internal BluetoothDevice(BluesoleilService owner, NativeMethods.BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO deviceInfo) { this.owner = owner; this.deviceInfo = deviceInfo; int zeroIndex = Array.IndexOf<byte>(deviceInfo.szName, 0); = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(deviceInfo.szName, 0, zeroIndex); address = deviceInfo.address; }
internal BluetoothDevice(BluesoleilService owner, NativeMethods.BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO deviceInfo) { this.owner = owner; this.deviceInfo = deviceInfo; int zeroIndex = Array.IndexOf <byte>(deviceInfo.szName, 0); = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(deviceInfo.szName, 0, zeroIndex); address = deviceInfo.address; }
internal BluetoothService(BluesoleilService owner, BluetoothDevice device, NativeMethods.GENERAL_SERVICE_INFO serviceInfo) { this.owner = owner; this.serviceInfo = serviceInfo; int zeroIndex = Array.IndexOf <byte>(serviceInfo.szServiceName, 0); = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(serviceInfo.szServiceName, 0, zeroIndex); this.device = device; }
protected void EnsureBluesoleilStarted(BluesoleilService bluesoleil) { if (!bluesoleil.IsStarted) { bluesoleil.StartBluetooth(); while (discoveringThread == Thread.CurrentThread && !bluesoleil.IsStarted) { Thread.Sleep(1000); bluesoleil.StartBluetooth(); } } }
protected void Discovering() { while (discoveringThread == Thread.CurrentThread) { MsHid.NativeMethods.WSAStartup(); bluesoleil = BluesoleilService.Instance; bluesoleil.Initialize(); bluesoleil.ConnectionClosed += OnConnectionClosed; while (discoveringThread == Thread.CurrentThread) { EnsureBluesoleilStarted(bluesoleil); BluetoothDevice[] devices; try { // Scan for bluetooth-devices (like devices). devices = bluesoleil.InquireDevices(pollingTime); } catch (BluesoleilFailException) { // Happens sometimes randomly, but also happens sometimes when the bluetooth-dongle is unplugged. continue; } catch (BluesoleilNotReadyException) { // Happens when bluetooth is stopped or when the bluetooth-dongle is unplugged. Thread.Sleep(NotReadySleepTimeout); continue; } List<BluetoothAddress> notFoundAddresses = new List<BluetoothAddress>(lookupDeviceInfo.Keys); foreach (BluetoothDevice device in devices) { if (!IsWiiDevice(device)) continue; BluetoothAddress address = new BluetoothAddress(device.Address); if (lookupDeviceInfo.ContainsKey(address)) { notFoundAddresses.Remove(address); break; } BluetoothService[] services = null; try { // Scan for bluetooth-devices (like devices). services = bluesoleil.BrowseServices(device); Thread.Sleep(PostBrowseSleepTimeout); } catch (BluesoleilFailException) { // Happens sometimes randomly, but also happens sometimes when the bluetooth-dongle is unplugged. continue; } catch (BluesoleilNotReadyException) { // Happens when bluetooth is stopped or when the bluetooth-dongle is unplugged. continue; } if (services.Length != 3) continue; if (!lookupDeviceInfo.ContainsKey(address)) { BluesoleilDeviceInfo foundDevice = new BluesoleilDeviceInfo(device, services[1]); OnDeviceFound(foundDevice); } } // Remove the lost devices from the list and notify DeviceLost event. foreach (BluetoothAddress notFoundAddress in notFoundAddresses) { BluesoleilDeviceInfo notFoundDeviceInfo = lookupDeviceInfo[notFoundAddress]; OnDeviceLost(notFoundDeviceInfo); } Thread.Sleep(PollSleepTimeout); } bluesoleil.ConnectionClosed -= OnConnectionClosed; bluesoleil.Dispose(); } }
protected void Discovering() { while (discoveringThread == Thread.CurrentThread) { MsHid.NativeMethods.WSAStartup(); bluesoleil = BluesoleilService.Instance; bluesoleil.Initialize(); bluesoleil.ConnectionClosed += OnConnectionClosed; while (discoveringThread == Thread.CurrentThread) { EnsureBluesoleilStarted(bluesoleil); BluetoothDevice[] devices; try { // Scan for bluetooth-devices (like devices). devices = bluesoleil.InquireDevices(pollingTime); } catch (BluesoleilFailException) { // Happens sometimes randomly, but also happens sometimes when the bluetooth-dongle is unplugged. continue; } catch (BluesoleilNotReadyException) { // Happens when bluetooth is stopped or when the bluetooth-dongle is unplugged. Thread.Sleep(NotReadySleepTimeout); continue; } List <BluetoothAddress> notFoundAddresses = new List <BluetoothAddress>(lookupDeviceInfo.Keys); foreach (BluetoothDevice device in devices) { if (!IsWiiDevice(device)) { continue; } BluetoothAddress address = new BluetoothAddress(device.Address); if (lookupDeviceInfo.ContainsKey(address)) { notFoundAddresses.Remove(address); break; } BluetoothService[] services = null; try { // Scan for bluetooth-devices (like devices). services = bluesoleil.BrowseServices(device); Thread.Sleep(PostBrowseSleepTimeout); } catch (BluesoleilFailException) { // Happens sometimes randomly, but also happens sometimes when the bluetooth-dongle is unplugged. continue; } catch (BluesoleilNotReadyException) { // Happens when bluetooth is stopped or when the bluetooth-dongle is unplugged. continue; } if (services.Length != 3) { continue; } if (!lookupDeviceInfo.ContainsKey(address)) { BluesoleilDeviceInfo foundDevice = new BluesoleilDeviceInfo(device, services[1]); OnDeviceFound(foundDevice); } } // Remove the lost devices from the list and notify DeviceLost event. foreach (BluetoothAddress notFoundAddress in notFoundAddresses) { BluesoleilDeviceInfo notFoundDeviceInfo = lookupDeviceInfo[notFoundAddress]; OnDeviceLost(notFoundDeviceInfo); } Thread.Sleep(PollSleepTimeout); } bluesoleil.ConnectionClosed -= OnConnectionClosed; bluesoleil.Dispose(); } }
internal BluetoothConnection(BluesoleilService owner, BluetoothService service, int connectionHandle) { this.owner = owner; this.service = service; this.connectionHandle = connectionHandle; }