public async Task<JsonResult> Invoice(Offer question) { var user = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var sessionId = question.SessionId; var session = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == sessionId && c.TutorID.Value == new Guid(user)).First(); if (session.Status == Status.Hired || session.Status==Status.Invoiced) { session.OfferedFees = question.amount; session.Status = Status.Invoiced; db.Entry(session).State = EntityState.Modified; DBEntities.Transaction tran = new DBEntities.Transaction(); tran.TransactionID = Guid.NewGuid(); tran.SessionID = sessionId; tran.Status = Status.Invoiced; tran.OfferedFees = question.amount; tran.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; db.transcations.Add(tran); Reply obj = new Reply(); obj.ReplyID = Guid.NewGuid(); obj.ReplierID = new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); obj.SessionID = sessionId; obj.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; obj.Details = " Automatically Generated Message: I have sent Invoice for the work for $" + question.amount + ". Press Accept Button if you are satisfied with the services and pay to tutor. Pressing Reject button will cause the admin to decide the dispute."; session.Replies.Add(obj); db.SaveChanges(); var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<TutorStudentChat>(); //send message reply var username = User.Identity.Name; var imgsrc = db.Tutors.Where(c => c.Username == username).FirstOrDefault().ProfileImage; string message = generateMessage(username, obj.Details, imgsrc, obj.PostedTime.ToString(), obj.ReplyID.ToString(),false); SendChatTutorReciever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username, message, context); //send message to urself var student = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == obj.SessionID).FirstOrDefault().question.student; var username2 = student.Username; SendChatStudentReiever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username2, message, context); //send message to other person //send button var message2 = "<button type =\"button\" id=\"accept\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#approveNewModal\" style=\"margin-right:5px\">Accept </button>"; message2 = message2 + "<button type =\"button\" id=\"reject\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#rejectNewModal\">Reject </button>"; SendButtonStudent(sessionId.ToString(), username2, message2, context); //send message to other person SendNotification(username2, username, imgsrc, "I have sent Invoice of $" + question.amount,true, "Students", "Sessions", "SessionId=" + sessionId); //send email var email = db.Users.Where(c => c.Id == session.question.StudentID.ToString()).FirstOrDefault().Email; String subject = "Tutor sent Invoice on"; String bodyText = username + " has sent invoice for $" + question.amount; string fileTemplate = "passwordreset.html"; await sendEmail(email, subject, bodyText, fileTemplate, ""); return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = question.amount } }; } else { return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "" } }; } }
public async Task<ActionResult> QuestionsReply(TutorQuestionDetails reply) { var userId= new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); var user = db.Tutors.Where(c => c.TutorID == userId).FirstOrDefault(); var question = db.Questions.Where(c => c.QuestionID == reply.QuestionID); var postedQuestion = question.FirstOrDefault(); var selectedSession = postedQuestion.Sessions.Where(c => c.TutorID.Value == userId).FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedSession == null) { Session obj = new Session(); obj.SessionID = Guid.NewGuid(); obj.TutorID = userId; //obj.StudentID = reply.StudentID; obj.QuestionID = reply.QuestionID; obj.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; obj.Status = Status.Posted; db.sessions.Add(obj); Reply rep = new Reply(); rep.ReplyID = Guid.NewGuid(); rep.SessionID = obj.SessionID; rep.ReplierID = obj.TutorID.Value; rep.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; reply.replyDetails= reply.replyDetails.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br/>"); rep.Details = reply.replyDetails; db.Replies.Add(rep); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); SendNotification(postedQuestion.student.Username, user.Username, user.ProfileImage, "Replied to your question.",true, "Students", "Sessions", "SessionId=" + obj.SessionID); return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = rep.ReplyID + "$" + rep.SessionID } }; } else { return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "null" } }; } }
public async Task<ActionResult> Chat(ChatModel reply) { Reply obj = new Reply(); obj.ReplyID = Guid.NewGuid(); obj.ReplierID = new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); obj.SessionID = reply.sessionID; obj.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; reply.replyDetail=reply.replyDetail.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br/>"); obj.Details = reply.replyDetail; db.Replies.Add(obj); var session = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == obj.SessionID).FirstOrDefault(); session.NewMessageStudent = true; db.Entry(session).State = EntityState.Modified; await db.SaveChangesAsync(); string adjustedTimeTutor; string adjustedTimeStudent; DateTime TutorTime = obj.PostedTime.AddHours(7); DateTime StudentTime = obj.PostedTime.AddHours(7); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(session.tutor.Timezone)) { string[] splited = session.tutor.Timezone.Split('$'); string[] hoursMin = splited[1].Split(':'); double minutes = (Convert.ToDouble(hoursMin[0]) * 60); if (minutes < 0) minutes = minutes - Convert.ToDouble(hoursMin[1]); else minutes = minutes + Convert.ToDouble(hoursMin[1]); TutorTime=TutorTime.AddMinutes(minutes); } adjustedTimeTutor = TutorTime.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(session.question.student.Timezone)) { string[] splited = session.question.student.Timezone.Split('$'); string[] hoursMin = splited[1].Split(':'); double minutes = (Convert.ToDouble(hoursMin[0]) * 60); if (minutes < 0) minutes = minutes - Convert.ToDouble(hoursMin[1]); else minutes = minutes + Convert.ToDouble(hoursMin[1]); StudentTime= StudentTime.AddMinutes(minutes); } adjustedTimeStudent = StudentTime.ToString(); var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<TutorStudentChat>(); var username = User.Identity.Name; //part moved up var student = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == obj.SessionID).FirstOrDefault().question.student; var username2 = student.Username; var status = => c.Username == username2).FirstOrDefault().Status; var imgsrc = db.Tutors.Where(c => c.Username == username).FirstOrDefault().ProfileImage; string message = generateMessage(username, obj.Details, imgsrc, adjustedTimeTutor, obj.ReplyID.ToString(), status); SendChatTutorReciever(obj.SessionID.ToString(),username, message, context); //send message to urself string message2 = generateMessage(username, obj.Details, imgsrc, adjustedTimeStudent, obj.ReplyID.ToString(), status); SendChatStudentReiever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username2, message2, context); //send message to other person //context.Clients.All.test("hello world"); return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = obj.ReplyID + "$" + obj.SessionID } }; }
public async Task<JsonResult> Hire(Offer question) { var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var sessionId = question.SessionId; var session = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == sessionId && c.question.StudentID == new Guid(userId)).First(); var user = session.question.student; if(user.CurrentBalance < session.OfferedFees) { return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "You donot have enough funds to hire the expert.Go to Account Settings and add funds first." } }; } else if(session.Status == Status.Offered) { session.Status = Status.Hired; var quest = session.question; quest.Status = Status.Hired; db.Entry(quest).State = EntityState.Modified; db.Entry(session).State = EntityState.Modified; Reply obj = new Reply(); obj.ReplyID = Guid.NewGuid(); obj.ReplierID = new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); obj.SessionID = sessionId; obj.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; obj.Details = " Automatically Generated Message: I have Hired you for " + session.OfferedFees + "$. You can start working on task." ; session.Replies.Add(obj); db.SaveChanges(); var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<TutorStudentChat>(); var username = User.Identity.Name; var imgsrc = db.Students.Where(c => c.Username == username).FirstOrDefault().ProfileImage; string message = generateMessage(username, obj.Details, imgsrc, obj.PostedTime.ToString(), obj.ReplyID.ToString()); SendChatMessageStudentReciever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username, message, context); //send message to urself var tutor = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == obj.SessionID).FirstOrDefault().tutor; var username2 = tutor.Username; SendChatMessageTutorReciever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username2, message, context); //send message to other person //send button var message2 = " <button type=\"button\" id=\"hire\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#invoiceNewModal\">Send Invoice</button>"; SendButtonStudent(sessionId.ToString(), username2, message2, context); //send message to other person return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "success" } }; } else { return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "fail" } }; } }
public async Task<ActionResult> Chat(ChatModel reply) { Reply obj = new Reply(); obj.ReplyID = Guid.NewGuid(); obj.ReplierID= new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); obj.SessionID = reply.sessionID; obj.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; obj.Details = reply.replyDetail; db.Replies.Add(obj); var session = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == obj.SessionID).FirstOrDefault(); session.NewMessageTutor = true; db.Entry(session).State = EntityState.Modified; await db.SaveChangesAsync(); var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<TutorStudentChat>(); var username = User.Identity.Name; var imgsrc = db.Students.Where(c => c.Username == username).FirstOrDefault().ProfileImage; string message = generateMessage(username, obj.Details, imgsrc, obj.PostedTime.ToString(),obj.ReplyID.ToString()); SendChatMessageStudentReciever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username, message, context); //send message to urself var tutor = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == obj.SessionID).FirstOrDefault().tutor; var username2 = tutor.Username; SendChatMessageTutorReciever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username2, message, context); //send message to other person return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = obj.ReplyID +"$" + obj.SessionID } }; }
public async Task<JsonResult> PostQuestion([Bind(Include = "QuestionID,StudentID,TutorID,Title,Details,Status,Amount,CategoryID,DueDate,PostedTime")] QuestionViewModel question) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Question quest = Mapper.Map<QuestionViewModel, Question>(question); quest.QuestionID = Guid.NewGuid(); quest.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; //initial posted Question Status quest.Status = Status.Posted; quest.TutorID = question.TutorID; if(question.TutorID!=null) { Session obj = new Session(); obj.SessionID = Guid.NewGuid(); obj.TutorID = question.TutorID; obj.QuestionID = quest.QuestionID; obj.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; obj.Status = Status.Posted; obj.NewMessageTutor = true; db.sessions.Add(obj); Reply rep = new Reply(); rep.ReplyID = Guid.NewGuid(); rep.SessionID = obj.SessionID; rep.ReplierID = quest.StudentID; rep.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; rep.Details =quest.Title; db.Replies.Add(rep); } //user posting question id quest.StudentID = new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); db.Questions.Add(quest); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); var student=db.Students.Find(quest.StudentID); string response = quest.QuestionID +"$"+quest.Title+ "$" + student.ProfileImage + "%" + User.Identity.Name + "$" + quest.Amount+"$"+quest.PostedTime+"$" + quest.DueDate ; return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = response } }; } ViewBag.CategoryID = new SelectList(db.Categories, "CategoryID", "CategoryName"); return null; }
public async Task<JsonResult> ApprovePayment(Offer question) { var user = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var sessionId = question.SessionId; var session = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == sessionId && c.question.StudentID == new Guid(user)).First(); if (session.Status == Status.Invoiced) { session.Status = Status.Approved; session.isClosed = true; var quest = session.question; quest.Status = Status.Approved; db.Entry(quest).State = EntityState.Modified; db.Entry(session).State = EntityState.Modified; Reply obj = new Reply(); obj.ReplyID = Guid.NewGuid(); obj.ReplierID = new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); obj.SessionID = sessionId; obj.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; obj.Details = " Automatically Generated Message: I have Approved the payment for " + session.OfferedFees + "$. "; session.Replies.Add(obj); db.SaveChanges(); var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<TutorStudentChat>(); var username = User.Identity.Name; var imgsrc = db.Students.Where(c => c.Username == username).FirstOrDefault().ProfileImage; string message = generateMessage(username, obj.Details, imgsrc, obj.PostedTime.ToString(), obj.ReplyID.ToString()); SendChatMessageStudentReciever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username, message, context); //send message to urself var tutor = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == obj.SessionID).FirstOrDefault().tutor; var username2 = tutor.Username; SendChatMessageTutorReciever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username2, message, context); //send message to other person var message2 = " <button type=\"button\" id=\"accepted\" disabled class=\"btn btn-primary\">Accepted Invoice</button>"; SendButtonStudent(sessionId.ToString(), username2, message2, context); //send message to other person return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "success" } }; } else { return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "fail" } }; } }
public async Task<JsonResult> SendOffer( Offer question) { var user = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var sessionId = question.SessionId; var session = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID ==sessionId && c.TutorID.Value ==new Guid(user)).First(); if(session.Status==Status.Posted || session.Status == Status.Offered) { session.OfferedFees = question.amount; session.Status = Status.Offered; db.Entry(session).State = EntityState.Modified; Reply obj = new Reply(); obj.ReplyID = Guid.NewGuid(); obj.ReplierID = new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); obj.SessionID = sessionId; obj.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; obj.Details = " Automatically Generated Message: I have sent offer to do your work for " + question.amount + "$. Press Hire Button if you are interested in my services."; session.Replies.Add(obj); db.SaveChanges(); var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<TutorStudentChat>(); //send message reply var username = User.Identity.Name; var imgsrc = db.Tutors.Where(c => c.Username == username).FirstOrDefault().ProfileImage; string message = generateMessage(username, obj.Details, imgsrc, obj.PostedTime.ToString(), obj.ReplyID.ToString()); SendChatTutorReciever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username, message, context); //send message to urself var student = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == obj.SessionID).FirstOrDefault().question.student; var username2 = student.Username; SendChatStudentReiever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username2, message, context); //send message to other person //send button update var message2 = "<button type=\"button\" id=\"offer\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#hireNewModal\">Hire for ("+question.amount+"$)</button>"; SendButtonStudent(sessionId.ToString(), username2, message2, context); //send message to other person return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = question.amount } }; } else { return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "" } }; } }
public async Task<ActionResult> QuestionsReply(TutorQuestionDetails reply) { var userId= new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); var question = db.Questions.Where(c => c.QuestionID == reply.QuestionID); var postedQuestion = question.FirstOrDefault(); var selectedSession = postedQuestion.Sessions.Where(c => c.TutorID.Value == userId).FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedSession == null) { Session obj = new Session(); obj.SessionID = Guid.NewGuid(); obj.TutorID = userId; //obj.StudentID = reply.StudentID; obj.QuestionID = reply.QuestionID; obj.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; obj.Status = Status.Posted; db.sessions.Add(obj); Reply rep = new Reply(); rep.ReplyID = Guid.NewGuid(); rep.SessionID = obj.SessionID; rep.ReplierID = obj.TutorID.Value; rep.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; rep.Details = reply.replyDetails; db.Replies.Add(rep); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = rep.ReplyID + "$" + rep.SessionID } }; } else { return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "null" } }; } }
public async Task<JsonResult> Hire(Offer question) { var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var sessionId = question.SessionId; var session = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == sessionId && c.question.StudentID == new Guid(userId)).First(); var user = session.question.student; if(user.CurrentBalance < session.OfferedFees) { return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "You donot have enough funds to hire the expert.Go to Account Settings and add funds first." } }; } else if(session.Status == Status.Offered) { session.Status = Status.Hired; var quest = session.question; quest.Status = Status.Hired; user.CurrentBalance = user.CurrentBalance - (float)session.OfferedFees; db.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified; db.Entry(quest).State = EntityState.Modified; db.Entry(session).State = EntityState.Modified; //hire transaction DBEntities.Transaction tran = new DBEntities.Transaction(); tran.TransactionID = Guid.NewGuid(); tran.SessionID = sessionId; tran.Status = Status.Hired; tran.OfferedFees = question.amount; tran.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; db.transcations.Add(tran); Reply obj = new Reply(); obj.ReplyID = Guid.NewGuid(); obj.ReplierID = new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); obj.SessionID = sessionId; obj.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; obj.Details = " Automatically Generated Message: I have Hired you for $" + session.OfferedFees + ". You can start working on task." ; session.Replies.Add(obj); db.SaveChanges(); var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<TutorStudentChat>(); var username = User.Identity.Name; var imgsrc = db.Students.Where(c => c.Username == username).FirstOrDefault().ProfileImage; string message = generateMessage(username, obj.Details, imgsrc, obj.PostedTime.ToString(), obj.ReplyID.ToString(),false); SendChatMessageStudentReciever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username, message, context); //send message to urself var tutor = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == obj.SessionID).FirstOrDefault().tutor; var username2 = tutor.Username; SendChatMessageTutorReciever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username2, message, context); //send message to other person //send button var message2 = " <button type=\"button\" id=\"hire\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#invoiceNewModal\">Send Invoice</button>"; SendButtonStudent(sessionId.ToString(), username2, message2, context); //send message to other person SendNotification(username2, username,imgsrc, "I have hired you for $"+session.OfferedFees,true,"Tutors","Sessions", "SessionId="+sessionId); var email = db.Users.Where(c => c.Id == quest.TutorID.ToString()).FirstOrDefault().Email; String subject = "Hired on"; String bodyText = username + " has hired you for the job."; string fileTemplate = "passwordreset.html"; await sendEmail(email, subject, bodyText,fileTemplate,""); return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "success" } }; } else { return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "fail" } }; } }
public async Task<JsonResult> ApprovePayment(Offer question) { var user = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var sessionId = question.SessionId; var session = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == sessionId && c.question.StudentID == new Guid(user)).First(); if (session.Status == Status.Invoiced) { session.Status = Status.Approved; session.isClosed = true; var quest = session.question; quest.Status = Status.Approved; db.Entry(quest).State = EntityState.Modified; db.Entry(session).State = EntityState.Modified; DBEntities.Transaction tran = new DBEntities.Transaction(); tran.TransactionID = Guid.NewGuid(); tran.SessionID = sessionId; tran.Status = Status.Approved; tran.OfferedFees = question.amount; tran.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; db.transcations.Add(tran); Reply obj = new Reply(); obj.ReplyID = Guid.NewGuid(); obj.ReplierID = new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); obj.SessionID = sessionId; obj.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; obj.Details = " Automatically Generated Message: I have Approved the payment for " + session.OfferedFees + "$. "; session.Replies.Add(obj); var tutor = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == obj.SessionID).FirstOrDefault().tutor; tutor.CurrentEarning = tutor.CurrentEarning + (float)session.OfferedFees; db.Entry(tutor).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<TutorStudentChat>(); var username = User.Identity.Name; var imgsrc = db.Students.Where(c => c.Username == username).FirstOrDefault().ProfileImage; string message = generateMessage(username, obj.Details, imgsrc, obj.PostedTime.ToString(), obj.ReplyID.ToString(),false); SendChatMessageStudentReciever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username, message, context); //send messageFp to urself //var tutor = db.sessions.Where(c => c.SessionID == obj.SessionID).FirstOrDefault().tutor; var username2 = tutor.Username; SendChatMessageTutorReciever(obj.SessionID.ToString(), username2, message, context); //send message to other person var message2 = " <button type=\"button\" id=\"accepted\" disabled class=\"btn btn-primary\">Accepted Invoice</button>"; SendButtonStudent(sessionId.ToString(), username2, message2, context); //send message to other person SendNotification(username2, session.question.student.Username, session.question.student.ProfileImage, "I have approved the payment of $" + session.OfferedFees,true, "Tutors", "Sessions", "SessionId=" + sessionId); //close sessions DeleteSessionMessageTutor(sessionId.ToString(), username2, "", context); DeleteSessionMessageTutor(sessionId.ToString(), username, "", context); var email = db.Users.Where(c => c.Id == quest.TutorID.ToString()).FirstOrDefault().Email; String subject = "Invoice Approved on"; String bodyText = username + " approved the Invoice."; string FileTemplate = "passwordreset.html"; await sendEmail(email, subject, bodyText, FileTemplate, ""); return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "success" } }; } else { return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = "fail" } }; } }
public async Task<JsonResult> PostQuestion([Bind(Include = "QuestionID,StudentID,TutorID,Title,Details,Status,Amount,CategoryID,DueDate,PostedTime")] QuestionViewModel question) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Question quest = Mapper.Map<QuestionViewModel, Question>(question); quest.QuestionID = Guid.NewGuid(); quest.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; //initial posted Question Status quest.Status = Status.Posted; quest.TutorID = question.TutorID; quest.Details=quest.Details.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br/>"); bool singleTutor = false; string sessionId = null; string postId = quest.QuestionID.ToString(); if(question.TutorID!=null) { singleTutor = true; Session obj = new Session(); obj.SessionID = Guid.NewGuid(); sessionId = obj.SessionID.ToString(); obj.TutorID = question.TutorID; obj.QuestionID = quest.QuestionID; obj.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; obj.Status = Status.Posted; obj.NewMessageTutor = true; db.sessions.Add(obj); Reply rep = new Reply(); rep.ReplyID = Guid.NewGuid(); rep.SessionID = obj.SessionID; rep.ReplierID = quest.StudentID; rep.PostedTime = DateTime.Now; rep.Details =quest.Title; db.Replies.Add(rep); } //user posting question id quest.StudentID = new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); db.Questions.Add(quest); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); var student=db.Students.Find(quest.StudentID); string response = quest.QuestionID +"$"+quest.Title+ "$" + student.ProfileImage + "%" + User.Identity.Name + "$" + quest.Amount+"$"+quest.PostedTime+"$" + quest.DueDate ; //send emails if (singleTutor == false) { var tutors = db.Tutors.Where(c => c.IsCompletedProfile == true).ToList(); var allusers = db.Users.ToList(); foreach (var v in tutors) { var emailUser = allusers.Where(c => c.UserName == v.Username).FirstOrDefault(); SendNotification(emailUser.UserName, student.Username, student.ProfileImage, "New Question posted.",true, "Tutors", "QuestionDetails", "PostId=" + postId); if (emailUser != null) { // Send the emails here var email = emailUser.Email; String subject = "New Question Posted on"; String bodyText = question.Title; String optional = quest.Details; string FileTemplate = "email.html"; await sendEmail(email, subject, bodyText, FileTemplate, optional); } } } else { var tutor = db.Users.Find(quest.TutorID.ToString()); SendNotification(tutor.UserName, student.Username, student.ProfileImage, "I have a new task for you.",true, "Tutors", "Sessions", "SessionId=" + sessionId); var email = tutor.Email; String subject = "New Question Posted on"; String bodyText = question.Title; String optional = quest.Details; string FileTemplate = "email.html"; await sendEmail(email, subject, bodyText, FileTemplate, optional); } return new JsonResult() { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { result = response } }; } ViewBag.CategoryID = new SelectList(db.Categories, "CategoryID", "CategoryName"); return null; }