コード例 #1
        //            WebMethodXElementTransferExperiment.ApplicationWebService.exe!WebMethodXElementTransferExperiment.Global.Invoke() + 0x1ec bytes	
        //>	ScriptCoreLib.Ultra.Library.dll!ScriptCoreLib.Ultra.WebService.InternalGlobalExtensions.InternalApplication_BeginRequest(ScriptCoreLib.Ultra.WebService.InternalGlobal g) + 0x93f bytes	
        //    WebMethodXElementTransferExperiment.ApplicationWebService.exe!WebMethodXElementTransferExperiment.Global.Application_BeginRequest() + 0x23 bytes	

        public async Task<data> WebMethod2Async(data e)
            // Send it back to the caller.
            var data = new data { text = "hi!" };

            data.asyncyield =
                // we only need async
                // to be able to return the value
                // cannot await on server side just yet
                async state =>
                    // Warning	2	This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. 
                    // Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.	X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\WebMethodXElementTransferExperiment\WebMethodXElementTransferExperiment\ApplicationWebService.cs	27	17	WebMethodXElementTransferExperiment

                    // does the server side support async?
                    // or do we have only one thread?

                    // make this async! wont work yet!!!
                    //await Task.Delay(600);

                    return new data { text = "hi from asyncyield! " + new { state.text } };

            data.yield =
                (state, yy) =>
                    // scope not shared
                    Console.WriteLine("time to continue?");

                        new data { text = "hi from yield! " + new { state.text } }

            return data;
コード例 #2
        public void InternalWebServiceInvokeAsync(string asyncyield_MethodToken, data arg0, Action<data> y)
            // yield_MethodToken needs security to only allow
            // calling public methods.
            // we should be encrypting them, so that client cannot tamper?

            Console.WriteLine("InternalWebServiceInvokeAsync " + new { asyncyield_MethodToken });

            // how would other platforms do this?
            var asyncyield = (MethodInfo)typeof(ApplicationWebService).Module.ResolveMethod(int.Parse(asyncyield_MethodToken));

            //Object of type 'System.Action`1[WebMethodXElementTransferExperiment.data]' cannot be converted to type 'WebMethodXElementTransferExperiment.data_yield'.

            // asyncyield = {System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[WebMethodXElementTransferExperiment.data] <WebMethod2>b__3(WebMethodXElementTransferExperiment.data)}

            // should be static!

            var f = (Func<data, Task<data>>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(
                type: typeof(Func<data, Task<data>>),
                method: asyncyield

            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16277850/await-task-delay-freezes-if-there-exists-a-system-windows-forms-form-instan

            var x = new { TaskScheduler.Current, TaskScheduler.Default };

            var r = f(arg0);

            if (r.IsCompleted)
                // now what?

                // does the server know actually how
                // to schedule threads?
                // how would it work for PHP, GAE?
                // it will work for android

                // how long can we wait? until server is terminated?


コード例 #3
        public void InternalWebServiceInvoke(string yield_MethodToken, data arg0, data_yield y)
            // yield_MethodToken needs security to only allow
            // calling public methods.
            // we should be encrypting them, so that client cannot tamper?

            Console.WriteLine("InternalWebServiceInvoke " + new { yield_MethodToken });

            var yield = typeof(ApplicationWebService).Module.ResolveMethod(int.Parse(yield_MethodToken));

            //Object of type 'System.Action`1[WebMethodXElementTransferExperiment.data]' cannot be converted to type 'WebMethodXElementTransferExperiment.data_yield'.

            // should be static!
            yield.Invoke(null, new object[] { arg0, y });