コード例 #1
	void Start () {
		var messageBox = new MessageBox ();
		var trialUpgradeButton = new MessageBox.Command ("Trial Upgrade", trialUpgrade);
		var productPurchaseButton = new MessageBox.Command ("In app purchase", productPurchase);
		messageBox.ShowMessageBox ("Which scenario would you like to test?", "Store plugin test", trialUpgradeButton, productPurchaseButton);
		// Initialize the Store proxy on debug builds
		Store.DebugApp debugapp = new Store.DebugApp();
		debugapp.Name = "WinControls debug harness";
		debugapp.Price = 5.99;
		debugapp.IsTrial = false;
		debugapp.IsActive = true;

		Store.DebugProduct bigsword = new Store.DebugProduct();
		bigsword.ProductId = "bigsword";
		bigsword.Name = "really big swordy!";
		bigsword.Price = 99.99;

		Store.DebugProduct bigaxe = new Store.DebugProduct();
		bigaxe.ProductId = "bigaxe";
		bigaxe.Name = "really big axe!";
		bigaxe.Price = 65.99;
		bigaxe.IsActive = true;

		Store.EnableDebugWindowsStoreProxy (handleLicenseChanged, debugapp, bigsword, bigaxe);
コード例 #2
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		yesDelegate = YesAction;
		noDelegate = NoAction;

		var messageBox = new WinControls.MessageBox ();
		var yesButton = new WinControls.MessageBox.Command ("Yes", yesDelegate);
		var noButton = new WinControls.MessageBox.Command ("No", noDelegate);
		messageBox.ShowMessageBox ("Test in app purchase with debug?", "Test dialog", yesButton, noButton);