コード例 #1
        public override BulletBody CreateBodyWithDefaultMotionState(BulletShape pShape, uint pLocalID,
            Vector3 pRawPosition, Quaternion pRawOrientation)
            IndexedMatrix mat =
                IndexedMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(new IndexedQuaternion(pRawOrientation.X, pRawOrientation.Y,
                    pRawOrientation.Z, pRawOrientation.W));
            mat._origin = new IndexedVector3(pRawPosition.X, pRawPosition.Y, pRawPosition.Z);

            CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;

            // TODO: Feed Update array into null
            RigidBody body = new RigidBody(0, new DefaultMotionState(mat, IndexedMatrix.Identity), shape,
            return new BulletBodyXNA(pLocalID, body);
コード例 #2
 public override bool DeleteCollisionShape(BulletWorld pWorld, BulletShape pShape)
     return false;
コード例 #3
 public override bool ReferenceSame(BulletShape other)
     BulletShapeXNA otheru = other as BulletShapeXNA;
     return (otheru != null) && (this.shape == otheru.shape);
コード例 #4
 public override Vector3 CalculateLocalInertia(BulletShape pShape, float pphysMass)
     CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
     IndexedVector3 inertia = IndexedVector3.Zero;
     shape.CalculateLocalInertia(pphysMass, out inertia);
     return new Vector3(inertia.X, inertia.Y, inertia.Z);
コード例 #5
        //LinksetRoot.PhysShape.ptr, newShape.ptr, displacementPos, displacementRot
        public override void AddChildShapeToCompoundShape(BulletShape pCShape, BulletShape paddShape,
            Vector3 displacementPos, Quaternion displacementRot)
            IndexedMatrix relativeTransform = new IndexedMatrix();
            CompoundShape compoundshape = (pCShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape as CompoundShape;
            CollisionShape addshape = (paddShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;

            relativeTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(displacementPos.X, displacementPos.Y, displacementPos.Z);
            relativeTransform.SetRotation(new IndexedQuaternion(displacementRot.X, displacementRot.Y, displacementRot.Z,
            compoundshape.AddChildShape(ref relativeTransform, addshape);
コード例 #6
 public override void SetShapeCollisionMargin(BulletShape pShape, float pMargin)
     CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
コード例 #7
 public override int GetNumberOfCompoundChildren(BulletShape pCompoundShape)
     CompoundShape compoundshape = (pCompoundShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape as CompoundShape;
     return compoundshape.GetNumChildShapes();
コード例 #8
 public override BulletShape RemoveChildShapeFromCompoundShapeIndex(BulletShape pCShape, int pii)
     CompoundShape compoundshape = (pCShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape as CompoundShape;
     CollisionShape ret = null;
     ret = compoundshape.GetChildShape(pii);
     return new BulletShapeXNA(ret, BSShapeTypeFromBroadPhaseNativeType(ret.GetShapeType()));
コード例 #9
 public override Vector3 GetLocalScaling(BulletShape pShape)
     CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
     IndexedVector3 scale = shape.GetLocalScaling();
     return new Vector3(scale.X, scale.Y, scale.Z);
コード例 #10
 public override float GetMargin(BulletShape pShape)
     CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
     return shape.GetMargin();
コード例 #11
 public override float GetContactBreakingThreshold(BulletShape pShape, float defaultFactor)
     CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
     return shape.GetContactBreakingThreshold(defaultFactor);
コード例 #12
        public override BulletShape GetChildShapeFromCompoundShapeIndex(BulletShape cShape, int indx)
            if (cShape == null)
                return null;
            CompoundShape compoundShape = (cShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape as CompoundShape;
            CollisionShape shape = compoundShape.GetChildShape(indx);
            BulletShape retShape = new BulletShapeXNA(shape, BSShapeTypeFromBroadPhaseNativeType(shape.GetShapeType()));

            return retShape;
コード例 #13
        private void RecomputeLinksetCompound()
                // Suppress rebuilding while rebuilding. (We know rebuilding is on only one thread.)
                Rebuilding = true;

                if (LinksetRoot.IsPhysical)
                    // Cause the root shape to be rebuilt as a compound object with just the root in it
                    LinksetRoot.ForceBodyShapeRebuild(true /* inTaintTime */);

                    // The center of mass for the linkset is the geometric center of the group.
                    // Compute a displacement for each component so it is relative to the center-of-mass.
                    // Bullet presumes an object's origin (relative <0,0,0>) is its center-of-mass
                    OMV.Vector3 centerOfMassW = LinksetRoot.RawPosition;
                    if (!disableCOM)
                        // Compute a center-of-mass in world coordinates.
                        centerOfMassW = ComputeLinksetCenterOfMass();

                    OMV.Quaternion invRootOrientation = OMV.Quaternion.Inverse(LinksetRoot.RawOrientation);

                    // 'centerDisplacement' is the value to subtract from children to give physical offset position
                    OMV.Vector3 centerDisplacement = (centerOfMassW - LinksetRoot.RawPosition) * invRootOrientation;
                    //Set the COM in bullet
                    PhysicsScene.PE.SetCenterOfMassByPosRot(LinksetRoot.PhysBody, centerDisplacement,

                    // This causes the physical position of the root prim to be offset to accomodate for the displacements
                    LinksetRoot.ForcePosition = LinksetRoot.RawPosition;

                    // Update the local transform for the root child shape so it is offset from the <0,0,0> which is COM
                    //Not necessary, as the COM is set in bullet now, and this was always Vector3.Zero beforehand, which is of no use
                    //PhysicsScene.PE.UpdateChildTransform(LinksetRoot.PhysShape, 0 /* childIndex */,
                    //                                    -centerDisplacement,
                    //                                    OMV.Quaternion.Identity, // LinksetRoot.RawOrientation,
                    //                                    false /* shouldRecalculateLocalAabb (is done later after linkset built) */);
                    LinksetRoot.LinksetChildIndex = 0;

                              LinksetRoot.LocalID, centerOfMassW, LinksetRoot.RawPosition, centerDisplacement);

                        LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.PhysBody, LinksetRoot.PhysShape, NumberOfChildren);

                    // Add a shape for each of the other children in the linkset
                    int memberIndex = 1;
                    lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
                        foreach (BSPrimLinkable cPrim in m_children)
                            cPrim.LinksetChildIndex = memberIndex;

                            if (cPrim.PhysBody.AddrString == "unknown")
                                if (!PhysicsScene.Shapes.GetBodyAndShape(true, PhysicsScene.World, cPrim))
                            if (cPrim.PhysShape.isNativeShape)
                                // A native shape is turned into a hull collision shape because native
                                //    shapes are not shared so we have to hullify it so it will be tracked
                                //    and freed at the correct time. This also solves the scaling problem
                                //    (native shapes scale but hull/meshes are assumed to not be).
                                // TODO: decide of the native shape can just be used in the compound shape.
                                //    Use call to CreateGeomNonSpecial().
                                BulletShape saveShape = cPrim.PhysShape;
                                cPrim.PhysShape.Clear(); // Don't let the create free the child's shape
                                PhysicsScene.Shapes.CreateGeomMeshOrHull(cPrim, null);
                                BulletShape newShape = cPrim.PhysShape;
                                cPrim.PhysShape = saveShape;

                                OMV.Vector3    offsetPos = (cPrim.RawPosition - LinksetRoot.RawPosition) * invRootOrientation;
                                OMV.Quaternion offsetRot = cPrim.RawOrientation * invRootOrientation;
                                PhysicsScene.PE.AddChildShapeToCompoundShape(LinksetRoot.PhysShape, newShape, offsetPos,
                                    LinksetRoot.LocalID, memberIndex, LinksetRoot.PhysShape, newShape, offsetPos,
                                // For the shared shapes (meshes and hulls), just use the shape in the child.
                                // The reference count added here will be decremented when the compound shape
                                //     is destroyed in BSShapeCollection (the child shapes are looped over and dereferenced).
                                if (PhysicsScene.Shapes.ReferenceShape(cPrim.PhysShape))
                                        "{0} Rebuilt sharable shape when building linkset! Region={1}, primID={2}, shape={3}",
                                        LogHeader, PhysicsScene.RegionName, cPrim.LocalID, cPrim.PhysShape);
                                OMV.Vector3    offsetPos = (cPrim.RawPosition - LinksetRoot.RawPosition) * invRootOrientation;
                                OMV.Quaternion offsetRot = cPrim.RawOrientation * invRootOrientation;
                                PhysicsScene.PE.AddChildShapeToCompoundShape(LinksetRoot.PhysShape, cPrim.PhysShape,
                                                                             offsetPos, offsetRot);
                                    LinksetRoot.LocalID, memberIndex, LinksetRoot.PhysShape, cPrim.PhysShape, offsetPos,

                            PhysicsScene.PE.AddToCollisionFlags(cPrim.PhysBody, CollisionFlags.CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE);
                            PhysicsScene.PE.ForceActivationState(cPrim.PhysBody, ActivationState.DISABLE_SIMULATION);
                            // We don't want collisions from the old linkset children.

                            cPrim.PhysBody.collisionType = CollisionType.LinksetChild;

                    // With all of the linkset packed into the root prim, it has the mass of everyone.
                    LinksetMass = ComputeLinksetMass();
                    LinksetRoot.UpdatePhysicalMassProperties(LinksetMass, true);

                    // Enable the physical position updator to return the position and rotation of the root shape

                    // See that the Aabb surrounds the new shape
                    // Cause the root shape to be rebuilt as a compound object with just the root in it
                    LinksetRoot.ForceBodyShapeRebuild(true /* inTaintTime */);

                    //Update the AABB so that things will collide properly
                    PhysicsScene.PE.UpdateSingleAabb(PhysicsScene.World, LinksetRoot.PhysBody);

                    // 20131224 not used                OMV.Quaternion invRootOrientation = OMV.Quaternion.Inverse(LinksetRoot.RawOrientation);

                    // This causes the physical position of the root prim to be offset to accomodate for the displacements
                    LinksetRoot.ForcePosition = LinksetRoot.RawPosition;
                    int memberIndex = 0;
                    LinksetRoot.LinksetChildIndex = memberIndex++;
                    lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
                        foreach (BSPrimLinkable cPrim in m_children)
                            // 20131224 not used                        OMV.Vector3 offsetPos = (cPrim.RawPosition - LinksetRoot.RawPosition) * invRootOrientation;
                            // 20131224 not used                        OMV.Quaternion offsetRot = cPrim.RawOrientation * invRootOrientation;

                            // Build a simple shape for this child prim (given that we aren't allowing it to be dynamic

                            // This causes the physical position of the root prim to be offset to accomodate for the displacements
                            cPrim.ForcePosition     = cPrim.RawPosition;
                            cPrim.LinksetChildIndex = memberIndex++;

                            //Update AABB for collisions
                            PhysicsScene.PE.UpdateSingleAabb(PhysicsScene.World, cPrim.PhysBody);
                Rebuilding = false;
コード例 #14
        // Create terrain mesh from a heightmap.
        public BSTerrainMesh(BSScene physicsScene, Vector3 regionBase, uint id, float[] initialMap,
            Vector3 minCoords, Vector3 maxCoords)
            : base(physicsScene, regionBase, id)
            int indicesCount;
            int[] indices;
            int verticesCount;
            float[] vertices;

            m_savedHeightMap = initialMap;

            m_sizeX = (int)(maxCoords.X - minCoords.X);
            m_sizeY = (int)(maxCoords.Y - minCoords.Y);

            bool meshCreationSuccess = false;
            if (BSParam.TerrainMeshMagnification == 1)
                // If a magnification of one, use the old routine that is tried and true.
                meshCreationSuccess = BSTerrainMesh.ConvertHeightmapToMesh(PhysicsScene,
                    initialMap, m_sizeX, m_sizeY, // input size
                    Vector3.Zero, // base for mesh
                    out indicesCount, out indices, out verticesCount, out vertices);
                // Other magnifications use the newer routine
                meshCreationSuccess = BSTerrainMesh.ConvertHeightmapToMesh2(PhysicsScene,
                    initialMap, m_sizeX, m_sizeY, // input size
                    Vector3.Zero, // base for mesh
                    out indicesCount, out indices, out verticesCount, out vertices);
            if (!meshCreationSuccess)
                // DISASTER!!
                    BSScene.DetailLogZero, ID);
                PhysicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Failed conversion of heightmap to mesh! base={1}", LogHeader,
                // Something is very messed up and a crash is in our future.

                BSScene.DetailLogZero, ID, indicesCount, indices.Length, verticesCount, vertices.Length);

            m_terrainShape = PhysicsScene.PE.CreateMeshShape(PhysicsScene.World, indicesCount, indices, verticesCount,

            if (!m_terrainShape.HasPhysicalShape)
                // DISASTER!!
                PhysicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainMesh.create,failedCreationOfShape,id={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero,
                PhysicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Failed creation of terrain mesh! base={1}", LogHeader, TerrainBase);
                // Something is very messed up and a crash is in our future.

            Vector3 pos = regionBase;
            Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Identity;

            m_terrainBody = PhysicsScene.PE.CreateBodyWithDefaultMotionState(m_terrainShape, ID, pos, rot);
            if (!m_terrainBody.HasPhysicalBody)
                // DISASTER!!
                PhysicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Failed creation of terrain body! base={1}", LogHeader, TerrainBase);
                // Something is very messed up and a crash is in our future.

            physicsScene.PE.SetShapeCollisionMargin(m_terrainShape, BSParam.TerrainCollisionMargin);

            // Set current terrain attributes
            PhysicsScene.PE.SetFriction(m_terrainBody, BSParam.TerrainFriction);
            PhysicsScene.PE.SetHitFraction(m_terrainBody, BSParam.TerrainHitFraction);
            PhysicsScene.PE.SetRestitution(m_terrainBody, BSParam.TerrainRestitution);
            PhysicsScene.PE.SetContactProcessingThreshold(m_terrainBody, BSParam.TerrainContactProcessingThreshold);
            PhysicsScene.PE.SetCollisionFlags(m_terrainBody, CollisionFlags.CF_STATIC_OBJECT);

            // Static objects are not very massive.
            PhysicsScene.PE.SetMassProps(m_terrainBody, 0f, Vector3.Zero);

            // Put the new terrain to the world of physical objects
            PhysicsScene.PE.AddObjectToWorld(PhysicsScene.World, m_terrainBody);

            // Redo its bounding box now that it is in the world
            PhysicsScene.PE.UpdateSingleAabb(PhysicsScene.World, m_terrainBody);

            m_terrainBody.collisionType = CollisionType.Terrain;

            if (BSParam.UseSingleSidedMeshes)
                PhysicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainMesh.settingCustomMaterial,id={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, id);
                PhysicsScene.PE.AddToCollisionFlags(m_terrainBody, CollisionFlags.CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK);

            // Make it so the terrain will not move or be considered for movement.
            PhysicsScene.PE.ForceActivationState(m_terrainBody, ActivationState.DISABLE_SIMULATION);
コード例 #15
 public override int GetShapeType(BulletShape pShape)
     CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
     return (int)shape.GetShapeType();
コード例 #16
        // 'physicalUpdate' is true if these changes came directly from the physics engine. Don't need to rebuild then.
        // Called at taint-time.
        public override void UpdateProperties(UpdatedProperties whichUpdated, BSPrimLinkable updated)
            if (!LinksetRoot.IsPhysical)
            // The user moving a child around requires the rebuilding of the linkset compound shape
            // One problem is this happens when a border is crossed -- the simulator implementation
            //    stores the position into the group which causes the move of the object
            //    but it also means all the child positions get updated.
            //    What would cause an unnecessary rebuild so we make sure the linkset is in a
            //    region before bothering to do a rebuild.
            if (!IsRoot(updated) && PhysicsScene.TerrainManager.IsWithinKnownTerrain(LinksetRoot.RawPosition))
                // If a child of the linkset is updating only the position or rotation, that can be done
                //    without rebuilding the linkset.
                // If a handle for the child can be fetch, we update the child here. If a rebuild was
                //    scheduled by someone else, the rebuild will just replace this setting.

                bool updatedChild = false;
                // Anything other than updating position or orientation usually means a physical update
                //     and that is caused by us updating the object.
                if ((whichUpdated & ~(UpdatedProperties.Position | UpdatedProperties.Orientation)) == 0)
                    // Find the physical instance of the child
                    if (LinksetRoot.PhysShape.HasPhysicalShape && PhysicsScene.PE.IsCompound(LinksetRoot.PhysShape))
                        // It is possible that the linkset is still under construction and the child is not yet
                        //    inserted into the compound shape. A rebuild of the linkset in a pre-step action will
                        //    build the whole thing with the new position or rotation.
                        // The index must be checked because Bullet references the child array but does no validity
                        //    checking of the child index passed.
                        int numLinksetChildren = PhysicsScene.PE.GetNumberOfCompoundChildren(LinksetRoot.PhysShape);
                        if (updated.LinksetChildIndex < numLinksetChildren)
                            BulletShape linksetChildShape =
                            if (linksetChildShape.HasPhysicalShape)
                                // Found the child shape within the compound shape
                                PhysicsScene.PE.UpdateChildTransform(LinksetRoot.PhysShape, updated.LinksetChildIndex,
                                                                     updated.RawPosition - LinksetRoot.RawPosition,
                                                                     updated.RawOrientation * OMV.Quaternion.Inverse(LinksetRoot.RawOrientation),
                                                                     true /* shouldRecalculateLocalAabb */);
                                updatedChild = true;
                                    updated.LocalID, whichUpdated, updated.RawPosition, updated.RawOrientation);
                            else // DEBUG DEBUG
                                // DEBUG DEBUG
                                    updated.LocalID, linksetChildShape);
                            } // DEBUG DEBUG
                        else  // DEBUG DEBUG
                            // DEBUG DEBUG
                            // the child is not yet in the compound shape. This is non-fatal.
                                updated.LocalID, numLinksetChildren, updated.LinksetChildIndex);
                        } // DEBUG DEBUG
                    else  // DEBUG DEBUG
                        // DEBUG DEBUG
                    } // DEBUG DEBUG

                    if (!updatedChild)
                        // If couldn't do the individual child, the linkset needs a rebuild to incorporate the new child info.
                        // Note: there are several ways through this code that will not update the child if
                        //    the linkset is being rebuilt. In this case, scheduling a rebuild is a NOOP since
                        //    there will already be a rebuild scheduled.
                            updated.LocalID, whichUpdated);
                        updated.LinksetInfo = null; // setting to 'null' causes relative position to be recomputed.
コード例 #17
 public override bool IsConvex2d(BulletShape pShape)
     CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
     return shape.IsConvex2d();
コード例 #18
 public override void SetCollisionShape(BulletWorld pWorld, BulletBody pCollisionObject, BulletShape pShape)
     // 20131224 not used        DiscreteDynamicsWorld world = (pWorld as BulletWorldXNA).world;
     CollisionObject collisionObject = (pCollisionObject as BulletBodyXNA).body;
     if (pShape == null)
         collisionObject.SetCollisionShape(new EmptyShape());
         CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
コード例 #19
 public override bool IsInfinite(BulletShape pShape)
     CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
     return shape.IsInfinite();
コード例 #20
 public override void SetLocalScaling(BulletShape pShape, Vector3 pScale)
     CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
     IndexedVector3 vec = new IndexedVector3(pScale.X, pScale.Y, pScale.Z);
     shape.SetLocalScaling(ref vec);
コード例 #21
 public override bool IsNativeShape(BulletShape pShape)
     CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
     bool ret;
     switch (shape.GetShapeType())
         case BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
         case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
         case BroadphaseNativeTypes.SPHERE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
         case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CYLINDER_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
             ret = true;
             ret = false;
     return ret;
コード例 #22
 public override void UpdateChildTransform(BulletShape pShape, int childIndex, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot,
     bool shouldRecalculateLocalAabb)
     /* TODO */
コード例 #23
 public override bool IsNonMoving(BulletShape pShape)
     CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
     return shape.IsNonMoving();
コード例 #24
 public override BulletShape BuildHullShapeFromMesh(BulletWorld world, BulletShape meshShape, HACDParams parms)
     /* TODO */
     return null;
コード例 #25
 public override bool IsPolyhedral(BulletShape pShape)
     CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
     return shape.IsPolyhedral();
コード例 #26
        //(sim.ptr, shape.ptr, prim.LocalID, prim.RawPosition, prim.RawOrientation);
        public override BulletBody CreateBodyFromShape(BulletWorld pWorld, BulletShape pShape, uint pLocalID,
            Vector3 pRawPosition, Quaternion pRawOrientation)
            // 20131224 not used        CollisionWorld world = (pWorld as BulletWorldXNA).world;
            IndexedMatrix mat =
                IndexedMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(new IndexedQuaternion(pRawOrientation.X, pRawOrientation.Y,
                    pRawOrientation.Z, pRawOrientation.W));
            mat._origin = new IndexedVector3(pRawPosition.X, pRawPosition.Y, pRawPosition.Z);
            CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
            //UpdateSingleAabb(world, shape);
            // TODO: Feed Update array into null
            SimMotionState motionState = new SimMotionState(this, pLocalID, mat, null);
            RigidBody body = new RigidBody(0, motionState, shape, IndexedVector3.Zero);
            // 20131224 not used        RigidBodyConstructionInfo constructionInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(0, motionState, shape, IndexedVector3.Zero)
            // 20131224 not used                                                         {
            // 20131224 not used                                                             m_mass = 0
            // 20131224 not used                                                         };
            m_mass = mass;
            m_motionState =motionState;
            m_collisionShape = collisionShape;
            m_localInertia = localInertia;
            m_linearDamping = 0f;
            m_angularDamping = 0f;
            m_friction = 0.5f;
            m_restitution = 0f;
            m_linearSleepingThreshold = 0.8f;
            m_angularSleepingThreshold = 1f;
            m_additionalDamping = false;
            m_additionalDampingFactor = 0.005f;
            m_additionalLinearDampingThresholdSqr = 0.01f;
            m_additionalAngularDampingThresholdSqr = 0.01f;
            m_additionalAngularDampingFactor = 0.01f;
            m_startWorldTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            return new BulletBodyXNA(pLocalID, body);
コード例 #27
 public override bool IsSoftBody(BulletShape pShape)
     CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;
     return shape.IsSoftBody();
コード例 #28
        //sim.ptr, shape.ptr,prim.LocalID, prim.RawPosition, prim.RawOrientation
        public override BulletBody CreateGhostFromShape(BulletWorld pWorld, BulletShape pShape, uint pLocalID,
            Vector3 pRawPosition, Quaternion pRawOrientation)
            // 20131224 not used        DiscreteDynamicsWorld world = (pWorld as BulletWorldXNA).world;
            IndexedMatrix bodyTransform = new IndexedMatrix();
            bodyTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(pRawPosition.X, pRawPosition.Y, pRawPosition.Z);
            bodyTransform.SetRotation(new IndexedQuaternion(pRawOrientation.X, pRawOrientation.Y, pRawOrientation.Z,
            GhostObject gObj = new PairCachingGhostObject();
            CollisionShape shape = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;

            if (specialCollisionObjects.ContainsKey(pLocalID))
                specialCollisionObjects[pLocalID] = gObj;
                specialCollisionObjects.Add(pLocalID, gObj);

            // TODO: Add to Special CollisionObjects!
            return new BulletBodyXNA(pLocalID, gObj);
コード例 #29
 public override void RecalculateCompoundShapeLocalAabb(BulletShape pCompoundShape)
     CompoundShape shape = (pCompoundShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape as CompoundShape;
コード例 #30
        public override BulletShape DuplicateCollisionShape(BulletWorld pWorld, BulletShape pShape, uint id)
            CollisionShape shape1 = (pShape as BulletShapeXNA).shape;

            // TODO:  Turn this from a reference copy to a Value Copy.
            BulletShapeXNA shape2 = new BulletShapeXNA(shape1,

            return shape2;
コード例 #31
 public override void RemoveChildShapeFromCompoundShape(BulletShape cShape, BulletShape removeShape)
     /* TODO */
コード例 #32
        protected BSPhysObject(BSScene parentScene, uint localID, string name, string typeName)
            PhysicsScene = parentScene;
            LocalID = localID;
            PhysObjectName = name;
            Name = name;    // PhysicsActor also has the name of the object. Someday consolidate.
            TypeName = typeName;

            // The collection of things that push me around
            PhysicalActors = new BSActorCollection(PhysicsScene);

            // Initialize variables kept in base.
            GravityMultiplier = 1.0f;
            Gravity = new OMV.Vector3(0f, 0f, BSParam.Gravity);
            //HoverActive = false;

            // We don't have any physical representation yet.
            PhysBody = new BulletBody(localID);
            PhysShape = new BulletShape();

            PrimAssetState = PrimAssetCondition.Unknown;

            // Default material type. Also sets Friction, Restitution and Density.

            CollisionCollection = new CollisionEventUpdate();
            CollisionsLastTick = CollisionCollection;
            SubscribedEventsMs = 0;
            CollidingStep = 0;
            TrueCollidingStep = 0;
            CollisionAccumulation = 0;
            ColliderIsMoving = false;
            CollisionScore = 0;

            // All axis free.
            LockedAxis = LockedAxisFree;
コード例 #33
        private bool disableCOM = true; // DEBUG DEBUG: disable until we get this debugged

        private void RecomputeLinksetCompound()
                // Suppress rebuilding while rebuilding. (We know rebuilding is on only one thread.)
                Rebuilding = true;

                // Cause the root shape to be rebuilt as a compound object with just the root in it
                LinksetRoot.ForceBodyShapeRebuild(true /* inTaintTime */);

                // The center of mass for the linkset is the geometric center of the group.
                // Compute a displacement for each component so it is relative to the center-of-mass.
                // Bullet presumes an object's origin (relative <0,0,0>) is its center-of-mass
                OMV.Vector3 centerOfMassW = LinksetRoot.RawPosition;
                if (!disableCOM) // DEBUG DEBUG
                    // Compute a center-of-mass in world coordinates.
                    centerOfMassW = ComputeLinksetCenterOfMass();

                OMV.Quaternion invRootOrientation = OMV.Quaternion.Inverse(LinksetRoot.RawOrientation);

                // 'centerDisplacement' is the value to subtract from children to give physical offset position
                OMV.Vector3 centerDisplacement = (centerOfMassW - LinksetRoot.RawPosition) * invRootOrientation;

                // This causes the physical position of the root prim to be offset to accomodate for the displacements
                LinksetRoot.ForcePosition = LinksetRoot.RawPosition;

                // Update the local transform for the root child shape so it is offset from the <0,0,0> which is COM
                PhysicsScene.PE.UpdateChildTransform(LinksetRoot.PhysShape, 0 /* childIndex */,
                                                     OMV.Quaternion.Identity, // LinksetRoot.RawOrientation,
                                                     false /* shouldRecalculateLocalAabb (is done later after linkset built) */);

                          LinksetRoot.LocalID, centerOfMassW, LinksetRoot.RawPosition, centerDisplacement);

                          LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.PhysBody, LinksetRoot.PhysShape, NumberOfChildren);

                // Add a shape for each of the other children in the linkset
                int memberIndex = 1;
                ForEachMember(delegate(BSPrimLinkable cPrim)
                    if (IsRoot(cPrim))
                        cPrim.LinksetChildIndex = 0;
                        cPrim.LinksetChildIndex = memberIndex;

                        if (cPrim.PhysShape.isNativeShape)
                            // A native shape is turned into a hull collision shape because native
                            //    shapes are not shared so we have to hullify it so it will be tracked
                            //    and freed at the correct time. This also solves the scaling problem
                            //    (native shapes scale but hull/meshes are assumed to not be).
                            // TODO: decide of the native shape can just be used in the compound shape.
                            //    Use call to CreateGeomNonSpecial().
                            BulletShape saveShape = cPrim.PhysShape;
                            cPrim.PhysShape.Clear(); // Don't let the create free the child's shape
                            PhysicsScene.Shapes.CreateGeomMeshOrHull(cPrim, null);
                            BulletShape newShape = cPrim.PhysShape;
                            cPrim.PhysShape      = saveShape;

                            OMV.Vector3 offsetPos = (cPrim.RawPosition - LinksetRoot.RawPosition) * invRootOrientation -
                            OMV.Quaternion offsetRot = cPrim.RawOrientation * invRootOrientation;
                            PhysicsScene.PE.AddChildShapeToCompoundShape(LinksetRoot.PhysShape, newShape, offsetPos,
                                LinksetRoot.LocalID, memberIndex, LinksetRoot.PhysShape, newShape, offsetPos, offsetRot);
                            // For the shared shapes (meshes and hulls), just use the shape in the child.
                            // The reference count added here will be decremented when the compound shape
                            //     is destroyed in BSShapeCollection (the child shapes are looped over and dereferenced).
                            if (PhysicsScene.Shapes.ReferenceShape(cPrim.PhysShape))
                                    "{0} Rebuilt sharable shape when building linkset! Region={1}, primID={2}, shape={3}",
                                    LogHeader, PhysicsScene.RegionName, cPrim.LocalID, cPrim.PhysShape);
                            OMV.Vector3 offsetPos = (cPrim.RawPosition - LinksetRoot.RawPosition) * invRootOrientation -
                            OMV.Quaternion offsetRot = cPrim.RawOrientation * invRootOrientation;
                            PhysicsScene.PE.AddChildShapeToCompoundShape(LinksetRoot.PhysShape, cPrim.PhysShape,
                                                                         offsetPos, offsetRot);
                                LinksetRoot.LocalID, memberIndex, LinksetRoot.PhysShape, cPrim.PhysShape, offsetPos,
                    return(false); // 'false' says to move onto the next child in the list

                // With all of the linkset packed into the root prim, it has the mass of everyone.
                LinksetMass = ComputeLinksetMass();
                LinksetRoot.UpdatePhysicalMassProperties(LinksetMass, true);

                // Enable the physical position updator to return the position and rotation of the root shape
                PhysicsScene.PE.AddToCollisionFlags(LinksetRoot.PhysBody, CollisionFlags.BS_RETURN_ROOT_COMPOUND_SHAPE);
                Rebuilding = false;

            // See that the Aabb surrounds the new shape