// SELECT DISTINCT ?ingredient ?ingredientLabel ?unii ?alias WHERE { // ?ingredient wdt:P652 ?unii. // OPTIONAL { ?ingredient skos:altLabel ?alias FILTER (LANG (?alias) = "nl").} // SERVICE wikibase:label { // bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "nl" .} //} static void Main(string[] args) { int Qcode = 15818798; WikidataIO WIO = new WikidataIO(); WIO.Action = "wbgetentities"; WIO.Format = "json"; WIO.Sites = ""; WIO.Ids = Qcode; WIO.Props = "claims|descriptions|labels|sitelinks"; WIO.Languages = ""; WIO.ClaimsRequired = new string[5] { "P31", "P27", "P21", "P569", "P570" }; WikidataFields Fields = WIO.GetData(); //Console.WriteLine("-----Errors-----"); List <ErrorLog> Errors = new List <ErrorLog>(); Errors = WIO.GetErrors(); foreach (ErrorLog thisLog in Errors) { if (thisLog != null) { foreach (ErrorMessage Error in thisLog.Errors) { //Console.WriteLine(Error.ToString()); } } } if (Fields == null) { return; } string ThisName; if (!Fields.Labels.TryGetValue("en-gb", out ThisName)) { Fields.Labels.TryGetValue("en", out ThisName); } string ThisDescription; if (!Fields.Description.TryGetValue("en-gb", out ThisDescription)) { Fields.Description.TryGetValue("en", out ThisDescription); } string ThisWikipedia; Fields.WikipediaLinks.TryGetValue("enwiki", out ThisWikipedia); //Console.WriteLine(ThisName); //Console.WriteLine(ThisDescription); //Console.WriteLine("===================="); WikipediaIO WPIO = new WikipediaIO(); WPIO.Action = "query"; WPIO.Export = "Yes"; WPIO.ExportNoWrap = "Yes"; WPIO.Format = "xml"; WPIO.Redirects = "yes"; WPIO.Titles = ThisWikipedia; if (WPIO.GetData()) { List <string[]> Templates = WPIO.TemplatesUsed; List <string> Categories = WPIO.CategoriesUsed; //Console.WriteLine(WPIO.PageTitle); //Console.WriteLine(Templates.Count().ToString() + " templates"); //Console.WriteLine(Categories.Count().ToString() + " categories"); } List <ErrorLog> Errors2 = new List <ErrorLog>(); Errors2 = WPIO.GetErrors(); foreach (ErrorLog thisLog in Errors2) { if (thisLog != null) { foreach (ErrorMessage Error in thisLog.Errors) { //Console.WriteLine(Error.ToString()); } } } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var qcode = 15818798; var wio = new WikidataIO { Action = "wbgetentities", Format = "json", Sites = "", Ids = qcode, Props = "claims|descriptions|labels|sitelinks", Languages = "", ClaimsRequired = new[] { "P31", "P27", "P21", "P569", "P570" } }; var fields = wio.GetData(); Console.WriteLine("-----Errors-----"); var errors = new List <IErrorLog>(wio.GetErrors()); foreach (var error in errors.Where(thisLog => thisLog != null).SelectMany(thisLog => thisLog.Errors)) { Console.WriteLine(error.ToString()); } if (fields == null) { return; } string thisName; if (!fields.Labels.TryGetValue("en-gb", out thisName)) { fields.Labels.TryGetValue("en", out thisName); } string thisDescription; if (!fields.Description.TryGetValue("en-gb", out thisDescription)) { fields.Description.TryGetValue("en", out thisDescription); } string thisWikipedia; fields.WikipediaLinks.TryGetValue("enwiki", out thisWikipedia); Console.WriteLine(thisName); Console.WriteLine(thisDescription); Console.WriteLine("===================="); var wpio = new WikipediaIO { Action = "query", Export = "Yes", ExportNoWrap = "Yes", Format = "xml", Redirects = "yes", Titles = thisWikipedia }; if (wpio.GetData()) { var templates = wpio.TemplatesUsed; var categories = wpio.CategoriesUsed; Console.WriteLine(wpio.PageTitle); Console.WriteLine(templates.Count() + " templates"); Console.WriteLine(categories.Count() + " categories"); } var errors2 = new List <IErrorLog>(wpio.GetErrors()); foreach (var error in errors2.Where(thisLog => thisLog != null).SelectMany(thisLog => thisLog.Errors)) { Console.WriteLine(error.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void Main( string[] args ) { var qcode = 15818798; var wio = new WikidataIO { Action = "wbgetentities", Format = "json", Sites = "", Ids = qcode, Props = "claims|descriptions|labels|sitelinks", Languages = "", ClaimsRequired = new[] { "P31", "P27", "P21", "P569", "P570" } }; var fields = wio.GetData(); Console.WriteLine( "-----Errors-----" ); var errors = new List<IErrorLog>( wio.GetErrors() ); foreach ( var error in errors.Where( thisLog => thisLog != null ).SelectMany( thisLog => thisLog.Errors ) ) { Console.WriteLine( error.ToString() ); } if ( fields == null ) { return; } string thisName; if ( !fields.Labels.TryGetValue( "en-gb", out thisName ) ) { fields.Labels.TryGetValue( "en", out thisName ); } string thisDescription; if ( !fields.Description.TryGetValue( "en-gb", out thisDescription ) ) { fields.Description.TryGetValue( "en", out thisDescription ); } string thisWikipedia; fields.WikipediaLinks.TryGetValue( "enwiki", out thisWikipedia ); Console.WriteLine( thisName ); Console.WriteLine( thisDescription ); Console.WriteLine( "====================" ); var wpio = new WikipediaIO { Action = "query", Export = "Yes", ExportNoWrap = "Yes", Format = "xml", Redirects = "yes", Titles = thisWikipedia }; if ( wpio.GetData() ) { var templates = wpio.TemplatesUsed; var categories = wpio.CategoriesUsed; Console.WriteLine( wpio.PageTitle ); Console.WriteLine( templates.Count() + " templates" ); Console.WriteLine( categories.Count() + " categories" ); } var errors2 = new List<IErrorLog>( wpio.GetErrors() ); foreach ( var error in errors2.Where( thisLog => thisLog != null ).SelectMany( thisLog => thisLog.Errors ) ) { Console.WriteLine( error.ToString() ); } Console.WriteLine( "Press enter to exit." ); Console.ReadLine(); }