コード例 #1
        private async void response(IAsyncResult res)
            IPEndPoint RemoteIpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, multicastPort);

            byte[] received = receive.EndReceive(res, ref RemoteIpEndPoint);
            receive.BeginReceive(new AsyncCallback(response), null);

            //Process codes
            string device = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(received);

            Debug.WriteLine(device); //Example format:,ACCF239EF102,HF-LPB100-ZJ200
            string[] data = device.Split(',');

            if (data.Length == 3)                        //A string we are interested in contains three parts
                IPAddress iP = IPAddress.Parse(data[0]); //We only care about the first part, which is an ip
                //iPAddresses.Add(iP);//Yay sets!

                WifiLed led = new WifiLed(iP, data[1]);
                //New Led found
                if (!foundLeds.Contains(led))
                    Debug.WriteLine("Found new a device at: " + data[0] + "| contained in foundLeds: " + foundLeds.Contains(led));
                    //this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => OutputBox.Items.Add(engineOutput)));

                    //check if we have a custom name for this led
                    string custom = xmlSettings.FindCustomName(led.macAddress);
                    if (custom != null && custom != "")
                        Debug.WriteLine("[Mainview.respons] custom = {0}", custom);
                        led.name = custom;

                    this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => checkedListBoxDevices.Items.Add(led)));
                    if (checkedListBoxDevices.Items.Count == 1)  //first item is selected. so that we have something to work with, supress event
                        this.checkedListBoxDevices.SelectedValueChanged -= new EventHandler(checkedListBoxDevices_SelectedIndexChanged);
                        this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => checkedListBoxDevices.SetSelected(0, true)));
                        this.checkedListBoxDevices.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler(checkedListBoxDevices_SelectedIndexChanged);
                    //add event listener for this led
                    led.WifiLedUpdated += WifiLedUpdatedListener;

                    //Task task = new Task(led.getStatus);
                    //await Task.Run(() => led.getStatus());
                    //Thread thread = new Thread(led.getStatus);
                    //Gather information asynchrounously
                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() => led.GetStatus());
コード例 #2
        private void checkedListBoxDevices_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            selectedLed = (WifiLed)checkedListBoxDevices.SelectedItem;

             * Debug.WriteLine("Index===============================");
             * Debug.WriteLine("[{0}] ON = {1}",selectedLed.name, selectedLed.Active);
             * Debug.WriteLine("[{0}] Red = {1}", selectedLed.name, selectedLed.Red);
             * Debug.WriteLine("[{0}] Green = {1}", selectedLed.name, selectedLed.Green);
             * Debug.WriteLine("[{0}] Blue = {1}", selectedLed.name, selectedLed.Blue);
             * Debug.WriteLine("[{0}] IP = {1}", selectedLed.name, selectedLed.iPAddress);
             * Debug.WriteLine("[{0}] Name = {1}", selectedLed.name, selectedLed.name);
             * Debug.WriteLine("===============================");