public DockPanel() { ShowAutoHideContentOnHover = true; m_focusManager = new FocusManagerImpl(this); m_extender = new DockPanelExtender(this); m_panes = new DockPaneCollection(); m_floatWindows = new FloatWindowCollection(); SuspendLayout(); m_autoHideWindow = Extender.AutoHideWindowFactory.CreateAutoHideWindow(this); m_autoHideWindow.Visible = false; m_autoHideWindow.ActiveContentChanged += m_autoHideWindow_ActiveContentChanged; SetAutoHideWindowParent(); m_dummyControl = new DummyControl(); m_dummyControl.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1); Controls.Add(m_dummyControl); LoadDockWindows(); m_dummyContent = new DockContent(); ResumeLayout(); }
public static DockContent BuildDockContent(Control control, bool allowclose = true) { DockContent content = new DockContent(); control.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; content.Text = control.Name; content.Controls.Add(control); content.Tag = control; content.CloseButton = allowclose; content.CloseButtonVisible = allowclose; return content; }
public ActiveDirectoryImportWindow(DockContent panel) { InitializeComponent(); Runtime.FontOverride(this); WindowType = WindowType.ActiveDirectoryImport; DockPnl = panel; }
/// <summary> /// 打开卡片 /// </summary> private void tvProcessProcedure_NodeMouseDoubleClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) { TreeNode node = e.Node; if (node.ImageKey != "planning") { return; } WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent content = MainFrm.mainFrm.CheckContentIsOpened(e.Node.Tag.ToString()); if (content != null) { MainFrm.mainFrm.OpenModule(content); return; } Guid planningId = new Guid(e.Node.Tag.ToString()); List <ProcessCard> listProcessCard = PlanningCardRelationBLL.GetProcessCardListByProcessPlanningId(planningId); if (listProcessCard.Count > 0) { ProcessPlanningDetailFrm form = new ProcessPlanningDetailFrm(); form.FormText = string.Format("{0}-{1}", e.Node.Text, e.Node.Tag.ToString()); form.ProcessPlanningCards = listProcessCard; MainFrm.mainFrm.OpenPlanningModule(form); } }
public FormSpriteViewer(Image resim, WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent reshow) { InitializeComponent(); show = reshow; this.ClientSize = resim.Size; drawBox.Image = resim; }
public ExternalToolsWindow(DockContent panel) { InitializeComponent(); WindowType = WindowType.ExternalApps; DockPnl = panel; }
void Ajouter_Objectif() { ctrlFicheObjectif f = new ctrlFicheObjectif(); f.Acces = Acces; f.Creation = true; f.Console = Console; f.objectif = new Objectif(); f.objectif.Code = "OBJ_PA" + ((lblRecherche.Text.Length > 0) ? lblRecherche.Text : ""); f.objectif.Actif = true; f.objectifParent = null; n_obj++; f.Tag = + n_obj; f.EVT_Enregistrer += Handler_evt_Modifier; f.Initialiser(); var D = new WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent(); D.TabText = "Objectif (Nouveau)"; f.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; D.Controls.Add(f); D.Show(DP, WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockState.Document); }
public PortScanWindow(DockContent panel) { InitializeComponent(); WindowType = WindowType.PortScan; DockPnl = panel; }
private void UpdateMenuItemChecked(ToolStripMenuItem menuItem, DockContent dockContent) { if (menuItem != null) { menuItem.Checked = (dockContent.DockState != DockState.Hidden); } }
public UpdateWindow(DockContent panel) { WindowType = WindowType.Update; DockPnl = panel; InitializeComponent(); Runtime.FontOverride(this); }
public PanelsHelper(PluginMain pluginMain, Image pluginImage) { localsUI = new LocalsUI(pluginMain); localsUI.Text = TextHelper.GetString("Title.LocalVariables"); localsPanel = PluginBase.MainForm.CreateDockablePanel(localsUI, localsGuid, pluginImage, DockState.DockLeft); localsPanel.Hide(); stackframeUI = new StackframeUI(pluginMain, MenusHelper.imageList); stackframeUI.Text = TextHelper.GetString("Title.StackTrace"); stackframePanel = PluginBase.MainForm.CreateDockablePanel(stackframeUI, stackframeGuid, pluginImage, DockState.DockLeft); stackframePanel.Hide(); watchUI = new WatchUI(); watchUI.Text = TextHelper.GetString("Title.Watch"); watchPanel = PluginBase.MainForm.CreateDockablePanel(watchUI, watchGuid, pluginImage, DockState.DockLeft); watchPanel.Hide(); breakPointUI = new BreakPointUI(pluginMain, PluginMain.breakPointManager); breakPointUI.Text = TextHelper.GetString("Title.Breakpoints"); breakPointPanel = PluginBase.MainForm.CreateDockablePanel(breakPointUI, breakPointGuid, pluginImage, DockState.DockLeft); breakPointPanel.Hide(); immediateUI = new ImmediateUI(); immediateUI.Text = TextHelper.GetString("Title.Immediate"); immediatePanel = PluginBase.MainForm.CreateDockablePanel(immediateUI, immediateGuid, pluginImage, DockState.DockLeft); immediatePanel.Hide(); threadsUI = new ThreadsUI(pluginMain, MenusHelper.imageList); threadsUI.Text = TextHelper.GetString("Title.Threads"); threadsPanel = PluginBase.MainForm.CreateDockablePanel(threadsUI, threadsGuid, pluginImage, DockState.DockLeft); threadsPanel.Hide(); }
public DockPanel() { m_focusManager = new FocusManagerImpl(this); m_extender = new DockPanelExtender(this); m_panes = new DockPaneCollection(); m_floatWindows = new FloatWindowCollection(); SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); SuspendLayout(); Font = PluginCore.PluginBase.Settings.DefaultFont; m_autoHideWindow = new AutoHideWindowControl(this); m_autoHideWindow.Visible = false; SetAutoHideWindowParent(); m_dummyControl = new DummyControl(); m_dummyControl.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1); Controls.Add(m_dummyControl); m_dockWindows = new DockWindowCollection(this); Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { DockWindows[DockState.Document], DockWindows[DockState.DockLeft], DockWindows[DockState.DockRight], DockWindows[DockState.DockTop], DockWindows[DockState.DockBottom] }); m_dummyContent = new DockContent(); ResumeLayout(); }
public AboutWindow(DockContent Panel) { WindowType = WindowType.About; DockPnl = Panel; InitializeComponent(); Runtime.FontOverride(this); }
public DockPanel() { m_focusManager = new FocusManagerImpl(this); m_extender = new DockPanelExtender(this); m_panes = new DockPaneCollection(); m_floatWindows = new FloatWindowCollection(); SuspendLayout(); m_autoHideWindow = new AutoHideWindowControl(this); m_autoHideWindow.Visible = false; SetAutoHideWindowParent(); m_dummyControl = new DummyControl(); m_dummyControl.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1); Controls.Add(m_dummyControl); m_dockWindows = new DockWindowCollection(this); Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { DockWindows[DockState.Document], DockWindows[DockState.DockLeft], DockWindows[DockState.DockRight], DockWindows[DockState.DockTop], DockWindows[DockState.DockBottom] }); m_dummyContent = new DockContent(); ResumeLayout(); }
public FrmMain() { InitializeComponent(); var v = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version; this.Version = string.Format("v{0}.{1}", v.Major, v.Minor); string title = string.Format("编程辅助工具{0}", this.Version); this.Text = title; BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker(); worker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(worker_DoWork); worker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(worker_RunWorkerCompleted); worker.RunWorkerAsync(); this.IsMdiContainer = true; this.dockPanel.DocumentStyle = DocumentStyle.DockingMdi; //详细信息 DockContent dc = new DockContent(); dc.CloseButtonVisible = false; dc.Text = "详细信息"; DetailTabPage dtpage = new DetailTabPage(); dtpage.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; dc.Controls.Add(dtpage); dc.Show(this.dockPanel, DockState.Document); //数据 DockContent dc2 = new DockContent(); dc2.CloseButtonVisible = false; dc2.Text = "数据"; SchemaTreeView stpage = new SchemaTreeView(); stpage.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; dc2.Controls.Add(stpage); dc2.Show(this.dockPanel, DockState.DockLeft); }
public void RegisterOpenFile(DockContent content, ContentCategory category) { if (!IsHidden && !ChildForms.ContainsKey(content)) { content.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(ChildForms_FormClosed); ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(content.Text); item.ToolTipText = content.ToolTipText; item.Tag = content; ColumnHeader hdr = null; switch (category) { case ContentCategory.Archives: hdr = archiveListHeader; break; case ContentCategory.Meshes: hdr = meshListHeader; break; case ContentCategory.Animations: hdr = animationListHeader; break; case ContentCategory.Others: hdr = otherListHeader; break; } hdr.ListView.Items.Add(item); hdr.AutoResize(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); tabControlQuickAccess.SelectTabWithoutLoosingFocus((TabPage)hdr.ListView.Parent); ChildForms.Add(content, item); } }
private void ToggleDocked(DockContent dockContent) { if (dockContent.Visible) dockContent.Hide(); else ShowDocked(dockContent); }
void Handler_evt_Modifier(object sender, ctrlFicheObjectif.evt_Enregistrer e) { Afficher_ListeObjectif(); //Actualise le titre de l'onglet WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent d = (WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent)DP.ActiveDocument; ctrlFicheObjectif f; try { f = (ctrlFicheObjectif)d.Controls[0]; } catch { f = null; } if (f != null) { if (f.Tag.ToString() == e.ID.ToString()) { d.TabText = f.objectif.Code; this.Tag = e.ID.ToString(); } } try { TreeNode[] nd = lstObjectif.Nodes.Find(f.objectif.ID.ToString(), true); if (nd.Length > 0) { nd[0].Parent.Expand(); lstObjectif.SelectedNode = nd[0].Parent; } } catch { } //Active l'événement our une remontée avec des éléments de hiérarchie plus haute OnRaise_Evt_Modifier(new evt_Modifier(n_obj.ToString())); }
public ErrorAndInfoWindow(DockContent Panel) { this.WindowType = WindowType.ErrorsAndInfos; this.DockPnl = Panel; this.InitializeComponent(); this.LayoutVertical(); this.FillImageList(); }
/// <summary> /// Setup constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="panel">Docking panel used to host this frame</param> public DockingFrame( DockPanel panel ) { Arguments.CheckNotNull( panel, "panel" ); m_Panel = panel; m_Content = new DockContent( ); m_Content.AutoScroll = true; m_Content.Closing += OnContentClosing; }
public void CreateContent() { this.Text = "DockPanelSuite TestApp"; this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F); this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font; this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(800, 600); // var dockPanel = new DockPanel(); dockPanel.AllowDrop = true; dockPanel.TabIndex = 1; dockPanel.DocumentStyle = DocumentStyle.DockingWindow; dockPanel.AllowEndUserDocking = true; dockPanel.AllowEndUserNestedDocking = true; dockPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.Controls.Add(dockPanel); // var dc = new DockContent(); dc.TabText = "Hello Doc!"; dc.DockPanel = dockPanel; dc.DockAreas = DockAreas.Document; var rtb = new RichTextBox(); rtb.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; dc.Controls.Add(rtb); dc.Show(); // DockContent dc2 = new DockContent(); dc2.TabText = "Hello Doc!"; dc2.DockPanel = dockPanel; dc2.DockAreas = DockAreas.Document; var rtb2 = new RichTextBox(); rtb2.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; dc2.Controls.Add(rtb2); dc2.Show(); // DockContent dc3 = new DockContent(); dc3.AllowEndUserDocking = true; dc3.AllowDrop = true; dc3.TabText = "Hello Tab!"; dc3.DockPanel = dockPanel; dc3.DockAreas = DockAreas.DockBottom | DockAreas.DockLeft | DockAreas.DockRight | DockAreas.DockTop; dc3.DockState = DockState.DockRight; var rtb3 = new RichTextBox(); rtb3.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; dc3.Controls.Add(rtb3); dc3.Show(); // DockContent dc4 = new DockContent(); dc4.AllowEndUserDocking = true; dc4.AllowDrop = true; dc4.TabText = "Hello Tab!"; dc4.DockPanel = dockPanel; dc4.DockAreas = DockAreas.DockBottom | DockAreas.DockLeft | DockAreas.DockRight | DockAreas.DockTop | DockAreas.Float; dc4.DockState = DockState.DockBottomAutoHide; var rtb4 = new RichTextBox(); rtb4.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; dc4.Controls.Add(rtb4); dc4.Show(); }
public static void SendPanelToScreen(DockContent Panel, Screen Screen) { Panel.DockState = DockState.Float; if (Panel.ParentForm != null) { Panel.ParentForm.Left = Screen.Bounds.Location.X; Panel.ParentForm.Top = Screen.Bounds.Location.Y; } }
public void AddForm(DockContent dc, DockState ds) { if (dc == null) return; //FIXME: set 'dc.ShowHint = ds' without failing from no active content dc.ShowHint = DockState.Document; dc.MdiParent = this; dc.Show(dockPanel1); }
public HelpWindow(DockContent Panel) { WindowType = WindowType.Help; DockPnl = Panel; InitializeComponent(); FillImageList(); tvIndex.ImageList = imgListHelp; SetImages(tvIndex.Nodes[0]); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a dockable form to the dockable forms dictionary. Optionally enables that form. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The unique name key for the form.</param> /// <param name="panel">A new instance of a dockable form.</param> /// <param name="defaultActivate">Optional: Add the form to the panel at startup.</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool AddDockableForm(string name, DockContent panel, bool defaultActivate = false) { if (DockableForms.ContainsKey(name)) return false; if (!(panel is IDockableForm)) throw new InvalidCastException("The form does not implement IDockableForm"); DockableForms.Add(name, panel); if (defaultActivate) ActivatePanel(name, ((IDockableForm)panel).DefaultState); return true; }
private ToolStripMenuItem GetMenuItem(DockContent dockContent) { foreach (ToolStripItem item in _windowsMenu.DropDownItems) { if (item.Tag == dockContent) { return item as ToolStripMenuItem; } } return null; }
public ConnectionTreeWindow(DockContent panel) { WindowType = WindowType.Tree; DockPnl = panel; InitializeComponent(); FillImageList(); LinkModelToView(); SetupDropSink(); SetEventHandlers(); }
public void Dispose() { //Put any cleanup code in here for when the program is stopped this.user_id = -1; this.role_set_id = new int[0]; this.login_number = -1; this.org_id = -1; this.Host = null; this.myMainInterface = null; Global.myProj = null; Global.mnFrm = null; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static string GetDockContentPersistString(DockContent content, object Object_Descriptor) { var desc = new SaveLoadDescriptor() { Type = content.GetType(), Text = content.Text, Object_Descriptor = Object_Descriptor, }; var buffer = Serialization_Master.Serializer.Serialize_Object_To_ByteArray(desc, Compress: true); var base64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(buffer); return base64; }
public SSHTransferWindow(DockContent Panel) { WindowType = WindowType.SSHTransfer; DockPnl = Panel; InitializeComponent(); oDlg = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = @"All Files (*.*)|*.*", CheckFileExists = true }; }
public PanelsHelper(PluginMain pluginMain, Image pluginImage) { pluginUI = new PluginUI(pluginMain); pluginUI.Text = TextHelper.GetString("Title.LocalVariables"); pluginPanel = PluginBase.MainForm.CreateDockablePanel(pluginUI, pluginGuid, pluginImage, DockState.Hidden); breakPointUI = new BreakPointUI(pluginMain, PluginMain.breakPointManager); breakPointUI.Text = TextHelper.GetString("Title.Breakpoints"); breakPointPanel = PluginBase.MainForm.CreateDockablePanel(breakPointUI, breakPointGuid, pluginImage, DockState.Hidden); stackframeUI = new StackframeUI(pluginMain, MenusHelper.imageList); stackframeUI.Text = TextHelper.GetString("Title.StackTrace"); stackframePanel = PluginBase.MainForm.CreateDockablePanel(stackframeUI, stackframeGuid, pluginImage, DockState.Hidden); }
private void newDocumentToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DockContent dc = new DockContent(); dc.Text = "Testing"; ScriptEditorControl sec = new ScriptEditorControl(); sec.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; dc.Controls.Add(sec); if (dockMain.DocumentStyle == DocumentStyle.SystemMdi) { dc.MdiParent = this; dc.Show(); } else dc.Show(dockMain); }
public ConnectionWindow(DockContent panel, string formText = "") { if (formText == "") { formText = Language.strNewPanel; } WindowType = WindowType.Connection; DockPnl = panel; InitializeComponent(); SetEventHandlers(); // ReSharper disable once VirtualMemberCallInConstructor Text = formText; TabText = formText; }
public D3D11PipelineStateViewer(Core core, DockContent c) { InitializeComponent(); m_DockContent = c; pipeFlow.SetStages(new KeyValuePair<string, string>[] { new KeyValuePair<string,string>("IA", "Input Assembler"), new KeyValuePair<string,string>("VS", "Vertex Shader"), new KeyValuePair<string,string>("HS", "Hull Shader"), new KeyValuePair<string,string>("DS", "Domain Shader"), new KeyValuePair<string,string>("GS", "Geometry Shader"), new KeyValuePair<string,string>("RS", "Rasterizer"), new KeyValuePair<string,string>("PS", "Pixel Shader"), new KeyValuePair<string,string>("OM", "Output Merger"), new KeyValuePair<string,string>("CS", "Compute Shader"), }); pipeFlow.IsolateStage(8); // compute shader isolated pipeFlow.SetStagesEnabled(new bool[] { true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true }); //Icon = global::renderdocui.Properties.Resources.icon; SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); iaBytecodeMismatch.Text = ""; iaBytecodeMismatch.Visible = false; toolTip.SetToolTip(vsShaderCog, "Open Shader Source"); toolTip.SetToolTip(dsShaderCog, "Open Shader Source"); toolTip.SetToolTip(hsShaderCog, "Open Shader Source"); toolTip.SetToolTip(gsShaderCog, "Open Shader Source"); toolTip.SetToolTip(psShaderCog, "Open Shader Source"); toolTip.SetToolTip(csShaderCog, "Open Shader Source"); toolTip.SetToolTip(vsShader, "Open Shader Source"); toolTip.SetToolTip(dsShader, "Open Shader Source"); toolTip.SetToolTip(hsShader, "Open Shader Source"); toolTip.SetToolTip(gsShader, "Open Shader Source"); toolTip.SetToolTip(psShader, "Open Shader Source"); toolTip.SetToolTip(csShader, "Open Shader Source"); OnLogfileClosed(); m_Core = core; }
/// <summary> /// Création d'une action par l'intermédiaire de la fiche action /// </summary> void Ajouter_Action() { string code = CodeRef; var D = new WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent(); D.TabText = "Action (nouvelle)"; Console.Ajouter("[AJOUT ACTION]"); ctrlFicheAction f = new ctrlFicheAction(); f.Acces = Acces; f.Creation = true; f.action = new PATIO.CAPA.Classes.Action(); f.action.Code = "ACT-"; f.action._type = "ACT"; if (plan._ref1 != null) { f.action._codeplan = plan._ref1; } if (plan._ref2 != null) { f.action._axe = plan._ref2; } if (plan._os != null) { f.action._os = plan._os; } if (plan._og != null) { f.action._og = plan._og; } f.action.Actif = true; f.actionParent = null; Console.Ajouter("Code plan : " + f.action._codeplan); n_action++; f.Tag = Acces.type_ACTION.ID + n_action; f.EVT_Enregistrer += Handler_evt_Modifier; f.Initialiser(); f.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; D.Controls.Add(f); D.Show(DP, WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockState.Document); }
private void Ouvrir_Indicateur() { var D = new WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent(); D.TabText = "Indicateur " + lstIndicateur.SelectedNode.Name; var ctrl = new ctrlIndicateur(); ctrl.Acces = Acces; ctrl.IndicateurId = lstIndicateur.SelectedNode.Name; ctrl.Affiche(); ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; D.Controls.Add(ctrl); D.Show(DP, WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockState.Document); }
public void ShowMapWindow(Situation situation, WarPresentationModel model) { // �Ƃ肠�����S�ẴE�B���h�E��\������ // MapWindow �C���X�^���X�̐��� var mapWindow = new MapWindow(model); mainDock = mapWindow; mainDock.AllowEndUserDocking = false; mainDock.Show(dockPanel, DockState.Document); var commandWindow = new CommandWindow(model); commandWindow.Show(mapWindow.Pane, DockAlignment.Top, 0.12); var mapChipInfoWindow = new MapChipInfoWindow(model); mapChipInfoWindow.Show(commandWindow.Pane, DockAlignment.Right, 0.5); // UnitMiniInfoWindow�\���p Action<Point2> showUnitMiniInfoWindow = delegate(Point2 p) { var unit = model.WarMap[p].Unit; if (unit != null) { MiniUnitInfoWindow.ShowWindow(this, unit); } else { MiniUnitInfoWindow.HideWindow(); } }; // MapChip�N���b�N�ɂ��UnitInfoWindow�̕\���̃f���Q�[�g��lj� model.SelectMapChipEvent += p => { var unit = model.WarMap[p].Unit; if (unit != null && model.Scope == null) UnitInfoWindow.ShowWindow(this, unit); else UnitInfoWindow.HideWindow(); }; model.CursorChipPointChangedEvent += showUnitMiniInfoWindow; model.CursorEnterEvent += showUnitMiniInfoWindow; model.CursorLeaveEvent += delegate { if (MiniUnitInfoWindow.IsInitialized && !MiniUnitInfoWindow.IsOnCursor) MiniUnitInfoWindow.HideWindow(); }; }
public void Modifier_Objectif() { if (obj == null) { return; } ctrlFicheObjectif f = new ctrlFicheObjectif(); f.Acces = Acces; f.Creation = false; f.Console = Console; var Id = obj.ID; Objectif P = (Objectif)Acces.Trouver_Element(, Id); f.objectif = P; n_obj++; f.Tag = + n_obj; f.EVT_Enregistrer += Handler_evt_Modifier; f.Initialiser(); f.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; var D = new WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent(); D.TabText = "Objectif " + P.Code; f.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; D.Controls.Add(f); D.Tag = obj.Code; //Recherche si la fiche élément n'est pas ouverte foreach (DockContent d in DP.Documents) { if (d.Tag == D.Tag) { d.Show(); return; } } D.Show(DP, DockState.Document); }
/// <summary> /// Modiication d'une action ou sous-action par l'intermédiaire de la fiche action /// </summary> public void Modifier_Action() { if (action == null) { return; } Console.Ajouter("[MODIFICATION ACTION]"); var D = new WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent(); D.TabText = "Action " + action.Code; ctrlFicheAction f = new ctrlFicheAction(); f.Acces = Acces; f.Creation = false; f.plan = plan; n_action++; f.Tag = Acces.type_ACTION.ID + n_action; f.EVT_Enregistrer += Handler_evt_Modifier; f.action = action; f.Initialiser(); f.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; D.Controls.Add(f); D.Tag = action.Code; //Recherche si la fiche élément n'est pas ouverte foreach (DockContent d in DP.Documents) { if (d.Tag == D.Tag) { d.Show(); return; } } D.Show(DP, DockState.Document); }
public void Ouvrir_Plan() { if (plan == null) { return; } //if ((lstPlan.SelectedNode is null) && (plan is null)) { return; } //Plan plan = (Plan)Acces.Trouver_Element(Acces.type_PLAN, int.Parse(lstPlan.SelectedNode.Name)); var D = new WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent(); D.TabText = "Plan " + plan.Code; //MessageBox.Show(int.Parse(lstPlan.SelectedNode.Name).ToString()); var ctrl = new ctrlPlan(); ctrl.Acces = Acces; ctrl.plan = plan; ctrl.DP = DP; ctrl.Console = Console; ctrl.Chemin = Chemin; ctrl.Afficher(); ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; D.Controls.Add(ctrl); D.Tag = plan.Code; //Recherche si la fiche élément n'est pas ouverte foreach (DockContent d in DP.Documents) { if (d.Tag == D.Tag) { d.Show(); return; } } D.Show(DP, DockState.Document); }
void Ajouter_SousObjectif() { string code = CodeRef; if (lstObjectif.SelectedNode is null) { MessageBox.Show("Vous devez choisir un objectif parent"); return; } int id = int.Parse(lstObjectif.SelectedNode.Name); Objectif obj = (Objectif)Acces.Trouver_Element(, id); code = obj.Code; ctrlFicheObjectif f = new ctrlFicheObjectif(); f.Acces = Acces; f.Creation = true; f.objectif = new Objectif(); f.objectif.Code = code; f.objectif.Actif = true; f.objectifParent = (Objectif)Acces.Trouver_Element(, int.Parse(lstObjectif.SelectedNode.Name));; n_obj++; f.Tag = Acces.type_OBJECTIF.code + n_obj; f.EVT_Enregistrer += Handler_evt_Modifier; f.Initialiser(); var D = new WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent(); D.TabText = "Objectif (Nouveau)"; f.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; D.Controls.Add(f); D.Show(DP, WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockState.Document); }
/// <summary> /// Création d'une sous-action par l'intermédiaire de la fiche action /// </summary> void Ajouter_SousAction() { string code = CodeRef; Console.Ajouter("[AJOUT SOUS-ACTION"); //Recherche du code du parent pour optimiser le codage des actions if (lstAction.SelectedNode is null) { MessageBox.Show("Vous devez sélectionner une action.", "Erreur"); return; } ctrlFicheAction f = new ctrlFicheAction(); f.Acces = Acces; f.Creation = true; n_action++; f.Tag = Acces.type_ACTION.Code + n_action; f.EVT_Enregistrer += Handler_evt_Modifier; f.action = new PATIO.CAPA.Classes.Action(); //f.action.Code = "ACT-" + code; f.action.Actif = true; f.actionParent = (PATIO.CAPA.Classes.Action)Acces.Trouver_Element(Acces.type_ACTION, int.Parse(lstAction.SelectedNode.Name)); Console.Ajouter("Action parent : " + f.actionParent.Code); f.Initialiser(); var D = new WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent(); D.TabText = "Action (nouvelle)"; f.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; D.Controls.Add(f); D.Show(DP, WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockState.Document); }
private void WinFrmLifecycleEvent_ViewTableFrmHandler(WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent content) { AddFrmView(content); content.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(content_FormClosed); MainContent = content; }
void WinFrmLifecycleEvent_ViewCodeFrmEvent(WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent content) { AddFrmView(content); }
/// <summary> /// 在异步调用中,设置当前线程的控件状态,只能通过ISynchronizeInvoke接口设置 /// </summary> /// <param name="IAsyncObject">IAsyncResult异步状态对象</param> private void SetControlCallBackMethod(IAsyncResult IAsyncObject, object IAsyncResultObject) { WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent context = (IAsyncResultObject as PlugEventArgs).GetArgs() as WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent; }
/// <summary> /// 添加视图对象到主容器 /// </summary> /// <param name="content">视图窗口对象</param> public void AddFrmView(WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockContent content) { content.Show(dockPanel1, WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockState.Document); }
public void DockTo(DockPane pane, DockStyle dockStyle, int contentIndex) { if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Fill) { bool samePane = (Pane == pane); if (!samePane) { Pane = pane; } int visiblePanes = 0; int convertedIndex = 0; while (visiblePanes <= contentIndex && convertedIndex < Pane.Contents.Count) { DockContent window = Pane.Contents[convertedIndex] as DockContent; if (window != null && !window.IsHidden) { ++visiblePanes; } ++convertedIndex; } contentIndex = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, convertedIndex - 1), Pane.Contents.Count - 1); if (contentIndex == -1 || !samePane) { pane.SetContentIndex(Content, contentIndex); } else { DockContentCollection contents = pane.Contents; int oldIndex = contents.IndexOf(Content); int newIndex = contentIndex; if (oldIndex < newIndex) { newIndex += 1; if (newIndex > contents.Count - 1) { newIndex = -1; } } pane.SetContentIndex(Content, newIndex); } } else { DockPane paneFrom = DockPanel.DockPaneFactory.CreateDockPane(Content, pane.DockState, true); INestedPanesContainer container = pane.NestedPanesContainer; if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Left) { paneFrom.DockTo(container, pane, DockAlignment.Left, 0.5); } else if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Right) { paneFrom.DockTo(container, pane, DockAlignment.Right, 0.5); } else if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Top) { paneFrom.DockTo(container, pane, DockAlignment.Top, 0.5); } else if (dockStyle == DockStyle.Bottom) { paneFrom.DockTo(container, pane, DockAlignment.Bottom, 0.5); } paneFrom.DockState = pane.DockState; } }