"); return(true); } else { FormHelper.FormSetText("Register Failed"); log.Updatelog("Register Failed"); return(false); } }
public void ExecuteSellStop(string symbol, double inPrice) { Global.StopEntryTime = 90000; Global.StopCheckInterval = 3000; api.RegisterL1(symbol); long elapsedMs = 0; var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); FormHelper.FormSetText(String.Format("Execute SellStop {0} @ {1}", symbol, inPrice)); while (elapsedMs < Global.StopEntryTime) { var l1 = ExecuteGetL1(symbol); if (l1.AskPrice < inPrice) { var sellPrice = l1.BidPrice - 0.1; // only try once api.ExecuteOrder("Sell", symbol, sellPrice, Global.ShareSize); log.AddFormLogMessage(String.Format("Price reached. Market In")); break; } elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Thread.Sleep(Global.StopCheckInterval); } watch.Stop(); var position = api.GetOpenPositionForSymbol(symbol); const int stopLoss = 0; if (position.Volume != 0) { Global.UpdateSymbol(symbol, inPrice, stopLoss, position.Side, position.Volume); log.AddFormLogMessage(String.Format("Filled {0} for {1}", position.Symbol, position.Volume)); } else { FormHelper.FormSetText(String.Format("Did not get fill")); log.Updatelog(String.Format("Did not get fill")); } api.CancelBuyOrdersForSymbol(symbol); }
public void CheckOrderStateAndCancelOrder(string execId, string side, string symbol) { var orderId = api.GetOrderNumber(execId); Thread.Sleep(1000); var state = api.GetOrderState(orderId); if (state.State != State.Cancelled && state.State != State.Filled) { FormHelper.FormSetText(String.Format("Did not get filled Cancel open orders")); if (side == "Buy") { api.CancelBuyOrdersForSymbol(symbol); } else if (side == "Sell") { api.CancelSellOrdersForSymbol(symbol); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
public void ExecuteFlatOrder(string symbol) { FormHelper.FormSetText(String.Format("Executing Flat for {0},", symbol)); api.FlattenSymbol(symbol); Global.RemoveSymbol(symbol); }
public void ExecuteExitHalfAndMarketAfterTime(string symbol, int second) { FormHelper.FormSetText(String.Format("Execute exit half for {0}", symbol)); api.RegisterL1(symbol); var l1 = ExecuteGetL1(symbol); if (l1.Symbol == null) { log.AddFormLogMessage(String.Format("Cannot get Lv1 for {0}", symbol)); return; } var openPos = api.GetOpenPositionForSymbol(symbol); if (openPos.Volume == 0) { return; } var initial = Math.Abs(openPos.Volume); var halfShare = openPos.Volume / 2; halfShare = Math.Abs(halfShare); //check if the thing gets filled openPos = api.GetOpenPositionForSymbol(symbol); if (openPos != null && openPos.Side == "B") { api.CancelBuyOrdersForSymbol(symbol); if (halfShare > 0) { api.ExecuteOrder("Sell", symbol, l1.AskPrice, halfShare); log.AddFormLogMessage(String.Format("Offer half @{0}", l1.AskPrice)); } } else if (openPos != null && openPos.Side != "B") { api.CancelSellOrdersForSymbol(symbol); if (halfShare > 0) { api.ExecuteOrder("Buy", symbol, l1.BidPrice, halfShare); log.AddFormLogMessage(String.Format("Bid half @{0}", l1.BidPrice)); } } Thread.Sleep(second * 1000); api.CancelBuyOrdersForSymbol(symbol); api.CancelSellOrdersForSymbol(symbol); var openPos1 = api.GetOpenPositionForSymbol(symbol); var remaining2 = GetRemainingShareForExit(openPos1, halfShare, initial); l1 = ExecuteGetL1(symbol); if (l1.Symbol == null) { log.AddFormLogMessage(String.Format("Cannot get Lv1 for {0}", symbol)); return; } if (openPos1 != null && openPos1.Volume != halfShare && remaining2 > 0) { if (openPos1.Side == "B") { api.ExecuteOrder("Sell", symbol, l1.BidPrice, remaining2); log.AddFormLogMessage(String.Format("Market half @{0}", l1.AskPrice)); } else { api.ExecuteOrder("Buy", symbol, l1.AskPrice, remaining2); log.AddFormLogMessage(String.Format("Market half @{0}", l1.BidPrice)); } } }
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e) { //Workaround for firing twice: var lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(e.FullPath); log.Updatelog(String.Format("Change Detected {0}", e.FullPath)); DateTime lastExecTime; //Cannot execute the same stock in less than 20 seconds if (lastExecute.TryGetValue(e.FullPath, out lastExecTime)) { log.Updatelog(String.Format("Cannot update in less than 20 second - {0} , now is {1}, last execute is {2}", e.FullPath, DateTime.Now, lastExecTime)); var diff = DateTime.Now - lastExecTime; if (diff.TotalSeconds < 10) { return; } } if (lastWriteTime != lastRead) { var sh = new SettingHelper(); var setting = sh.GetSetting(); lastExecute[e.FullPath] = DateTime.Now; var fullPath = e.FullPath; var name = e.Name.Replace(".txt", ""); //FormHelper.FormSetText(String.Format("File Change detected for {0}...", name)); //Non American Stocks if (name.Contains("-TSE") || name.Contains("-TC") || name.Contains(".JP")) { name = name.Replace("-TSE", ".JP"); name = name.Replace("-TC", ".TO"); } else if (name.Contains("total")) { CsvParser.UpdateDictionary(e.FullPath); } //Futures else if (name.ToLowerInvariant() == "japanfuture") { name = setting.JpFuture; } else if (name.ToLowerInvariant() == "hongkongfuture") { name = setting.HkFuture; } else if (name.ToLowerInvariant() == "brazilfuture") { name = setting.BraFuture; } else if (name.ToLowerInvariant() == "esfuture") { name = setting.EsFuture; } else if (name.ToLowerInvariant() == "eurusd") { } //American Stocks - could be amex nasdaq or nyse else { var amList = Global.AmExceptionList; var nqList = Global.NqExceptionList; if (amList.Contains(name)) { name = name + ".AM"; } else if (nqList.Contains(name)) { name = name + ".NQ"; } else { name = name + ".NY"; } } FormHelper.FormSetText(String.Format("File Change detected for {0}...", name)); // // For debug // if (name.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("test") || name.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("debug")) { return; } var line = FileReader(fullPath).Split(','); log.Updatelog(String.Format("executing side {0} - {1}", line[0], line[1])); } lastRead = lastWriteTime; }
public static void AddFormLogMessage(string text) { FormHelper.FormSetText(text); Updatelog(text); }
public static void AddFormLogMessage(this Log log, string text) { FormHelper.FormSetText(text); log.Updatelog(text); }