protected void Email(object sender, EventArgs e) { // string EncodedResponse = Request.Form["g-Recaptcha-Response"]; bool IsCaptchaValid = (ReCaptchaClass.Validate(EncodedResponse) == "True" ? true : false); if (IsCaptchaValid) { var fromAddress = new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["clubEmail"], "InfoSec Club"); var toAddress = new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["adminEmail"], "Vivi Langga"); string fromPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["clubEmailPass"]; string subject = "Contacted from website"; string body = "From: " + txtName.Text + "\nPhone: " + txtPhone.Text + "\nEmail: " + txtEmail.Text + "\nComment: " + txtComment2.Value; var smtp = new SmtpClient { Host = "", Port = 587, EnableSsl = true, DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network, UseDefaultCredentials = false, Credentials = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword) }; using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress) { Subject = subject, Body = body }) { smtp.Send(message); } clearAll(); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, this.GetType(), "Contact_Success", "alert('Your message has been sent, please expect a response within 24 hours')", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, this.GetType(), "Contact_Fail", "alert('I don't allow robots to contact me')", true); } }
protected void register(object sender, EventArgs e) { // string EncodedResponse = Request.Form["g-Recaptcha-Response"]; bool IsCaptchaValid = (ReCaptchaClass.Validate(EncodedResponse) == "True" ? true : false); if (IsCaptchaValid) { //Valid Request if (tb_EMAIL.Text.Length > 9 && tb_EMAIL.Text.Substring(tb_EMAIL.Text.Length - 9).Equals("")) { if (tb_passphrase.Text.Equals("") || tb_passphrase.Text.Equals(null)) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, this.GetType(), "Invalid Password", "alert('A password is required')", true); } else { string confirmationString = RandomString(50); if (registerUser(confirmationString) == true) { sendConfirmationEmail(confirmationString); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, this.GetType(), "Success", "alert('An Email has been sent to you inbox. Please visit your inbox to verify your account')", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, this.GetType(), "Success", "alert('There is already an account under that Student ID')", true); } } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, this.GetType(), "Invalid Email", "alert('You must be a student to join the club. Please provide a email')", true); } } }