コード例 #1
        //class which compares current check product list with one of the databases lists
        public string CompareResults(string currentCheckText)
            infoToShow = "Something added" + System.Environment.NewLine;
            List <FromFileToStruct.Product> currentCheck = new List <FromFileToStruct.Product>();
            List <FromFileToStruct.Product> fullDatabase = new List <FromFileToStruct.Product>();

            currentCheck = FromFileToStruct.MakeProductList(currentCheckText);

            string list = "";

            System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection con = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection();
            //Data Source = mssql#.gear.host;Initial Catalog=DBName;User ID=DBUser;Password=myPassword
            // Persist Security Info = True;
            con.ConnectionString = @"Data Source=mssql4.gear.host;Initial Catalog=comparerdb;User ID=comparerdb;Password=Ka8I9-w?p241";

            /*@"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;
             *                   AttachDbFilename=\COMPARERDATABASE.MDF;
             *                   Integrated Security=True";*/
            SqlCommand    cmd    = new SqlCommand("SELECT Shop, Date, Name, Price FROM Products", con);
            SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            while (reader.Read())
                //infoToShow = infoToShow + reader.GetString(0) + " " + reader.GetString(1) + " " + reader.GetString(2) + " " + reader.GetDouble(3).ToString() + "/n";
                list = list + reader.GetString(0) + " " + reader.GetString(1) + " " + reader.GetString(2) + " " + reader.GetDouble(3).ToString() + "$";
            fullDatabase = FromFileToStruct.MakeProductList2(list);

            var maxima = from x in fullDatabase where x.shop == "maxima" select x;
            var rimi   = from x in fullDatabase where x.shop == "rimi" select x;

            WriteToFile write           = new WriteToFile();
            float       moneyDifference = 0;

            if (currentCheck[0].shop == "maxima")
                moneyDifference = InfoCollector(1, currentCheck, rimi, write, infoToShow);
            else if (currentCheck[0].shop == "rimi")
                moneyDifference = InfoCollector(2, currentCheck, rimi, write, infoToShow);
                infofile = "";
                //MessageBox.Show("unrecognized shop");

            infoToShow = infoToShow + write.Write(infofile, moneyDifference, infoToShow);

コード例 #2
        public float EvaluateTwoChecks(List <FromFileToStruct.Product> currentCheck, IEnumerable otherShopList, WriteToFile write, string info, string infoToShow)
            int   neededValue = 80;
            int   currentValue;
            float moneyDifference = 0;
            bool  wasFound        = false;

            for (int i = 0; i <= currentCheck.Count - 1; i++)
                foreach (FromFileToStruct.Product otherShop in otherShopList)
                    currentValue = Compare(currentCheck[i].name, otherShop.name);
                    if (currentValue >= neededValue)
                        moneyDifference += (currentCheck[i].price - otherShop.price);
                        infoToShow       = infoToShow + write.Write(currentCheck[i].name, info, (currentCheck[i].price - otherShop.price), infoToShow);
                        wasFound         = true;
                if (!wasFound)
                    //UpdateDatabase.RequestForDatabase(currentCheck[i]);  //to be made in the future
                    //MessageBox.Show("unrecognized product: " + currentCheck[i].name);
                wasFound = false;

コード例 #3
        private float InfoCollector(int which, List <FromFileToStruct.Product> currentCheck, IEnumerable otherShopList, WriteToFile write, string infoToShow)
            infoToShow = write.Write(which, infoToShow);
            float moneyDifference = 0;

            moneyDifference = EvaluateTwoChecks(currentCheck, otherShopList, write, infofile, infoToShow);