public void TestSqlExceptionPrototype() { Parallel.For( 0, 100, i => { Random random = Tester.RandomGenerator; SqlErrorCollectionPrototype errorCollectionPrototype = new SqlErrorCollectionPrototype(); int loops = Tester.RandomGenerator.Next(10) + 1; for (int loop = 0; loop < loops; loop++) { // Generate random values. int infoNumber = random.RandomInt32(); byte errorState = random.RandomByte(); byte errorClass = (byte)random.Next(1, 26); string server = random.RandomString(); string errorMessage = random.RandomString(); string procedure = random.RandomString(); int lineNumber = random.RandomInt32(); uint wind32ErrorCode = (uint)Math.Abs(random.RandomInt32()); // Create prototype. SqlErrorPrototype sqlErrorPrototype = new SqlErrorPrototype( infoNumber, errorState, errorClass, server, errorMessage, procedure, lineNumber, wind32ErrorCode); // Test implicit cast SqlError sqlError = sqlErrorPrototype; Assert.IsNotNull(sqlError); // Check SqlError created properly Assert.AreEqual(infoNumber, sqlError.Number); Assert.AreEqual(errorState, sqlError.State); Assert.AreEqual(errorClass, sqlError.Class); Assert.AreEqual(server, sqlError.Server); Assert.AreEqual(errorMessage, sqlError.Message); Assert.AreEqual(procedure, sqlError.Procedure); Assert.AreEqual(lineNumber, sqlError.LineNumber); Assert.AreEqual(sqlErrorPrototype.ToString(), sqlError.ToString()); errorCollectionPrototype.Add(sqlError); } Assert.AreEqual(loops, errorCollectionPrototype.Count); // Test implicit cast SqlErrorCollection collection = errorCollectionPrototype; Assert.AreSame(errorCollectionPrototype.SqlErrorCollection, collection); // Now create a SqlException Guid connectionId = Guid.NewGuid(); SqlExceptionPrototype sqlExceptionPrototype = new SqlExceptionPrototype( collection, "", connectionId); // Test implicit conversion SqlException sqlException = sqlExceptionPrototype; Assert.IsNotNull(sqlException); // Check SqlException created properly - it uses the first error from the collection. SqlError first = collection[0]; Debug.Assert(first != null); Assert.AreEqual(first.Number, sqlException.Number); Assert.AreEqual(first.State, sqlException.State); Assert.AreEqual(first.Class, sqlException.Class); Assert.AreEqual(first.Server, sqlException.Server); //Assert.AreEqual(first.Message, sqlException.Message); Assert.AreEqual(first.Procedure, sqlException.Procedure); Assert.AreEqual(first.LineNumber, sqlException.LineNumber); }); }
public void RecordExample() { // To create a record that implement IDataRecord we start with a record set definition. RecordSetDefinition recordSetDefinition = new RecordSetDefinition( new ColumnDefinition("ID", SqlDbType.Int), new ColumnDefinition("Name", SqlDbType.Char, 50), new ColumnDefinition("Description", SqlDbType.NVarChar), // This column is not nullable so defaults to true new ColumnDefinition("Active", SqlDbType.Bit, isNullable: false, defaultValue: true) ); // Now we can create a record IObjectRecord dataRecord = new ObjectRecord(recordSetDefinition, 1, "Test", "This is my test record"); // Or we can create one with random values IObjectRecord randomRecord = new ObjectRecord(recordSetDefinition, true); // To create a record that throws an exception we first create a SqlException // We can't do this directly, but we can use our prototypes to construct one. // SqlExceptions are made from a collection of SqlErrors - which can make like this : SqlErrorCollection errorCollection = new SqlErrorCollectionPrototype { new SqlErrorPrototype( 1000, 80, 17, "MyFakeServer", "Connection Timeout.", "spMySproc", 54) }; SqlException sqlException = new SqlExceptionPrototype(errorCollection, "", Guid.NewGuid()); IObjectRecord exceptionRecord = new ExceptionRecord(sqlException); // We can stick these records into a recordset // Note the records must have the same RecordSetDefinition (unless it's an exception record) // The final record will through an exception when reached! ObjectSet recordSet = new ObjectSet(recordSetDefinition) { dataRecord, randomRecord, //exceptionRecord }; // We can add recordsets to an ObjectReader ObjectReader reader = new ObjectReader { recordSet }; // We can also add random record sets - this one has the same definition as the first. reader.Add(new RandomSet(recordSetDefinition)); // We can also fix certain rows values using the column generators arry, a null indicates // that the column should us a random value, otherwise a lambda can be supplied - in this case // it sets the row to the row number (1 - indexed). reader.Add( new RandomSet( recordSetDefinition, columnGenerators: new Func<int, object>[] { null, row => "Row #" + row })); // Whereas this one has a random set of columns (with random types). reader.Add(new RandomSet(10)); // Now that we have a reader we can use it like a normal reader - it even simulates disposal. using (IDataReader dataReader = reader) { int recordset = 1; do { Trace.Write("Recordset #" + recordset); int rows = 0; while (dataReader.Read()) rows++; Trace.WriteLine(" - " + rows + " rows."); recordset++; } while (dataReader.NextResult()); } }