private void WriteToAuditLog2(TeeTimeItem TT) { string sSQL; DataSet ds1; APICommon ApiCommon = new APICommon(); sSQL = "SELECT * "; sSQL = sSQL + " FROM [W_TeeTimes] "; sSQL = sSQL + " WHERE [TeeTimeGUID] = " + m.InQuote(TT.TTGUID); ds1 = m.SQLRunQuery(sSQL, c.DB.WhosIn); if (m.EmptyTable(ds1)) { return; } if (m.GetFieldDateF("TeeTimeDate", ds1, c.DATE_FORMAT1) != m.FormatDT(TT.TTDate, c.DATE_FORMAT1)) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Date changed to " + m.FormatDT(TT.TTDate, c.DATE_FORMAT1)); } if (m.GetFieldDateF("TeeTimeTime", ds1, c.DATE_FORMAT10) != m.FormatDT(TT.TTTime, c.DATE_FORMAT10)) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Time changed to " + m.FormatDT(TT.TTTime, c.DATE_FORMAT10)); } if (m.GetFieldStr("OwnerComment", ds1) != TT.OwnerComment) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Owner's comment changed."); } if (m.GetFieldStr("TeeTimeOwner", ds1) != TT.Owner) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Owner changed to " + TT.Owner); } if (m.GetFieldStr("TeeTimeLocation", ds1) != TT.Location) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Location to " + TT.Location); } if (m.GetFieldStr("GroupGUID", ds1) != TT.GroupGUID) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Group changed."); } }
private void AddTeeTime(TeeTimeItem TT) { string sSQL; int i2; APICommon ApiCommon = new APICommon(); TT.TTGUID = m.CreateGuid(); if (m.IsEmpty(TT.Owner)) { SetResultCode(c.BATCH_RESULT_FAIL, "Owner cannot be blank."); return; } if (m.IsEmpty(TT.Location)) { SetResultCode(c.BATCH_RESULT_FAIL, "Location cannot be blank."); return; } if (m.IsEmpty(TT.GroupGUID)) { SetResultCode(c.BATCH_RESULT_FAIL, "Group cannot be blank."); return; } if (TT.TTTime == null) { SetResultCode(c.BATCH_RESULT_FAIL, "Time cannot be blank."); return; } if (TT.TTDate == null) { SetResultCode(c.BATCH_RESULT_FAIL, "Date cannot be blank."); return; } if (m.BeforeToday(m.NoNullDate(TT.TTDate))) { SetResultCode(c.BATCH_RESULT_FAIL, "Date cannot be before today."); return; } if (m.FormatDT(TT.TTTime, "HH:mm") == "00:00") { SetResultCode(c.BATCH_RESULT_FAIL, "Time cannot be blank."); return; } if (TTAleadyExists(TT)) { SetResultCode(c.BATCH_RESULT_FAIL, "This teetime already exists."); return; } sSQL = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[W_TeeTimes] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ([TeeTimeGUID] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[GroupGUID] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[TeeTimeOwner] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[TeeTimeLocation] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[TeeTimeDate] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[TeeTimeTime] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[OwnerComment] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[LockPlayer1] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[LockPlayer2] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[LockPlayer3] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[LockPlayer4] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[Player1] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[Player2] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[Player3] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[Player4] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[WaitList1] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[WaitList2] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[WaitList3] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[LockMessages] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[HideMessages] "; sSQL = sSQL + " ,[IsDeleted] )"; sSQL = sSQL + " VALUES ("; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuote(TT.TTGUID, 50) + ", "; // (<TeeTimeGUID, varchar(50),> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuote(TT.GroupGUID, 50) + ", "; // ,<GroupGUID, varchar(50),> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuote(TT.Owner, 50) + ", "; // ,<TeeTimeOwner, nvarchar(max),> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuote(TT.Location, 100) + ", "; // ,<TeeTimeLocation, nvarchar(max),> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuoteT(m.NoNullDate(TT.TTDate)) + ", "; // ,<TeeTimeDate, date,> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuoteT(m.NoNullDate(TT.TTTime)) + ", "; // ,<TeeTimeTime, time(0),> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuote(TT.OwnerComment, 500) + ", "; // ,<OwnerComment, nvarchar(max),> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuoteN(TT.LockPlayer1) + ", "; // ,<LockPlayer1, smallint,> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuoteN(TT.LockPlayer2) + ", "; // ,<LockPlayer2, smallint,> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuoteN(TT.LockPlayer3) + ", "; // ,<LockPlayer3, smallint,> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuoteN(TT.LockPlayer4) + ", "; // ,<LockPlayer4, smallint,> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuote(TT.Player1, 100) + ", "; // ,<Player1, nvarchar(max),> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuote(TT.Player2, 100) + ", "; // ,<Player2, nvarchar(max),> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuote(TT.Player3, 100) + ", "; // ,<Player3, nvarchar(max),> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuote(TT.Player4, 100) + ", "; // ,<Player4, nvarchar(max),> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuote(TT.WaitList1, 100) + ", "; // ,<WaitList1, nvarchar(max),> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuote(TT.WaitList2, 100) + ", "; // ,<WaitList2, nvarchar(max),> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuote(TT.WaitList3, 100) + ", "; // " ,<WaitList3, nvarchar(max),>) "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuoteN(TT.LockMessages) + ", "; // ,<LockMessages, smallint,> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuoteN(TT.HideMessages) + ", "; // ,<HideMessages, smallint,> "; sSQL = sSQL + m.InQuoteN(0) + ") "; // " ,<IsDeleted, int>) "; i2 = m.SQLExecuteCommand(sSQL, c.DB.WhosIn); ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Tee Time created."); SetResultCode(c.BATCH_RESULT_OK, "TeeTime added."); DeleteOldTeeTimes(); return; }
private void WriteToAuditLog1(TeeTimeItem TT) { string sSQL; DataSet ds1; APICommon ApiCommon = new APICommon(); sSQL = "SELECT * "; sSQL = sSQL + " FROM [W_TeeTimes] "; sSQL = sSQL + " WHERE [TeeTimeGUID] = " + m.InQuote(TT.TTGUID); ds1 = m.SQLRunQuery(sSQL, c.DB.WhosIn); if (m.EmptyTable(ds1)) { return; } if (TT.PlayerNumberBeingEdited == 1) { if (m.GetFieldStr("Player1", ds1) != TT.Player1) { if (m.IsEmpty(TT.Player1)) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Player 1 deleted."); } else { if (m.IsEmpty(m.GetFieldStr("Player1", ds1))) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Player 1 set to " + TT.Player1); } else { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Player 1 changed to " + TT.Player1); } } } } if (TT.PlayerNumberBeingEdited == 2) { if (m.GetFieldStr("Player2", ds1) != TT.Player2) { if (m.IsEmpty(TT.Player2)) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Player 2 deleted."); } else { if (m.IsEmpty(m.GetFieldStr("Player2", ds1))) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Player 2 set to " + TT.Player2); } else { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Player 2 changed to " + TT.Player2); } } } } if (TT.PlayerNumberBeingEdited == 3) { if (m.GetFieldStr("Player3", ds1) != TT.Player3) { if (m.IsEmpty(TT.Player3)) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Player 3 deleted."); } else { if (m.IsEmpty(m.GetFieldStr("Player3", ds1))) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Player 3 set to " + TT.Player3); } else { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Player 3 changed to " + TT.Player3); } } } } if (TT.PlayerNumberBeingEdited == 4) { if (m.GetFieldStr("Player4", ds1) != TT.Player4) { if (m.IsEmpty(TT.Player4)) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Player 4 deleted."); } else { if (m.IsEmpty(m.GetFieldStr("Player4", ds1))) { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Player 4 set to " + TT.Player4); } else { ApiCommon.InsertLogItem(m, TT.TTGUID, "Player 4 changed to " + TT.Player4); } } } } }